All Chapters of Dollar Signs: Do You Only See My Money?: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
129 Chapters
Chapter 111: Confrontations
Noah's POV:Eden's smile is significantly more forced when we return to work in the morning. I feel awful leaving her to go to my own office, not that she needs me to babysit her. Quite the opposite. She's more than capable of handling all of this, even if I do wish I could shield her away from it.The morning flies by but just as I'm trying to decide where I'm going to take Eden for lunch, there's a knock at my office door."Come in," I call out, closing down the booking window for Eden's favourite restaurant.Stacey makes her way into my office, closing the door behind her. She doesn't say anything until she is standing directly in front of my desk."Sir..." She hesitates in a way that is very unlike her. "Is Mrs Clancy sick?"Her question catches me off guard. As far as I am aware the department heads have all agreed to keep Mrs Clancy's health status on the down low, at least for the time being.Who would tell? It doesn't take me long to work out who would go against Eden's
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Chapter 112: Asking For Help
Eden's POV:I end up working late over the next two days. James Artie is certainly right about one thing. My grandma's job isn't easy. There's a heck of a lot to do and it's fair to say that James and his nephew Lewis aren't making it any easier. If anything their making the whole thing a d*mn sight harder.It feels like every day there's a new company coming forward to sue us because of Lewis's team. At this point, it seems impossible that Lewis will be able to even try and pass the buck onto someone else. His whole team can't be responsible, if he's not.It just seems to get worse and I seem to be spending an insane amount of my time apologising for Lewis's actions. It would be significantly easier if he'd just scr*wed over big conglomerate but the man has no moral compass at all, and seems to have stolen ideas from the biggest names in the furniture business to little start ups and even one or two family run shops. I don't like having to apologise for something I didn't do and wh
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Chapter 113: Impatience and Exhaustion
Noah's POV:I'm momentarily lost, not at all sure what she's referring to. What would she possibly have to go to the police station about? I find myself looking for injuries, scared that something has happened to her and then it hits me."You asked them about your parents' death?" I ask hesitantly.I have about a million questions but I don't want to overwhelm her. Walking her through to the kitchen, I pour us both a glass of wine as she begins to explain. Sitting down at the kitchen table, she places a brown envelope down on the table between us.Biting inside of my cheek, I stare down at that envelope."Have you opened it?" I ask."I can't do it…" She says it like she thinks I'm going to be disappointed in her. Silly fool. Why would I be? If our situations were reversed, I'm not sure I'd be handling any of this half as well as she is."You want me to?" I ask, my hand moving towards the envelope slowly as I wait for her confirmation."Please."The noise of the envelope openin
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Chapter 114: A Promise of Information
Eden's POV:I spend most of the crying, curled up in Noah's arms and when we get up in the morning my face feels raw from tears. Hurriedly, I wash my face, trying to ease the red hue that has resulted from all that crying, before getting ready for work.Noah insists on having breakfast before heading out, not that I have an appetite. If I had a choice, I'd just go back to bed and stay there but that isn't an option.Perhaps more so now than ever, I need to resolve this matter once and for all. And that means going to work. I need to find out who is stealing from the company. Noah is still unsure whether we should trust Martin and maybe he's right.Maybe no one should be trusted…For the most part, my day runs like clockwork. I do everything like I'm going through the motions, completing a check list of tasks without stopping to think about what I'm doing or why I'm doing it. Fortunately, I don't have any important meetings or I'd be useless.It's Friday and so for the first time
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Chapter 115: Revelations
Eden's POV:Sitting in a dingy corner of the pub, I wait for Alice and Holly to arrive. I can't even begin to imagine what they could possibly have to tell me. This whole thing is very cloak and dagger; it's like something out of a spy film. Perhaps they know something about this whole lawsuit drama with Lewis. It would be a big help if they could give me something I can use to fire him.I'm nervously tapping my foot on the ground.I wish Noah was here with me. He always manages to calm me down. I can't get the two women's scared facial expressions out of my mind. Who has made them so terrified that they can't even talk to me outside the company building?"Eden?"I jump slightly at the sound of someone talking to me. I'd been distractedly staring out the window and had completely missed the two women entering the pub."Can I get you both a drink?" I offer politely."Er… That's not necessary," Alice says. "We won't be here long.""But we'll look significantly less suspicious if
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Chapter 116: You're Not Safe
I'm feeling uneasy as I let myself into my apartment, filled with an urgency to check the contents of the USB drive. There are answers on this little stick and I need them.My mind is a jumbled mess as it tries to process what Alice told me. It wasn't anything particularly new, nothing that I don't already know. Just more d*mn whispers and rumours, overheard conversations. The sort of things that won't prove anything.Instead of helping, her words had only made me feel more annoyed. Frustrated that it's taken us months to find out this much and yet we still know practically nothing.I stop on the doorstop, the door wide open as I stare into the apartment. The sight before me is a bit on the bizarre side. Noah and Martin are both sitting in my living room drinking tea."Eden!" Noah's eyes dart to me. "Where have you been?"I'm surprised to see how worried they book look as I close the door behind me."Why are you both here?" I ask, although I'm not particularly displeased at their
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Chapter 117: A Sleepless Night
Noah's POV:Eden barely sleeps, tossing and turning all through the night and I wonder if there's more to what happened yesterday than she has told me. We get ready for work quietly, neither of us feeling particularly chatty after not getting any sleep.I'm not even sure that I shouldn't be trying to convince her not to go in. It's the weekend after all, but we both have too much to do, not to go in, especially now that she has that USB drive.I'd have gotten more sleep at home in my own bed, except that's not strictly true. At home, I'd have spent the night worrying about Eden and so I'd probably be just as tired as I am now.The car journey to the office is quiet too and it's only when we should say goodbye, each going to our own offices that the silence is broken."I'll see you," Eden begins but I cut her off."I'll walk you to your office."My fists are clenched and maybe it's just the lack of sleep but I feel like I need to protect her, though I'm not at all sure who from.
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Chapter 118: Finding Answers
I do as Martin says, taking a seat as my entire body tenses at the idea of what he is about to say. I wish I could just run from the room and pretend that he didn't suggest I should sit down. It's what I used to do when I was a child and grandma wanted to tell me off.It probably wouldn't work now though… Plus, I'm supposed to be a grownup. I'm supposed to be all about handling the difficult stuff.Martin pulls out the seat at the table next to mine, turning it so he's facing me as he sits down. His expression is haunted and his eyes are sad. I'm not going to like what he's going to say. That one look is enough to make me not just want to run from the room, but maybe the country.Ear plugs could work… I just need to make sure I don't hear what he's about to say. If I don't hear it, it's not real, right?"Your grandma and I have known for quite some time that your parents; deaths were not accidental."I guess there's no avoiding that."Grandma knew?"I'm completely flabbergasted.
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Chapter 119: What If?
Noah's POV:When I enter Eden's office to learn that she's told Martin about the email, I'm pretty surprised. I can't believe she'd just outright tell him like that. Alone too.What if he actually was her parents' killer?Then what would she have done? Just sit back in her chair while he kills her? She could have waited and we could have done it together. But then she wouldn't be the super independent woman I know and love.It's difficult though because I spend the next hour or so trying to work out exactly how much she has told him. Like does he know that technically he's a suspect? That someone has accused him of committing the crime?The first chance I get, when Martin leaves the room briefly to collect some documents from his desk, I close the distance between me and Eden, so I can whisper in her ear."How much does he know?" I ask her."What do you mean?" she responds, feigning innocence. She knows I'm not happy about this. Unlike her, I don't trust Martin."Eden, you know
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Chapter 120: A Run in Over Lunch
Martin holds the door open for me when we enter the restaurant. "Sorry, it's not nicer," he says apologetically. "But no reservation and we're in a rush, right?""Nicer?" I ask, looking around. It looks nice enough to me. I'm not the biggest fan of fancy restaurants.Noah actually laughs. "Eden would happily eat food off a food stall."He's not exactly wrong… I'm definitely not a fussy eater. It's hard to be fussy when you can't cook to save your life.A waitress leads us to a table in the centre of the bustling restaurant. Noah, always the gentleman, holds out my chair for me before sitting down next to me. He takes my hand in his as the waitress gives us each a menu.I'm not really hungry so I skim the menu without really seeing it. It seems strange to even think about eating when things are such a mess."What can I get you?" the waitress asks and the guys both wait for me to place my order first."Can I have some sparkling water please?" I ask, still unsure what I should ask
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