All Chapters of Sold To The Mafia: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
70 Chapters
Chapter 10
Warning! scene of abuse in this chapter!Samantha PovI hear a beeping sound that irritates the hell out of me. I'm trying to sleep but the beeping won't go away.I opened my eyes blinking a few times for my eyes to get used to the bright lights, "Call the doctor!" I hear someone shout."Water," I whispered feeling my throat dry and raspy."Here, let me help you," Apollo says as he helps me up before holding the glass to my mouth.I take a small sip, "Thank you."The door opens and Nathan steps forward, "I'm glad to see that you are awake Sam."I just nod before looking at my hands on my lap I remember what happened to me."How long was I out?" I ask Nathan with a frown."A week," he says before checking my vitals. "I need you to take it easy, you have been electrocuted multiple times and you have blunt force trauma to the head. I don't know if you remember but you fell down the roof which brings us to the other injuries. You have a broken wrist and you had internal bleeding where yo
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Chapter 11
Samantha's povToday is Iris's funeral. I got up and took a quick shower before doing my hair and some light makeup.I put my knee-length black lace dress on with black pumps and diamond earrings that Apollo got for me yesterday. I wish Iris was still here.I look at my reflection feeling satisfied I made my way down the stairs where Apollo, the boys some girls I don't know, and the rest of the maids wait."We can go," I whisper to Apollo as soon as I reached him.Outside were three limousines waiting for us. Apollo, the boys, and I went into the first one while the others went to the other two."Hey, I'm right here with you," Apollo whispered in my ear taking my hand.I can only nod looking at him. I wonder what happened to the rude Apollo. Last night he came to my room and gave me small diamond earrings with a necklace and he didn't once shout at me which I still find strange and now he is a gentleman himself. I just don't trust this side of Apollo if I'm honest.We drive to a huge
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Chapter 12
Samantha's povI woke up with one mother of a headache. Groaning I stand up and went to the bathroom. My hair looked like a bird's nest and my makeup made me look like a raccoon.I open the shower before stripping from my clothes. I stand under the hot water remembering what happened last night. Yeah, I know you all must think I'm crazy to drink and get drunk at Iris's funeral but it got my mind off feeling guilty about her death.I try to remember how I got to bed but it's all vague I only remember drinking with Phoebe and Penelope. I turn down the shower before stepping out and wrapping the towel around my body.I almost dropped my towel when I saw Apollo in my room, "I brought you some aspirin and water thinking you might need it after last night." He says smirking at me.I blush under his watchful eyes, "Thank you." I say as I walk to the closet. "I will see you at breakfast now hurry up."I hear him close the door and I quickly get dressed. Wait how does he know I have a headach
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Chapter 13
Apollo's POVI have feelings for Samantha, strong feelings and there's no denying it. I can't have these feelings for her and that's what kills me. The last time I loved someone they ended up dead.Having feelings are dangerous that's why I treat her like trash and push her away.My head was a mess and I didn't know what to do. I sight as I close the shower, grabbed a towel, and dried off. I wrapped the towel around my waist. I saw the bed empty and wonder where Sam went, I walk to the walk-in closet and see her bending down in some red lace underwear. I suppress the groan that threatens to escape my lips as I feel my dick getting harder. I knew she was gorgeous but seeing her bend like that hell it makes me want to take her right here."If you don't want me to consummate our marriage I suggest you get dressed," I whispered huskily.She jumps around covering herself, "Apollo!" She says with wide eyes."I just came to get some clothes," I tell her as I took the towel off making her g
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Chapter 14
Samantha's PovI woke up the next morning stretching and realized I was in a different bedroom. I sit up straight and look around remembering that I moved to Apollo's room. I saw his side of the bed empty, stretching and yawning I made my way to the bathroom.All my stuff was neatly placed in the bathroom, I brush my teeth and hopped into the shower I wash and after I'm done I wrapped a towel around my body and walk to the closet and take out a pair of white underwear. I put it on and apply some lotion on my skin before taking a white shirt dress and pulling it on with my Nike sneakers.I walk downstairs to the dining room where Daisy and Williams are busy preparing breakfast. "Good morning Daisy, Williams," I greet them as I take a plate from Daisy placing it on the table."Good morning dear," Daisy greets me with a smile. "Breakfast is almost ready take a seat.""Good morning Samantha, honey, will you please call Apollo and tell him breakfast is almost ready the others will be down
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Chapter 15
Apollo's povEarlier that day...I woke up hearing screaming downstairs, I look at Samantha and sight a relief that she was still sleeping.I quickly dressed and went downstairs only to see one of the guards holding Rachel, "Συγγνώμη κύριε, αλλά η δεσποινίς Γουόκερ δεν θα φύγει μέχρι να σας δει." ( Sorry Sir, but Miss. Walker won't leave until she sees you.)"Δεν πειράζει Γεώργιο, θα το πάρω από εδώ."(It's alright Georgios, I will take it from here)I told him before taking Rachel harshly and dragging her to my office."What the fuck are you doing here Rachel?" I growled at her as soon as we entered my office."I missed you, baby, it's been weeks that you didn't call or texted me," She whine walking up to me."I have already told you that I'm busy and that we need to end things between us," I told her in a cold voice."I know you don't mean that baby, you won't let me go seeing that my father and you are doing business together." She purrs in my ear.I push her away, "Why the fuck c
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Chapter 16
WARNING!! THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS A RAPE SCENE!!! PLEASE READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!Samantha's povI woke up feeling my head throb. I groan sitting up straight. I look to Apollo's side but his place was empty probably getting it on with Rachel I thought.The lights were turned on and I looked out of the window seeing it was already dark I must have fallen asleep while crying on Apollo.I was just about to stand up when the devil himself walked into the room with a tray in his hands."Good to see you are up I brought you dinner," he says as he put the tray on the side table."I'm not hungry," I say getting up to take a shower."Sam, you have to eat something," he tries again."No, I said I'm not hungry I want to take a bath and after I'm done I will see if I'm in the mood to eat something," I replied stubbornly, yeah I know I'm acting childish but I'm not in the mood to sit down and eat with him.He just looks at me as if he wants to order me to eat, "Fine, but we need to talk about what ha
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Chapter 17
Samantha's povI'm currently on a private plane with Apollo, the guys, and his sisters. I was surprised not to find Rachel on board.Wonder if she's still coming or what? Or did Apollo tell the truth when he told me he ended it with her?"How long are this flight?" I asked Nathan who had just come and sat across from me."It's still a while princess it's 18 hours and 46 minutes until we reach Athens," Nathan says handing me a cup of coffee."Great I just have to sit here how high up in the sky for that long," I sigh this is my first time in a plane and I'm afraid to be this high up. "Sam, it's going to be alright. Is this your first time?" Nathan ask me.I nodded my head, "Yes," I look out of the window and saw the clouds."Can I ask you something?"Nathan nodded his head, "Why didn't Apollo bring Rachel with him?" I ask feeling stupid already.He begins to laugh, "Sam, Apollo left her that day you went to his office there's nothing between them.""She's annoying and I don't like her
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Chapter 18
Samantha's povI woke up cuddled to Apollo and moved away. I hear him chuckle, "You're cuddling aren't you?" He smirked."I am not," I growled hitting him with a pillow. I was just about to stand up when he grabbed my arms pushing me flushed to him."Are you alright?" He asks smirking down at me."Yes, why wouldn't I be?" I ask him smiling. Apollo was about to say something when the door opens and we saw Zeus standing there looking at us."What's up?" Apollo asks him irritated."Sorry to interrupt you love birds but the whole gang is ready waiting for you downstairs," Zeus says pointing with his thumb over his shoulder."Great the sooner I introduce them to Sam the sooner we can start training her," Apollo says getting up."We will be down in a bit." He added as he walks to the closet.Zeus nods and closes the door."How many people are in your mafia?" I ask him once Zeus is gone."I have many people in my mafia but you will only meet the ones that always stay here. There are four gir
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Chapter 19
Samantha's PovI woke up with someone poking me in the side. I woke up and saw Phoebe standing next to the bed."Time to wake up training is about to start," She chuckles making me groan. It's been two weeks since I started working out. Phoebe would come and wake me up every morning at six to start our jogging then we go down to the gym.I quickly get dressed in my black two-piece tracksuit and my white sneakers. I put my hair in a high ponytail and walk to a waiting Phoebe.She takes me down to where the girls are waiting, "Alright let's warm up then we take our jogging a little bit longer." Cleo says as we walk outside."How much longer?" I asked feeling tired already."Well, we started with two miles, last week four miles let's push it to five miles this week. Sam, you are doing good for someone who never exercised before." Cleo says handing our water bottles to us.We ran for about forty minutes and when we returned we drink a bit of water. We went down to the training room where
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