All Chapters of THE ILLEGITIMATE SON: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
266 Chapters
Chapter 162: The Secluded Agora Family
Mora just shook her head, and said nothing more, she felt her unborn children kicking, and she rubbed her belly gently with a motherly smile.Eduardo came out of the house and looked toward the sky, which caught his attention.There was a blue light, and red light curled together, forming the Dao's heart, he looked at it pensively.“Very soon," he mumbled, and he felt the pressure over his shoulders, but he shook his head with a look of determination.“Even if I lose my life, Mora, I won't let anyone take your children away from you” he vowed, “Papa” he heard her voice calling him from behind.He turned around and saw Mora walking towards him sluggishly, it was evening, and the yellow sun landed on her face, making her look adorable.He held her hand tenderly, and led her to a chair, “Mora, you shouldn't be walking often so that it won't affect the babies” he warned seriously.Mora paused and looked at her grandfather in a daze, “Papa, how did you know?”Eduardo coughed dryly, “your m
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Chapter 163: Thunder
When Elder Hào realized his plans will be ruined, he piped his head.“Old Agora-”“It Isn't your turn to speak, I am still talking to my daughter-in-law” Old Agora rebuked him.His face was unsightly, but he lowered his head and said nothing.Old Agora turned to Madam Vanessa “Vanessa, I am disappointed in you, grandpa has no choice but to punish you this time…” he said, and paused briefly.The silence in the room was deathly, raising his head “Elder Hào family will establish the foothold of the Agora family in the Capital, and the Agora family in District Z, will be under the family in the capital” Old Agora announced loudly.Madam Vanessa's face fell, she wanted to protest, but, the old man have returned to his cultivation room before she could say a word.Elder Hào straightened his body, and he slightly raised his head, looking like a bubbling peacock.He walked towards Madam Vanessa with a group of Elders, flattering him “Vanessa, I warned you, but you didn't listen, I am so happy
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Chapter 164: Beautiful Light
Thunder laughed loudly, before dismantling into thousands of pieces of light, disappearing without a trace. Madam Vanessa's lips curled up while looking at the Elders of the Agora family, dealt with by thunder. She wanted to give him a thumbs up, for the wonderful job. “Elder Hào, I am afraid you can't follow me to District Z, looking like a burnt offering, how about you return first,” Madam Vanessa said, with a straight face. Elder Hào nearly vomited blood in anger, “you-” Madam Vanessa turned around, and left with Butler Bass, the moment she was two meters away from them, she laughed loudly, thrilled by their sufferings. Elder Hào was very furious, they returned to the Agora family realm. As the dark cloud settled over the night, the beaming light over the house, illuminated it, the beautiful light was very attracted, that many tourists came around, wondering. Philip paced around the sitting room, waiting impatiently for Eduardo to leave, he wanted to check inside the study r
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Chapter 165: The Guardians
Madam Vanessa gestured to a few servants around the grand sitting room, and the injured servant was carried away.She walked towards the master chair in the room and sat down, “what is the meaning of this, Hào?” she asked coldly, her eyes blazing with fury.Elder Hào's face darkened “Vanessa, when did you start to address me as Hào?” he retorted “ever since you refused to acknowledge your age, don't push it, or, your family, and you will trek to the Capital on foot”Elder Hào's face turned ghastly pale, he knew Madam Vanessa doesn't joke with what she said, the two of them locked gaze, and the atmosphere in the room was tense.The three sons of Elder Hào didn't involve themselves, they know best what Madam Vanessa can do.“Good, I have already prepared a billion-worth company, I will be sending a regular visitor to check up on the development, if you don't meet my expectation, I will send you back to the mountain,” she said coldly and walked away.Elder Hào fumed, but, he didn't dare
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Chapter 166: Deep Secret
Madam Vanessa was surprised by the raw hatred they had against Lucy's family.Lucy's family disappeared from the surface of Earth without a trace, for no reason, she was wondering about the deep feud betwixt Agora and Francis family.“May I know why the Agora family hate the Francis family so much?” she asked.One of the guardians snorted, “you don't have to know if you had brought your daughter home, we would have killed her”Madam Vanessa narrowed her eyes, wondering how the daughter she had with Don Santiago became a target too.“My daughter?” Madam Vanessa stuttered, believing she has heard wrongly.One of the Guardian snorted coldly, “she is of the Francis bloodline, and we can't let her into the Agora family household”Madam Vanessa's eyes widened, and she felt dizzy, realizing that she is just a piece on a chessboard.“You mean, Don Santiago and Lucy are from the same family?” Madam Vanessa asked, looking shocked.The Guardians were silent, and when they responded, they didn't
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Chapter 167: The Anticipated Birth
Madam Vanessa looked at him pensively, “I am not your mother” she confessed in a deep voice.Mayor Lycan's eyes widened in disbelief, “Mom, what do you mean? What are you talking about? If you are not my mother, then who is my mother?” he barraged her with questions.Madam Vanessa sighed heavily “I am not your mother, Lycan, I just want you to know this” Mayor Lycan laughed dryly, his eyes were brimming with tears, and he clenched his fists tightly until his knuckles turned white.He couldn't believe that the woman whom he has grown up to address as a mother, isn't his mother, the woman who have painstakingly trained him, and made him who he is.With a heavy heart, he asked dejectedly, “then, who is my mother? Where is she?”Madam Vanessa stood from the chair she was sitting on, walked towards a safe locker, and fished out a photograph.He handed it over to Mayor Lycan, his hands shook as he touched the photograph, staring at the lady's face in the picture, he could see traces of her
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Chapter 168: Elders of Hongtian Sect
Thunder sat leisurely opposite him, “Thunder, when will the chariot of death arrive?” he asked curiously, he was wondering why Thunder was here, and chariot of death ain't.Thunder reclined on the chair, “they are here already” he replied.Mr. Wilson was confused, he looked around, wondering where they could be, Thunder didn't bother explaining anything to him.The door was opened, and a hostess entered “Sir, Philip is here”“Let him in” Mr. Wilson replied, his face becoming gloomier.Philip strode inside the room with a steady gait, adding a touch of style, a hand was stuck in his pocket.Mr. Wilson bellowed, “you kept us waiting, you think you are some big shot”Thunder's lips curled up, “I am here, stop shouting” Philip retorted, unfazed.Mr. Wilson's face darkened, “kid, you have become unruly, don't push it”Philip reposted, “or what? Are you threatening me, Wilson?”Thunder chimed in, “quiet down”An overbearing aura spread out, it was strong like enchantment, that made Mr. Wils
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Chapter 169: Out Of Cultivation Room
Elder Gu's face darkened, “then, you both will die,” he said coldly.A voice boomed, “Who is that dog without an owner, barking in my house?”Mama Sarah came out of the house, she looked energetic, and the aura around her body was terrifying.Mora yapped “Mom”“be careful” she warned the moment Mora jumped recklessly to hug her, she pouted “Mom, I have missed you so much”She flicked her forehead, “silly girl, I missed you too”Mama Sarah craned her head towards the direction of the Hongtian Elders “you and Philip should go inside” she told her, Mora turned to Philip, who hurriedly came over and grabbed her wrist.The moment the door was shut tightly, Mora and Philip were out of sight, Mama Sarah turned to the Elders of the Hongtian Sect.“With the little abilities of yours, the four of you had the gut to come and make trouble in my house,” she said tauntingly.Their faces turned ashen “don't insult us, with our combined strength, we will take you down” one of the Elders said coldly.
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Chapter 170: The Birth Of The Phoenix Child
Mama Sarah nodded toward Eduardo without saying a word, and the two of them returned to the house. They entered the study room, going down to the secret realm. Eduardo was surprised by the secret realm, not that the Thunder temple doesn't have it, it is just that, there is a criterion for someone to grant an entry. He smiled with contentment “Sarah, how did you manage to found here? the place is special” he commented. Mama Sarah turned to him “do you know Jung Zu?” she inquired tentatively, “of course, which cultivator in the Capital doesn't know the elusive Master Jung Zu…” Eduardo squinted his eyes in realization, “you mean?” Mama Sarah nodded “the house and the secret realm were his, I don't know, but, he usually visits” Eduardo exclaimed, “Jung Zu visits!” Mama Sarah nodded confused, “isn't possible, Jung has ascended heavenly tribulation” shaking his head in doubt. Mama Sarah pondered who was the strange old man that always enter the house. Both of them settled and star
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Chapter 171: The Birth Of The Dragon Child
Thunder laughed coldly like have heard a silly joke, Mama Sarah had a bad premonition.“You? Kill me? What a joke, you are just an Avatar realm master, how did you intend to do that?” he asked with interest.The chariots of death rushed towards the back, and Philip stood nervously, waiting for them.“Hand over the child” one of the chariots of death demanded coldly.Philip quickly handed the newly born baby into his arms, she slept calmly in his arms.When the chariots of death took the child, the three of them submerged into the ground.Philip looked towards, it and jumped over it, running away frantically.Eduardo took a deep breath, opening his eyes, his eyes sparkled with lightning.Thunder was in a good mood, he placed his hands behind, enjoying the show, at that moment.The Agora's family guardians arrived, and their inner energy deterred people around the area, At that moment, eight other terrifying cultivators headed towards the house.“Damn! The fucking Agora family sent thos
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