All Chapters of Mated to the play boy billionaire Alpha: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
198 Chapters
Chapter Hundred&Sixty
Alexavia's POVI sat alone in the room, my sketchbook on my lap.It’s been so long already and I've cried enough… smiled a lot…The Alpha had saved me. He listened to my pleas and saved me...Oh! How could I ever thank him enough? How possible?I looked at the book on my lap and took up my pencil.For the first time, I was going to attempt something I never thought I could do – something I've always been so scared of doing. And that was going to be. drawing a living being for the first time.And that living would be my AlphaI smiled ruefully as I started moving the pencil on the plain paper, drawing the lines of his face first.His charming image kept replaying in my head – his dark but cute eyes, slightly bushy brows, and lips….I focused so much on it, putting in my very best and as I did, a tear came rolling down my cheek – a tear of gratitude.I couldn’t imagine what would’ve happened if Mr. Jack had succeeded in getting me. I couldn’t imagine it.Finally, I can be at peace – in
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Chapter Hundred&Sixty-One
Alexavia's POV.4 Weeks Later.“Come on, Alex. You need to put in more energy. Come on!” Victor said authoritatively as I struggled to lift the dumbbells I was breathing so heavily, my muscles feeling so weak.“You’ve been so good at this, Alex – you've made serious improvements. But for the past few days… I don't understand” Victor groused and I sighed and dropped the weight lift, giving up.“I’m sorry, Victor. I told you; I…I just feel a little sick” I answered dizzily, my palm on my forehead..“But the herbs I’d given to you should’ve worked already. What’s wrong?”“Don’t worry about me, Victor. I’ll be fine”.There was a brief silence.“You should work on the punch bag. I’ll be back in a bit” he said and left and I tiredly dragged my legs to the punch bag.I wrapped my fists with a bandage and set to work immediately, hitting the punch bag effectively.Well, it’s been four weeks now and a lot has changed. I was now a full-fledged member of the Dark River clan, well also known
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Chapter Hundred&sixty-Two
Alexavia's POVI was in deep slumber when I felt a hand tap me repeatedly.“Mmhm” I grumbled and turned uncomfortably on the bed.It was Sylvia.“Hey, Alex. Wake up” she said in a husky whisper and continued taping me repeatedly.“What is it, Sylvia? Let me be” I mumbled drowsily, not getting enough sleep.“Seriously, Alex? Wake up now, will you? You’ve been sleeping for too long already”.“What do you mean too long? It isn’t up to 30 minutes yet”.“Really? I’ve been home for more than two hours now and you’ve been sleeping since then. So, get up”.I felt my head spin. Two hours??The awareness seemed to chase the sleep away as I forcefully sat up. How did I sleep that long?Two good hours?Goodness?I sighed and placed my hand on my forehead.“How are you feeling now?” Sylvia asked as she sat close to me and touched my forehead. trying to feel my body temperature.“I’m…”“Woah? You are burning up, Alex. Why are you becoming this sick?” she flinched and I just sighed despondently.I h
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Chapter Hundred&Sixty-Two
Alexavia's POVI felt his hand touch my pelvis and screamed. Oh! Goodness, he was going to do this to me! He was going to do it!“Victor… Please!” I wept.I couldn’t comprehend what had come over him – the sudden change.“Please, I’m begging you. Stop it. Please”.I tried reaching for his neck so I could bite him or something, but couldn’t. So, I reached for his arm beside me, and successfully, I was able to chomp him hard.“Agh!” He grunted and forced my face away from him.He had to struggle and in the process, his knee landed hard on my tummy again.I felt the world crumbling as I lost complete control and pushed my head backward.I was too feebled to scream this time around as I just muffled my cries and wrapped my hand around my tummy again.Oh Gosh! What was happening to me?Tears burnt my eyes as I felt so helpless and in pain. The fact that a stranger was touching me that way was already something I could hardly digest. Not to mention the pains he was making me feel.I whimper
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Chapter Hundred&Sixty-Three
Alpha Leo's POVI was walking in the dark with my boys when I spotted a lady running.For a moment, I stopped and watched her, trying to figure out what was wrong with her.I saw when she stopped running and sat on the floor, cuddling herself up and with the twinkle of an eye, I realized it was Alexavia.My brows arched a little.She looked pained, embittered, as I took slow strides towards her.What could be wrong with her this time?Alexia's POVMy eyes were still closed with my head leaned against the wall when I heard some footsteps – not just far away but close enough.I snapped my eyes open immediately and could swear my heart stopped beating when I saw who it was.Wait… Leo???Every pain in my body got flushed out as my eyes dilated in shock and I sprang to my feet. Although, the speed I had used in getting up was out of the world and had caused me a little pain. But I tried not to make groan towards it.I didn’t notice my hand was still lying across my frontal waist until Alph
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Chapter Hundred&Sixty-Four
Alexavia's POVI nuzzled myself tight as My hands were sheathed on my shoulders I followed my sister to the bathroom getting there, I found the test strip in her hand.It was looking like… a thin piece of paper.“Pee in the bowl over there” Sylvia instructed and I gulped hard and walked to the bowl.I pulled down my panties and peed into the bowl, then stood up afterward.“Good” She mumbled as she took the bowl and inserted the strip into it.I clasped my palms together as I watched her, my blood surging faster than it should in my veins.The memories came flashing into my head – memories of how the Alpha has, had several copulations with me. And Sylvia was right; I didn’t take the pills all the time.Oh Gosh! I wanted the results to be negative. I just felt so… scared..How could I be pregnant for Leo? For someone that’s been avoiding me for the past few weeks? What on earth would I do? The whole thing just sounded so impossible to me.I couldn’t believe…motherhood was knocking on m
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Chapter Hundred&Sixty-Five
Alexavia's POV.Alpha Leo dropped the bottle when he had gotten the quantity he wanted, and then turned around with the glass.“What were you doing there?” He added.He was leaning against the table, facing me and I was grateful I was backing him. Else, I really wouldn’t know what to do.“I…” my mind scoured through for words.I thought quickly for a perfect excuse, but ideas were seeming to run far from me.“I’m… I’m sorry I mean… I was feeling kind of sick and needed medical attention”. I gulped hard.His brows arched a little.“And Victor wasn’t there to help?” He asked and my heart resumed racing faster.Oh Gosh! There’s no way he could’ve known, right? How did the boys see us in the first place?I ran my eyes on the floor, looking for what to say.A part of my mind told me to speak the truth But the other part felt so scared – so scared I couldn’t explain it“Alex?” He called and his cold voice shook me a little.“It’s…It’s kind of a female personal problem, Alpha” I swallowed h
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Chapter Hundred&Sixty-six
Alexavia's POV.I was still unable to say a word as I was overly shocked.I couldn’t believe he still hadn’t let go of me and was still in for vengeance.“I know what you must be thinking,” he said. “I know you must think I brought you here for revenge. But you’re wrong, Alexavia.Wrong, because you’re here for an entirely different purpose”.He paused and got hold of my jaws, holding them tightly.“I’ll be having my revenge sweetly” he added and let go of my jaw.I flinched a little.“What do you want?’ I asked with furrowed brows and he smirked and got hold of my hair, yanking it hard.“Agh” I gave a slight groan.“You don’t get to ask me questions, young lady. Do you understand?” He gritted and I nodded painfully.Then, he released my hair and stood up.“But, anyway, you’ll get to know soon enough” he added and left***************Alpha Leo's POV“How did it happen?” I asked as I stood with my Delta and the boys in the room.“According to Sylvia, they were on their way to the inf
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Chapter Hindred&Thirty-Seven
Sylvia's POV.“I’m sorry…” My voice trailed off, although I had no idea why I was being sorry.Leo's brows furrowed, together with a crumpled look that accompanied it as he stared at me on my knees."Pregnant? Alexavia was pregnant?"“For who?” He muttered and I looked at him“Who’s responsible for it?”I would’ve said I was almost surprised he was asking such a question, but hell, I wouldn’t blame him.“F… For…For you, Alpha” I answered, my eyes going back to the floor.There was Something about that felt different.He scoffed and turned around, backing me.I wanted to talk further, to explain why we didn’t tell him about it and decided to do it on our own.To explain how scared Alex had been and couldn’t think of telling him to his face.I wanted to explain everything to him, but then, considering the tension of the situation, I just decided to keep shut about to avoid getting into more trouble.I knew Leo. Any wrong word or action could get him angry at the moment.He was silent f
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Chapter Hundred&Sixty-Eight
Cruz's POV“How dare you, Leo! How dare you? If you release the rest of your mutants they will still come for her, she’s still gonna die!” Gunther groused.His voice was filled with so much anger, so much rage.“Yeah. But I’ll be certain you would be dead as well. Your legacy will burn in less than an hour, Gunther. It’d burn to dust. You have 14 minutes left”. He answered and ended the call...Sylvia's POVI was standing quietly in front of the window, not doing anything in particular.My head was heavy and couldn’t even think of anything else.In a few hours from now, her sister was going to be killed. This was going to be the end of her.Oh! If only I had known, if only I had foreseen such an act, we wouldn’t have left the building in the first place. Or when the men had attacked us by the roadside, I’d have fought harder. Why didn’t I give it my best, huh? Why?I shook my head painfully.This was all because of our ill fates, if not...If our parents were still alive none of the
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