All Chapters of Sold To The Mafia: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
70 Chapters
Chapter 40
Samantha's povFour months laterEverything has been pretty calm for the past four months. There haven't been any threats or any problems. Apollo has warned all of his men about Oliver. Oliver hasn't done anything yet and that makes Apollo a little worried. They still didn't find him.As for our baby, everything is going great. The baby is due November twenty ninety-one more months to go until we meet our angel. We just came back from another visit the baby is healthy and we found well Apollo knows the gender I want it to be a surprise.Grandpa can't wait to meet his great-grandchild and already bought clothes and some baby toys.Aris is finally up and walking again he was over the moon when he heard his going to be a grandfather they also started buying baby stuff saying they want to spoil their first grandchild well little did they know about Phoebe which I will tell you later.Apollo don't want me to leave the house without him he even upgraded the house putting in bulletproof wi
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Chapter 41
Samantha's povIt was late and I was packing some bags for me and baby. Apollo already went to bed and is now sleeping peacefully.He has been worried and stressed about this whole Oliver thing bearly sleeping so tonight I told him to get some rest he can't go on like this.I couldn't sleep because of heartburn man this made me want to get the baby out as soon as possible every time I lay down the heartburn would get worse almost like my little angel doesn't want mommy to sleep. I finished packing our bags and went to put them by the door downstairs before making myself something to eat and drink."You are up late," I hear Phoebe says as she grabs a glass from the cupboard."Yeah, I couldn't sleep heartburn kept me up all night then I decided to pack our babies and my clothes for the hospital," I say taking a bite out of my chocolate."Oh and you decided to eat as well," she chuckled as she get herself some pickles and ice cream before mixing them."Says the one who is eating that di
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Chapter 42
Nathan's povI finally got Samantha's heart beating again, and stopped her bleeding. I know Apollo is worried about his family but I can't have him in here distracting me.I look up at Cleo and she was already looking worried, "Do you think we will be able to save the baby?""I'm going to try my best, we will have to work fast the baby's heartbeat is getting fainter by the second."I began the blood transfusion Samantha needs to save them since she lost a lot of blood. I managed to get the bullet and luckily it missed the baby but she's not out of danger yet.I was busy taking the bullet out when I hear two heartbeats, "What the hell is happening?" Cleo asked as we watch the heartbeats on the monitor.I don't know what's happening, "Give me the stick I want to check on the baby I don't trust this heart monitor!" I shout as Cleo hands me the stick.I started moving the stick around watching if I can see the baby moving and what I saw next makes me want to hit the fucking Nicolaou famil
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Chapter 43
WARNING!!! SEX SCENE AHEAD!!!Samantha's povIt's been two weeks since I have been home just another week or so then we get to hold our two baby's in our arms.I was shocked when I learned that there are two instead of one which means I also was expecting triplets I can't wait to know the gender. Apollo said he will show me the room as soon as he is finished and that way he can reveal the gender of the baby's to me since I decided I want to know because it was killing me to wait until birth once I told this to Apollo he laughed saying he knew I wouldn't want to wait then he came up with this idea.I was currently eating some pizza when Apollo walked into our room, "Baby are you ready?" He asked looking excited."Mmmm, just a minute I want to finish this pizza," I said moaning as I take another bite."Stop moaning like that for the pizza," Apollo says frowning."Why? Are you jealous that food can also make me moan?" I asked with a raised brow."You only get to moan like that for me now
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Chapter 44
Samantha's povI open my eyes as I feel someone laying next to me and when I look to my right I saw Apollo sleeping next to me."Good morning beautiful," he whispered still with his eyes closed."Good morning baby," I smiled as I sit up straight still feeling sore."How are you feeling?" He asked looking at me."Still sore but it's worth it," I smile as I remember the pain from last night."I'm going to get them wait here," he says getting up.I waited for Apollo to bring the girls. I can't wait to see them.Apollo came back holding two bundles wrapped in a pink blanket."Say hello to mommy," Apollo told them handing me one of our girls."They are beautiful," I smiled feeling tears building up."They are just as beautiful as their mother," Apollo says sitting down next to me as I hold them in my arms."All our family and friends are already here waiting," Apollo chuckled as he stroked our baby's head."They can come in," I smiled knowing they all are eager to meet the twins."Are you
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Chapter 45
Samantha's povToday we are going home and I can't wait to get back. The girls all went out shopping for Penelope's wedding that will take place on Saturday it's Wednesday today which means she only got two days left to organize everything. I'm happy for Nathan and her they both deserve happiness."Are you ready?" Apollo asked walking in with two car seats."I'm ready," I say getting off the bed as I help him put the girls in the car seat."The girls said they will bring your dress home to fit it," Apollo said as we walk outside and I saw a bunch of cars outside."What's this?" I asked as I look around."I don't want to take any chances," he said opening the door for us.We strapped the car seats before I got in followed by Apollo."Do you think they will attack now?" I asked nervously that something would happen."I don't know like I said I'm not taking any chances," Apollo said as the car drive off.The ride home was quiet and I could tell Apollo is nervous he kept looking around an
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Chapter 46
Samantha's povThe bed dips underneath me and a familiar hand goes on my waist. I feel Apollo's stubble against my neck as he gently kisses me.Still half asleep I pulled him to me, "Baby it's time to wake up the wedding is today," He whispered in my ear."I know just a little longer the girls kept us up all night," I groaned trying to sleep again."No, come on baby we have to get the girls ready as well," Apollo says pulling the cover from me."Ugh, why does she have to get married today?"Apollo laughs as I stand up to get ready."I will take a shower quickly while you get the girls ready?" Apollo said walking into the bathroom.I walk to the girl's room to get their bath ready then I take out their little red and gold dresses with matching shoes and hairbands.I wash Alison first while Athena is still sleeping."Hey baby girl," I cooed as I undress her."Today is aunt Penelope's wedding so we have to get ready."I quickly wash her and then get her dressed just in time because as so
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Chapter 47
WARNING!!! THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS SCENES OF VIOLENCE PLEASE READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!Samantha's povHector was just about to pull the trigger when we hear gunshots outside, "Apollo! Dad!" Perseus shouts running up the stairs and that's when Hector starts running."We are here check your father and brother," Aphrodite shouts as soon as Perseus finds us.Perseus bends down feeling for a pulse at Aris first then he went to Apollo, "I'm sorry," he cries as I hear Aphrodite screams. No, no it can't be they can't be gone! I thought as more tears run down my cheeks.Perseus untied us then he went to the rest of the guys getting them out.I immediately kneeled at Apollo, "Please wake up!" I yelled as I try to bring him back to me to us!"Mom, you and Samantha should wait outside," he says as the two of us hold on to our lifeless husbands crying for them to wake up."I can't leave him," I hear myself saying caressing Apollo's cheeks."Please let us do our jobs, Sam, go take the twins with you. C
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Chapter 48
Samantha's povIt's been a rough few weeks Christmas is over and we are still here in Italy at one of Aphrodite and Aris's vacation homes.The whole gang came along and even though we are all together it doesn't feel the same without Apollo. I miss him every day it's been two weeks since their death and let me tell you the day we held their funeral now that part was the hardest.Two days before the funeral..."Sam?" I hear Phoebe calling at the door.It's been hard for me to get up and go on with life. I need to arrange my husband's funeral but somehow it feels as if he is still alive you know that feeling you get that things don't seem real?"Come in," I say after a few minutes and the door opens revealing Phoebe, Penelope, and Aphrodite, "Hi Sam," Penelope says giving a sad smile."Hi," I look away and watch the twins."We are all finished with the last arrangements," Aphrodite says sitting down."Do we have to invite all these mafia bosses?" I asked not wanting them there."Unfortu
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Chapter 49
Samantha's povI woke up feeling like a train hit me. I groaned sitting up as I look at everyone around me.This can't be happening! I'm seeing ghosts now? "Oh my God! I need help I'm starting to see the dead!" I whispered and put my head in my hands."No, you're not seeing the dead," I hear Apollo's voice but I don't lift my head too afraid."And now I'm starting to hear them talk!" I said still holding my head not wanting to look up."Sam honey, you are not getting mad or anything Apollo and Aris are alive," Aphrodite says as I feel her hand on my back."How? We saw them getting shot right in front of us," I say lifting my head and I saw Apollo standing next to me."We had a plan that day," Apollo begins as I look at him in disbelief."What fucking plan?""The plan we made was before the girls were even born," Apollo said trying to touch me but I move away."Samantha baby just listen please," Apollo begged.I look at everyone else, "You all knew about this so-called plan?" I asked
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