All Chapters of Married To The Ceo : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
145 Chapters
"Dear, how did the dinner with Ethan's family go? Did they treat you well? Did they bully you? Uh, my child?" Joana asked as she closed the door after Aviana who had just walked in. She had the worried look of a mother on her face. She followed Aviana who went straight to the dining room. Joana took a sit close to her and waited patiently for Aviana to say something, atleast. She had been worried sick all day for her daughter. She was worried that his parents would not accept her and might look down on her due to her poor background. She couldn't help it, because she knew how cruel their world could be. Though, it wasn't always cruel. But more often than not, in the high society, the rich people stepped on the poor people without batting an eyelid. They didn't care if they hurt the latter's feelings at all. As much as possible, Joana wanted her daughter to get an ordinary partner, one who would fit in their class, and not someone who belonged to the high society, way out of their le
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I'll be waiting
Aviana jumped on the bed, immediately. She did not feel like sleeping at all, especially now that she had a hard task ahead of her. She could not sleep knowing that Ethan's father didn't like her. She had to think and find ways to win his heart over. Thinking about Ethan, she wondered if he had reached to his house already? She picked up her phone and contemplated whether she should call or text him. She heard that it was kinda fun when texting with your boyfriend, so she went with the latter. [Tab] Aviana: "Did you get to your house already?" Ethan just walked out of the bathroom. His shirtless chest was dripping with water, his lower body covered with a towel only. He was busy drying his wet hair with another towel when his phone that was placed on the bed, vibrated. He picked it up. A smile crept on his face when he saw that it was a text from Aviana. [Double tab] Ethan:Yes, hon. Do you miss me already?"[Tab] Aviana: Wait….before you start over thinking, I'm only doing my job
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Pay me for my services
Ethan couldn't stop smiling to himself, especially when he recalled Aviana's last words before she left him unattended. Her sexy smile still lingered in his head. He walked back to the mansion and decided to go to his room and take a cold shower, first. Later, he would start making plans, though he had no idea where he should start from because he didn't know anything about the romance thing. He wanted to make it a memorable night for Aviana, so, starting as early as now wasn't a bad idea at all. He aped up the stairs but stopped mid-way when he saw Auntie Garcia who was still doing her cleaning in the kitchen. He called out to her, "Auntie Garcia," to which she responded by walking out of the kitchen and looked up at him, waiting patiently on him to give his instructions to her. However, Ethan remained silent. So, she asked, "Do you need something, sir?" Ethan thought about asking her for ideas, but he was a bit reluctant. She was older, so she must know little about romance. Ho
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Tell her
Aviana woke up on Monday morning and got ready to go the office. "Sis, aren't you forgetting something here?" Hayden who was sitting at the dining table asked when he saw that Aviana was about to leave the table. Aviana checked her bag as she murmured, "My phone is here, my lip balm is intact, my hair brush….Nop, I don't think there is anything I'm forgetting, Hayden? See you later." Then she turned to leave. Hayden sighed deeply, "Are you seriously forgetting about my money? The thirty bucks you owe me?" He was finding it difficult to believe that she actually forgot. "Ooh, I actually forgot," exclaimed Aviana while she dipped her hand into the bag. Then she handed over to him the thirty bucks. "What are you gonna do with the money? I really hope you're not planning to buy sweets with the whole money. I don't need to remind you that eating too much sweets isn't healthy for your teeth, Hayden. If you eat too much sugar, your teeth will start decaying, and then I'll be forced to
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"I'm going out for coffee with Scarlet–" Aviana stopped through her words when she noticed Ethan quickly hide something on his back. She frowned instantly. She asked while she stared at him, suspiciously, "Ethan, what did you just hide on your back?" Ethan said casually, "Nothing. Going out with Scarlet? Okay, take care of yourself. Be sure to come back early because I'm taking you to lunch." "Ethan, don't try to change the topic here. I saw you hide something on your back as soon as I walked in," insisted Aviana. She walked closer to his desk. "And, I said it's nothing. Aren't you going out with Scarlet, hurry up and go, you don't keep your guest waiting," Ethan said to her. "Scarlet can wait, but this can't. I want to know what it is you are hiding on your back. So, are you going to tell me, or should I take it out myself," she said sternly and walked to his side. Ethan sighed, "Did you see anything?" "No, I didn't see anything. That's why–" "Exactly. You didn't see any
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Dose of medicine
"I wouldn't agree to them being together." It took a while before Aviana finally recollected herself after the deep state of shock she had been thrown into a while ago. Aviana had deep folds displayed on her face. She stuttered, "W-why?""Because, she is just his PA, which means she's from a poor background. Most of the time, women from poor families get into a relationship with the young lads of the high society not because they are in love with them, but because they are in love with the material things the man will offer to them. They are simply social climbers," Scarlet casually said. Aviana furrowed her brow as she listened to Scarlet. Her coffee that was untouched was already becoming cold. "If it happens the man experiences some crisis and he ends up losing everything, this woman will leave him without a second thought. The man will be left heartbroken. Also, the woman will not think twice about leaving him for another man who is more richer than the latter. Besides, intima
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Negotiate with you
"You can't go in, sir." Ethan heard the heated commotion outside his door. The book fell to the ground as he tried to hide it when the door to his office suddenly opened and Alex walked inside with Devin rushing to stop him though it was already too late, since he was already inside. "I tried to stop him but he insisted on meeting you–" "It's okay, Devin. Go back to your post," Ethan instructed to which Devin bowed slightly and left the room. Then he turned to look at Alex and asked indifferently, "Why are you here?" He picked up the book that fell on the floor and placed it back on the desk. He didn't try to hide it anymore because Alex already saw it. "Dude, are you–are you reading what I'm thinking it is!?" Alex's eyes were fixated on the book as he asked, extremely shocked. He didn't seem to hear Ethan's question, so Ethan ended up asking again. "Why are you here, Alex?" "Well, I'm here because of some business dealings. Also, I wanted to see you, so I thought I should pass
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A pet?
At exactly 3:30 PM, Aviana went out of her room. She walked into Ethan's office to bid him goodnight. He would not let her go so easily without asking her questions, so she came in prepared with the lies she would tell him. Ethan checked on his wrist watch and said, "It's 3:30 PM, where are you going to this early?" "My mother isn't feeling well, so I have to pick Hayden from school. Also, I'll have to pass by the market to get us some groceries, we don't have any at the house," Aviana said confidently while she tried to maintain her cool and composure. "Okay… Then I should call Rao and ask him to pick you up now," Ethan said casually while he got ready to dial Rao's number. Aviana stopped him immediately. "No, that won't be necessary, Ethan. I'm already running late, if I decide to wait for Rao to pick me up, I won't get to pick Hayden from school on time and still have time to buy groceries? Besides, Rao might be busy wherever he is. I should atleast give him a little break,
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Men's stuff
Aviana didn't leave the mansion immediately. She was searching around for Stanley. Hayden told her that butlers knew so much about their masters, which is why she was looking for him. Though, sometimes they could be a little secretive, she didn't know if he would tell her anything but she had to try her luck nonetheless. Aviana was still looking around when she saw him standing in the garden giving instructions to a few of the servants who were working there. He was done giving them instructions and wanted to leave. She called out to him immediately as she ran to him. "Sir! Sir, wait up!" At that instant, the butler stopped in his track. He turned to look at her and pointed a finger to himself as he asked, "ME?" Aviana reached to him. She said, "Sir, can I have a minute of your time if you don't mind? You see, there is some important information I need, and you're the only person who can help me with it." "Yes, sure. Whatever information you need from me, I'm willing to tel
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The dinner was successful
The next day, Aviana left work early. The day before, she had suggested to Stanley that he allowed her to cook for Old Mr Urkel for a starter to winning the old man's heart. It was like they said; A father's weak spot is his stomach, so she wanted to win his heart by cooking for him. Lucky for her, Stanley had agreed without hesitation. Aviana got into a cab outside the building and left immediately. Twenty minutes later, the cab stopped at the gate and Aviana climbed out of the car. She strode inside and was welcomed by Stanley who walked her to the kitchen. "Here were are, this is the mansion's kitchen, ma'am. I've asked the maids to find something else to do. All the food stuffs are inside the fridge, others on the counter. I'll leave now so you can start working. If you need any help, call one of the maids to assist you. Please excuse me." Stanley walked out of the kitchen and left Aviana to familiarize herself with the kitchen. Aviana thought that the kitchen was very huge,
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