All Chapters of Married To The Ceo : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
145 Chapters
Who is pregnant
Ethan and Aviana exited the car as soon as they parked their car in front of the "The intoxicated" Entertainment clubhouse. The interior of the clubhouse was magnificently luxurious and it was the first time for Aviana to enter such a place. It oozed dignified majesty, so much that Aviana could feel it on her skin before even entering through the gates. She discovered that there wasn't many customers as they walked in. The hall was orderly and quiet as Aviana followed Ethan into the elevator, which took them to the fifth floor. They soon arrived into a private room where Alex and James were already waiting. The room was spacious with approximately a hundred and sixty square meter, equipped with a bar table, wine cabinet, lounge area and washrooms, basically anything that the guests could possibly ask for. Ethan pushed open the door and stepped in. The two men that were of similar age as him turned in unison at the man's entrance. "Ethan!" Alex called out. James who was sitting be
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Guardian angel
Scarlet lay on the sofa and played on her phone to keep herself busy while she waited for Ethan to return from taking Aviana to meet with his friends. She wanted to find out from him about everything that happened and how Aviana took the news. She had been waiting on the sofa for two hours when she saw him walk through the door. "Ethan," she called out to which Ethan responded by stopping at the stairs and turning around to face her. Scarlet stood up immediately and approached him. "How is Aviana? How did she take the news? I talked to her on the phone and…she said that she was okay, but I doubt that she was!? No one can take such criticism from people positively," Scarlet expressed, extremely concerned for her friend – her best friend. "She is fine, Scarlet. Fortunately, I took her to a shop to purchase a gown for her. So, we were at the shop at the time and she was busy trying out the gowns. She didn't have time to check her phone. I didn't, either. It was Devin who called and to
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City of love
It took thirty minutes ride before they got to Ethan's private airport. They found Devin already there waiting for them. Devin proceeded to greet them and took the car keys from Ethan immediately and turned to leave. Aviana frowned, seeing that he was about to walk away. She asked before he could climb inside the car, "Devin is not coming with us?" "Yes, hon." Ethan figured that she would ask why he wasn't coming with them, so he thought of an idea and replied quickly, "His wife just delivered recently so he had to stay behind to take care of his wife and the newborn baby." He lied. "Oh, okay," Aviana was convinced instantly. She smiled as she spoke, "Well then, congratulations Devin." "Thank you, ma'am. Have a safe trip," Devin bowed and went inside the car and left. "Come on, baby. Let's go." It was then when Aviana turned around and stared around the port in awe. She had never seen a private port before, it was fascinating to her. Looking up at the jet, her mouth dropped
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I Love You, Ethan
Ethan's mansion in Paris stood as a testament to the city's timeless elegance. Tucked away in a quiet corner of the city, The grand entrance opened into a spacious foyer adorned with intricate marble floors and a crystal chandelier that cast a soft, warm glow. Aviana couldn't help but be in awe of the opulence surrounding her. Ethan had meticulously planned every detail to ensure that their first intimate moment would be an unforgettable and romantic experience, especially for Aviana. The mansion's interior was a blend of classic and modern anesthetics, with high ceilings, tall windows draped in luxurious silk curtains, and ornate furnishings. The scent of fresh flowers permeated the air, adding a touch of nature to the lavish surroundings. As the evening sun dipped below the Parisian skyline, casting a rosy and golden hue over the city. Aviana felt as though she had stepped into a fairy tale. The mansion's windows framed the stunning view of the Eiffel Tower, which was aglow with b
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Breakfast it is
The next morning, Aviana awoke in the soft morning light that gently filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow upon the room. As she blinked away the remnants of sleep, her gaze fell upon the man sleeping beside her. A tender smile graced her lips as she watched him, captivated by the serene expression on his face. The memories of their intimate moments from the previous night flooded her mind, and a rush of happiness enveloped her. They had shared a deep connection, both physically and emotionally, and it had been a beautiful experience that had brought them closer together. As Aviana lay there, her fingers gently traced the contours of Ethan's face, savoring the delicate moments of morning quiet. The sun's gentle caress on their entwined bodies seemed to echo the warmth and closeness they had shared. In this serene morning, Aviana felt a profound sense of contentment. They were no longer two separate souls, but intertwined in a deeper bond, and it filled her heart with h
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A Thrilling Boat Ride Along the Seine
The sun hung low in the Parisian sky, casting a warm, golden hue over the city's iconic landmarks. Aviana and Ethan stood hand in hand on the banks of the Seine, dressed in matching outfits, their sense of anticipation filling the air. This was the day they had eagerly awaited, the day their first item on the list was about to unfold—a thrilling boat ride along the Seine. Their outfits were a testament to their deep connection. Aviana wore a lovely, flowing dress in a shade of deep burgundy, adorned with delicate floral patterns. It billowed gracefully around her as she moved, accentuating her beauty. Ethan, on the other hand, wore a blouse that mirrored Aviana's dress. The same floral patterns adorned his shirt, creating a harmonious and charming matching set. As they approached the dock, the Seine River stretched out before them, its waters glistening under the gentle kiss of the afternoon sun. The boats, adorned with flowers and ribbons, awaited passengers eager to embark on a jou
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Leisurely walk
The following day, Aviana and Ethan embarked on another item from their list—an exploration of Parisian cuisine. The city was renowned for its gastronomic delights, and they were eager to indulge in its culinary treasures. Their day began with a leisurely stroll to a charming Parisian café tucked away in a cozy corner. The aroma of freshly baked croissants and rich coffee greeted them as they entered, setting the stage for a delightful morning. They settled at a small, sunlit table, the warm Parisian air carrying with it the promise of culinary delights. Aviana perused the menu, her eyes widening with anticipation as she spotted the array of pastries and delicacies. "Where do we start, Ethan?" she wondered aloud, her excitement palpable. Ethan smiled, equally eager to explore. "How about we begin with a classic French breakfast? Croissants and café au lait?" Aviana's eyes lit up. "Perfect choice! And let's not forget to savor some macarons for dessert!" Their order placed, they s
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A night of desire
Ethan lay on the luxurious bed in their Parisian mansion, the anticipation in the room palpable. The soft, silky sheets whispered promises of the night to come. He couldn't help but feel a surge of desire for Aviana, who was busy with their to-do list, meticulously canceling the completed items.As he watched her, Aviana's voice turned into a soft, internal monologue. Her fingers traced the lines on the list, and she spoke softly to herself, a hint of playfulness in her tone."Let's see, Ethan and I have already visited the Louvre, checked off the boat ride on the Seine. The culinary adventure? Done. Walked the streets of Paris hand in hand? Done. Matching outfits? Done and done."Her voice trailed off, and she glanced at Ethan with a sly smile, her inner thoughts still audible. "Reading books for each other by the Seine... that's next. But what's the rush? There's something else I want to experience with you tonight."Ethan watched her as she continued to cancel the completed items.
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Love Lock
After their playful exchange, Aviana took her place at the dining table, a teasing smile still playing on her lips. She looked at Ethan expectantly and asked, "So, what's for breakfast?"Ethan grinned and, without a word, disappeared into the kitchen. He returned moments later with a tray holding two steaming cups of freshly brewed coffee and a plate stacked high with fluffy pancakes. The scent of maple syrup wafted through the air, making Aviana's mouth water.As he set the tray down on the table, Aviana couldn't help but admire the sight before her. "Ethan, you're truly amazing in the kitchen," she complimented him with genuine admiration in her eyes.Ethan chuckled, feeling a warmth in his heart. "Well, it's not just the cooking that's amazing. It's the company I get to share this meal with."Their eyes locked in a loving gaze, and for a moment, the world outside their Parisian mansion faded away. Breakfast was more than just a meal; it was a celebration of their love, and they sav
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Romantic reading session
Aviana and Ethan found a cozy spot by the Seine, nestled under the shade of a grand oak tree. They had brought along a couple of books, the perfect companions for a lazy afternoon by the river. Aviana had a classic novel, and Ethan had a collection of short stories, a testament to his love for variety.As they settled in, Aviana couldn't help but tease Ethan. "Short stories, Ethan? Is that because you have a short attention span?"Ethan chuckled, defending his choice. "Not at all. It's because I appreciate the beauty of brevity. Each story is like a glimpse into a different world, a new adventure waiting to unfold."Aviana grinned, finding his explanation endearing. "Well, I do love a good classic novel. It's like sinking into a different era, surrounded by the elegance of words."They exchanged playful glances before opening their books. Aviana dove into the world of her classic novel, immersing herself in its intricate characters and lush descriptions. She was quickly transported to
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