All Chapters of Mated to the play boy billionaire Alpha: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
198 Chapters
Chapter Hundred&Forty-One
Sylvia's POV.I came out of the cab and walked to the other side of the road to meet her – Patricia.She was walking to and fro, a little cigarette in her hand.“The fuck, Sylvia. You kept me waiting for too long. Do you think I’m a statue?” She grouse as I got close.“Take a chill pill, Pat. I’m sorry, okay? Got held up in traffic”, I reacted with an eye roll.“Fine! So, what’s this about? You said It was important?” She asked and I looked around.Patricia was a close friend from another clan and I felt I could trust her.“Yeah…I need your help, Pat. I…I need you to go somewhere with me” I said..“Somewhere? Where’s that?”.I licked my lips. I could trust her, right?“The twin sister I never thought I had, suddenly showed up at the clan and insists on staying. She’s so determined but I know she’s hiding something.There’s a particular reason that’s made her come looking for me and is making her stay. And I want to find out, Pat. I want to know why she came and what her real missio
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Chapter Hundred&Forty-Two
Alexavia's POV.Ron grabbed me by the hand and started hauling me out of the room.He couldn’t wait to see what Leo was going to do to me. He was going to deal with me. Definitely.Although he was a little angry he’d interfered in his plans of having his way with me, he decided to wave it aside and see what happens next.I, on the other hand, was patently panicking as we headed for the room.What was he going to do to me? Did I disobey him again?Oh! If only I had known. But I had no idea he was watching. I had no clue at all.We finally got to the room and Ron pushed me in.Alpha Leo was facing the table, opening a bottle of wine.“You can leave, Ron” he stated calmly and Ron’s eyes dimmed.Huh? He’d thought he’d be punishing me in front of him.He fumed and glared at me. Then, bowed and left the room.My breath almost seized as I realized I was alone in the room with him – again.I interlocked my fingers in front of me and stared at the floor while he poured himself some drink.whe
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Chapter Hundred&Forty-three
Patricia's POVI knocked on the wooden door, but there was no reply.I adjusted my purse around my wrist and knocked again, but there was still no response. Was anyone even at home?I looked around and knocked again and finally, someone opened up.It was a woman and with her description, I guessed she must be the woman Sylvia saw she first came here.“Hi. Good day, ma’am” I said with a smile while the woman stared uncomfortably at me.“Yeah. Good day. How can I help you?” she asked with a scan from my head to toe.I hesitated for a little, then asked:“Um….This is where Kevin Garnett lives, right?”“Kelvin Garnett?” The woman repeated.“Who’s Kelvin?”“Kelvin. You know? That black chubby guy. He told me lives here”.The woman shook her head negatively.“I don’t think you’re in the right place. There’s no Kelvin Garnett here. You should probably check the next street”. The woman replied and I mouthed an “oh”, looking frustrated.“Okay, ma’am. Thanks for your time. But um…. can I get a
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Chapter Hundred&Forty-Four
Sylvia's POV.She walked back to the spot where I was waiting for her and as soon as I spotted her, I left where I was seated and ran to her.“How was it?” I asked anxiously, my eyes reflecting my desperation.Pat placed her hand on her waist and sighed.“I’m not sure I got exactly what you wanted, Girl. That woman was too secretive and wouldn’t utter a word about it” she replied.“Damn it! Don’t tell me we came all the way here for nothing, Pat!” I said angrily.“Stay calm, will you?” Pat scoffed“Anyway, as I said, the woman wouldn’t utter a word about it. But her daughter said something quite interesting.“When I had asked if they had someone living with them, the little girl suddenly said she had a sister.“The woman countered her immediately and it was more like she didn’t want her to talk. So, I looked for a way to distract her, send her out of the room, and when she left, I took the little time I had to question the little girl.“I asked what she knew about her sister and she
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Chapter Hundred&Forty-five
Alexia's POVI had found my way to the kitchen all by myself. Yeah, I had vowed not to ask anyone else so I don't seven any more bitches.“Oh, my! Look at whom we have here!! The blue eyes lady!” Caroline giggled as soon as she spotted me.She was putting on an apron and had been stirring something in a pot.“Hi” I forced a smile.It almost looked fake to me.“Hello there. How are you doing?” she asked, warmly.So warmly, it made me feel loosened up.“I’m fine, I guess. I need… something to eat”“Oh! Of course. Take a seat and I’ll be done in a jiffy” she winked at me and I smiled and took a seat.The kitchen was quite big and stuffed. There were only a few ladies working at the moment, but so many boys kept trooping in, coming to take food, drink, or something else.In a short while, Caroline attended to me with a sumptuous meal and I began eating immediately.“In case you need anything, just signal me” she winked at me again and walked away and I focused on her meal.***************
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Chapter Hundred&Forty-Six
Alexavia's POV.His breath was deep and rough. And mine wasn’t any different. It was worst.I winced as I forced my legs down from mid-air. They hurt so bad from being kept in that position for so long.I turned tiredly to the other side. Oh! How do I leave? How do I do it?I could barely move my legs. They were hurting so badly. I was confused and wondered if the Alpha was mad at me and that was probably the reason he was that rough on me. That could be the only explanation.My soft whimpers could be heard as I made to leave the bed. One leg out, but I suddenly heard;“It’s still raining out there. You can stay here for the night”.My heart stopped beating twice.It was from Leo!!Oh! He probably might not know it, but he was doing me the biggest favor of the year.I don't know what I'd say to my sister when I went to our room.My eyes were too heavy and I was too drowsy to think about the incongruity of the offer.I was still in pain and not having the strength to wonder my mind ab
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Chapter Hundred&forty-Seven
Alexavia's POVThe door opened immediately and I turned to see my twin sister walking in.Oh, no! My heart skipped repeatedlyI gulped nervously and tried walking away, but She knew what I was about doing, and called me back.“Alex!” Her voice was strict.I paused and turned to look at her.“Hey” I greeted nervously, my eyes fixed on the floor.She didn’t reply but only came closer to me.“Are you alright?” She asked, her voice sounding calm.She knew what had happened in Alpha Leo's room. She knew he had called me for sex. I mean, it was obvious.“I’m..I’m fine” I answered hoarsely.“Where did you sleep last night?” She asked.She must be wondering what had happened after the sex because I didn’t come back to our room.“He….He asked me to spend the night in his room” Octavia replied nervously, gulping as well.Her eyes dimmed.“He did!?” She asked, patently shocked.That was almost impossible.“So you…you had slept on the floor throughout the night!”I shook my head:” I…I don’t think
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Chapter Hundred&Forty-eight
Unknown POV.“Urgh!” He grunted and kicked the table.“How dare he?” I roared. “How dare Leonard go against me in the presence of the other clan Alphas?!”I was beaten by anger. The meeting had ended up a little bloody as a fight ensued between some of us.“I need to teach him a lesson – a lesson he’s sure not to forget. Burke!!” I called my Gemma and he came running towards me.“Yes alpha” he bowed.“I want you to get the venom ready before we leave for the party” I spoke spitefully.“You want to use it on Alpha Leo?” He asked, a little surprised.The venom was bound to kill once it reaches its target.“Yes. I’m going to make sure he doesn’t leave that party alive. Make sure there’re no mistakes” I groaned and Burke bowed and left.Alexavia's POV.A little more time and Sylvia arrived. I was happy and relieved because she was the closest person I knew.We went into the room together and we both got dressed for the party because the other members of the clan were already leaving."
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Chapter Hundred&Forty-Nine
Alexia's POVI felt my heart drop out of my chest as I stared at the sight in front of me.There was no mistake; it had happened right in my presence.Leo….the Alpha was shot! He was shot!Hah! How did it happen??He has been attacked!“Leo !!” Tracy screamed again, gripping him tight as he groaned with the arrow stuck in his chest.The entire place was already in chaos; his pack and Beta running at different angles while shifting into their wolves and going toward the direction of the arrow.While the Gamma and a few boys ran up immediately and lifted Leo – carefully.He was still conscious, but it was obvious the arrow was affecting him as grunted painfully from time to time.“Help him! Take him out of here!!” Tracy screamed at the top of her voice as the men leaned Leo on themselves and led him out of the party.That was when I realized I was still on my knees.I stiffened and stood up immediately, confused as to where to go or what to do.My eyes were pinned on Alpha Leo the whole
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Chapter Hundred&Fifty
Sylvia's POV“Ron is your trainer and if he finds out you secretly left the building, he’s going to punish you, Alex. Definitely” I continued“ But even if you don’t get caught and succeed in getting the antidote to Leo, what if it doesn’t work? What if it only worsens his condition and kills him immediately? They’ll blame his death on you and they will kill you, Alex. They’ll kill you”.“Well, Maybe they don’t need to know” she tried putting her fears aside.“Maybe… I should leave without telling any of them. Then, if I succeed, and it works, I’ll tell them it was done by me. But if it doesn’t work, and he…. dies”, she paused and gulped hard.“Then, I guess I’ll just keep quiet and it would remain our secret”.I scoffed and shook my head. Then, I turned around to look at her.“Michael would never give you that Darm-moon serum. I know him, Alex” I spoke icily.“Maybe you do. But I’ll… I’ll give it a try” she answered nervously. “Just… help me get out of here”.I shook my head and turn
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