All Chapters of Sold To The Mafia: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
70 Chapters
Chapter 50
Samantha's povIt's been a few months since we found out that Apollo and Aris faked their deaths and everything has settled down. Apollo told me they used fake blood to make it look more realistic and when I asked him about the bullets he said the man who gave Hector the gun swop the real bullets with blanks which explains a lot."Are you ready for daddy to tuck you in?" Apollo says wrapping his arms around my waist as I watched our little girls "Don't ever say that again," I turn around and frown at him."Why?""Because that phrase just kills the whole love-making mood," I started showing him with my finger, "You know from this to all the way here," I said making my finger point down.He chuckles and kisses my head, "I'm sorry I won't ever say that again."We walked to our bedroom and I got under the covers, "Tomorrow is going to be a long day," I sight as I watch Apollo getting into his boxers."Only a few more days then the wedding will be over," he smiled as he lay down next to m
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Chapter 51
Samantha's povWe drive to the reception which is at the beach at our house.Aphrodite and the girls went out to decorate the beach with fairy lights and flowers. There's a long table under the fairy lights decorated with black and white plates, there are vases with candles, and a huge bouquet of black, red, and white roses."It looks beautiful thank you all so much," I smile as I take in the scene in front of me."We are glad you like it," Selene says as she hugs me.I love everything they did to the place.Everyone came to congratulate us as Apollo and I hold our baby girls. They are both dressed in white dresses with a black hairbands.All of us talked as we sit around the table just enjoying each other's company. We only have a few mafia leaders present here the ones that always have the Nicolaou's back."Samantha baby, I want you to meet Martin Taylor and his lovely wife Brooke," Apollo says as I take their hands."Pleasure to meet you," I say as I greet them with a smile.I not
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Chapter 52
Prologue to book 2 of Sold to the mafia...Five years later...Samantha's povIt's been a long time since Aphrodite and I killed Hector because we thought he killed our husbands. Let me catch you up on a few things.Apollo and I didn't work out we divorced after a year of being married... I'm kidding we are still going strong. The twins are now five years old and they look more and more like their father both of them have black hair and blue eyes. We had another baby two years back this time it's a boy we named Ajax Nico Nicolaou after Apollo and his father Aris he got dark brown hair and green eyes.Everyone got married and moved out. Phoebe and Zeus got married when their triplets turned two which means they are married for three years now. They don't have any other children even though she still wants more.Penelope and Nathan have two children a boy who is three years old and a girl who is one year old.Selene and Evander eloped years ago but they have one boy who is turning four.
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Chapter 53
Samantha's povI was just done showering and when I walked out the twins and Ajax jumped on the bed laughing every time one of them falls."Alright you three don't jump on the bed," I told them but they just continue.Why don't they ever listen to me?"Do you know what happens if you fall off the bed?" I asked them again only to be ignored."Great all three of you are just like your father," I sight shaking my head."That's not nice!" I hear Apollo's voice behind me.I turn around and raise an eyebrow at him, "Not nice? Look at your three devils," I exclaimed as I point towards the bed.He smirks as he watches the devils we created, "Hi kids!" Apollo says and walks up to the bed."Daddy!" Ajax and the twins giggled as their father join them on the bed now also jumping."Apollo!" I scolded as I watch the four of them jumping."Mommy jump!" Ajax laughs as Apollo picks him up."No, no jumping on the bed!" I said shaking my head."Mommy no fun," he pouted making Apollo chuckle."Do you kn
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Chapter 54
Samantha's povApollo and the others are all out on a mission today so I decided to take the kids out to the mall for some shopping."Let's get daddy some new clothes as well," I told them when we finished shopping for them."Daddy!" Ajax yells making me laugh. "Yes baby daddy," I cooed as we walk into a new shop.We spend some more time at the mall and by lunch, we went for some pizza."Hey, baby," I answered as soon as I saw Apollo calling."Where are you guys?"Okay, he sounds pissed off."I took the kids out shopping I have sent you a message," I told him wondering what crawled up his ass and die."I want all of your homes now!" He commands angry."Look I don't know what is going on with you right now but I hope by the time we get home you are better," I say hanging up the phone."Alright guys, daddy is home so we got to go," I told them as I take Ajax from his chair.We arrived home and I saw Apollo standing in his office window looking at us. If he thinks I will go up there he
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Chapter 55
Cleo's pov"What do you mean by was pregnant?" James asked confused.I must tell him otherwise he will find out the truth from that bitch.I sight then close my eyes I can't look him in the eyes, "When I first came on this mission I didn't know I was pregnant at the time it wasn't till later that I found out I was," I said opening my eyes and look at him."When I found out I was the mission was almost over I couldn't wait to tell you and the day I was meant to go home I was kidnapped," tears run down my cheeks as I get ready to tell him."They abused me badly the first two days and that one night I noticed blood one of the girls that were with me helped me but I lost our baby," I cried as I told him but I couldn't tell him what they did to me I can't I just can't bear to see the look in his eyes once he finds out what happened."It's alright baby girl, it wasn't your fault," James said grabbing my hands through the bars.We hear footsteps getting closer, "She is coming," I told James
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Chapter 56
Apollo's pov"We are about to land," the pilot announced and I strapped myself as I watched the rest do the same."Everyone ready?" I asked and everyone nodded as the plane starts to land."We arrived at Columbia we are now at a private airport," the pilot announced as we touch the ground."Let's go," I say as soon as we stand still.We went to the waiting car and soon drove off to a barn where we keep all our guns and other stuff we will need for the attack on Landon."Welcome to Colombia," I announced as we drive towards the barn."You all know what to do, Zeus you take the tank while the others grab the rest you all know what to do," I say as we walked inside."Yes boss, do you think Landon will be there?" Nathan asked."Yes, I told one of our informants to tell him we are coming for him so he better be ready I want Landon alive," I say as I grab the case of hand grenades."Do we know if they have Perseus and Poseidon?" Adonis asked."Yes, I talked to the informant he said Cleo, Ja
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Chapter 57
Perseus pov"You know Lydia's got a point," I told them as we discuss what we are going to do when we got out of this hell hole."What do you mean?" Cleo asked."Apollo is still legally her husband if she never signed the divorce papers.""Do you think she's telling the truth?" Poseidon asked."I don't know I didn't trust her when they were married and I'm sure as hell aren't going to start believing her now but if she telling the truth that means that Apollo and Samantha's marriage isn't legal and what if Apollo still have feelings for Lydia?" I told them."He got a point," Zeus sight."Apollo loves Sam you guys he won't leave his family for someone like Lydia," Cleo argued."Do we know that? Apollo married Sam a few months after Lydia's death he couldn't get over her betrayal or losing her what if he realizes he still loves her when he finds her alive?" I asked not that I wanted that bitch as my sister-in-law but I know how much my brother loved her."I for one would like to know wh
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Chapter 58
Samantha's povI have just put the kids in bed after I finished the dishes when I decided to video call Apollo I know their mission must be over by now."Hey Sam," I see Leander appearing on the screen."Hey Leander, how did the mission go?" I asked wondering if everyone made it out alive."It was successful," he replied walking into what seemed to be a bathroom."That's good news, Where is Apollo?" I asked."He... Umm, he is here somewhere he just..." He was cut off by voices in the background and it sounded like Apollo and Perseus arguing."What the fuck is that?" I hear Perseus ask."What?" "Don't give me that shit Apollo! You know what I'm talking about!" He yelled."Look Lydia explained what happened and I'm not mad," I hear Apollo's voice and frown.I thought she was dead."Just like that, you forgive her? Did she tellyou that she worked for Landon?" Perseus asks him."She didn't have a choice!" Apollo yelled.What the hell is going on there?"Sure she did we all made choices
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Chapter 59
Apollo's povWe stepped out of the plane me holding my son's hand and Lydia following behind me. I feel somewhat guilty for bringing them along but I'm sure Samantha will understand I hope.I look around and saw my sisters waiting for their husbands, Vasileios waiting for his fiance, Talia waiting for Adonis, and Selene waiting for Evander but I don't see my family anywhere.I felt someone grabbing my other hand and when I look around I saw Lydia holding my hand, "Wait here I just want to talk to my sisters," I told her and she looked over at them."They are married now?" She asked as she watched them kissing their husbands."Yup," was all I replied and as if they could feel us staring at them they turned towards us and glared at me.Okay, what crawled up their asses?I saw the girls hugging Cleo when she walked over to them then they did the same to James, Perseus, and Poseidon.I walk over to them, "Hey guys, where's Samantha?" I asked as they still give me dirty looks."How should
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