All Chapters of THE ILLEGITIMATE SON: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
266 Chapters
Chapter 172: The Yan Family Joined The Fight
Eduardo glared at him coldly.“Ah!” he roared, and thunder started rumbling, the ground below shook, a frown etched on Thunder's face, he was expecting lightning.At that moment, a blue radiance emitted from below Eduardo's feet, the blue radiance rose and wrapped around Thunder's body.Mama Sarah floated over, formed the wind blade, and slashed it towards Thunder.The radiance shook the collision shook the surrounding, sending Mama Sarah and Eduardo flying.“You think, your little trick can subdue me, what a joke” he mocked and looked at them coldly.The three guardians faced the chariots of death, and the three aside teams stood one on one.Their exchange of inner energies shook the void, and the ripple flattened the environment.All the houses around the area were flattened, Thunder laughed maniacally “get me the little child, or you will all die” Thunder roared coldly.Eduardo waved his hand, and a dark cloud brewing with lightning floated over Thunder's head, he looked at it, and
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Chapter 173: Decisive Battle
The combination of their inner energy formed a radiance, that covered heaven and Earth.Jung Zu merely padded his palm forward, and his inner energy darted forwards them like flowing water.Boom!The collision shook the Earth, sending ripples, and the people of the Yan family were pushed two feet backwards.Their faces changed drastically, Mama Sarah sighed in her heart wondering what kind of existence is Jung Zu, for even his divine sense possesses such terrifying power.The fight betwixt the Agora family and the Organization stopped abruptly when they witness the fight betwixt Jung Zu and the people of the Yan family.The Agora family guardian sighed, “even Jung Zu's divine sense is mighty, we won't stand a chance against him at all”They floated over, even the chariots of death of the organization, contemplated in their hearts also, they floated over, and joined the Yan family.The collision faced Jung Zu, “Jung Zu, you are at disadvantage, you should surrender, we will let you lea
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Chapter 174: The Predecessors 1
Her chest caved in.Pfft!She vomited a mouthful of blood that drew an arch in the air, before she shot back, dying on the spot.“Sarah!” Eduardo shouted, the Guardians all have bloodshot eyes, they were mad about the disappearance of the realm that Mora and her kid were in.Eduardo helped her up, but, her palms were cold, and her eyes shut involuntarily, just like that, a palm strike ended a life of a top cultivator like Mama Sarah.Eduardo laid her on the ground, and looked at the two Guardians coldly, the Guardians also glared at him resentfully, their hatred for Eduardo tripled.“If you don't tell us where the child and the mother are, you will join her,” one of the Guardians said coldly.Eduardo laughed maniacally, “over my dead body” he spat out.And a dark cloud gathered over his head, the Guardians were not interested in his moves.They stretched their hands at once, and their inner energy formed a big, sharp axe over Eduardo's head.The aura of the axe made him tremble, he ga
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Chapter 175: The Predecessors 2
The old man staggered backwards, the lady standing before him, didn't even bother to even look at anything else.She fixated her look on him, waving her hand, the entire mansion was submerged by water, covering the entire island.She turned a streak of blue light and shot into the horizon, she retracted from Miles's body, and she glared at him with disdain, before fusing with him.Miles's face fell, wondering why she disdained him so much and even ended a lot of life for just one man.He heard someone cough lightly, “my turn”Looking at a handsome young man with a gentle temperament, “I don't have any grievances” he said and fused with Miles.Many other predecessors fused with him until they became a handful after they reached twenty.Miles could feel himself, reaching a breakthrough to the immortal realm, a man sat crossed legs before him.“Hum, you are just an avatar realm master, you are not qualified to fuse with me,” the man said with disdain.Miles was rendered speechless, “I ca
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Chapter 176: You Don't Deserve The Phoenix Spirit
Monk Jetchi floated over, and Miles rushed over, tagging along.They saw corpses littered over the ground, Miles clenched his fists instinctively, he has never seen such a gory scene before.Looking at younger Jetchi who wandered around, weeping pathetically.“Why are you showing me this?” Miles asked while clenching his fists, the sight of it was disheartening and heart-wrenching.Monk Jetchi glanced at him and looked away, the entire change, was to a huge palace, the palace wall was plated with gold.A young man stood on the throne with a stern facial expression, and military generals knelt before him.“Why haven't you killed the child?” the King asked coldly.“King Hudson, may you reign forever, we have done as you have said, we have massacred all the villagers in the East, and the officials are disgruntled by your reign, there is hunger and frustration…”“Shut up!” King Hudson backed.He waved his hand and a stream of dark energy rushed towards the General, his body was wrapped wi
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Chapter 177: Out Of The Secret Realm
The scene changed after Jetchi ended the life of Queen Jia. A mob marched towards the palace, Jetchi stood before the crowd rushing towards his palace coldly. His loud voice shook the entire City, sending chills down the spines of the mob, “how dare you!” “Jetchi, you don't deserve to be our King, you are a jinx” the crowd roared. He squashed one of them with just a hand gesture “Jetchi, you can kill of us, we won't stop you, we have had enough of you, we will all die, who will you rule?” Jetchi's face turned pale, he snorted and turned into a stream of blue light, and shot into the horizon. Miles opened his eyes slightly, and he saw himself sitting cross-legs under the pool of water. “What does it mean?” Miles asked Jetchi, who was sitting cross-legged some meters away from him. Monk Jetchi didn't even explain, he fused with Miles directly, and Miles could feel his inner energy increase rapidly. The water dragon appeared before him, “Miles, you are a part of me, and I am a pa
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Chapter 178: Sneaky
It was already midday, and it has been eighteen years ago last Mora stepped into the civilized world. Everything seemed strange, the advance in technology, and the culture change, made her feel improper. “Mom, we can't stand here forever..." Miles paused and looked at her "are you famished?” Miles inquired, blinking his eyes innocently. Mora sighed, the worms in her stomach have been churning, “I am fine” Miles pouted, “but Mom, your face looks pale, and your lips?” When he saw that his mother is grimacing, “I will get us something to eat right away” Miles turned around, and fled before Mora could stop him, arriving at an alley, he heard noises “Pretty girl, come and play with us” Miss Sinclair puffed her cheeks, she has just absconded from home again, after being forced to act ladylike. She hated the idea of being controlled, “don't touch me” She warned, glaring at her assailants resentfully. The punks were not deterred by her provocative statement, they were even more enc
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Chapter 179: Arrested
She blushed with embarrassment and puffed her chest.“I am not following you” she retorted defensively.Miles shook his head, and turned around to leave, Sandra ran after him.“Hey, what is your name? I am Sandra and you are?” she introduced herself, Miles gave her a lopsided glance.Before responding “Miles”Sandra started chatting excitedly, Miles pursed his lips tightly, contributing nothing, when they were close to the store.Sandra asked, “hey, why are you not saying anything?” she asked.Miles replied swiftly, “I don't like girls”Sandra was dumbfounded, she watched him enter the store before she turned around and left, dejectedly.An old man with silver hair rushed over, “Miss Sinclair, you are here”Sandra pouted, “Uncle Baro, I don't want to go home”“Miss Sinclair, don't say that Old Sinclair loves you the most, he will fall ill, if you disappear again” Baro explained exasperatedly.Sandra humphed, “I don't believe you”Anytime she thinks about her grandfather, she could onl
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Chapter 180: Philip's Motive
After asking Miles several questions, and didn't get anything from him.He fumed “it seems you want to spend the rest of your life in prison, very well then, I will fulfil it for you,” he said coldlyHis phone started ringing, he left the interrogation room.Miles was angry, “I wouldn't have been in this trouble if he did…”“I can hear you, why don't you just kill those bastards and walk away, no one can stop you with your powers” he heard a voice in his head say.Miles gritted his teeth, “you think it is that simple?”But the voice didn't even bother responding.Mora came out of the police station, looking frustrated, she didn't even know whether she had been walking for the past ten minutes.“Ouch!” she winced, the moment she bumped into someone.“Are you alright, Miss?” a calm voice asked softly.Mora furrowed her eyebrows at the person standing before her, even after eighteen years, he didn't change much.His matured charms tripled, and he added a bit of weight.“Philip” she mumbl
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Chapter 181: First Time
“I will take you there” he shouted with all his strength.Miles lets him go, and he slumped on the ground, gasping for breath.Sneaky was shocked, the corners of her lips twitched.“So this kid isn't weak after all”“Lead the way” Miles ordered coldly.The leader of the hooligan turned towards the busy tarred road, the fight happened on a pedestrian, and what happened caught the eyes of many people, some even took videos and pictures of the fight.Miles started trending online after it was uploaded.#HandsomeKarateKid@LoveMeOnce: He is so cute, marry me kiddo@JeffDaBass: he is underage.Miles wasn't aware, that he is a hot search on social media already.“What is your name?” Miles asked the leader of the hooligans.“Tiger”Miles didn't bother probing further, the both of them walked for two hours, Tiger was already gasping for breath, but, Miles looked like someone who has done nothing.Tiger collapsed before an abandoned steel factory, his legs were numb.“There,” he pointed toward
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