All Chapters of Dollar Signs: Do You Only See My Money?: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
129 Chapters
Chapter 81: I Need Your Help
Returning to work on Monday morning, I am impatient for the others to arrive. My heels are tapping on the floor as I power up my computer. Noah places a coffee mug on my desk before making his way into his office without saying anything.That's unlike him. He usually stops to talk to me for at least a few minutes before beginning work. My disappointment is short lived though when I see Stacey making her way into the department.Hurrying to my feet, I make my way over towards her."I need your help," I say to her as soon as I'm close enough."Good morning to you too," she says with a yawn."Sorry. Morning," I reply, falling into step beside her as she enters the team kitchen."What do you need, Eden?" she asks as she flips the switch on the kettle."I need to learn how to carve furniture.""You what?" She blinks at me, completely surprised. "How am I supposed to help with that? I just draw the furniture. Someone else makes it.""Yeah, but you have to make all those little model
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Chapter 82: A Random Idea
Noah's POV:I don't know why I'm here. This meeting has nothing to do with me or my department. It's all about Lewis Artie and his stupid legal issues. I'm not sure why I need to be aware of any of it but apparently we all need to be in the know. Whatever that means."According to legal," Martin is telling us all, "our best bet is to offer a settlement.""Has it even been proven yet?" someone asks but I scoff at the question. "Well, it's not an unreasonable question, is it Noah?""Usually, no. But we're talking about Lewis here.""What's that supposed to mean?" Lewis retorts angrily."Only that it's not exactly like it's something you wouldn't do," I answer."I've never stolen anyone's ideas," he insists."Sure. Keep telling yourself that.""You can't prove otherwise.""Enough. I didn't call you all here for this," Mrs Clancy speaks up, clearly unimpressed. "I want you all put your teams at ease. There's no reason for them to be concerned.""But wait, Mrs Clancy, just a few
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Chapter 83: He's Up To Something
Eden's POV:Noah is up to something. I'm not sure what but he's definitely up to something. He's been intentionally having meetings with members of the team without including me. I don't mind. Not really, except he keeps pulling Rob in with him and I need to ask Rob for help with my terrible carving.When I say terrible, I don't just mean terrible. I mean the worst carving I've ever seen.My dad always prided himself on the fact that we did everything by hand but right now, I would love to get someone else to do it for me. I'm never going to do a good job of the furniture for the doll's house and Grandma is all excited about it. She wants to make a big event out of the whole thing and I don't really want to let her down.I also want to do it well for my dad. I'd like to make him proud. I've been watching tutorial videos online and everything. They make it look so easy but when I come to do it myself it's a disaster. Stacey asked Rob to help me yesterday and he'd quickly agreed but
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Chapter 84: Mr Wigney
Noah's POV:I'm pretty sure not knowing about the workshop is driving Eden crazy. She's got that frazzled look she gets when she's not in control of everything around her. It's one of the traits that makes her the best assistant I've ever had. She's always ahead of the game and so there's no doubt that my cancelling all my appointments has sent her into a spiral of confusion."We'll start straight after lunch," I say to Mr Wigney.I'm so happy to have found him at such short notice. It had seemed like a great idea when I heard that Eden needed to improve her carving skills but I didn't have the skills to help her and to be honest, even Rob's skills weren't at the level needed for a Clancy Doll House.So we'd got straight to work, trying to find an artist specialising in wooden carving. It had sounded at the time like it would be an easy task until I realised that it wasn't a medium that most artists work with any more. I'd had one or two people rant about it on the phone over the l
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Chapter 85: The Best Gifts Are the Ones You Make Yourself
Eden's POV:A woodwork workshop?I can't believe that this is what Noah has been plotting. Stacey is grinning like the cheshire cat as she sits next to me. She's got that smug expression people get when they know something you don't.Did Noah arrange all this for me? He says not. He says it's for a special project he wants the team to work on in the next few weeks, one that he refuses to tell me anything about, but Stacey seems to think it's more about me than the secret project. Although she has absolutely no evidence to back up her opinion and so I'm wary of believing her.Mr Wigney - his name makes me giggle more than it should - is the sweetest old man I've ever met. I had the privilege of having lunch with him and he spent the majority of the time asking how I hurt my hands. Of course, I couldn't tell him the truth. That I'd cut them to shreds trying to carve furniture for the seventh Clancy house.Instead I told him the lie that I'd given Stacey, that I was trying to make a
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Chapter 86: Distractions
Noah's POV:Eden is sitting at her desk staring at the little chair she made like it's the best thing she's ever seen. The workshop might have been my best idea this year, if not even longer."I have a present for you," I say as I come to lean against her desk."Present?" she asks, looking up at me."First, I should warn you, I really can't carve," I tell her."I'm sure it's amazing." Her encouragement is appreciated. I'm not exaggerating when I say carving isn't something I'm good at. Not only that but I don't have the patience to learn."Open your hand." She does as I ask and I tell her to close her eyes.Her hand outstretched and her eyes closed, I'm tempted to kiss her but I definitely shouldn't do that here. Glancing around, I check that we're alone before dropping my lips to hers. She opens her eyes to tell me off. It's written all over her face, I shouldn't kiss her at work. Before she can say anything, I drop her present into her still open palm.Looking down at it, she
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Chapter 87: Woodland Creatures
Eden's POV:Why the hell has Noah got me carving little woodland creatures? I would have thought he realised from my terrible little chair that carving isn't one of my greatest strengths. Sure, I'm getting better but I'm still not exactly a master craftsman.Stacey says it's an important task for the spring line. She says we're actually going to be selling them. But who is she kidding... Who is going to pay for these little bunnies and deer? Then again... people buy all sorts of crazy stuff so maybe there's a market for wonky woodland animals.I've barely seen Noah in the last few weeks. He says he's been busy with work and to be fair, I've been crazy busy trying to get the Clancy house finished in time for grandma's party. That's what I'm calling it... A party. I don't understand why she wants to make a song and dance about the house. It's not going to be as good as the one's my dad used to make and so it's hard to believe that this isn't going to just be a great big disappointment
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Chapter 88: Tiny People
Noah's POV:Forcing Eden to stay in the kitchen might have been taking things a step too far... Now spending her time in my office instead of the kitchen, she seems slightly happier. Mostly because at least now they have a window. The problem is that she can see through the windows into the department.Which when everyone is working in the conference room isn't really a problem. But when the first of the houses are finally finished and we have to move them to the store room things get a little complicated. I ask Stacey to distract Eden, take her out for lunch or something but my girlfriend only refuses everything the other girl suggests."Boss, maybe you should take her out?" Rob tells me. "You like her, right? So, here's your chance..."I frown because we don't have time for this. There's no time to waste but his suggestion might be the only thing that will get her out of the building, unless I were to ask Mrs Clancy for help. But then I'd have to admit that I already know that E
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Chapter 89: Carrying On
Eden's POV:Standing in the doorway of my childhood bedroom, I stare at the latest Clancy house. I have to admit it does look pretty impressive. To look at it from here, you wouldn't know that I did it instead of my dad. But that doesn't mean much; everything looks better at a distance."Oh, you're here again?" Grandma asks, coming to stand next to me."Yeah...""I thought you'd finished the house?""Yeah, just double checking it," I tell her, not taking my eyes off the house."It looks good to me," she says dismissively. She doesn't understand the pressure I feel."Are you sure about this?""About what dear?""The memorial service.""I don't really know what there is not to be sure about."Of course, she doesn't. She doesn't understand at all. It's not her that has been lying to everyone... What will Noah think when he sees me on that stage next to grandma? He's going to be so angry."Well... what about the fact that no one knows I'm your granddaughter?""I don't think t
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Chapter 90: He's Going to Hate Me
With only two days left before the memorial service, time is running out to tell Noah but I still haven't worked out how to go about it. I'm terrified that he'll be hurt... or that he won't forgive me. I've been avoiding him. Well sort of... He's been busy with work. He's been up to something for weeks and I have no idea what it is but it means that avoiding him is surprisingly easy.Unable to sleep, I lie in bed, staring at the ceiling. It's been days since I had a decent night's sleep. Instead, I've been tossing and turning as I try to think up a solution. Grandma would say I'm overthinking it.I almost texted him twice with a single sentence, "My real name is Eden Clancy."Of course, I can't actually tell him by text. He definitely wouldn't forgive me if I did that. But I've considered all the options... writing him a letter... taking him out for dinner... putting a post-it note on his desk... using sign language or a foreign language - personally that's my favourite. I get a cle
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