All Chapters of Married To The Ceo : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
145 Chapters
An emergency
Jayden propped the door open and walked inside the room. The lights inside the room were low, and there were cords hanging down for the nurses call button and the IV solutions. An electric machine sat on a cart with odd wires leading from it, a privacy curtain hanging from a track on the ceiling. The window had a mini blind on it, and a view of the roof of an adjoining building. The room was awfully silent apart from the beep beep sound that indicated Chloe was alive. She had wires glued to her chest and coming up through the neck of her gown, a gauze bandage wrapped around her head. Jayden made his way to the bedside where his beloved sister lay, unconscious. It had been a week since they landed in LA and Chloe was currently admitted at Kindred hospital. She hurt her head badly when she fell and lost so much blood in the process. Jayden teared up seeing the condition that she was in, and he blamed himself for it. If he listened to her pleas and never sent her to Japan, she would not
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Chloe is awake
James walked back to his office, tired, and slumped down on his chair. He called Ethan on the phone immediately. "What happened, James?" "Chloe is awake, Ethan. She kept calling your name, I think you should drop whatever it is you're doing and come over to the hospital. She isn't the same, she needs you, Ethan," James told him. "Right now, I can't come. I have important matters to attend to at the moment. I'll visit her tomorrow," Ethan said indifferently. "Are you talking about the surprise plan? Bro, this is your childhood friend we are talking about. The plan can always wait because you'll have more time with her in the future, but you don't have much time with your friend," James said. "Stop insisting because nothing will change my mind. I'll visit her, but not today," James sighed, "Alright, it's your call. I just thought I should let you know. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to attend to other patients." He kept the call afterwards. Chloe heard someone open the
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Who is she?
Aviana felt her muscles tense when she heard Ethan's words. She never hated Chloe, and she was glad that she was doing okay, but why did she want Ethan to visit her at the hospital? Aviana didn't want to be one of those jealous girlfriends who felt insecure about their boyfriends visiting their ex's or their female friends, but at this point, she could not help it. She felt insecure. She felt really uncomfortable. She had a bad feeling about it. "James called me this morning and asked me to come to the hospital today to check on her. Jayden came to ask the same thing, too," as Ethan spoke, he was keen to notice that Aviana seemed uncomfortable. "I told him that I wouldn't go today. Tomorrow, I will find time and visit her," he added. Ethan delayed visiting Chloe because he wanted to inform his woman, first, and get her opinion about everything. Aviana didn't hate Chloe, he knew. She couldn't possibly hate anyone because that was her personality. She had a kind heart. Still, he had
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Love rivals
Ethan frowned slightly. Aviana, on the other hand, was extremely confused. James noticed their confused faces, so he decided to explain to them. "The doctor said she lost her memories. Not all, but only those from a few months ago." 'Well, that explains why she didn't remember me. I wonder what she will do when she finds out that I'm Ethan's girlfriend now,' Aviana thought. Aviana introduced herself to Chloe, as she smiled at her politely, "My name is Aviana Cole, ma'am. It's nice to meet you, and I wish you a quick recovery." She had her hand stretched out and open for a handshake. Chloe sized her up in a churlish manner and deliberately ignored her hand. She said in an unfriendly tone, "Don't call me, ma'am! I'm not old! Place the fruits on the table, I'll eat them later." Aviana felt embarrassed as she took her hand back to her side. She sighed inwardly, 'She is still antagonistic towards me even without her memories.' Aviana started walking towards the table as instructed b
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This is just the beginning
Aviana sat between Chloe and Ethan. The two reminisced about their childhood memories, at one point they laughed and Aviana forced a smile. That very moment, Aviana felt left out in their conversation. She felt like she didn't belong. And, she blamed herself for it. She failed as Ethan's girlfriend. All the while she had spend time with him, she never bothered to ask him about his childhood. She practically knew nothing about Ethan, except that he had a step brother and a step mother and he was the CEO of the largest company in LA, something that every person in LA knew, and it made her like everyone else. The more they continued to laugh, the more sad and left out she was feeling. At that very moment, Aviana felt like time just froze and the world was spinning fast and everything around her disappeared except the sounds of their laughters. Aviana felt an intense tightening in the chest and a sudden hunger for air. She felt like she was going to suffocate if she continued to sit ther
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Aviana hurriedly walked out of the room. She walked down the hospital hallway heading to where she didn't know exactly, with getting as far away from them as possible as the only thing running through her mind. She couldn't stop crying and her body trembled as tears of sorrow fell from her eyes like a river. She placed a hand over her lips to stop the strangled scream that was about to escape from her mouth. Several emotions – Sad. Insecure. Anger. Fear. Jealous. Were expressed through her tears. She was sad because Chloe guessed all the questions correct. The questions were so simple yet she didn't get even one right!? She? She was the girlfriend, Chloe was the friend. She guessed wrong all the questions, Chloe guessed them right. How ironical that was? Now that Chloe was back, Aviana couldn't help but feel insecure. Yes, she was Ethan's woman and he loved her. But, Chloe was the girl he was engaged to, and the bond they shared together seemed strong, it could not be broken. Moreo
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Last string of patience
Aviana noticed that Ethan was awfully quiet, so she slowly disengaged from the embrace and looked up at him. His gorgeous straight-faced wore a pleased and flattered simper. She frowned Instantly, "W-why are you smiling? Did I say something funny?" Ethan didn't wipe the smile from his face. He said simply, "No, you didn't." "I don't believe you." She creased her eyes at him, suspiciously. Her eyes suddenly widened as realization finally dawned on her. She realized she may have accidentally revealed to him that she was jealous of Chloe, that would definitely explain the coquettish smile on his face. Aviana knew that Ethan would tease her with those words at any given opportunity he got, something that she would not allow to happen. So, she added quickly, "Don't be flattered. I didn't mean what I said, I was only overwhelmed with sadness which is why I uttered those nonsense." Ethan said simply while he shook his head innocently, pretending to be confused, "I don't know what y
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Sir. I found something
At exactly five-thirty in the evening, Rao dropped Aviana off at their mansion. Aviana bid him goodnight and went inside afterwards. Rao didn't leave immediately. He walked around, surveying the neighborhood to ensure there was no one lurking around. It had become his routine to check the area everyday before he left, because it had come to his notice that someone was following Miss Cole everywhere she went without her knowing it. What the person wanted from her, he didn't know, and neither was he gonna take the risks. He had been put in that position, as Aviana's chauffeur, not just to drive her around, but also to protect her. He was her bodyguard, and he was gonna protect her at all cost. The neighborhood was clear. Rao knew the man had to be around, so he felt it was a bit off when he could not find anything that looked suspicious, anything that could lead him to the strange man. Nonetheless, he wasn't going to leave. The strange man would definitely show up, it didn't matter at
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Mole in the company
"Sir. This is what I found in his hide out," Rao reported as he placed the envelop he was holding on the desk and passed it to Ethan, who was sitting behind his desk as usual. Then, he stepped back, holding his hands on the front. "What's this." Ethan picked up the envelop and opened it. Inside the brown envelop were pictures taken from the video footage that Rao found inside the man's hide out. "Pictures taken from the video footage I found in his hide out. The man had cameras installed outside the company giving him enough access to everyone that went in and out of the company," Rao revealed. "You might want to listen to this, Sir," he added. Rao took out his phone from his pocket. He tapped on the screen, and the man's voice came along. Ethan gestured with his hand for Rao to hand over the phone to him, to which he did. Ethan listened keenly, the expression on his face was unreadable. "Alright. You're doing quite a good job being my ears as well as eyes in the company." "Your
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Just one kiss
Scarlet walked out of the office and slammed the door after her, shut. She stood there, her lips trembled due to sadness, her eyes slowly filling with tears. She felt her heart being shuttered into pieces everywhere. She was in shambles. His words hurt her so badly. She felt like she had fallen into cactus and her heart had been panctured a million times over by tiny pins. Right now, she needed someone to talk to, a friend and a shoulder to lean on. The only person she could think of was Aviana. With trembling hands, Scarlet took out her phone from her bag and made the call. Aviana answered the call instantly, "Hey, Scarlet." Scarlet went silent all of a sudden. Aviana frowned. "Scarlet? Are you there?" Scarlet wiped at her tears that were starting to overflow and answered after a while, in a rather calm voice as she tried to mask her sadness. "Yes, Avi. I'm here." Unfortunately for her, Aviana noticed that everything wasn't okay with her friend. This was the first time she had
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