All Chapters of Mated to the play boy billionaire Alpha: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
198 Chapters
Chapter Hundred&Fifty-One
Alexavia's POV.I felt my legs trembling but tried as much as possible not to show it. I needed to be strong – I assured myself.I needed to do this.“I…I want to see you – please” I said nervously and the lines around his eyes furrowed.He stared at me for a long time without saying a word. Then finally, he turned around and started towards the inner room and I knew I had to follow.I gulped hard and followed him getting to the smaller room, I found him already sitting on his rocking chair.He reached for his tobacco pipe, lit it, and set it in his mouth.“So, what brings you here, Alex?” He asked gruffly.“Did your new authority send you to set me up again?”I swallowed hard again, fisting my hands beside me. I was still standing and of course, couldn’t think of taking a seat. Michael would roast me for it.“I…I need the Dark-moon serum, please” I said timidly, my eyes fixed on the floor.He scoffed.“The Dark-moon Serum?” He puffed out smoke from his nostrils.“And what do you wan
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Chapter Hundred&Fifty-Two
Alexavia's POV.My eyes dimmed the moment he called my name. Oh, goodness! I can do this. Of course, I can.His forehead was looking all sweaty already, his eyes opening and getting closed again. Even a blind man could tell how restless he felt, the pains he was going through.“Alex…” He called again.“W-What are you doing here?”His voice sounded like that of a person who was being hypnotized.Well, of course, that was how the antidote worked.It was possible he might not even recall this incident as soon as he was awake.I kept the bottle on the floor and fisted my hands in front of me. Goodness! I was too nervous.“A… Alpha” I called daily.The clock was ticking. And I was running out of time. Oh! I needed to act fast.“What happened to me…” He groaned and turned his head uncomfortably.“Who attacked me?”I swallowed the heavy lump in my throat.“We…We don’t know yet Alpha ” I answered.He groaned again and turned his head sideways. He was looking so drowsy and his eyes… looked he
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Chapter Hundred&Fifty-Three
Tracy's POVLeo's eyes dimmed.That was…That was AlexHe furrowed his brows and turned to me“What’s going on there? Why is he whipping her?” He asked.I was equally surprised and sincerely had no idea.Although I had felt something was going on, I had no idea it had to do with the rookie.“I don’t know, Leo. I’m just seeing this” I answered, showing an uncomfortable look. Uncomfortable with the fact that Leo was stressing himself. He was making me worried.He turned back to the sight, his was still burning up due to his condition.“Send a message to him” he gritted. “Tell him to stop”.I was confused. Why should he even care? He doesn’t even know why she was being punished.I hesitated, trying to see if he’d say something else. But, he didn’t and I turned around and headed for the door.*******************Alexavia POVI was almost losing consciousness as more whips landed on me. For the first time in a long time, I felt so helpless.The thought of unleashing my rage and pain on him
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Chapter Hundred&fifty-four
Ron's POVWhat?My lips attempted to move to say some protesting words, but they felt too heavy.What is Leo doing? Why would he just demote me all of a sudden?I breathed heavily and bent my head.“I understand, Alpha ” the anger was coherent in my voice.Alexavia's POVI didn’t know what to feel.Ron was no longer my trainer! Oh! I was free from him!“What about Alexavia, Leo?” Tracy chipped in.“She needs to be punished for what she did. First, she violated the rule by leaving the building. And secondly, she risked your life by using the antidote on you. She….”“A real fighter takes risks, Tracy” Alpha Leo cut in, making her go shut.“A real fighter doesn’t just sit by and cry like there’s nothing to do. He’s always ready for risks”.Tracy's jaws dropped.Hold on;No; no way. Of course, not. There’s no way he could be making jest of her.Not.“Y’all are dismissed” He continued, that tone of superiority resounding in his voice.“Alex” he called and I looked at him.“Yes Alpha” my vo
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Chapter Hundred&fifty-five
Tracy's POVI was panicking as I felt unusual pains in my waist. My head kept spinning.And suddenly, I felt some liquid running down my legs, and in fear, I dipped my hand there to have a look.blood!!!!.Argh!!” I screamed immediately, my eyes blazing bright in shock.“No!! No!!” I continued screaming, still staring at the blood stain.I didn’t exactly know why she I bleeding, but somehow, I felt I was hurt.The door went open immediately and the boys came running in, attracted by my screams.Alexavia's POVThe boys shot me a stare before rushing to Tracy on the floor and one of them carried her in his arms immediately.“What happened to her?!” The other snapped at me, but I didn’t say a word as I just bent my head in contrition.The one with Tracy ran off immediately while the other grabbed me by the hand and took me out of the room as well.While Tracy was rushed to Victor, I was taken to a quiet room that was mostly used for holding offenders captive.“What happened? Why were yo
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Chapter Hundred&Fifty-six
Alpha Leo's POVI stood facing the window as Victor explained everything to me – Tracy being pregnant without her knowledge, then losing the baby from her fight with Alexavia.He explained everything to me and when he was done, all I gave was silence as I just focused on the window, staring through it.Whatever I was thinking, I didn’t want to let it known to anyone. So, I just remained silent.“How is Tracy now?”I finally asked, after taking a deep sigh.“She’s awake now. But hasn’t spoken a word to anyone”. Victor replied and I nodded.Then, I dismissed him and he bowed and left.At one point, I felt pained and bittered that she had lost her baby; her child for me.I could imagine the pains she was passing through and wondered why it had to happen in the first place.********************Tracy's POV“Trace” Tara called softly and placed her hand on my thigh.“You need to eat something, please. You can’t just continue starving yourself, you know? Please”.I was mute as my heavy eyes o
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Chapter Hundred&Fifty-seven
Alpha Leo's POV.Longer silence passed as I just stood, staring into space.Tracy was more impatient; she couldn’t wait to hear how I would be punishing Alexavia for taking her child away.“She’ll be punished by hundred whips” I stated and a light mumbling ensued.“Leo!” Tracy shirked, not feeling satisfied at all.“That’s my final judgment, Tracy and nothing can be done to change it” I snapped back at her.Alexavia's POVMy eyes dimmed when I heard what he said.I was almost feeling like choking.Hundred whips?? How on earth would I survive that? How? I was going to pass out by the time they’d done with me.I stole a glance at Tracy whose chest was rising and falling heavily due to how angry she felt.“I’ll do it,” she said with a scrawl. I’ll do the whipping myself”.If not for how determined I was not to show my weakness, I’d have probably burst into tearsBut no. I never wanted to give my enemies the satisfaction of seeing me as weak.Alpha Leo looked at her and sighed.“Fine. Yo
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Chapter Hundred&Fifty-Eight
Alexavia's POVAlpha Leo scoffed as he lit the stick and took a drag from it.He was silent for a while, just smoking from his cigarette and I felt nervous standing so close to him.What could be going through his mind? Why was he so silent?“I didn’t let Tracy punish you” he finally said, reducing my anxiety.I felt my heart skip again.He was really behind it! He was really behind it!Ah! Of course, I knew it!“I didn’t want her to punish you that way for reasons best known to me”.He took a drag from his cigarette and puffed smoke into the air, which made me uncomfortable.Oh! I hated the smell of cigarettes, even though I've been around the worst people so far.“But it doesn’t mean you’re going entirely free, Alexavia, for what you did” he added and I looked at him.What’s he talking about?A long silence passed.“You’ll be spending the night in my room. I’m going to punish you myself” he added and walked away..I watched as he walked out of the room, slamming the door shut.I to
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Chapter Hundred&Fifty-Nine
Alexavia's POVI placed my hands on the table and was about to stand up when he finally walked in and I realized it was pointless running away because there was no escape route from there.I had been escaping the rest of the time. But this time around, I was caught; burst.“Leo” Mr. Jack called as he walked towards the dining.He sounded cheerful.I didn’t know what to do to hide my face. My hands were visibly shaking but I tried to hide them on my thighs.Leo just watched quietly as Mr. Jack walked closer. With the look on his face, I knew he wasn't aware of why he was there without informing him.“Jackson” he finally called when he stood in front of him – in front of the table.They exchanged a quick handshake and Mr. Jack kept staring down at me, must be wondering who Leo could probably be having breakfast with aside from TracyI had my eyes glued to the floor, ignoring the fact that I was meant to stand up and greet him since he was the son of the supreme Alpha. I was meant to pay
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Chapter Hundred&Forty-Nine
Alexavia's POVHe knew my fears and didn’t say a word or try to make me stand beside him. So, he just let me be.“Why did you do it, Alexavia?” He asked after a very long while of silence which was beginning to make me panic.I gulped hard and glued my eyes to the floor, my hands interlocked in front of me.Well, this was it. And I had no reason to lie anymore.“Alex…” Leo called and I could notice the impatience in his voice.He might get angry anytime soon.“I’m sorry Alpha” my voice wavered at last.I sniffed and moved a step.“My Foster parents…” I began in a timid voice.“They sold me out t…to Mr. Jack. He…and his wife auctioned me without my consent and I didn’t like the idea. I didn’t want to be sold to anyone or forced to stay with anyone. But I still obeyed him since I wasn't up to eighteen yet. I did his dirty jobs, smuggling drugs and laundering money for him. I knew it was wrong and I wanted to leave So, I… I tried to escape Mr. Jack, but he caught me several times, and ea
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