All Chapters of THE ILLEGITIMATE SON: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
266 Chapters
Chapter 132: Shark Entertainment
The three bodyguards lowered their heads in shame, not daring to even look at her face.“Get lost! Three of you” she ordered coldly, the three of the bodyguards quickly scurried away.She glanced at a space beside her, “kill them all” she instructed viciously.Just like that, footfalls echoed in the corridor, the terrifying momentum made the bodyguards present start sweating.She faced her assistant before she could finally speak “Madam, Jack sent a text message, indicating he has handled the mother and child” she reported.Mrs. Ernest clenched her fists, fuming, “I would have witnessed the mother and child dying before me”Just then, the door opened, and the doctor coming out of the operation room looked frightened, the very moment he set his eyes on the woman standing in the corridor.“How is my son?” Mrs. Ernest inquired.The doctor shivered and tried to explain, “Madam, the bone in his arm was serious…”Mrs. Ernest rebuked, “nonsense, when will my son be able to leave the hospital
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Chapter 133: Encounter With May
Boss Cool nodded “true, what Manager Zack said is true, I loved all the songs on the album, but, a song, recently released by her, was utterly disappointing” he commented, shaking his head.Mama Sarah snorted “she is just a thief, there is no way, she will ever be able to even produce a song as good as the ones on the album”Manager Zack was startled by the resentment in the old woman's eyes, he decided to inquire “Madam, you seem to know a lot about, May, can you share with us?” he requested tacitly.Mora realizing that Manager Zack was up to no good quickly waded in “there is nothing, we should start touring the place”Everyone nodded in agreement, Manager Zack smiled wryly, and his eyes narrowed when Mora added “We would like not to bump into, singer, May, hope my request won't be impossible?”Manager Zack paused briefly, wondering about the history between the old woman and the girl with May, he couldn't help but sneer.Haven, rejected by May, decided to deal with her, he has been
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Chapter 134: Jealousy
Everyone craned their heads in the direction of where the voice came from, and walking in front of his bodyguards was Jim Kim.May instinctively detached herself from supervisor Edward and quickly adjusted herself.With a hand in his pocket, Jim Kim glared at Mora and his mother, his gaze softened when it landed on Boss Cool.“Cool, what are you doing here? The last time I check, Shark Entertainment isn't under Cool Group” he sneered, glaring at him with hostility.Boss Cool snorted coldly “I don't think you have the right to even talk to me, you are just a lowly employee, that survives with face, I can only answer to the president, you may not know, Jim Kim, that I am a shareholder in this company”Jim Kim stiffened, even May was surprised, and Supervisor Edward became nervous.May wanted to laugh, but, her manager winked at her, “Jim Kim, don't think you are untouchable, it is just that, I am a friend of your father, that is why I have not done anything to you yet, but if you ins
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Chapter 135: Scheming
He stood there listening to the piano piece being played, he knew there is no way he would allow Mora to be exposed to stardom, that will bring the end of his career.His admiration became a surge of anger, he turned around to leave, but, he paused briefly after hearing clapping sounds.He heard the president say “Mora, you are not only beautiful, but your mastery of the piano cannot be comparable, even Jim Kim will be like a schoolboy if you both were compared”Hearing this even amplified Jim Kim's anger, he stormed out.Mora bowed before President Romeo “Sir, thank you for your praise, but, I can't be compared to Jim Kim, he is my role model”President Romeo laughed heartily, “what I said is based on my assessment”The four people didn't linger around the piano anymore, they went over to a lodge, where the president normally has his lunch.After entertaining Boss Cool and her entourage, President Romeo and Boss Cool walked away to have some discussion.“Cool, I am surprised you have
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Chapter 136: Jim Kim's Manor
Mora tugged her mother clothe, but Mama Sarah feigned ignorance of the message she was trying to pass.Young Master Kai's face fell, he has never been looked down upon by anybody, and the thought of being scolded by lowly peasants made him angry.He was a young master of a third-tier family in the Capital, and he wielded a lot of power, if he sneezed, the City will catch a cold.“What a joke, you don't expect me to greet mere peasants like you two, you both are like ants before me, that aside, how much will you like to sell this house?” he ordered arrogantly.Mama Sarah was surprised, that this person came all the way here just to buy the house she was staying in, even when the house wasn't even befitting their status.She wondered why rich scions have been targeting the house, even the district mayor's son, even wanted it for himself.Mama Sarah snorted coldly, “we are not selling, you can now scram”Mama Sarah grabbed Mora and dragged her away, the moment young master Kai saw that t
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Chapter 137: Eduardo
The seven gatemen lay on the floor, groaning in pain.“Damn, that old woman is powerful” one of the gatemen wailed, “she is a martial artist” another groaned.Before they know it, Mama Sarah was out of their sight.Standing before the marvellous building, seven men stood at the entrance, Mama Sarah glared at them coldly.Before a fight could start, a man came out of the house, “let her in” he instructed.Mama Sarah hastily entered the house, she exhaled in relief when she saw Mora, she was standing in one piece.“Are you alright, Mora?” Mama Sarah inquired tentatively.Mora nodded, “I am alright, mom”Mama Sarah glared at Jim Kim coldly “what is the meaning of this young man, I thought you are a celebrity, that society has to look up to, is this how an idol should behave? My daughter grew up idolizing a criminal” Mama Sarah scolded him angrily.Jim Kim chuckled “old woman, being popular isn't glamorous as the media make it to be, we have to do many underhand things so that we could re
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Chapter 138: The Thunder Temple
Jim Kim pondered over what she had said and pursed his lips tightly.On the balcony, Mama Sarah and Eduardo, who have now covered his face with a hood, stood still.Looking towards the open space, bungalows were scattered around, outnumbering high-rise buildings, mostly used for commercials.“What happened, Eduardo?” she reiterated.Eduardo replied with a deep voice, “I was the only survivor of the lightening temple, before the great tribulation”Mama Sarah reposted, “did you see who attacked the lightning temple?” she asked.Eduardo clenched his fists angrily, “I tried investigating it after I reached the Divine realm, but, I discovered that every moment I face anyone from that organization, they seem to get stronger, every time”Mama Sarah's eyes widened, “Who is too strong, to even bring down the entire Lightening temple?”Eduardo clenched the iron bar until his palm clamped it, denting the iron “they called him, Thunder, he had the spirit of the lightening god in him, he was in Av
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Chapter 139: Street Urchins
She plugged into a dark hole, she couldn't see anything, for a long time, before the darkness surrounding her vanished.Waving her hand around her feet, a whirlwind encircled her legs, easing her fall.Standing straight, her jaw dropped, when she saw the mouth-watering environment, grasses, and beautiful trees, with birds, it was like another world entirely.Mama Sarah pondered what kind of cultivator is Jung Zu, to own a secret realm all by himself.No wonder he lived in such an environment, it was all because of the secret realm, the house was just a front.Taking a deep breath, she started walking around the place, the spiritual energy in the realm was very thick.And, there were many trees, with heavenly apples, she condensed a wind blade and plucked one of the apples hanging on the tree.It fell into her palm and, taking a bite, her entire body was filled with spiritual energy.“What a vault of treasure” she exclaimed sheepishly.She walked around the place, she could only see bi
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Chapter 140: Tongtian Sect.
The three of them turned around and fled frantically.Before they could exit the dark alley, Mama Sarah stood some meters before them and glared at the three of them coldly.They froze in their footsteps, and looked at her with disbelief etched on their faces, they looked behind, their hearts beating wildly, swallowing a lump of saliva.Mama Sarah moved swiftly and smacked one of them.Pa!His head split, the two other street urchins saw the scene before them, and their hearts sank directly.“Argh!” they screamed in horror when they saw that, the old woman just ended their colleague's life with just a slap.They started running, Mama Sarah made a hand-grabbing gesture, and one of the street urchins floated towards her.She grabbed his neck and broke it.Crack!And tossed him to the side, she chased after the remaining street urchin, he tumbled and started crawling backwards in fear.Mama Sarah glared at the street urchin sweating profusely, his face etched with fear.“Don't kill me, I
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Chapter 141: The Dragon & Phoenix Spirits
Master Kung's entire body quivered when he realized that Mama Sarah wasn't ignorant about the dealings of the sect.“You just have to die with your Tongtian token,” she said indifferently, before finishing Master Kung.She retrieved all the papers with him, and returned home, Mora nervously waited outside the house, shivering in the cold weather.Mama Sarah knitted her eyebrows, “why did you wait outside for me? Do you want to catch a cold?” she chided, Mora smiled faintly.“Mom, don't worry, I was just bothered about you, you left without saying a word, that is why I am waiting for you outside here” she explained.Mama Sarah nodded, and without saying any word, the two of them entered the house, the next morning.Dozens of cars approached the house, and getting out of the cars, were all fierce-looking thugs.Young Master Kai led them towards the courtyard, the flurry of footfalls, attracted Mama Sarah's attention.She came out of the house and saw Young Master Kai and twenty thugs s
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