All Chapters of THE ILLEGITIMATE SON: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
266 Chapters
Chapter 152: Slaughter
Alighting from the car was Aiden, and three bodyguards accompanying him, with May, who leaned on his body coquettishly.He has learned his lesson the other time, not to go around the City without having his bodyguards protecting him.Mama Sarah frowned, she felt the presence of dense inner energy approaching the courtyard, she slightly raised her eyebrows, when she saw Aiden and May.Aiden was still pampering May, he straightened his back proudly, and looked towards Mama Sarah, ready to speak.The words stuck in his throat, and his eyelids twitched wildly, May became impatient, “Master Ling, she is the mother of the songwriter” she reminded him.Master Ling, whose forehead was drenched with cold sweat, swatted it away “I know”The arrogant aura he exuded while entering the house disappeared without a trace, and the noble temperament that made him look at everything around him condescendingly dwindled.His bodyguards became alert, wondering why their master was indecisive, when he look
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Chapter 153: Strange House
Mora nodded and didn't question her any further, the two of them returned to their rooms.Days after days, it was calm, like a raging storm is coming, Mama Sarah stood at the front of the house.She glanced at Mora who sat in a corner licking orange, her tummy have become bigger, it is now six months, and the remaining three months might be chaotic.That night, a massive announcement was made that 'cause uproar in the cultivation world, the hidden families were coming out from different parts of the countries.Mama Sarah became extremely nervous, she glanced at Mora, and walked over “I want to speak to you” she said solemnly.Mora kept the orange she was licking aside and looked at her mother, “Mom, what is it you wanted to say?” she asked curiously, she has observed Mama Sarah recently, and she has been frequently absentminded.Mama Sarah hummed “forget”She looked towards the sky, it began getting dark.“Haha haha!” a burst of laughter echoed in the courtyard.Dense inner energy acc
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Chapter 154: Disappearing Of A Stall
“Don't worry, I will be back before dinner” she assured Mora before leaving, when she came out of the courtyard, the area have suffered some degree of damage.She has to walk some meters, before she got a taxi, and gave him the address of where she bought the house.After she reached her destination, she paid for the taxi and got down from the car, she furrowed her eyebrows tightly while focusing on a spot.“Um…” she mused, and walked forward, she swept her gaze around and saw some people lurking around.“Do you know any makeshift stall owner, that stays here?” Mama Sarah pointed to a vacant place.The boy responded politely “Ma'am, it can't be possible, this is a prestigious estate company, that won't tolerate any makeshift stall on their premises, look at that security guard…”Mama Sarah craned her head towards the direction he was pointing, and saw a burly security man, standing behind the gate.“I understand,” Mama Sarah said, and thanked him, before turning around to leave.She h
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Chapter 55: Philip's Mission
Philip didn't dare take a seat in his house, he stood like a servant before Mr. Wilson, who wields the power to end his livelihood with just a phone call.He stood subservient before him, “yes, I understand”Mr. Wilson nodded in acknowledgement “this is the deal, we will ask you, to get the unborn children of Mora”Philip shuddered, his eyes widened in shock, and he could hear his heart beating wildly in his chest.Smiling nervously, “is … it…” he stuttered, not knowing how to approach the matter, it was beyond the scope of his understanding.Mr. Wilson continued “if you can get the two unborn children, you will live a good life in Capital City, I will inject a billion dollar investment in your company” he promised.Philip's eyes widened, he was ecstatic about it, the words of a man like Mr. Wilson hold weight.Mr. Wilson stood on his feet “Till then, you won't be able to run your company, neither will you be able to use the money in your accounts, you only have three months, failure
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Chapter 156: I Forgive You
Quin Zu used a protective artifact, a film of clothed iron, to form a cubicle around her.Mama Sarah's face was expressionless, the wind blade shattered the protective artifact the moment they came in contact with each other.“Argh!” Quin Zu wailed as she was split into two halves, Mama Sarah floated over, and looked at Zin Bao condescendingly.She stomped her foot on his head, crushed his head, and turned around to leave.Mama Sarah kicked Quin Zu out of the courtyard, and returned inside the house, “Mora, you will go to the hospital tomorrow so that you can see the doctor”Mora nodded with a smile, the next day, Mama Sarah and Mora walked out of the courtyard and entered a taxi.She brought her to the hospital, after the check-up, the doctor called Mama Sarah to her office “Ma, she is perfectly fine, you don't have to worry about her condition”Mama Sarah thanked the doctor, and left the office with Mora, Mora flinched when she saw a familiar face.Mama Sarah tilted her head towards
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Chapter 157: Thrash
Philip lowered his head, avoiding her gaze, the two of them chatted for a long tire, before Mora got tired, and went to her room to take a nap.Mama Sarah looked at Philip coldly “I don't understand why you came back, Philip, I have a hunch that your coming back is bad news, if you dare hurt Mora, I won't let you go scot-free”Philip looked at her, without saying more, Mama Sarah turned around and left.He clenched his fists narrowing his eyes, he cursed Mama Sarah in his head, grabbing his phone, he walked out of the house.He called Mr. Wilson, “Hello, I am staying with them now”The receiver at the other end was silent before he finally responded, “text me if there is any issue”“I will do so” Philip responded quickly, the call ended, he wanted to speak more.“Cocky bastard!” he cursed under his breath, before scanning the area, he entered a store to shave his hair and also bought new outfits.When he returned home, it was dinner already, Mora beamed “Philip”Philip looked at her,
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Chapter 158: The Man Jung Zu
He squinted his eyes at Mora, as she dashed towards Philip.“Mora, be careful” Mama Sarah yapped, looking worried.One of the four men accompanying the young man stepped forward and whispered to the young man.His eyes widened, and his eyelids twitched wildly, Mama Sarah looked at them coldly.“Please, Jung Zu, doesn't live here anymore, I am the owner of the house”The young man slightly raised his head, his hands behind “I am Fuji, the young master of the Jing family of the hidden family, I want to take your daughter with me”Mama Sarah's face hardened, she hissed “Master Fuji, please, I can't hand over my daughter to you, it can never work”Her inner energy exploded, her fighting intent intensified, and the oppressive aura that accompanied her inner energy made Master Fuji smile sheepishly.“You should know, you don't stand a chance against me, a mere divine realm master, can't battle an Avatar realm master like me”Mama Sarah nodded “true, I can't defeat, that is why I am begging
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Chapter 159: Hiding In The Void
Philip lowered his head in shame, he was making attempts to take Mora away from home, but the old woman is obstructing his plans.“Philip” Mora called out to him with concern, he flashed her a smile “I am fine, Mora, you don't need to worry about me”Mora smiled faintly, a few days later, Jung Zu came by.Standing in the corridor, he looked around, and he slightly frowned, before knocking at the door.Mama Sarah opened the door and was stunned to see Jung Zu “Hi” she mumbled, not knowing what to say.The old man looked stern, and the oppressive aura made him unapproachable, “can I come in?” he asked, Mama Sarah, nodded.He grunted, “thank you”Before entering the room, he walked towards the study room, Mama Sarah wondered what he is always doing inside the study room, carrying a big bag.Mama Sarah shook her head, and entered Mora's room, she was lying on the bed, still sleeping soundly.She looked at her with concern in her eyes, when she heard faint footfalls, she rushed out of the
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Chapter 160: The Study Room
Before Mama Sarah could regain her posture, and get ready to fight back, she felt a chill behind her and saw that her assailant was standing behind her.It was like a mountain pressing down on her, she couldn't cast any spell, or even defend herself.Her assailant raised his palms, containing negative energy, ready to slap her to death.“Stop!” a voice roared, shaking the Earth and Heaven, even some buildings collapsed with a single roar.Mama Sarah's eyelids twitched wildly, wondering why are those people after Mora's unborn children, she had a sudden headache.An old man with steady footsteps, wearing a robe, embroidered with a dragon symbol.“Fellow cultivator, I beg you, to give me face, and don't kill her” he requested calmly.Mama Sarah's assailant tried to probe the man's cultivation realm, but, his sense of energy will be cut off abruptly, any attempt he made.“Who are you?” he asked, looking at the old man curiously.The old man responded humbly, “I am Xiao Hai”Mama Sarah's
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Chapter 161: Confrontation
Mora turned around and returned to her room, Philip exhaled in relief, he wouldn't want Mora to figure out his intentions.A week later, it was unusually quiet in the house, except for Philip's frequent attempts to get into the study room, which his failure irked him.He grabbed his phone, and dialled Mr. Wilson, “Hello, can we meet?” he asked.Mr. Wilson took his time, before responding “yes”Philip hummed, and dressed up to leave the house, Mora was surprised to see him well-dressed.“Are you going out, Philip?” she asked with a tone of concern.Philip beamed “Yes, I am going out for an interview, I will return quickly after I am done with the interview”Mora was happy for him, she wouldn't want him to idle all day at home, “good luck, Philip”Philip nodded and left the house, getting to the location of Mr. Wilson, he arrived at a mansion.After going through over twenty security checkpoints, Philip's face was red with embarrassment.The moment he saw Mr. Wilson sitting in a rocky c
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