All Chapters of Mated to the play boy billionaire Alpha: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
198 Chapters
Chapter Hundred&Twenty-One
Supreme Luna's POV(Frida)Everything is set. It’s a good thing Jaden was able to take care of it. He’s made me proud indeed.Now, it's time to take what these monsters took from me.I smirked as I brought out my phone and dialed a number.**Aunt Shirley's POV(Olivia's Aunt)Oh Gosh! Where could Olivia be?I panicked as I hurriedly went through my things on the table and packed my bag. I wasn’t thinking straight anymore. How can Olivia be kidnapped? For what reason?For the first time in months she reached out to me, and we spoke for a while. I even spoke with her mate and I had promised them that I'd come but getting a call from Alpha Kurt asking about her whereabouts wasn't sitting well with me.I had to travel down to Great lake, I had left that city for the past Eighteen years but today something particular is taking me back there.I just hope it isn't what I dreaded.I grabbed my phone and scuttled out of my table.“We are taking a break, lectures are over for the rest of the da
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Chapter Hundred&Twenty-Two
Jaden's POV“She’s my daughter” her words resounded in my head.I scoffed and looked at her. No; I probably didn’t hear her correctly.Of course.I looked at Olivia and she was holding her tummy, her eyes filled with the expected shock.Then, I took my eyes back to mother.“What’re you talking about?” I asked, my voice coming out faintly.She looked at the floor and clapped her hands and immediately, two men came into the room.“Take her back to her room” she ordered them and they went for Olivia on the bed.“No!” She muttered as she stood on her feet with the men holding her by both hands.“What’re you talking about?” She asked weakly, looking at mother.Mom signaled at the men and they took her out of the room. Then, I was left with just her.I looked at her and didn’t say a word, expecting her to start talking immediately.“Sit down, Jaden,” she said.“Don’t even tell me that” I blurted.“I need you to…”“I need an explanation!” I cut her off raucously.“Or was that just a lie?”“I
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Chapter Hundred&Twenty-Three
Olivia's POVI couldn’t tell why the men had me tied up after bringing me back to the room. I thought the so-called Luna said she didn’t want me to get hurt.I was so restless and scared – and confused. What did Jaden's mother mean by saying I was her daughter? Was that a lie or what?Of course, it was a lie! There was no way that could be true. She can’t possibly be my mother. I mean, I wouldn’t be here in the first place – tied up like a slave.I breathed out deeply. What could her reasons be for bringing me here? Whatever they are, they’re not good. How do I get out of here?Oh, Goddess! My baby.Thank goodness there was no bleeding yet. At least, it meant the baby was still safe. I just hope I get out of this alive. I hope Kurt gets to meet me completely with his cub inside of me. I hope nothing goes wrong.Suddenly, the door opened and two men came in, one holding a knife.I furrowed my brows in surprise and wondered what they were up to again.“Hold her down,” one of the men sai
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Chapter Hundred&Twenty Four
Paige's POVI stood beside Olivia’s bed in the infirmary as the doctor checked her with his stethoscope.She was still sleeping but according to the doctor, she’ll be fine.Alpha Kurt was sitting on the edge of the bed, holding her hand. while his Aunt and Alpha Kurt's sister Rainbow were also standing – hopefully.Making me wonder where the supreme Luna could be, while her daughter-in-law was bedridden.“Double the dosage,” the doctor said to the nurse on the other side of the bed and she nodded and did something to the drip.“Doctor, how’s she?” Alpha Kurt's aunt asked immediately and the doctor sighed and brought down the stethoscope from his ear.“Like I earlier said, she’s fine. You don’t have a thing to worry about. And the baby’s fine as well” he replied and I took in a deep breath.Wait for what?The baby?My bestie is pregnant!!“So…she was pregnant?” alpha Kurt's Aunt asked and the doctor just nodded to that.“She’ll be awake soon and might be very hungry. So, I’d suggest yo
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Chapter Hundred&Twenty-Five
Alpha Kurt's POVI furrowed my brows as I looked at him. What’s he talking about? What’s wrong with the fetus?I was scared to ask but just needed him to spill it out right away.He looked at the paper again before handing it to me.I collected it hesitantly and looked into it. What’s this?“Alpha Kurt” he continued.“It's not just "a baby"…but babies”.My eyes beamed immediately as my lips dropped open.What??I flinched as I looked into the paper again. Then, I understood what the diagram meant. It was a sonogram revealing two curled-up babies.Oh, my Goddess!“Although, we can’t fully detect their genders for now because the pregnancy is still in the final stage of its first trimester plus the position of twins. But the most important thing is, she’s carrying a set of twins” he added.I smiled as a happy tear almost escaped my eye. My Olivia’s carrying a set of twins??I left the paper and looked up at her. She was still fast asleep.“When will she be awake, doctor? Please?” I said
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Chapter Hundred&Twenty-Six
Olivia's POVI looked in amazement as they walked in. I hadn’t seen her since the end of our first semester.And oh! There was someone else with her – a young charming boy.“What are you doing here?” Kurt asked her immediately he turned and saw her.“Please, I’m not here for trouble. I…I just came to see Olivia – to say hi to her”. She replied instantly, raising her both hands in the air.They walked in fully into the room, her son beside her.“Come on Shirley, let’s talk outside,” Kurt's aunt said to my aunt and they left the room together.“Um…hi Olivia ” Maxine cleared her throat and said.“Hi aunt Olivia,” her son said in a sweet tone.“Mummy told me about you”.Huh? She did?'‘Hi,” I tried to smile back at him.“How are you feeling now?” He asked and I was amused at the smartness in his voice.“I’m fine”.“Hi,” the young boy said warmly.“Hi” I replied, wondering who he was, tho.Kurt was just fuming and didn’t say a word to anyone.“Um…Olivia” Maxine called after a brief pause.
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Chapter Hundred&Twenty-Seven
Olivia's POV“Kurt, come on…, just stop!” I said in deep breaths and he pulled out of me almost immediately.He carried me up in his arms like a baby and left the bathroom, returning to the bedroom.He laid me gently on the bed and surprisingly, spread my legs apart.What’s he doing?He came in between my legs and inserted his d*ck into me again.What?“Kurt…” I called helplessly as he started moving in and out of me, harder than he’s ever moved.Oh Gosh!I shut my eyes and moaned as loud as I could.Kurt was something else.He kept thrusting for a while, making sure I was taking his full size.“Come on, kiss me,” he said in a rough breath and brought his lips closer to mine.I reached for them and took them into my mouth, kissing them perfectly while he continued drilling me.After a while, he pulled out of me and fell flat beside me on the bed, trying to catch his breath.For a moment, we were quiet, both trying to catch our breath.I just hope he doesn’t kill me with this someday.
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Chapter Hundred&Twenty-Eight
Olivia's POVI ran to our car to see if I can drive it closer to where he was but found out both the front tires were busted by bullets.Oh, Goddess! What do I do?I ran back tk where Kurt was, lying on the ground and struggling to breathe."Hey! Baby. Stay with me. Stay with me okay? You will be fine. "" Help! Help! Somebody! Anybody?"Help us, please!I yelled and broke down in tears holding my mate in my hands as his blood doused my shirt.In a moment, I heard a van pull over and I took a sigh of relief as I slowly land Kurt on his back to go ask for help." Hi! Sir, can you please help?" I said to the man that had come out of the van and was standing in front of me in utter silence." Sir, please..." Right before I could finish a sentence I heard a loud bang on my head and I blacked out.********Five Months later.Here I am locked up in a cell, I have no idea where I am or whatever that is going on.All I could remember was the tragic incident that separated me from my love.I
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Chapter Hundred&Twenty-Nine
Eighteen Years Later.Alexavia's POVI wheezed as I ran speedily across the street, the armed men chased after me like a wanted criminal.I was breathing so heavily, with my bag hung around her neck and dangling in the air.Unfortunately, I stumbled over a stone and fell on the floor, hurting my ankle In the process.“Ah”, I winced as the pain niggled at her.Remembering the authorities were still after me, I jumped on my feet so I could resume running, but a bullet flew above my head and I froze.“Don’t move!” A voice yelled.“Hands in the air!”“Now!”I folded my lips and lifted my hands above my head. I could feel them coming close from behind.“Interlock your fingers behind your head and get on your knees,” another said.Their guns were all pointing at me.“I haven’t done anything wrong” I replied, my voice sounding a little hoarse.“Get on your knees, kid! Now!” Another yelled and I did as they said, falling to my knees.“Just let me go” I growled. ‘"I don’t wanna hurt anyone”.
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Chapter Hundred&Thirty
Alexavia's POVThe train came to a stop and just like everyone else, I got off and proceeded to the road to get a cab.I had the turf of my hoodie over my head and kept my gaze on the floor.I was always told while growing up that I was different from other kids, but my mother made me understand that being different is beautiful no matter who you are.I grew up not fancying what other girls my age liked, like princess parties and dressing up.For a girl like me, I like dressing up in my pants and T-shirts.The only thing that people ever complimented about me was my blue eyes.My life has been a rough one as I was growing up in my little family. It was just me and mom but she died last two years, while she was sixteen, leaving me and my twin whom I'd never met before in my life.However, it was my mother's last wish and I must do my best to fulfill them.Today marks my eighteenth birthday, and so far I was only able to dream while I was little. I have no intention of going to college
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