All Chapters of Dollar Signs: Do You Only See My Money?: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
129 Chapters
Chapter 71: She's Sees Through Me
He can't be her father. Eden's parents are both dead. He could be her uncle, I suppose. Or a family friend? He's definitely too young to be her grandfather and I've always had the impression that Eden's grandma was the only family she had left. She's certainly next mentioned a granddad.I've been able to think of little else over the last few days, I'm not sure why I'm so interested. It's not like it really matters. Except that I want to know everything about her. And that curiosity is highly frustrating.Martin has popped by my office several times in the last few days but he hasn't once spoken to Eden. They haven't so much as exchanged smiles. The whole thing is highly suspicious but I refuse to get overworked about it.I can't ask her about it though because she asked me to trust her judgement and wait for her to tell me who her source was. It's more important than ever that I do that, after the way I behaved when she first joined the company. And now, the last thing I want is fo
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Chapter 72: Grandma?
An hour or so later, I'm returning to the company. I need to pick up some documents that I need to look over ahead of a meeting I have on Monday with the other team leaders and directors.Part of me wants to leave it and pick it up in the morning but that would mean wasting time that could be spent with Eden.The building is quiet as I make my way up to our floor. Unlocking my office, I let myself in before approaching my desk to find the documents I want. They're easy to find, exactly where Eden told me she left them. Then I'm re-locking my office and making my way out of the department again."I'm sorry Eden." I'm surprised when I hear a voice further down the corridor. I stop short, wanting to hear more.Eden isn't here. She's supposed to be with her grandma but I distinctly heard the person say her name. Perhaps it was my imagination… I've clearly got Eden on the brain. Logically, I should just ignore the voice and go home. That's what I should do but when it comes to Eden I ra
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Chapter 73: A New Friend
Eden's POV:I'm asleep by the time my grandma arrives home and she's not home when I wake up either. I'd decided to stay the night so that I could at least have breakfast with her but apparently that isn't on the agenda.Something must be going on. It's not like Grandma to miss her birthday dinner.Then again, obviously something is going on. I've seen the company accounts. I know just how messed up everything is but I also know that it's hardly new. Someone has been siphoning money out of the company for over ten years, since before my parents died. And there's no way, my grandma didn't know. She'd have to be completely oblivious not to know.I don't understand why she hasn't said something, shared her concerns. We're family after all.I'm not sure what to do with myself today. My plans have been cancelled and my back up option is clearly to busy to even have breakfast with me. Scrolling through my phone, I consider my options. I could just continue on with the work I have waitin
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Chapter 74: Mrs Clancy's Granddaughter
Noah's POV:My weekend is pretty crappy. Not seeing Eden puts a real dampener on my mood. We text frequently but I feel a little distant, still too annoyed and confused. Of course, for her part she's completely oblivious. She's unaware that I know anything at all. I make up another excuse for why I can't see her on Sunday.I still don't know how I'm supposed to feel and so I try to distract myself with paperwork. It doesn't really work but it's better than moping about feeling sorry for myself.It's insane to think I tried to fire Mrs Clancy's granddaughter. I guess I should count my lucky stars that Eden forgave me for that, rather than feeling angry with her for lying. But it's easier said than done.I want an explanation but I'm obviously not going to get one. At least not today.It's possible that Mrs Clancy asked Eden to look into the company's finances, I guess. And I was trusted to help?But Eden had seemed just as shocked as I'd felt when we found out. I don't think that
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Chapter 75: A Decade of Procrastination
Eden's POV:I return to my grandmother's house after my lunch with Stacey, hoping that I might actually see her this evening. She's not home when I arrive, probably at the company. Grandma doesn't usually work on the weekend but I'm too scared to ask her if she's okay. Lately, I've felt like she's keeping secrets from me.Since I have the house to myself, I wander up to my bedroom. It's ridiculously over the top luxurious. It's huge but then again, I guess it has to be to house the seven doll's houses. I approach the last house, the one we never finished. I've thought about doing it myself countless times but I've never actually been able to bring myself to do it.It had always been too painful even thinking about it. We'd barely even started this particular house when my parents died.Sitting down in front of it, I pull out the old sketch book we used to collect our design thoughts. We had it all planned out. My fingers brush across the sheets of paper as the sight of my father's
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Chapter 76: An All-Nighter with Grandma
Noah's POV:Eden is already at her desk when I arrive. She looks tired, like she hasn't slept well all weekend."Didn't sleep?" I ask, holding out the coffee to her.She smiles gratefully as she takes it from me. "I was a bit late going to bed," she tells me.It feels weird not knowing what she's been up to all weekend. It's frustrating too, knowing that if I ask her she probably won't tell me the truth."I was at my grandma's house," she says, telling me just enough that she's not lying."You had an all-nighter with your grandma?" I tease, pressing for more."God, no. She went to bed at a sensible time unlike me."I reach out, brushing a strand of hair out of her eyes. It's hard not to touch her and I don't even think about the fact that someone could see us. Fortunately, most of my team wouldn't even consider coming to work this early."What were you doing up so late?" I ask softly.I want to know more. Knowing that she's been lying to me, I feel like there's a whole side o
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Chapter 77: Meeting Your Girlfriend's Grandmother
Knowing that Mrs Clancy is Eden's grandmother, I feel slightly nervous as I make my way towards her office for the meeting. It's something I do several times a week and yet it feels more important now, or at least important in a different way."Come on in everyone," Mrs Clancy says as she walks into her own office, removing her coat as she goes.It's odd. She's late. I don't think I've ever known her to arrive to work late. She looks almost as tired as Eden but that makes little sense. Eden said her grandma got an early night. I shake off my unease. It's not really any of my business."How was everyone's weekend?" The older woman asks and everyone exchange polite replies. For the most part they all sound disappointed to be back at work but I'm pretty sure I hear some grumbling about their good for nothing husband."How was your birthday?" Lewis Artie asks.'Suck up,' I mutter under my breath."It could have been better," she replies, "perhaps if I didn't have to work all weekend
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Chapter 78: Company Gossip
Normally I wouldn't hesitate to tell Eden about what happened in the meeting but I'm concerned I'll only make her worry more. She's got a lot on her mind, the last thing she needs is to worry about a pending lawsuit.I hadn't considered how easily news travels around this company. Some of the assistants could gossip for Britain.At around four, just as the department is beginning to get noisier, everyone eager to go home, Eden makes her way into my office. She has a serious look on her face as she strides towards my desk. It's clear in her every movement that she is on a mission and I gulp, silently berating myself for not telling her myself."A lawsuit?" she asks, her voice shaking slightly. "So Lewis Artie wasn't just stealing ideas from our team?"If she knew that I know about her grandmother, I'd apologise for not telling her but while ever she thinks I don't know, I have no real reason to tell her. I'm hardly going to come out of a meeting and exchange all the goss with my gir
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Chapter 79: You're Really Short
Eden's POV:I'm freaking out. Literally freaking out.It doesn't help that Noah has me sitting in his office collating documents when all I really want to do is run down to my grandma's office and demand to know what the hell is going on. Not that she'd actually tell me.When it's finally time to call it a day, Noah rushes me out the door. I'm not sure why but he seems to be in a very good mood. I feel like a bit of a downer by comparison. It's hard to be happy when I'm so worried about grandma. But I can't tell him that. I can't explain my moodiness to him and that makes me feel even worse.He takes it in his stride though. He doesn't seem at all affected by the fact that I keep giving him one word answers or that I'm barely being civil.As he drives us to the supermarket, I stay quiet, staring out the window at the passing buildings. I'm not really seeing them. He could be taking me to the middle of the countryside to ax me to death and I would be none the wiser.I jump slightl
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Chapter 80: Checking Up On Grandma
Over the next week, I struggle knowing that my grandma is having a hard time and there's nothing I can do about it. I would love to strangle Lewis Artie but I'm not sure that would achieve anything besides landing me in prison. Just what my grandma would need... the bad press of having her only granddaughter in the slammer for attempted murder.Noah keeps reminding me that the lawyers have it in hand and that the best thing we can do is focus on the company's accounts. He is convinced that Lewis's uncle is the one responsible for the disappearing funds. I guess I should be grateful he no longer suspects my grandma but really all I feel is overwhelmed.I pop back to grandma's regularly to check on her but she's rarely at home and when I do see her, she looks exhausted. It means our work has slowed down but Noah doesn't complain about the delays. He's probably had enough of all the extra work and appreciates the break."What are you doing here?" Grandma asks as she comes into the kitc
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