All Chapters of Mated to the play boy billionaire Alpha: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
198 Chapters
Chapter Hundred&Eleven
Olivia's POVThe door opened and Kurt came in immediately. I was still on the call.“Kurt?” The lady Called in a blaring voice.“Are you going to give me the silent treatment? Why aren’t you saying anything?”Kurt stood by the door and looked at me in surprise. He had my clothes with him.“Who’s that?” He asked, but I was speechless.He came to me and collected the phone from me.He looked at the screen and ended the call. All the while, I just watched sheepishly.He kept mute for a while before dropping the clothing on the bed.“You should go ahead and dress up,” he said and turned to leave.“Who’s she?” I asked and he looked back at me.“Who?” I am possum.“The lady on the phone. She said something about…someone being sick – Jake”.He sighed and touched his forehead.“Listen, don’t pay any attention to it, okay? She’s just a fan who’s pestering me to help her with some money, saying her brother’s sick. I’ve helped her a lot of times, but she keeps coming back it's pissing me off alr
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Chapter Hundred&Twelve
Olivia's POVHuh?.I scoffed and narrowed my eyes at her.“Your…Your son?” I asked, perplexed.“You have a son?”“Yeah” she smiled.I was speechless. I mean, she was so young and still a student. How’s it possible she already had a son?“Girlfriend!” I heard Paige’s blaring voice and turned to see her scuttling towards me.“Hi” I smiled and opened my eyes to welcome her.“Oh my gosh! You’re looking beautiful. Take a look at your anklet” she said breezily, running her eyes around my body.“And your phone! Hah! Oh my Gosh! Is this yours??” She exclaimed.I blushed and covered my face with my palm.“Come on, Paige. It’s too early to flatter me, okay?” I rolled my eyes.“Hi Maxine” she waved at her.“Hi” Maxine replied with a smile.Why has she been quiet, anyway?“Come on, girls. Let’s hurry up so we don’t run out of seats” she said and started walking in front.My mind suddenly reflected on her baby.Was that child hers? I can't believe she’s a mother already. I wonder how she got preg
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Chapter Hundred&Thirteen
Olivia's POVShe grasped my hand and ran out of the room with her..We ran out to the front of the building and I got to know we weren’t the only ones running out of the building.Geez! It was more like the entire students!”Where’s he? Where’s Mr.Kurt?” I heard a lady ask amidst the crowd.We all stood and saw different cars driving in. Securities had covered the entire building and It was more like some governor or royalty driving in given the ones coming in.One of the numerous flashy cars opened and Sharon an artist stepped out of it.“Woah!!! It's Sharon!! I love you, Sharon!!!” Someone screamed from the crowd.“Sharon!!”“My favorite diva!!!”She smiled and waved at them and the cheering increased.Hm. She was looking so pretty and desirable.She was putting on a short red romper and big specs with the shape of love.Wow! She was one pretty lady though.The crowd kept clapping for her as she walked away with some guards, probably going to the secured quarters.The next person
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Chapter Hundred&Fourteen
Maxine's POVI walked angrily around the room. It was killing me to know Olivia was with Kurt at that moment.I’m the real thing – I’m the mother of his first son. I should be the one in his arms -not some cheap little b! tch.I stopped walking and reached for my bag, bringing out the tiny bottle.I smiled fatuously as I stared at the poison.I was going to put an end to Olivia. I was going to get her out of the way for good.No matter what, she’s not leaving this camp alive.**********Olivia's POV“Do you have to go?” Kurt asked with a grouch as I repacked my hair in front of the mirror.“Yes. You were here when Paige called me, right? I need to leave. She wants us to meet up” I replied and turned away from the mirror.He came to me and pulled me in a snogging kiss, his hands wrapped around my waist.“Make sure you return when you’re done with her, okay?” He said and I nodded with a smile and took my phone from the bed.“Bye,” I muttered and left the room.I took in a deep breath as
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Chapter Hundred&Fifteen
Olivia's POV“Thank you!!” She squeaked happily and followed me out of the room..I was scared of the security around. I didn’t want them to embarrass me by chasing us away.“I hope it doesn’t rain”, Maxine said as she walked beside me.“It's gonna make it impossible for us to do sports tomorrow” she added.“Oh! That’s true” I nodded.We continued walking in silence and soon, I spotted Kurt.Hah! Thank goodness.Maxine and I stopped walking and waited for him to get to where we were. He was putting on a black shirt that was halfway buttoned.As soon as he got close, I ran into his arms and embraced him, feeling his warmth.“Hey” I beamed and buried my face in his chest.Huh?I noticed something different. He wasn’t holding me. He didn’t hug me back.I pulled away from his body and looked into his face and there I found him staring keenly at Maxine.Huh?“Kurt?”, I called as I looked into his face and looked at Maxine.She was wearing a light smile.“Hi, Mr. Kurt,” she said gently.Bu
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Chapter Hundred&Sixteen
Maxine's POVI followed Kurt’s men to the place he wanted to see me.We got to the quiet corner and there I found him standing all alone, obviously boiling.“Leave us,” he told the men as soon as we got there and they left.I sighed and folded my hands. He was looking as natty as ever.“Hi” I smiled.“What do you think you’re doing?” He asked coldly.Even if he sounded calm, I could tell he was furious and I was taking a big risk coming to meet him.“Well…I’m standing in front of you” I shrugged and he scoffed.“Why are you Olivia’s coursemate? You rounded up College two years ago, Lilly. Just what do you think you’re doing?” He growled.“Well…I just felt like having a repeat of College”.“Damn you, Lilly! Are you seriously trying to destroy my marriage?” He sneered.“Oh! Your marriage?’ I chuckled.“Well, the last time we spoke, you sounded like you were being forced into it” I blurted out.“Yeah, but right now, it’s one of the best things that’s happened to me and I won’t take it li
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Chapter Hundred&Seventeen
Olivia's POV.I opened my eyes blearily and found Paige and Kurt standing and staring at me.My vision was blurred at first, but I later got to confirm they were the ones.“Olivia!” Paige called happily and hugged me – carefully – making sure she didn’t touch my tummy.I kind of felt weak.“Hi” I managed a smile.Kurt stayed staring at me – silently.“I’m so glad you’re okay. You got us scared” Paige said pitifully and I chuckled faintly.Then, she looked at Kurt and back at me.“Um…I’ll just wait outside,” she said and left the room.Kurt sighed and took a seat in front of the bed.“Hey”, he called frailty.His eyes looked so sore. He had been angry.“Hi” I smiled and stretched out my hand for him to hold and he did.He held it in his and kissed it.“How’re you feeling now?”, he asked.“I’m perfectly fine. The doctor must’ve told you, right? And the baby was not affected either. You don't need to worry."“I’m sorry” he bent his head and said.“Sorry for what? It wasn’t your fault.
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Chapter Hundred and Eighteenth
Olivia's POVMy heart raced faster.He made me so nervous..“What…What bad news?” I asked anxiously and he took in a deep breath.“I…have to go away for three weeks” he dropped the bombshell, making me flinch.What?I scoffed and looked at him.“Three weeks?” I repeated.“Wh…Why? What for?”“Well, there’s a business partnership I have been working on for months now, and…it just came into realization now. Its quite a huge deal and…not something I can easily turn down. So, I have to be away for three weeks.” He explained.I looked down at the floor pathetically.“Hey,” he called and held my cheeks.“It won’t be long, okay? I’ll be back before you know it”“It will be our Five months anniversary by then” I grouse.“ And You won’t be around me ”.His eyes drooped as I could see guilt in them.“I’m sorry” he muttered.We remained silent for a while. Then, I embraced him.“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I..guess I’ll just stay with your mum till you return.” I said calmly.I needed to accept t
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chapter Hundred&Nineteen
Jaden's POVI rolled my luggage into the room and met mom sitting on the couch, going through some files with a stick of cigarette in her hand – of course.“Son!” She beamed when she saw me and sprang to her feet.“Hey mom” I reciprocated and ran into her arms.“Oh, my little boy!” she fondled my hair and I chuckled.I couldn’t recall the last time mom acted so sweet to me.“I’ve missed you, boy. Welcome home” she added.“Thanks, mom” I smiled back at her.“So, tell me. How was it?” she asked and I could read that hopeful look in her eyes.“Of course, it was fine. Everything is set now” I replied and the rays of hope became more obvious.“The plan is set?” she asked.“Yes. The varmints are ready. It’ll be done tomorrow” I replied and she smirked.**Olivia's POVI stood on the balcony and waited for Kurt to arrive.Maggie’s left already and by the time I had rounded up the cooking, Kurt called and told me not to bother coming to the airport because he was on his way home already.So,
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Chapter Hundred&Twenty
Olivia's POVI stood in front of the mirror as I brushed my hair. My pale image was reflecting on me.The two lines on the test strip replayed in my head and made me kinda happy.I had no idea what motherhood looked like and now it was staring me in the face, I couldn’t help but ponder.I gr to understand that it wasn't just about getting pregnant but the fear of losing one's child is what makes one a mother. The strength of carrying on even when you are in the center of danger.I placed my hand on my tummy and sighed. Please keep breathing baby.I stared keenly at it and a light smile crept into my lips. It was a beautiful feeling –. I was going to become a mother.Well, I needed to carry out the other test to be sure everything is fine with my baby.I brushed my long hair and let it fall freely on my shoulders.Then, I took my purse and walked out of the room.I got out to the parking lot and made use of my white Porsche. The driver opened the door for me and one of the guards sat
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