All Chapters of Completion: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
240 Chapters
Chapter 101
I got home after two in the morning and I stumbled to my bed with Bitsy, beyond tired, but feeling wonderful. I knew right before darkness descended that I would feel differently in the morning, that I was like my mother but right now, I cherished what Reed had given me."Jaycee, we're moving today. Get up." Bitsy's voice interrupted the most wonderful dream.Oh hell.Light was streaming in the windows, and I could tell it was still early by the chill in the air. I twisted in the covers and grumbled."Reed is coming, and Jon told me to wake you up."Reed was supposed to be here at seven, so it must be fairly close. I hoped he was as tired as I was. It served him right."I'll be up in a minute, Bits. Go see if the coffee's ready."As soon as I heard the slide of the accordion door, I got up and pulled off the t-shirt I slept in. I put on a bra and clean t-shirt followed by panties and shorts. I was very sore down there, but it didn't bother me; it actually felt good in a weird so
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Chapter 102
Reed took us to the main house to look around before swimming. My suit was an old ratty one-piece that I'd found at a thrift store. I know that seems trashy, but when you don't have money and the swimming suit cost two dollars, you get over the whole ick factor and wash it thoroughly before wearing. I didn't feel comfortable wearing it in front of Reed and just stayed in my shorts, but exchanged my sweaty t-shirt for a tank. I owned exactly two bras and one was deep in the dirty clothes basket, so I had to keep my sweaty one on.We followed Reed through his house. It was huge, much bigger than I thought. There was a workout room, game room complete with pool table, and a separate theater room with the biggest television I'd ever seen. Individual plush chairs faced the TV so you could watch and enjoy in luxurious comfort. An old-fashioned pushcart popcorn machine was against the back wall. It actually worked and had small paper bags so you could fill them and eat while watching a movie
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Chapter 103
He pulled me into the game room. "Hey, Jon, Bitsy, fresh chocolate chip cookies are in the kitchen. Maggie wants to meet you, so run in there and get a few. And bring some back for us if you don't mind."Bitsy laid her pool stick on the table. The stick was twice as long as she was tall. Jon went to pick it up, but Reed grabbed it. "I've got the cues, just follow the cookie smell and you'll find the kitchen."They left the room and Reed nodded to the foosball table in the corner. "Play me so I can kick your ass again."I rested my hip against the pool table. "Totally unfair advantage. You have foosball at your house and probably practice all the time. I hope it makes you feel good to beat little old me."Reed grabbed me after he pushed the sticks, err, cues across the table and lifted me before leaning me back so I rested against the top. My feet didn't touch the floor, so I circled my legs around his hips. His hands landed on either side of my head."Seeing you in my kitchen look
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Chapter 104
The rest of Reed's friends showed up. Alex was single like Mick. Once Bitsy got over her fear of Mick, she was his best friend. She followed him around and played her million-question quiz.Reed had his arm around me, keeping me pulled into his side while he spoke with Alex and Sal. I tried to wiggle away, but he stopped me. "What's up, baby?"Shit, that was his bedroom talk and he was now doing it in front of his friends. "I need to rescue Mick. Bitsy will get to the inappropriate questions next."Reed and his friends laughed."Mick has five sisters and if anyone can handle girls, he can. He's having a good time chatting with her, so let him be."Reed and his friends were evil. I'd saved Reed from Bitsy's question-fest and the least he could do was return the favor to his friend. Chi Chi walked up before I could give Reed a small piece of my mind."We're going to change into our suits. You wanna come with us, Jaycee?" She stood waiting with Dustin's wife, Clare. Dustin played ce
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Chapter 105
We entered the backyard and saw everyone else already in the pool. Bitsy and Jon had worn their swimsuits under their clothes. Jon's dark blue trunks could almost pass for black. Swimming was the only time Jon stepped out of his Goth persona. I teased him about being a vampire. Jon always gave as good as he got with comebacks and said he'd mastered the difficulty over light sensitivity. My brother had a mind of his own and I wouldn't change him for the world.The appreciative whistle from Mick announced our arrival.Chi Chi didn't let it pass. "Yeh, tall boy, see what you're missing playing that pansy court game. Baseball's all about hot mamas strutt'n their stuff."Male laughter sounded from the pool. I guessed this was an ongoing tease between them and it made me smile. Reed was in the pool with sunglasses on, so I couldn't see his eyes, but his head followed me as I walked around to the steps and sat down with my feet in the water feeling horribly exposed.It took Reed all of tw
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Chapter 106
"Move the chair over here and turn it around so the back faces me."My kinky Reed was back in full swing. I did exactly what he said."Straddle the chair," he all but groaned.I had no idea how that would work sexually, but I was past caring. Reed watched for a moment before standing up and taking the scarf from the nightstand. Once he covered my eyes, I wouldn't be able to see his incredible muscles, so I drank him in, burning each sinewy movement into my memory."You know you can tell me to stop any time," he whispered in my ear as he placed the scarf around my head, covering my eyes."Yes." My heart was ready to explode from my chest. I could feel moisture on the chair dripping from my pussy, but I wasn't embarrassed by it; I was too damn turned on.He lifted my hands and slowly pulled them behind me while wrapping the tape around my wrists. When my arms were secure, I felt the heat of his hands against my ass."Lift a little, baby, and slide forward."I widened my legs, lif
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Chapter 107
I woke up in Reed's arms an hour after we crawled into his bed. I was sticky and itchy from strawberries and it made me smile. His warm body pressed into mine. I had to get back to the loft and my room, so I wiggled out from his hold. He never woke up.A soft glow from a nightlight in his bathroom helped me locate my clothes after washing some of the sticky red trails from my body with a washcloth. I made it downstairs and noticed the security system. Reed had given me the code when he set it and thank goodness my mind wasn't so far gone with lust that I couldn't remember the six digits.I climbed the stairs to the loft and unlocked the front door. The soft glow and drone from the television let me know I wasn't sneaking back in without being seen.My brother waited with Don Gato curled on his lap."Hi. Couldn't sleep?" I asked in the most level tone I could manage."New bed. I guess I needed a lumpy couch, though this one doesn't pass the test. How about you? Couldn't sleep?"I
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Chapter 108
He took me to the kitchen and pulled out our chair. Yes, I knew the chair was ours. He took the one next to it, giving me an innocent look. The man was diabolically evil.I ignored the instant zing between my thighs and got to the point. "You are not buying school clothes for Bitsy."He barely let me finish. "Hear me out first, Jaycee." He took my hands. "You've been caring for Jon and Bitsy for years now and you will continue to care for them. They start a new school tomorrow and I live in a ritzy neighborhood with upper-class schools. I know that probably pisses you off, but that's the world we live in. They'll have enough problems without adding clothes to the mix."I shook off his hands and stood up, the chair sliding back six inches when I did. "And you didn't think to mention this before we moved in? The last thing either of them need is more problems, you jerk." I paced across the kitchen and didn't speak again until I turned and faced him. "What you don't understand is that
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Chapter 109
We both needed sleep, so I didn't visit Reed that night. I tossed and turned for more than an hour before my exhaustion won the battle.I worried to death when Reed left with Jon and Bitsy to take them to school the next morning. He'd streamlined everything to get them in the new school. He was so efficient at getting things his way I wondered why he needed help with his personal paperwork. After dropping them off, he would head to the stadium for whatever it is that ball players did the week before spring training. Maggie and I would be picking up my brother and sister from school because Reed would be gone the entire day. We were still in the planning stage for rides during the remainder of the week after I vetoed a private driver. I caught Reed childishly rolling his eyes and wondered if all grown men acted up whenever they didn't get their way.Maggie arrived shortly after the rest of them left. We sat at the kitchen table and went over the cleaning, yard maintenance, and other h
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Chapter 110
I snuck into Reed's house that night. There was no chair or kinky play. He had me out of my clothes and flat on my back seconds after I entered his room. He barely controlled himself while I did my best to drive him beyond crazy.After we were both exhausted, I lay in his arms, our hearts racing and breathing choppy. He talked me into letting him hire a driver until I had my license. We managed to discuss it without arguing, but really, it was me proving the point that I could be reasonable if he talked things over with me first.I prodded the next conversation. "Who handles your household bills?""My attorney or someone in his law firm." He twirled my hair around his fingers and rubbed strands of it under his nose every so often.His sniffing my hair made me smile, and I continued. "Do you want me taking that over or are you okay with them handling it?""You would do it?""You're paying me, Reed, I'll do what you need. I've readied a stack of unsigned papers for you. I can't bel
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