All Chapters of Mated to the play boy billionaire Alpha: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
198 Chapters
Chapter Hundred&Thirty-One
Sylvia's POVI took the strange girl away from the scene, far away to one of my friend's rooms which she shared with one other lady.As soon as we got in, I whacked the door closed and stood face-to-face with her.“Who are you?” I asked staring at her face which wasn't any different from mine but I was prettier."Oh! She’s been longing to do this." She came to me and gave me a warm embrace.I sighed as I received the warm hug. If she's my family where was she all these while, and why did Nonna keep her from me?She threw her bag on the floor and came to hug me, for a long time before disengaging.“Mom would have been the happiest to see you?” She said and tears ran down her face but she wiped it quickly.“You did not answer my question, and who the hell is mom?”." And What are you doing here? Answer my question?" I yelled." You are already the answers to all these questions you are asking, but you are finding it difficult to accept what's right in front of you."" We are twins, but
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Chapter Hundred&Thirty-Two
Alexavia's POV“So….she’s the stranger you let into my territory?”, he finally spoke up, and that was when I discovered the boys kneeling in front of him.Oh! They were the boys that had let me in.“We’re sorry, Alpha. She claimed she was related to Sylvia and indeed, she was” the first one replied, obviously scared.Alpha Leo was silent for a while, I was sure he is probably thinking of the best punishment he could give to them.“Cruz”, he called his thumb on his lower lip.“Yes, Alpha” the guy behind him answered immediately and rushed forth.“Take them away and make sure they lose four fingers each”, he passed the command and the boys shivered in fear.They didn’t try to beg as if they knew it was pointless. The Alpha seemed like he never goes back to his word.Cruz and two other boys dragged them off their feet and took them away.My heart was racing heavily after the whole scenario. I could feel hot sweat forming up my head, but I tried my best to stop it. I needed to fight it.
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Chapter Hundred&Thirty-Three
Alpha Leo's POVIn the quarters…..“Do you have plans of taking the girl?” Tracy asked as she stood behind me while I took off my clothes.A deep silence met her question and she twitched“Leo….” She pouted.“I’m yet to decide, Tracy ”, I snapped and she kept her mouth shut.Despite the fact she was my mate, she still knew her limits.She walked up to me and held me from behind. She's always been so devoted – she was the only female in the clan who got to hold me that way – or even get that close to me.“Leo…” She called my name as she ran her hands on my tattooed chest.“How did the meeting go?”“Well, still the former. They’re working on choosing a new leader of the Great lake clan since The supreme Luna is aging but I know she won't give it up so easily.” I explained simply and Tracy smiled.“Oh, Leo...” She giggled and rested her head on my back.“I keep having this feeling you’re going to be the new Supreme Alpha!”I didn’t respond to it but just left her and walked to my wardro
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Chapter Hundred&Thirty-Four
Alexia's POVOn the other hand, I wept silently on the bed. I was so grateful the room was dark because Sylvia didn’t notice that I was in tears.The thought of the upcoming event scared the very life out of me.The next day, I’d be losing my virginity.**********.I had woken up to find Sylvia sitting and staring me in the face.I furrowed her brows, surprised at it, and sat up.“G…Good morning” I stuttered as I sat up, my eyes a little drowsy.Sylvia sighed and adjusted on the edge of the bed where she sat.“How are you feeling?” She asked in a dull tone.“I’m fine”.My eyes moved around and found a tray of food on a table close by.“You should freshen up and eat”, Sylvia added and stood up, walking out of the room.I could tell that she wasn't happy, and even though the story had just begun barely 24 hours after the meeting I could tell that wished there was something she could do about it. And I wanted to tell her the reason for coming here, but I felt skittish too. I didn’t want
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Chapter Thirty-Five
Alexavia's POVI lay, crying on the table as the boys walked out. I couldn’t move – out of shame – until Sylvia came running to me.“Hey!” She called and held me, helping me down from the table.I whimpered as I climbed down, tears strolling down my face.Sylvia picked my clothes from the floor and gave them to me. “Here, put them on, so we can leave”.I nodded tearfully and began redressing. My body was stained with blood, but I wore the clothes anyway.She signaled me to follow her and we walked out of the hall together.I tried as much as possible to stop my tears as we walked out into the open. I didn’t want the people to see me cry.It hurt me a lot, both the humiliation and the pain. It hurt me to think that I had crazily lost my virginity. Like…who does that??And to think there was more to come – being used by one of the Masters at the party?? Oh! My twin sister warned me. She warned me, but I had no option; she had no choice. What could else could I have done?They are thing
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Chapter Hundred&Six
Alexavia POVThe driver connected the speaker and loud music and started playing immediately.Few of the people in the car cheered towards it, while others just nodded in agreement.I was in the car with them, but my mind was completely absent. All I could think about was the ordeal awaiting me.I was going to get used in a very short time – used for the first time, by some stranger.Well, I had no choice. It was the only option I had.I only returned to reality when I felt the car come to a stop. I looked and guessed we had arrived since there was a tall building in front of me, oozing with life.The door of the car was opened and everyone started alighting from it.“Come on” Sylvia tapped my hand and I followed her out of the bus.Wow! My eyes glittered at the sight in front of me. It was….beyond magnificence.The building was tall and looked just like a sky scrapper. It had twinkling lights around it, producing a crazy design and beauty.Rock songs were playing from the inside whic
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Chapter Hundred&Thirty-Seven
Alexavia's POVI felt my heart stop beating as I stared at the mess I had caused.The Alpha lying unconsciously on the floor. I had hurt him!! I hurt him!!Oh! What have I done???I stood up from the bed and ran to him immediately, and he seemed to be asleep, his head still bleeding.How could I have done such a thing? How? Why did I have to cause such a mess?Consternation took over and reflected in my eyes. I had just made a terrible mistake; a terrible one. What do I do?No; I couldn’t stay. I needed to get far away – despite the fact it was something I was scared of doing.I took off my shoes, opened the door, and ran out of the room, doing that, I saw some boys coming my way. They’d been drawn by the clamorous sound from the room and immediately, I started scampering away, taking the opposite direction.“After her! One of the men yelled and they all began running after me.My heart was thumping so heavily, more than I could ever imagine.The men were closing up on me and without
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Chapter Hundred&Thirty-Eight
I opened my eyes and found myself on the bed. I moved uncontrollably and spread my arms, feeling the soft foam. My head – ached a lot. And in between my legs I felt dazed and closed my eyes briefly to recall the incident of the previous night. I didn’t exactly want to recall it, but they came running into my head effortlessly. I remembered every single thing – hurting the Alpha at the party, then alpha Leo punishing me by having sex with me brutally. How could I possibly forget? The door opened not long after and I opened my eyes to see my twin sister walking in with a napkin over her neck. For the first time, since I met her, she wasn’t dressed in her usual black leather trouser and jacket as she wore just jeans and a singlet. She looked sweaty and seemed to be returning from the training field. She paused by the door and stared at me as I was trying to sit up. We exchanged silent stares and she closed the door and walked in. “You’re awake”, her voice was low. “How are you f
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Chapter Hundred&Thirty-Nine
Sylvia's POV I got off the train and boarded a cab to the address I found in Alex's bag – that was the first time I got an opportunity to be by myself out here, between humans, and even though I was a bit skeptical, I was still happy to take the decision that I did. As I sat in the backseat, next to the window, I kept thinking of what Alex said– the family that I’d lost. Everything that happened was hidden all away from me.Why did Nonna never mention my parents and never told me I had a twin? My Nonna did everything, she brought in another woman to take care of me since I was little, she had told me that my mother gave her to me willingly before she passed on. I lived the past eighteen years thinking that I was an orphan even though my mother was out there. She never spoke of my father, and she would reprimand me when I ask of him. Why out of the blue did my life change? Why did Alex show up in my life now?I needed to know the entire truth, I needed to see if her mother, I meant
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Chapter Hundred&Forty
I felt everything in my sink.The Alpha was calling for me? While Mr. Jack was there?What the he¢k?Sylvia turned to glance at me, then turned back to the men.“Alright”, she responded and walked back to the room.“Come on, Alex. We need to go” she said, but I felt my bums were stuck to the bed as I couldn’t move.The Alpha was calling for me – two people I was scared of at the moment and didn’t want to see. What do I do?“Alex!” Sylvia called again, a little surprised.I gulped nervously and asked: “C…Can it be postponed? I feel a little tired”.She quickly glanced at the door to be sure I didn’t hear what I just said.“Are you okay?” She whispered huskily. You expect the Alpha to wait for you? Do you suddenly wish for death?”I bent my head like a child being scolded.I know my sister – she must have felt I was only scared and shy to face Alpha Leo. She had no idea there was something more….Taking another gulp, I forced myself out of the bed, my entire being shaking.I couldn’t fa
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