All Chapters of Dollar Signs: Do You Only See My Money?: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
129 Chapters
Chapter 61: I Love Lasagne
Noah's POV:"That's not what I meant," she hurries to tell me.I love watching her squirm. Her reactions are brilliant. I shouldn't really tease her. It's hardly professional."I'm pretty sure no one will see anyway," I tell her confidently, "but if they do, we'll just tell them the truth.""That you're taking me home?""No. That we're working late.""Oh... Yeah... That might make more sense."I bite my tongue so as not to laugh. As funny as it is, her reaction is a good reminder of why I really can't act on how I feel. I don't want to think about that though so I choose to start a safe conversation, talking about work.***Sitting in Eden's living room shifting through the new information she's gained, I want to ask her again where she got them. The more I look through it, the more curious I become as to who her source is. Not just anyone would have access to this many years of the company's accounts.These records go back twelve years. I don't know of many people who have been workin
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Chapter 62: Talking Over Dinner
Eden's POV:I've made this meal more times than I can count but I've never felt so nervous. We're actually sitting at the table unlike every other time Noah has eaten in my apartment. Usually we eat as we work but not tonight. It's strange and there's a weird atmosphere between us. This feels far more like a date than two colleagues working late together.Searching for something to say, I try to draw the conversation to safe territory but Noah is having none of it. When I ask his opinion on some of the data we've been working through, he tells me not to even think about it. It's frustrating and out of character. He's supposed to be a workaholic and yet here he is throwing it all aside and for what... to have dinner with me?"This is delicious," he says enthusiastically."It really is the only thing I can cook," I say, not exaggerating."Well, you could just eat this every day."Looking up at him from my plate, I notice that his eyes are teasing. He's enjoying this."I think I'd get a l
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Chapter 63: What Neither of Us Want to Say
Noah's POV:The next two weeks are mostly spent hidden away in Eden's apartment. When we're not at work, we're lost in a pile of paperwork, doing more mathematics than I've done in years. The more we delve into the accounts, the more confused we become. It's hard to imagine that all of this could be going on without Mrs Clancy knowing.Neither one of us have said it yet and I'm not sure either of us actually will but it's hard not to feel suspicious.There's been tens billions shaved off the companies profit margins and I'm struggling to believe that that amount of money can just disappear without someone noticing. Especially someone like Mrs Clancy. She's clearly a very intelligent woman. Not the sort of person it's easy to get one over on."This is insane," Eden says, getting to her feet and making her way towards me.Coming to sit on the sofa next to me, she points at a column of figures."Noah, this is huge money," Eden says angrily. "How could this go on for so long without..." He
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Chapter 64: No Common Sense
Eden's POV:I should pull away. I should tell him that I'm fine and not to worry about me. Now is the perfect opportunity to tell him who I am. Any of those things would be reasonable responses to his embrace.But I choose to stand still, grabbing the sides of his shirt with my fists so that I can cling to him. The one thing I probably shouldn't do. Not if I want to keep my sanity and whatever professionalism I have left.My heart is racing and I don't know if it's from being upset about my grandma or because he's hugging me. He smells amazing and he feels even better; warm and strong, he makes me feel surprisingly safe. This small gesture goes a long way to calm my nervous energy.If he wasn't here, I'd be rushing out the door to go to my grandma's. No matter how late it is, I'd barge in there and demand to know everything. But I'm not sure it would do me any favours. Grandma doesn't like ambushes. There's no way I'd get the information I need out of her. If anything I'd just make fin
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Chapter 65: Pink Ears & Worried Lips
Noah's POV:I kiss her even though I probably shouldn't. I've wanted to do it for months and as soon as my lips meet her, I know without doubt that I'm not going to regret this decision. She leans into the kiss, as I remove my hands from her arms so I can cup her face.My senses are in overdrive as I allow my tongue to explore Eden's mouth as one of my hands moved to the back of her neck, encouraging her to tilt her head up further as I step towards her, pushing my way into her personal space.Her hands wrap around my neck, inviting me closer still.The sensation of her tongue against mine combined with the taste of her is hypnotic. I don't know how long we stand here like this, lip locked, kissing with a furious passion that at least I've been trying to ignore for months. The feeling of her slight frame against my own body sends fire through me and I know if I don't pull away, I'll probably rush us into something that neither one of us is prepared for.This can't be just one night. Or
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Chapter 66: Professionalism & Dignity: Two things I Can't Maintain
Eden's POV:I'm practically giddy with excitement when I get to work this morning. I've barely slept, unable to clear my head of thoughts of Noah or more precisely kissing Noah. If I'd realised he was that good a kisser, I'd have kissed him sooner. Possibly.Alright, I probably wouldn't have. Especially because he can be a right jerk sometimes but I'd definitely have imagined it sooner.Thoughts of kissing Noah had even managed to keep me from ringing my grandma to demand answers about the company's finances. If distracting me had been Noah's goal when he kissed me, he did one hell of a fine job.The problem is that now I have to act like it didn't happen. I have no idea what Noah is thinking... I don't know if he wants to date or if it was a mistake. Just the heat of the moment or something. But really none of that matters.What actually matters is that this building is our workplace and I'm going to do my best to maintain a perfect level of professionalism. I will not let on that an
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Chapter 67: Saving Someone's Dream
So much for getting out of the building before anyone saw me...It's always the way, right? When you're trying to avoid people you run into EVERYONE! Trust my luck that I'm wearing Noah's shirt on the one morning when everyone decides to come to work early. Mostly no one seems to notice as we make our way past them. It would help if I was wearing a coat but nope, I stupidly decided not to wear one today.Stacey definitely notices though. She stops us near the door to our department to ask Noah a couple of questions. There's a smirk on her face and I can only imagine what she's thinking."Nice shirt, Eden," she says casually. "You pull it off well... Definitely better than..."D*mn! I have to stop her before someone hears. It's perfectly innocent after all but there's no way anyone would believe me. What's more the truth is far less exciting than what the trashy gossip they can make up."I spilt my coffee," I try to explain before she can say anything else."Ah... I see," she says, adju
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Chapter 68: I Don't Know
Noah's POV:It doesn't matter how much I try to understand. I just can't wrap my head around why this matters so much to her. I wanted one night without all this between us, just one night where it would be just me and her. No work. No one else. No distractions.Earlier when she refused to go out for dinner with me, I'd tried to convince her. My motivation wasn't completely selfish either. She's been putting so much energy into all of this work stuff and it has clearly taken an emotional toll on her. I'd wanted to give her just one night without all this hellish overtime.I know she takes her job seriously but this is beyond any semblance of normal levels of workaholicism.She's not looked up from her work once in the last thirty minutes. I know because I've been watching her. It's getting late and usually she'd be telling me round about now that she's starving and we'd be ordering in takeout. But apparently not tonight.Her behaviour makes little sense to me. I know why I'm invested i
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Chapter 69: N*****x and Chill
Eden's POV:"I don't know."It's an impossible question to answer. For one thing, I really can't believe that grandma knew about this. There's no way she'd just sit on this sort thing. She's so headstrong. She'd never have allowed someone in the company to do this. But the idea that she might not have only known about but perhaps been involved too, is beyond my level of comprehension.Grandma wouldn't. I really don't think she would but I can't tell Noah that because as far as he knows I have no grounds for my belief in her character.Instead, I try not to think of it. If grandma is involved - which I really don't believe she is - then I'll worry about that when I find the evidence to prove it. I wouldn't let myself be weighed down by the worst case scenario until we know for sure. Leaning into Noah's side, I rest my head in the crook of his shoulder.He's talking but I'm not really listening. The sound of his voice is so calming and I can feel myself drifting off to sleep but when the
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Chapter 70: Third Wheel
Noah's POV:Last night I'd called Eden as soon as I arrived home. It had been hard to leave her apartment and so I'd rushed to pull out my phone as soon as my front door closed behind me, fearing that she might have already gone to bed. It had been late after all.She'd answered though and we'd spent the best part of two hours talking about absolutely nothing.This morning though, I'm absolutely exhausted. Before heading up to the office, I pop across the street to pick up my regular order of coffee. I've already spoken to Eden by text this morning and I'm in a great mood. I drop a quick reply to her last message. I'm disappointed when I don't immediately see the three little dots that tell me she's typing out her reply.I pay for the coffees and exit the cafe, preparing to cross the street. Waiting at the pedestrian crossing, I smile when my eyes land on Eden. She's standing outside the company and I automatically lift my hand to wave to her but pull it back when I see that she's
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