All Chapters of Completion: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
240 Chapters
Chapter 81: Jordan
HAPPILY EVER AFTER depends on many factors in the lives of professional football players. A winning season is one of those factors. I wish I could report the Pronghorns won the Super Bowl but I can't. We did make it to the first round of the playoffs, where we lost to Killian's team. The Scorpions took out their revenge on the season-opening loss to us. They stomped us. It wasn't a nice way to end the season but after the mental defeat wore off, we accepted our winning record for the year determined to make the following year even better. When you're winning, the fans love you and for the first time we took our team to the playoffs, so we rode high on public support.Coaches, players, and fans took my relationship with Aiden like champs. Poor Lane, no matter how many times we denied it, he remained the jilted other man. He didn't mind and he told me it did wonders for him with the ladies.I moved in with Aiden and we navigated the waters of living together. Between public appearances
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Chapter 82: Jordan
I'LL STAY IN Aiden's apartment for the foreseeable future. It's sad that I really don't want to. He talks about a long distance relationship like it won't change anything. I know it will. His life and dreams will intertwine with the Scorpions in no time. They'll become his everything. Football is no place for love. I'm learning that the hard way.Dreams.I think of them a lot during the two days we have before Aiden's move is set in stone. We make love, talk, I cry, and Aiden holds me. I'm doing everything I can to be strong and make this easier on him. It's anything but easy.He loves me. More than anyone, I understand what it means to have your dreams within your grasp. I left my father behind for my dreams. Aiden will leave me.I drive him to the airport on Monday morning."This will work out," he tells me before walking away.I drive back to the apartment holding back tears. I cleared everything from my schedule so I could rest in bed for the day and cry my eyes out with no o
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Chapter 83
PART THREEThe dirty, cracked vinyl on the bus seat rubbed uncomfortably against the back of my bare thighs. My short shorts offered little protection for my ass, but the irritation kept my mind off the next two hours.I refused to dwell on what made me desperate enough to continue on my premeditated unlawful activity, because I'd spent the past three days talking myself into it.The city bus finally made its last stop of the night, the squeaky brakes adding to my tension. I walked down the steps without looking at the driver. I was sure he'd seen it all and my plans to commit a felony wouldn't cause him to blink an eye but I still didn't want him seeing my face. I pulled my dark hoodie lower over my face, bunched the ends of my sleeves in my fists, and began the second leg of my journey. The early spring night was chilly, but my legs warmed up quickly as I walked.Several miles later, the uneven sidewalks gave way to wide paths and the small, sporadic bushes changed to large swoop
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Chapter 84
I didn't like his tone, but had little time to contemplate what it meant because a phone started ringing somewhere in his house. He pulled me up by my hair and forced me out of the room, down a hall, and into his kitchen.He picked up the phone and his facial expressions showed he somehow managed to flip an internal mental switch. His voice sounded calm and reasonable, but I could see the artery in his neck pulsing and knew I was still in trouble."Everything's fine. Yes, lights out."What the hell was lights out?I could tell when he slammed his mental switch in the other direction because the phone hit the cradle with a crash as he jerked me farther into the room. Stupidly, I reached toward a large butcher-block knife set picturing the largest one in my hand and sliding effortlessly between his ribs. He roughly jerked me away. Truthfully, I doubt I could have stabbed him, but this was all about the bluster. He opened a drawer and reached inside with one hand, keeping his other at
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Chapter 85
"No, officers, I was hoping not to have a police report because the media loves this type of thing. I understand you've come to my home, but I don't want a big deal made out of it. I'll speak to my alarm company so there's no misunderstanding in the future."The words echoed through the house and with each one, my heart pounded harder. Maybe if I could tip the chair, it would make enough noise to alert the cops. Jail was preferable to what I imagined was going to happen.I didn't hear the front door shut because I finally managed to tip over. Unable to break my fall, I hit my cheek against the tile. Pain rattled my teeth and raced through my already aching head."What the hell have you done now?" His voice held complete disgust.I barely managed to open my eyes.He grabbed the chair, and me, pulling me back upright, tilting my world, though it could be my head injuries causing the spinning motion."You must be the dumbest female I've ever met."He tore the tape from my skin, unc
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Chapter 86
I breathed in slowly through my stuffy nose, thinking about the people I would hurt if I said anything. "If I tell you, innocent people will pay for my stupidity."He moved away and turned another chair around so he straddled it, the bulge in his jeans still evident. The fact that he looked entirely too good sitting that way made me feel warm all over. There was something seriously wrong with me. No guy had ever affected me this way. If you added the situation into the mix, it was pure insanity to notice what he looked like. But hell was he hot.He interfered with my dreamy thoughts. "You should have considered the consequences before you broke into my house."The words brought me back to reality and shame replaced the desire to run my fingers across his perfect abs. I couldn't control my stuttered response. "I did consider them just-just not this one." I looked away but quickly turned back. "I'd rather go to jail."His intense glare almost burned through me. "I told you that's not
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Chapter 87
I shouldn't have said anything more, but him thinking I'd leave my sister made me angry. "My brother's inside too; he's fifteen. I work some days and some nights; whenever I can get the hours. It's not ideal, but it's our only choice. My brother is very responsible." I spoke so fast, my words tumbled together.Reed gave a loud sigh. "Fuck."I did have some pride left because it came flaring back to life. "Don't fucking pity us."I threw open my door and so did he. He followed me up to the door and Don Gato rubbed against his pant leg.Traitor.I was back in my territory and feeling stronger. "You need to leave now.""I'm coming inside.""No.""Yes." There was steel in his voice."You'll upset my brother.""Too fucking bad. Open the door."It pissed me off, but I had little choice. I knocked on the door. The small curtain to the right of the door moved aside. An inside light came on and a slight thump sounded when Jon lifted the two-by-four barring the door. Our lock broke a
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Chapter 88
His car roared away while I stood in stunned silence."What the hell's in the box, sis?"I walked to the table and lifted the lid, handing one of the Plexiglas-encased balls to my brother. It was marked with a small plaque showing the name and date."Holy shit, it's a Babe Ruth."At least it was someone I'd heard of and I didn't feel stupid. I picked up another, lifting it to the dim light. Mickey Mantle, someone else I'd heard of, so I knew these balls were worth some money.When word went out on the street that Big Jim, the local fence, would pay ten grand for Reed Tyler's autographed baseball collection, I had no idea exactly which balls I was after. I just figured that some dumbass rich jock could afford to lose them. I didn't know Reed's father gave them to him. I looked down. There was one more in the box. I peeked inside with my brother peering over my shoulder.I picked it up.Jon whispered, reverence dripping from his voice. "Joe Jackson. Holy shit, that's Shoeless Joe'
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Chapter 89
I thought I'd been kissed before, but I was so wrong. Those boys made weak bumbling attempts compared to what Reed did with his mouth. He explored mine, his tongue dodging, licking, and seeking. The kiss went on and on, his hand threaded through my hair, his other smoothed over my ear then across my jaw. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against mine, his heavy breath warm with the delicious smell that matched his taste."That wasn't a very good idea," he said without pulling away."Then why did you do it?" A low breathy whisper had replaced my real voice.He leaned back, the intensity in his eyes captivated me. "Honestly, I don't know. You're still too young for fuck's sake.""For two more months and since you're such an old man at twenty-five, I'm sure you'll be arrested for cradle robbing." Jon had told me Reed's age and other interesting tidbits about Mr. Baseball Man.He released my hair, moving his hands up my arms until both rested against my throat, his thumbs ru
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Chapter 90
He shut off his car as soon as he pulled up in front of the trailer. The sudden quiet, though welcome, made me uncomfortable. I placed my hand on the door handle."Could we talk for a minute?" His sexy voice had dipped to an even lower tone. Shivers ran across my skin."Talking won't change anything.""This talk might." He sounded so sure of himself.I turned to face him. "Look, Reed, I'm not going to be your girlfriend. I don't need rides home or your jackets." I was such a liar. I never wanted to give up the jacket enveloping me in warmth and his scent. I wanted to roll in his smell, coating my body with Reed Tyler."I'd like you to work for me."Well that made me laugh. "Doing what? Your laundry, cleaning?""Don't you think it's a better gig than Tasty Burger?"I'd said my last words as a joke, but, God, he was serious. "I am not going to be your maid. The idea is ridiculous.""Just hear me out.""No." Why did he always bring my pride to the forefront?"I have an apartmen
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