All Chapters of Boomerang bet: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
101 Chapters
Chapter 70
They bust in through the hospital doors, Brandon on a stretcher with Beth on one side of him and Brian on the other side. Doctors and nurses rushed around him and Brian's quick steps slowed, but Beth refused to be pried away. Halting only when a firm hand grabbed her arm, she let out a panicking mewl, her eyes desperately following the moving stretcher. The further he got, the more she struggled for freedom. Someone was barking out orders. More people in white ran towards him. Patients looked on with worry. Anxiety blanketed the air."What is happening to that young man, Beatrice?" An old man on a wheelchair croaked out, looking up at his caretaker.A cry left Beth's mouth. She had to get to Brandon. She needed to get to Brandon. In the ambulance, he had mumbled one word over and over again. Her name. Recalling how he'd sounded weaker and weaker each time, her franticness renewed with a vigor. She trembled badly. So much blood. There was so much blood. She watched his bed disappear be
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Chapter 71
Beth stood in the middle of the road, frozen. Apprehension slowly dripped down her spine like a melting icicle. Pain was an ever present companion, licking at the bottom of her belly. A wind blew, bringing with it something that scared her more than everything else... The chilling sense of acceptance. Acceptance of the horror that was to come. The truck was approaching quickly, dragging behind it the awful chugs of a shrilling wind. A zing assaulted her eardrums.The skies greyed. Storms billowed. At the center of it all was Elizabeth, completely and utterly frozen. She was the brutally tortured character, sentenced to live through a misery spun, sadness inspired tale. She could see it all... Hear it all, feel it all... But she remained unable to react. Her mother's horrified face flashed before her eyes then. Pleading. Then came the terrified face of her father. He shook his head. She smiled wearily. It was for the best. He opened his mouth."ELIZABETH!" He yelled, but it was
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Chapter 72
Seeing his body littered with bruises and looking so pale and delicate, with different machines and tubes connected to him, all beeping and puffing, her tears couldn't be stopped then. A leg was suspended up in the air with a bandage wrapped around his ankle, almost all the visible parts of him bore scrapes and wounds, some more colourful than others, and his face carried ugly purple and pink bruises, all which stood out again his pale pallor. Just before the nurse could leave, Beth turned and asked,"What's the extent of the damage?""He has two broken ribs, one fractured rib, thankfully none punctured a lung, a fractured ankle and mild bruising on his temple. The rest are just scrapes, cuts and light bruises, nothing to worry about.""And his heart?" "Has been stabilized and is responding well," the nurse answered with a nod."How about the puncture in his side? What was it from? Do you know?""A large glass shard had embedded itself in his side, missing any major organ by mere ce
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Chapter 73
As soon the car screeched to a halt, Beth undid her seatbelt and got out. In front of her was an old tall, brown and empty looking brick building. She turned when she heard Alexander, Frederico and Sherlie exit the car, and waited for the men to precede her. Walking to the door in silence, Frederico reached out to a rather hidden panel that Beth and Sherlie were only then seeing, and punched in a password. A double beep came, followed by a click. Alexander pushed the doors open and in they strode. Down a long hall and into an elevator, they arrived a short while later on a floor that swarmed with so many people dressed casually, men and women alike. Beth and Sherlie gaped with surprise. Based off the outward appearance of the building, no one would have ever expected it to be packed and be in such busy and pristine condition."What is this place?" Beth whispered, sweeping her eyes over every nook and cranny of the large room."A hidden headquarters.""Of what? Wade industries?""You
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Chapter 74
Hours turned to yet another day...Days melted into a week...Still, Brandon remained in a coma. Dealing with her nightmares became harder with passing each day. Everyday, bright and early, she would turn up at the hospital, only to be forced to return home at the end of the day, forlorn and downcast. On some days, when the hospital took pity on her, they let her stay, but even on those days, the familiar ache in her chest worsened. Pure sorrow. She sat on the chair beside his bed, staring at Brandon's face. For days, she had mulled over it... For days she had questioned it. For days she had wept over it. For days, it had tormented her. She knew she had to do it, she knew it, but how? How? Pulling herself up, she let her gaze drop to the floor and headed out the room. Her body cried with exhaustion. Her head ached. Her shoulders had a permanent slouch with the weight of the choice she had no choice but to make, and all of the pain, all of the weariness, all of the torment, she let
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Chapter 75
With her mind travelling a mile a minute and her sight obscured by all the tears, coupled with the burning sensation in her heart, Beth didn't know where she was going. Turning down numerous corners and evading everything that moved, she came to a white door and barged in. Catching herself late, she winced, scolded herself under her breath and turned to apologize to the occupant of the room when she saw the mysterious old man who had spoken to her in the hall. Turning to see who had entered his room, he looked her over... And smiled warmly."I am so sorry," she rushed out. "I didn't mean to come in like that--""What's the matter?" His head tilted to the side.Beth paused, blinked and turned away. "I'll just go. I'm sorry.""Where?"She froze then. Where? Her erect shoulders quivered. Slowly, she shook her head."Stay. I insist. Come sit here."Biting her lower lip in contemplation, she threw her head back and let out a groan, then turned."Come," he beckoned, his smile ever present.
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Chapter 76
New York traffic was no joke. In Beth's opinion, conquering it deserved a medal. As they cruised through it, proving right the term 'slow and steady wins the race,' the tension reduced and reduced until it finally died. A few minutes later, Beth chuckled. Byron sent her a glance."Your left and right hooks are pretty mean."He smirked then. "One of the essentials to being on the football team."She just laughed and shook her head and he sported a smile of his own. As they pushed through the traffic, Byron kept glancing at her."Are you okay?" He finally asked.The atmosphere was easy and light. She pulled in a deep breath, peeked at him and let it out. "I'm okay.""I understand why you're leaving."Her easy smile fell. "What?""I understand why--""You didn't say why I want to leave."He shook his head."Why?""I know you don't want to leave.""I'm only doing this because--""The pattern. I know, sweetheart." He reached out and took her hand. "I know."She stared at him a while longe
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Chapter 77
Stepping out of the room and beginning the journey down the halls, the first person Beth bumped into, literally, was Mia, and not too far behind her was a little boy. From the look of things, they were playing tag. "Sorry!"She was going to go past Beth when Beth grabbed her shoulders."Mia."Her little head shot up and almost immediately, excitement entered her eyes."Aunty Beth!" She threw herself at Beth, climbing her when Beth's hands went under her arms. Chuckling, Beth hugged the little girl to herself, patting her back and watching the little boy come to a halt before them and scan her inquisitively. She scanned him right back. Something about the boy looked jarringly familiar, but before Beth could place it, Mia pulled back and exploded into a rant. "Aunty, I have been looking for you. We checked the toilet, the roof--""The roof?!"Mia nodded enthusiastically, a small, emphatic frown on her face. "Yuh-huh. We even went to the reecpon. You were nowhere. Where did you go?
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Chapter 78
After a full course meal at a small restaurant just down the road where the staff had been just too overjoyed to attend to the Steven Michaels, they had then gotten some ice cream and began back to the hospital. "Ten out of ten meal?" Beth nodded almost instantly, a wide smile on her face. "Ten out of ten meal."As soon as they stepped through the hospital doors, Steven spotted Rosco walking down the hall looking curious, and lifted a hand to attract his attention. Rosco caught sight of them and began towards them. Returning Mia's wave and ruffling Mordecai's hair, he took one look at Beth and tilted his head to the side."Hm. Steven goes missing, turns up with you almost an hour later and you have a huge smile on your face." He playfully narrowed his eyes. "What did you do?""I had burgers," Beth reported, raising her head with satisfaction.His brows shot up. "Burgers? You're this happy because of burgers?"She nodded enthusiastically, wide smile never falling. With a small, f
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Chapter 79
As expected, Frederico had asked where she was going. Also as expected, she didn't tell. Was he happy about it? No. Had he offered his support still? No. Why? Because he really didn't like the idea and Brandon was going to come get her anyway. Beth could almost scoff. It was almost a week later and still no improvement from Brandon. As the minutes had turned into hours and the hours into days, Elizabeth had gotten her international passport ready— quickness courtesy of Micah Yosef— packed, spoken to her landlord, finalized with a moving company, spoken to Lola's vet, googled the weather and everything else there was to know about Ireland, also googled the ins and outs of an airport, what to carry, how early to arrive and even what to eat before hand and not, and had tried her best to reach out to everyone and make sure everyone was okay. Jasmine, Byron, Dorcas, Mordecai, Mia, Christopher, Grace, the girls, Brandon's friends, and even old man Rogers. When she'd told him she was le
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