All Chapters of These Maddening Desires : Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
384 Chapters
Hate Me
The maid looked awkward to respond. There were hesitation on her face as she wrung her hands together, looking more and more nervous as time passes. Josie cleared her throat, “I won’t tell anyone that you say anything today and I will be sure to give you reward.”Hearing the word ‘reward’ the maid’s eyes sparkled. She looked happy and even eager. She managed to cool down her expression and finally spoke. “From what everyone know, milady. They were never once in a good relationship,” the maid answer with a tone that was low, still frightened someone would hear them.Josie expected the answer as Shawn had told to her about it before. He told her that he wasn’t one to be open with his emotions. Thus he was never good at expressing his own love for his older brother. She understood that but she also felt this wasn’t enough for an answer. “Well have they ever been in a fight?”“Of course, many time even,” answered the maid quickly without thinking, as if the fight had occurred for too m
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Cursed Castle
Josephine couldn't tell why she felt hurt hearing Shawn's upset tone. Even though deep down she was wary of him for being the enemy against her sister, she felt really close to Shawn. She couldn't tell if it was all acting and if it is, why did he looked so hurt now that she had stopped trusting him? Was it because he was upset his little naive friend had found out the truth?Regardless, Josie decided that she should stop trusting blindly on what she sees. Her eyes could lie and people emotions could be faked so sincerely that she wouldn't know the difference of the sincere emotions and the false one.Josie recalled again when the High Authorities had came. Shawn had shown them the wounds that Lady Ashley had given to him by whips, showing that the person who was suffering under the Duchess was not only Dominic but him. She pursed her lips, wanting to know the truth which mean only to meet Lady Ashely but she was refused flatly by Shawn.Josie bite her lips, pondering on her next acti
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New Power
When Rose opened her eyes, she could only stare at the ceiling before a sharp pain ache on the back of her head. She slowly pushed herself from the bed, wanting to sit up as her body felt stiff for lying on the bed for too long when she felt the weight on her hand. Lifting her blurred vision, she found Dominic who was holding to her hand while his head was rested on the bedside. He felt the small movement from the bed and slowly opened his eyes. Seeing her lovely face, it took him a while to make sure this was not in his dream before he pulled her into his embrace. His words were hoarse when he spoke, "I thought I would have gone mad.""I'm sorry," she whispered, placing her hands on his back. "You don't have to apologize. I didn't know that you felt ill but I thought I have told you the importance of telling me whether you are sick or not," Dominic looked into her green eyes, his concern was brimming. He could still remember his panic on the rainy day to find Rose walking to him ba
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Meet The King
The sky outside the carriage turns cloudier as they rode toward the most luxurious castle in Agios. Rose and Dominic had came alone as Lord Salem and Lady Catherine decided to stay at the mansion and let the children greet the King on their own, believing they need their own time to get their questions answered. Before they had left, Rose saw Dominic who had talked with his grandparents, whispering with a faint frown between his forehead before he left the mansion. Now that they were alone, Rose curiously questioned, "What did you talked about with your grandparents?""A little about Andrius, I heard he wouldn't be able to come due to previous arrangement but I convinced them we could meet the King alone and it shouldn't be difficult," Dominic felt Rose's eyes that lingered and continued, "They also told me about Starvos and to pardon him if he had said anything that could offend us, since his words tend to be on the harsh side."Rose hummed, recalling her conversation with Starvos,
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King’s Offer
Rose was glad to see the King to be a man with an understanding and politeness. He seemed to be open handed on receiving their arrival and even seemed interested in Dominic, his cousin who he had just first met. She breathe in relieve as her first worry had been solved. They continue to the sitting room where maid quickly rushed in after them to offer them the pretty blue teacups and refreshment. Although the food looked utterly delicious, Rose wasn't in particular mood to eating, feeling nervousness creeping up from her finger when Aleks look at her. "A human," he hummed, seeing Rose. "Have anyone told you the probability of human species in Agios?"Rose shook her head, wondering to herself if humans were more compared to werewolves, or was it the opposite. "It is 2 out of ten," he answered, looking back at Dominic, "It's unusual for werewolves to decide on spending the rest of their life with a human. Not that because they share different beliefs but also the fact how mates bond
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The Sorceress
Dominic for a second thought and imagined how his father would despair if he was to know how the things he works for would be destroyed in front of his eyes. He also could tell how his father had always hated losing, which was one of the reason he still kept his mother confined in the castle despite not having a single feeling toward her anymore. Rose for a moment wondered if deep in his heart he had regret to his father and perhaps still want to mend the broken relationship between him and his father but upon looking at his firm gaze, she doubted the thought. All this time, the Duke watched as he was killed. He never intervened, he never cared about his existence, nor did he ever loved Lady Elizabeth.If he did loved her, would he had drove her to taking her own life?For someone to be driven to the edge to the point where they wish they could leave the world means there must have been something deep that the Duke had done that had truly left a deep scar to Lady Elizabeth's heart. H
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Most Possessive
The informations which was given by Starvos wasn’t a lot but it meant more than knowing nothing about the sorcerers. She pondered a little why the sorceress still lend her help toward the humans if they were clearly using her. It seemed odd how she only use her power when needed as though she was pushed to the corner. She then looked back at Starvos, “What was the food she couldn’t eat?”“Something along the line of herbs that are always used in Agios. While it’s not famous in Essex, it appeared that she once visited Agios to eat the dinner, deciding to whether agree with the peace talk or not, I didn’t know how the King managed to invite her but she did came,” continued Starvos before he sighed, giving a bad sign, “But all of a sudden after a bite to the food that was given, she began to coughed up blood,, showing signs of being poisoned. She said something about the herbs being dangerous to her and accused the King for wanting to kill her under pretense of forming a peace treaty.”
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Regret And Grateful
After a long while, Dominic didn’t came back with Starvos. Rose, who was alone, had decided to take a stroll inside the castle as the King had allowed her to. As she did, she met the servants who smiled upon meeting her gaze and she noted how they were much more friendlier compared to the servants back in the Duchy’s house. Not knowing where to go, she had decided to admire the paintings that were settled on the gallery. In contrast to the red wall was the beautiful paintings of people and landscapes. Not long after, Dominic stood beside her. She lifted her face, turning and tilting her head as she couldn’t find Starvos near him.“He said he needed to talk to the King,” Dominic continued, having her to nod. “How did your talk went with him?” She carefully touched the topic as she found he admired the paintings after her. “Did you talked about your mother?”Dominic shook his head, “I didn’t ask. I thought when I saw him, I wanted to ask about the side of my mother that I hadn’t seen
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Not Love
Away inside the forest, darkness filled all edge of the land as the sky had turned dark. Most people had fallen asleep, even those people who were busy and slept late had retired to their houses that night. The guards in the castle gave a yawn as they were too tired to stay in front of the castle’s gate. Shawn stood in front of his mother who was lying ill. He only stared at her, frighteningly studying her chest that moved up and down. When the door to the room opened, the servant was startled by his appearance as the darkness didn’t allow for her to see who was present in the room. Shawn didn’t comment, watching how the maid slowly came beside Lady Ashley, giving her food. Lady Ashley quickly savored what was given to her, as though she had been starved and desperately needed the food to enter her stomach. Even though he was there, his mother couldn’t see him anymore. Even though he knew the maid had worked under Dominic for a long time and was giving poison to his mother, he didn’t
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Advance Payement
The sorcerer appeared to have money and the men wanted him for it. To kill wasn’t a foreign thought for the men who wanted to survive in the slums as robbing was easier than making money which was impossible for them and no one agreed in giving people like them a chance to work. As deaths weren’t unusual and they had been pushed too far to the edge, they had no choice but to attack the sorcerer who was alone.The same first man stepped forward, putting his sharp knife out, “If you want to leave this place unscathed give me your money and belongings! Now!” He demanded as the sorcerer didn’t move. “You guys,” spoke the sorcerer who was not daunted by the fact there were five men who was ready to kill him if he had not agreed to their conditions. “Why would you want to rob? I will give you money if you decide to help me in my little plan.”The men were confused and startled of how he had given them an offer in such a time where they had planned to kill him and steal all his wealth. The
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