All Chapters of These Maddening Desires : Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
384 Chapters
Second Warning-II
“Yes,” Rose whispered. She stood up beside him. Holding the lantern in her hands, her eyes closed. There were many things that she was worried about. She was worried of her sister’s safety. She was worried about her parents. She was concerned of Dominic’s relationship with his family but all she thought when making a wish was only one.She only wanted for the most beloved man in this world who had meant treasures in her life to always be surrounded by happiness and protected from any dangers. She poured her simple wish to the lantern. Even though she wasn’t sure if the lantern could grant her wish, she hoped that it could at least helped for her wish to be heard by the angels and god above. Dominic watched her long lashes that were closed. As she made her wish, he had also made his. Like Rose, he doesn’t believe in making wishes. He couldn’t put his trust on an inanimate object when some of his wishes wouldn’t take place until he endeavored to make it to reality. But he didn’t see
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Second Warning-III
Rose looked forward to find Dominic’s back as he talked with the coachman before turning her head back to the woman who continued to smile while looking at her. She decided to continue talking with the kind woman, “Yes, it’s my first time. Are you a local here?”“I have spent all my entire life in Agios,” she responded gently in a smile. “I see that your lover is waiting for a carriage? I know someone who could help you if you would want one.”Rose respectfully shook her head, “It’s alright, I think the coach should arrive soon.” While the woman was kind, Rose wasn’t naive enough to agree with anyone’s invitation. She knew how dangerous it is to trust a stranger. “Well, that’s a shame. How about this instead?” The woman extended her hands, “I learn a few tricks. I don’t know if you believe it but would you like to try and read your future?”Rose blinked, feeling a sense of déjà vu. This wasn’t the first time she has someone who wants to read her future, isn’t it? She recalled how Dom
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Sorcerers Lair-I
Sounds of crackling rings in the room and the uniform drop of water continue drips from the sink disturbed her sleep. Josephine opened her eyes slowly, looking at the ceiling above her where it was painted white. She stared at the empty space for a long time that almost felt like hours. She didn't seem to be in her mind as she was confused of where she was. She threaded her memories, then recalling how she had witness a kidnapping and the silver haired man who suddenly appeared before her, putting her to sleep!Where was she?! Josie jumped from the bed at once, pushing away the thick duvet that had covered her body. As her feet landed on the cold floor, she looked to her left where she didn’t notice the small creature that had been waiting for her to wake up from her dream. “AAAAA!!!” A loud scream erupted from Josie’s lips as she fell backward to the bed, staring at the moving doll that stared its wide blue eyes toward her. The doll was made from porcelain. Its creamy skin gleamed
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Sorcerers Lair-II
There was nothing for Josie to debate. The silver haired man wasn’t just strange, he was crazy! She didn’t know how he had made her fell asleep at once or how did the doll able to move its limbs as if its alive but she was certain something terrible would happen if she stays here. Why would someone put a window over the walls? It was as if he was trying to confine something inside the house, frightening her. As she tries to find the way out, Josie heard the click of footsteps and quickly hid herself beside the glass case on the hallway. Her breaths began to stifle as she heard the sound getting louder, signaling the person who was walking nearer. A sigh could be heard from the same person, “Not here.”“Not here?” The other man asked. Turns out there wasn’t only one person but two! Or perhaps more as Josie heard the additional footsteps to the group. She gulped, feeling the urge to run away but felt that she shouldn’t leave now. “Where is that girl?” Clicked the tongue of the second
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Sorcerers Lair-III
Panic surged through Josie’s nerves as she could feel time ticking when the men’s footsteps grew closer to her. Running away from them, she looked around to find a door. Quickly opening the door, she had led herself inside, finding that the room was empty with three bookshelves that covered all the three sides of the room except of the door. She looked around, thinking where she could hide herself as the room was too small for her to hide and directed her eyes to the boxes located near the bookshelves which contained old tattered books.“Maybe she’s here?” The voice of the men grew closer when Josie pushed her back to the door. She panicked as she knew the men would search into the room as it was the only room that had been left open. She began to rethink her choices, regretting she didn’t choose to hide inside the old prison cell instead and perhaps she could escape from their notice. But knowing she didn’t have time, Josie jumped into a box that were empty. Her breaths tightened a
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Escaping Away-I
Gulping down her nervousness, she stepped down the staircase. She didn't know how deep it would be and could only go blindly. Fortunately there was the light coming from the top of the staircase, she thought to herself. At least this allow her to look deeper to the staircase that rolled in front of her. This should help her even if it was for a little—Josie's thought was cut off as the door behind her moved on its own and shut itself, startling her. Looking at her back, she was surprised to see how the door had closed itself. She had truly come to a haunted house! She screamed in her mind. She wanted to run away but how? There was no other way for her other than to proceed forward or to walk back. Slowly dragging her feet up, she tried to open the door that had decided to lock itself. She frowned as no matter how much energy her frail hand used to push the door it was unmoving. She tried to search for a lock or a door knob to no avail. She clicked her tongue, using her hands to
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Escaping Away-II
Isaac had clearly hired men to go after Josephine. Right before he had left, he had placed an item that she always brought which would be similar to a tag that would tell him where she is located at, allowing for those men to follow and hunt for her. He didn’t expect for someone who would look so similar to Josephine based on his master’s description. He took a moment of silence before bowing his head and leaving the room to find the bodies of the man that his master had took care of. Upon reaching the hallway, he found that it was indeed the four men he had hired. Their face was spared as their chests had been stabbed, making it easy for him to make sure it was indeed Josie who his master wanted to find for.But why?!Isaac had a bad feeling. He sped forward and bent down to find the item he had given toward the men which was a locket that would glow upon the time he got closer to Josie. As the locket was able to show direction, it was easier for him to follow her.Josie who saw the
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Escaping Away-III
Josie had not noticed what was wrong. She wasn't close enough to Cain to know while he was a cold man he wouldn't have brushed aside her questions thoughtlessly. She didn't know either that truthfully he has a scar on the back of his wrist that didn't appear when he had pushed aside the bushes that covered their path, neither was the fact that Cain was behaving strangely."Followed me?" She questioned again, still oblivious, "As I said, I thought you were asleep. Did you woke up when I was taken away by them?"Cain didn't respond that had her to hurry near him. "Wait, Cain," she called him for him to finally stop his hasty steps. She sighed out of relief as he finally took concern of her. He then turned his face with a deep frown making Josie to look at him in baffle."I know I'm slow but you don't have to look that angry..." she whispered to herself. "You do know that I was just kidnapped, don't you? I don't have much of energy. So while I know you are worried that I would be taken
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Don’t Drink-I
Dominic walked back to her side as he noticed how she was out of it, “What’s wrong darling?”“Nothing… I just suddenly feel an ache in my heart,” Rose responded to his words truthfully, having him to gently caress her back. “Don’t worry, I assure you it won’t hinder our plan for today.”Dominic sigh and shook his head. He leaned forward, kissing her forehead and then her lips. “No Rose. You come first, before this event or even me. It’s only a ball party to show everyone that I’m still alive.”Rose smiled upon hearing how he make light of today’s ball when even the King had been invited, “You do know your royal cousin is coming today. If I suddenly become absent on today’s event, I will only put mud on your name.”“If as my cousin, he couldn’t understand that you are ill and instead blame you, then I will gladly stop calling him my cousin,” Dominic stayed firm with his choice, as to him Rose was far more important than anything. “So convince me that you really are healthy before we go
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Don’t Drink-II
Stepping forward, Lady Catherine settled the ruby on her neck, letting for the look to be completed with the jewelry. Rose took a step back to admire how she had looked like. Her hair had been styled prettily, gone was the image of her past as a village girl. She looked no different to those ladies who were born in a noble family. She felt as though the person in mirror to be a stranger, yet familiar. "Beautiful," Lady Catherine recalled how the tall oval mirror was used by her daughter in the past. She also remembered how Elizabeth stood in front of it, smiling widely as she twirled her gown which overlap as Rose had done the same. Her tears seemed to have settled in the corner of her eyes as she relish the moment of longing. "Lady Catherine," said one of the maid who appeared, holding a tray of soup, "Is this what you need?"Lady Catherine took the silver spoon before dipping them to the warm broth. She tasted the soup before humming in approval, "This should do it.""Is it one of
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