All Chapters of THE ILLEGITIMATE SON: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
266 Chapters
Chapter 142: Unimpressive Master Ko
Mama Sarah glared at him stubbornly, and pursed her lips tightly, “since, you would rather not tell me, there is no need for you to be alive, I will have to end your life” he said indifferently.Mama Sarah spat on his face, Master Ko glared at her darkly and added pressure to his grasp.Mora, who was stuck in place, tears started rolling down her eyes, and Master Ko's facial expression changed drastically.He tossed Mama Sarah aside and grabbed the stone thrown at him, his face darkened.“Who are you?” he asked with his voice loudly.No response, fear started creeping into his heart, and he felt immense pressure from the presence of his attacker.He tilted his head, and saw a figure standing in midair, with his eyes sparkling with lightening, he looked like a thunder god.Taking a step backwards, he knew he can't face the man all by himself.“I never believe that Master Jung Zu's disciple will bully the weak, and fear the strong, no wonder Jung Zu chased you away” Eduardo's voice was
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Chapter 143: Potential Threats
Eduardo's mood was sullen, he never expects the first time he will reunite with his granddaughter, she will be a potential danger, that would arouse the interest of the cultivation world.He was perplexed “tell me, exactly what happened” Eduardo demanded.Mama Sarah nodded and narrated what had transpired earlier, Eduardo pondered, and his lips curled up into a smile.He replied calmly, “I don't think you should worry about the kid, he would be eagerly awaiting to avenge his master instead of pondering over the matter of the Phoenix and Dragon spirits, just release him”Mama Sarah trusted his judgement, she nodded in agreement, and the both of them untied the boy who looked at them smugly.“Why did you change your mind, huh? Are you two afraid of my family?” he snorted coldly.Mama Sarah wanted to slap his face, but Eduardo tugged her gown, shaking his head.He smacked the back of his neck, and Young Master Kai slumped on the floor and fainted.“You shouldn't hurt more people, the bes
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Chapter 144: Fall Out With May
The middle-aged woman struggled, but the grasp felt like she was strongly gripped by an iron pincer, looking flustered and terrified.“Help me, help me!” she yelled crazily.May's eyes widened, and she became extremely flustered, realizing that the woman's shout is attracting plenty of people.“Let her go,” she told her bodyguard, who obliged.The middle-aged woman stumbled backwards, and sat heavily on the tarred road, May grabbed her disguise tightly, before hurriedly walking into Mora's home.People who saw her entering, with the burly man accompanying her, started discussing.“Do you think Mama Sarah will be able to defeat that big guy?” one of the bystanders commented.Another bystander replied, "I wish she beat the two up, they are so arrogant, and that young lady too, she was looking down on our environment, I wish I can tear her into pieces”A knock came at the door, Mora walked over to open the door.Seeing the familiar face standing at the door, with a smile etched on her fa
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Chapter 145: Escape Route
Mama Sarah walked over and picked up the briefcase.“Mom, what is that?” Mora inquired.Mama Sarah opened the brief, and she was rendered speechless by the contents of the briefcase, wads of cash were neatly arranged in rows inside.Mora was dumbfounded, “so much money!” she exclaimed.Mama Sarah started whistling, and carried the briefcase away, Mora followed her.“Mom, that belongs to May, we should return it” Mora suggested.Mama Sarah replied, “why should we return it? She brought it here for us, and she is owing us because, without your album, she won't even be famous, she is just a mediocre talent”.Mora didn't say anything, she returned to her room and rested.May left Mora's home in disgrace, looking at Jack, who was hiding stealthily beside her car.Her entire body trembled in anger, she walked toward Jack and slapped his face.Smack!“Bastard! You are very useless, I brought you here to force them to give me what I wanted, but, you can't stand up to an old woman, you are a b
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Chapter 146; Powerful Fist
Mama Sarah reposted "Shaun, I am not here to drink tea, I know a lot of tea houses if I want to drink tea, why did you bring my daughter and me here, that is what I want to know?"Shaun smiled "the reason why I brought your daughter here, is to bring you here"disbelief was etched on Mama Sarah's face, Shaun continued "I know you won't believe me, I am the king of the underground in this part of Capital, and my territory is under threat"Mama Sarah frowned, wondering what does that have to do with her, Shaun took a deep breath and said solemnly "I need a favour from you, if you help me, I will always be at your service"Mama Sarah pondered over what he just said, she needed help to handle a few dangers, that will come soon."what do you need my help for?" she inquired curiously.Shaun's eyes sparkled with seas of stars "we are having a competition, a king of underground area A wants to annex my area, and he challenges me to bring forth my best fighter for a duel"Mama Sarah looked at
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Chapter 147: Secret Families
Master Fist Punch looked in the direction and furrowed his eyebrows.Eduardo came forward, Master Fist Punch asked, “Who are you?”Eduardo glanced at him and reposted, “you are not entitled to know who I am”Eduardo walked over to Mama Sarah, “did they hurt you?” he asked with a tone of concern.Mora exhaled with relief when she saw her grandfather.“Grandpa” she called out to him with a blooming smile, Eduardo smiled back.Mama Sarah smile faintly and replied, "they can't hurt me, they are just nuisances, trying to make trouble”May who was watching from afar was disappointed by Jack and his master, she clenched her fists and glared at them with resentment.“I don't understand why I trusted Jack and his useless Master, they are simply big talkers” she muttered.Eduardo looked at Master Fist Punch and Jack coldly, “I will let the both of you go because you didn't hurt anybody, I would rather not see you here again” his voice was icy.Master Fist Punch laughed, “let me go? I will go,”
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Chapter 148: Underground Boss
Eduardo hesitated, Mama Sarah sighed emotionally and chimed in “Mora, I will talk to your father, go ahead”Mora agreed and walked away, Mama Sarah looked at Eduardo, his face had hardened.“Mora's father isn't alive anymore,” Mama Sarah said.Eduardo's face changed drastically, he frowned, “what happened to him?” he inquired.Mama Sarah recounted all that have happened, Eduardo fell silent “I will go and check on him, I don't think his body will still be intact after several Months” he said with a sigh.The two of them came over to the dining table, after they finished eating, Eduardo turned to Mora.“I will go and search for your father,” he said, Mora became excited.“Thank you, grandpa,” she said with a big smile.Eduardo left, Mama Sarah looked at Mora “Mora, come with me” he told her, and the two of them entered the study room.Mama Sarah looked down at the entrance of the secret realm “I will be going down there, and won't return for days, your grandfather will be there with yo
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Chapter 149: The Power Of The Divine Realm
Shaun's underlinings were glaring at Shaw, while he was provoking Shaun.“Shaun, you better be humble, I won't mind kicking you out of the underworld, if you lose today,” he said, with a smug smile.Shaun shook his head and retorted, "we don't know who is going to lose, your words alone can't determine victory”He turned around, and left, Mama Sarah scanned the area and realized that there are many powerful cultivators in such a place.The hall finally became silent, while the spectators took their seats, and waited excitedly for the match to commence.Some even place a bet anonymously for the fighters, A tall beautiful lady took the stage, and made the first announcement, welcoming an important figure.“We welcome, the King of the Underworld Li Xhao” A burly man with a hideous scar, took the throne at the centre, with two men guarding him on both sides, he closed his eyes slightly, exuding arrogance.The lady bowed to him, before introducing other significant figures, even a few low
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Chapter 150: You Can now Come Out
Shaun was pleasantly surprised, he looked at Mama Sarah, like his idol, the old woman seem to be the coolest person he has ever met.Mama Sarah told the man sent by Li Xhao “take me to him”He led the way, and while Shaun and his men followed, they arrived at the top floor, one of the private rooms was heavily guarded, by Earth realm Masters.They opened the door, and Shaun wanted to enter “you can't go in” one of the men guarding the door, told Shaun coldly.Mama Sarah glanced back “let him in,” she said, the men at the door wore a conflicted facial expressions.“You can let them in” a deep voice came from inside the room, Mama Sarah led them inside the private room.Li Zhao stood up, “I am honoured that you came to see me”Mama Sarah only hummed, and sat down, Shaun stood still, refusing to seat, “you may take a seat, Shaun, you don't have to keep standing”Shaun hesitated, wondering when the King of the underworld of the Capital, became so easygoing, he was back by the top family i
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Chapter 151: The Three Assailants
The three of them stepped forward immediately after they emerged from the dark, and their leader stepped forward.“Our young master would like to have this house, we wouldn't take it for free, we are ready to pay to show our sincerity,” he said, bowing once.Mama Sarah replied coldly, “are you sent by Young Master Kai?”The leader of the three men nodded, Mama Sarah added “I have told him once, that I am not going to sell the house to him, please, return, and tell him what I just said”She turned around to leave, but the leader of the three men said icily “I am afraid, we can't take no for an answer, since it has gotten to this extent, we have no choice but to do it our way”Mama Sarah turned around, looking at the three of them like clowns, “with just the three of you?” she sneered.The three cultivators were all heaven-ranked masters, displaying the power of a third-tier family in the capital.The three people didn't say anything further, they activated their spell, and the earth b
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