All Chapters of Married To The Ceo : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
145 Chapters
Always love her
On the weekend evening The Lamborghini stopped in front of the luxurious villa. Ethan and Aviana did not get out of the car immediately. "Are you ready to go in?" Ethan asked, as he looked at her. Aviana turned to look at him and then back, at the door that led inside the villa. Honestly, she was worried about everything. She was really worried about meeting his father even though it wasn't going to be their first but second meeting. It still felt like it would be her first time, and she was worried whether he would like her or not. During their first meeting, it was obvious he did not like her. She could only pray things turned out well this time around and whatever bad view he had about her would have changed. She remained silent. Ethan said, "Look, no one's forcing you to accept the invitation. You really don't have to go in for my sake, Avi. We can go back if you want us to, I can always find an excuse to tell him.""No–that won't be necessary, Ethan. I want to go in, and meet
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Aviana was emotional
"Who do we have here? Isn't it the woman who helped my brother steal the contract from me?" Kelvin's voice sounded as he walked into the house. He smirked evilly. Aviana looked up immediately, startled. If she said she was expecting to see Ethan's brother here, then she would be lying because she really didn't expect to see him. Infact, he was the last person on her mind. And….. She frowned. "I didn't help your brother steal your contract, Sir. I only helped him get back what belonged to him, simply," she said stubbornly, with raised shoulders. "Oh okay? You know, you're so stubborn? I love it," said Kelvin, smilingly before he moved to sit next to her. Aviana moved away from him. She was still cautious given what happened at the office. She did not trust him at all. "Come on, I'm not gonna bite you," he laughed, seeing how cautious she seemed to be around him. "What do you want?" she asked sternly. She wasn't really comfortable with him sitting with her. Kelvin didn't say
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Becoming frustrated
The dishes were soon brought to the table. Old Mr Urkel slowly approached the dining room and took his seat at his usual position. Kelvin and his mother, Susan as well, walked in together, and took their position at the table. Ethan and Aviana were the last people to show up at the table. He walked in front of her and pushed a chair for her to sit down. Everyone's eyes at the table were fixated on the two, especially on Ethan, and shock was the only expression on their faces at the moment. This was another side of Ethan that they never thought he had. Aviana looked down as she sensed their intense gaze on her. She slowly approached him before she sat down. Ethan took his seat just next to her, afterwards. The maids were still bringing more dishes to the table, so everyone present remained silent and no one dared to make a sound. Aviana continued to look down and didn't dare to raise her head, out of fear that she might accidentally come into eye contact with Old Urkel. The silence wa
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Ethan remained silent and continued to eat as if he hadn't heard the question. Susan continued, "She is your woman?" It was more like a statement than a question. "What about Chloe? Isn't she your fiance too? You were engaged to her since childhood? I heard what she did to your current woman, and how her brother sent her to Japan? Weren't you supposed to do something about it?" As she pushed out those words, her gaze was on Aviana. Ethan was quiet. Aviana, on the other hand, continued to look down and pretended she wasn't listening to anything that the older woman was saying. But, in reality she heard everything. She wondered why the woman was bringing up the supposed childhood friend who was engaged to Ethan. They were a noble family, and noble families weren't supposed to talk while at the dining table. Atleast, she had an idea about how noble families were supposed to behave, even though she wasn't from a noble family herself, unlike the older woman. She couldn't really voice ou
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Such a badass
Ethan paced around the corridor. He seemed to have been waiting for Aviana because he strode over to her as soon as he looked up and saw her head in his direction. "Are you okay?" he asked worriedly while his hands held onto her shoulders. Aviana smiled reassuringly as she spoke, "I'm fine, Ethan. Do I look like someone who is not okay?"Ethan sighed. She was at it, again. She was pretending to be okay, like nothing happened, and for what? Just to make him happy? If this was another day, he would choose to remain silent. However, he had witnessed everything that took place at the table. He saw how his step mother insulted her. "I know you're lying, Avi. The tears on your face is clear evidence that you have been crying," he said. "Really?" Aviana faked a frown as she spoke. "Oh, now I get it. I just washed my face, I guess it's the few droplets of water that was left while I was wiping my face." She moved to wipe the corners of her eyes as she pushed out those words. She was ly
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I will do it
After the meal, Ethan and Aviana were ready to leave. However, Old Mr Urkel stopped them and asked Aviana to follow him to his study room before he slowly aped up the stairs with the aid of his walking stick. Aviana stood there, in shock while she stared at the Old man as he walked away. It was a while before she finally came back to her senses and uttered, confused, "Uh?" Old Mr Urkel turned around instantly and said indifferently, "Are you deaf? I said you should follow me to my study room, now! Do not waste my time!" After he was done pushing out these words, he continued to walk ahead until he disappeared into his study room. Aviana released a long, deep sigh before she turned to Ethan and said, "I'll go see your father. Will see you at the car." Then, she turned around ready to walk away. However, Ethan stopped her immediately. He said simply, "I'm coming with you." He took hold of her hand and wanted to go with her. Aviana pulled her hand back, stopping him abruptly. "No, E
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Stay away from my son
"I'm not going to beat around the bush, I'll just go straight to why I summoned you here," said Old Urkel. "I want you to stay away from my son" he said sternly. The way he said those words, it didn't sound like a request or a plea. It sounded more like a command, and he was giving no room for little hope to her heart. Aviana wasn't surprised at all, either. He never liked her from the beginning and he never hesitated to show it. But, she could not denie his words suddenly crushed the little hope she had remaining in her heart. She continued to look down while she bit at her lower lip as she faught so hard the urge not to cry. When she didn't say anything, he continued, "I'm not all that bad, so, I'm willing to compensate you with a large sum of money or assets, whatever you want. Just name your price." Her attempt to keep her tears from falling was in vain as they flowed endlessly like a stream of water. In other words, he wanted to pay her off in order for her to break up with E
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True Love
Half an hour later, Scarlet arrived at the mansion. She walked straight to the sitting room and slumped her whole weight on the sofa. She looked exhausted. She rested for a while on the sofa before she stood to her feet, again. Yawning, Scarlet dragged her feet on the way to her bedroom. Her eyes drooped shut with each step. Lately, she had been working herself up towards winning over Aaron's heart. Most of the time, she would stay up all night on her phone. Not that she would be playing with it, or doing something that isn't meaningful? She would spend the time on her phone and searching through the internet on ways to win over a man's heart. She would mostly sleep for three to four hours, which isn't good for her health, but she kept encouraging herself that it would be worth it in the end. Everything was all new to her since she had never been in love with a guy before, making Aaron the first guy to fall in love with. She practically had no idea where to start, in the end, she r
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Chloe fell off
Beverly HillsMeanwhile, Jayden was busy working on his laptop when his phone started ringing. He casually glanced at the ID caller, and saw that it was Rufus, the bodyguard he had assigned to keep an eye on Chloe while at the country. He wasn't willing to pick it up, either, so he tossed it back on the sofa and immediately went back to what he had been doing. Rufus often called him on daily basis to report to him about Chloe's daily activities, where she goes, whom she has been talking to, and all? However, most of the things he reported to him about Chloe were unimportant. The previous week, he called him on phone to inform that Chloe had gone missing. At that time, he had been in the middle of an important business meeting when he answered the phone. "Hello, Rufus. What is it?" he asked impatiently. "What about Chloe? What did she do this time?" he questioned. "What? Chloe is missing?" he shrieked, startling everyone in the room. He lowered his voice immediately, frustration tak
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Whatever it takes her
The car stopped at their villa and Ethan went out and held Aviana's hand as the latter also stepped out of the car. "So, what did you talk about with my father? Did he harass you?" asked Ethan, and his eyes were filled with concern for his woman. While he was driving earlier, he noticed that Aviana was awfully quiet and it was unlike her. He often stole glances at her and she was staring outside the car window all the time, and her mind seemed to have been preoccupied with something. He tried talking to her on several occasions to get her attention, but she didn't respond to him because she didn't seem to hear him at all. He could only sigh in return, and let her be. He knew his father must have told her something unpleasant. Something that made her face to look all gloomy, and he could not help but wonder what it was. He didn't want to ask her either, because she would only lie to him. However, he could not hold onto his worries anymore, so he took the opportunity to ask her when th
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