All Chapters of Completion: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
240 Chapters
Chapter 91
I hid Don Gato under Reed's jacket when I got on the bus. I looked like I was six-months pregnant, but there was no way I could walk the entire way. It was now a little more than an hour after Jon and Bitsy had left for school. Don Gato was still alive when I knocked on Reed's door.During the entire trip, I swore I wouldn't cry. Reed answered the door with bedhead, no shirt, low-slung sweatpants, and a sleepy adorable look on his face."I need your help and-and I'll sleep with you to get it."Anger quickly replaced the sleepy look and, for a moment, I thought he would close the door in my face."What. The. Fuck, Jaycee?"I started crying. It wasn't soft or delicate, pretty, or feminine. It just poured out. I unzipped the jacket and uncovered Don Gato."I don't want him to suffer, but I couldn't kill him. I don't have the money to have him put down and I couldn't do it." I was repeating myself and blubbering like a fool."Christ."His arms closed around Don Gato and me at the s
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Chapter 92
Reed didn't care about my mood disorder; he just started pumping me for information. "Tell me about your classes?" he asked after we placed our orders.Someday I'd get the unsociable girl attitude down properly. I gave in with a small puff of air, which moved a few flighty strands of hair from my face. "There are only two this semestermath and English. At the rate I'm going, I'll graduate from college in ten years.""You're taking an advanced math course.""I tested out of basic, took two math courses last semester, and decided to push myself a little this time. I know it's weird, but I like anything to do with numbers. ""Do you ever play Sudoku?"I rolled my eyes. "Not anymore. They're too easy.""Prove it." He stood up and walked to the diner's front counter, grabbing a newspaper.I used to play the puzzles from the newspapers at the library, but seriously, they became too easy. He went through the paper and folded it before placing it in front of me."Are you going to time
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Chapter 93
Bitsy's smile disappeared when she saw I didn't have Don Gato and her lips started quivering. Jon looked resigned."He's at the vet, Bitsy. They think he has an infection and they're keeping him overnight for fluids and medicine." I turned to Jon so he would understand. "Reed gave me a ride to the vet's office."Jon's eyes narrowed. "Is he paying for it?"I looked back at Bitsy and smiled at her. "No, the doctor said he would take the bunny money as payment in full." If I was going to start a lifetime of lying, I might as well make it good.There was no chance Jon believed me, but he would keep quiet with Bitsy within earshot.I cooked dinner and had just enough time to make it to my evening class. I only had to go to the community college once a week because I used a computer at the library and took most of the course online. It was easier to work around my schedule this way. I turned in my assignment, did my lab, and walked outside to catch the bus.Several guys stood about ten
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Chapter 94
Bitsy was already asleep when I got inside. Jon was on the couch holding tightly to his phone. "Are we keeping them?"He knew me too well. Hell, maybe he didn't, because it had never occurred to him that I'd commit a felony for money. It was a good thing that he didn't know to what extent I'd go to in order to keep my siblings safe, or my sister's cat from suffering."I don't know how long Reed's good intentions will last, but we can keep them until he stops paying for the service."Jon gave me one of his rare smiles. "We have unlimited everything, including the internet. Reed says the phones can be used as hotspots and we can connect to the internet on a laptop.""Did you tell him we don't have a laptop?" I already knew the answer."I may have.""This is not good, Jon. Nothing is free.""You seemed to think stealing those baseballs was free. You could have gone to prison, Jaycee. What would we have done if it was someone other than Reed who caught you? Just because Big Jim said
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Chapter 95
The pizza place had games with flashing lights, screaming kids, and harassed-looking parents. Reed, who seemed overwhelmed by Bitsy's earlier questions, had no problem playing games like a kid and putting tokens in the machines as fast as they could use them. Jon mostly stayed back watching Bitsy closely. He watched Reed too, and I knew he was having just as much trouble trying to figure him out as I did."This is the best pizza in the whole wide world," Bitsy said after she finished her first slice, sauce smeared across her mouth and pure joy in every word.After we finished eating, I watched her and Reed play more games. It started getting late and I hated to ruin the fun, but we still had homework to finish."Play a round of foosball with me and then we'll go." There was a gleam in Reed's eye, the carefree kid in him evident.I had to fight rolling my eyes. "I don't know how to play foosball and I thought you were the baseball man.""Come on, I'll show you." He took my hand, pu
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Chapter 96
Jon wasn't happy. "So we're moving in?""I'm planning to work for Reed. We need to be at his house when he's out of town and it's easier if we live there. I'll be sharing a room with Bitsy so you can have your own room to yourself without having to sleep on a couch." Reed had discussed Jon moving into the main house, but I put my foot down. My brother would remain with Bitsy and me. "You think I'm stupid. I know exactly the kind of work he wants from you."I had to tighten my fingers to keep from slapping his face. "It's a job, Jon. I'm not having sex with Reed and I don't plan on it." That was the biggest lie of my life. I sighed loudly and looked straight into my brother's eyes. He deserved honesty even if my face flushed bright red. "Okay, I might have sex with him, but it's not your business. I promise it won't be in exchange for anything he gives us."Jon looked away, but his voice carried his concern, "I like him, Jaycee, but I don't want him hurting you.""I'm not our moth
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Chapter 97
He didn't give me a chance to say anything else. He opened the door and literally jogged around his car and opened mine. When I tried to stand, he swung me up in his arms and I had no choice but to wrap my arms around his neck. I'm not sure how he managed to unlock the door and enter the security code on his alarm system, but he did.He carried me up the stairs. I finally decided I needed to say something because the last statement I made in the car got me pressed against his warm hard chest and had left me temporarily speechless. "What are you doing?""I'm getting something out of the way.""Umm, I need a shower if your plans include us both naked in your bed." I so hoped that's what he planned.His grumble made me smile, but he didn't say anything, just carried me through his bedroom into a bathroom that was bigger than my entire trailer. Muted light came from some kind of lighting system that blew my mind. It was a bathroom for god's sake. He hit a switch on the wall and the lig
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Chapter 98
"Was it good?" Reed asked carefully.Oh, God, how could he ask? It was the most humiliating experience of my life. The guy was a complete jerk.He moved my hair out of my eyes and palmed my cheeks, moving me back from his chest until we looked at each other."Tell me." His voice was as low as mine, but there was steel behind it. The serious look in his eyes gave me courage."It was in the backseat of his carquick, ugly, and demeaning." I tried to glance away, but he wouldn't let me."We didn't even undress all the way. He got mad because I told him he had to use a condom. He told me before we started that he had one. It ended up being an old ratty thing in his wallet that he didn't think he would really need. The experience was awful and I was mad at myself that I gave it up to him."So much sympathy showed on Reed's face. "I promise this will be good. I'll make it good."I couldn't even smile; I needed him so badly. "Then hurry before I chicken out.""No, baby, there's no way
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Chapter 99
For a long time we lay there with him buried deep inside me."Shh." He wiped tears from my eyes. Tears I didn't even know I was crying. "Did I hurt you, baby?" His concern just made it worse."No." I gave him just a touch of my smile. "That was beautiful." He had no idea I was talking about him, but I was.He tipped his head until his forehead touched mine. "You're beautiful, Jaycee. So damn fucking beautiful."He pretty much took the words out of my mouth and my smile grew."When can we do it again?" I wanted to already. I wanted to keep this connection with him so badly.His chuckle preceded a kiss to my nose. "You're gonna be sore, so we should wait.""I've waited so long, Reed. I want you again."I could tell he wanted me again too because I could feel him growing inside of me. He took ahold of my hair and moved my face to the side so he had access to my neck."I hope you don't mind love bites because I've marked you, baby, and I plan on marking you some more.""I'll kill
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Chapter 100
"We need a bath and then I must get you home or your guardians will have my head."The lazy, satisfied giggles escaped before I could stop them.The bed dipped and Reed rolled me into his arms, carrying me back to his bathroom. My feet hit the floor and I watched while he removed the condom from his cock and flushed it. He started the water in the gigantic bath, adjusting the temperature. He looked at me and smiled."May I leave you for just a few seconds? I tossed the other condom on the floor and don't want to forget it."I could feel the heat travel to my cheeks."You are so adorable for such a firecracker." He lifted my hands and circled them around his neck.His lips took mine in the sweetest kiss. When he released me, he turned and walked out of the room. I tested the bath water and then placed both feet in and lowered myself into the warm liquid, needing the heat on my muscles."Keep your eyes closed, baby, unless you want to watch me pee."Oh my God, the man had no boun
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