All Chapters of Icy twins and hot actors: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
104 Chapters
11: Tom, the sexy beast
*Meri* Almost as soon as Tom has closed the door he pulls me into his arms, kissing the living daylights out of me, making me drop my bag on the floor. When he breaks the kiss he chuckles softly. "Sorry, I have just been longing to do that ever since I saw you step out from the station". "Oh no problem… I kind of wanted you to do that… really badly". I giggle. "So… ?". He bends down to pick up my bag, handing it to me. "What about a homemade cup of tea and a talk ?"I look at Nani, sitting by Tom's feet. "Sounds good, but maybe you should take off Nani's leash first". "Oh yeah… Sorry boy". He quickly gets the harness of Nani and the dog runs off to somewhere in the house. Then he takes my hand. "Come on darling, let me show you the kitchen". He pulls me with him into a spacious and light kitchen. It is held white and light wood. I look around. "Oh this is so cosy". "You are saying that like you expected something else". He lets go of my hand to go behind the counter and fill
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12: Bennett’s hottie
Next day*Lumi* "Hi sis or should I say beautiful mystery blond". I say giggling, as I open the door to Meri's bedroom. She rolls over, brushing the hair out of her face. "Uh what ? Where ?" "Morning sleepyhead, up and get ready. You need to look like a million just in case anyone recognises you". She still looks at me utterly confused. "You and Tom were spotted yesterday … you my dear are all over the net". She sits up rubbing her eyes, before grabbing her iPad. It doesn't take long before she is groaning. "Did they pick all the worst pictures of me on purpose ? And the headline "Bennett's hottie" ... Seriously ?" "Well you are a hottie, why complain about that ? Believe me they could have called you a lot worse". I shake my head. "And by the way you look great in every picture". "Tom Bennett seen out and about with a young beautiful blonde, could there be love in the air for the 37 year old actor ?" She groans again. "See I knew they would comment on the age". I shake my head.
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13: Homework and making out like teenagers
*Meri* When the doorbell rings I hurry out to open, finding a smiling Tom outside … or a huge bouquet of white and deep red long stemmed roses with Tom somewhere inside I guess. "Hi… Tom". His head pokes up over the roses. "Well hello darling, I thought I would get you a little something as it's the first time I see your home". "You didn't have to Tom". I say biting my lip, wondering if I have a vase large enough for all the flowers. "I know, but I wanted to". He holds out the flowers to me and I take them. He steps inside, closing the door. "I hope you like roses". I smile at him. "Actually, I love roses… they are my favorite. Let's just go into the kitchen and put them into some water". "Sure". He follows me into the kitchen. "Oh hi Lumi, Nice kitchen". "Well hello lover boy and thank you". She says with a smirk. Tom pulls out a single white rose and hands it to her. "For you my lady". "Oh you big gooey teddy bear you". She smiles. "He is a keeper Meri, most definitely a k
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14: Planning a set up
10 days later *Tom* I am shuffling about in my kitchen getting lunch ready when the doorbell rings. So I dry my hands and go to open the door. "Luca, welcome to England". "Hi Tom". He grins and we hug each other. "So this is where you live. Nice place. Very much you it seems". "Yeah we can't all be cowboys unfortunately". I grin. Luca had called me, telling me he was coming to London to read on a part and do some interviews, so I told him he could stay here. He chuckles. "Oh I am sure you would make a mighty fine cowboy Tom, with a lot of sunscreen". "Ha ha, very funny". I step aside. "Come on in, lunch is almost ready. We are just waiting for Meri". "Oh … would that happen to be that cute little blonde you keep getting snapped with. The one who you claim is just a friend ?" He walks inside, looking around. I walk up the stairs showing the way. "Well yeah … that would happen to be her … and uhm truth be told definitely more than a friend". "Yeah sorry Tom, but I think anyon
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15: Set up and misunderstandings
Next day *Luca* "Maybe I should just… Stay in my room. I don't think I will be in good company today Tom". I stretch. Honestly it's not a good day for me. I have a bit of a headache and I feel I fucked up the reading for the part. So the old self hate and anxiety is kind of poking a bit through, so for once being social is not on the top of my todo list. "Come on Luca, it's just Meri… and her twin sister. It'll be fun. Don't leave me alone to tackle them both". Tom halfway begs. I rub my neck, trying to relieve some of the tension. "I thought that tackling twins was every man's fantasy". "Ha ha Luca, very funny". He makes a face. "Come on, it's all down to earth and relaxed… dinner and maybe some fun board games". "Okay… if you stop pestering me". I grumble. I guess Tom doesn't want to be the only man. And well Meri seems like a nice girl so her sister probably is too. He smiles. "Great Luca, wonderful. So go take a shower and put on something nice … maybe It'll make you feel
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16: Tension building
*Lumi* The dinner has been… Let's just say, a bit tense. Meri has been looking lost and Tom has desperately been trying to smooth everything over, coming with really bad jokes to lighten the moods. Luca has been saying almost nothing to no one and I have pretended that he doesn't exist. Meri suddenly had an urge to show me the upstairs, and I am guessing it is to give Tom privacy to talk to that big headed jerk about civil behaviour. "Honestly I don't know what it is with Luca. But I am sorry he is acting like that. I was so sure you two would hit it off … he wasn't like this at all". She says, shaking her head. "Well I know what it is with him, he is an egocentric dick … a lot of men are like that". I shrug. I can't believe they tried to set me up with someone like him. She shakes her head. "You know I wouldn't set you up with an idiot. I met him yesterday, and he was just the sweetest, most charming guy … I don't know what is up. Tom says he is a good guy too and they have kno
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17: Fun with games
*Meri* "Seriously Tom, how is that supposed to be 'gladiator'". Luca is throwing out his arms in frustration over not getting Tom's very complicated drawing. "Well I think it was pretty obvious ... I mean to anyone with half a brain". Lumi sips her wine. Luca glares at her, his voice dripping with venom. "Funny, I don't remember asking for your opinion". I wonder if I should jump in, but I have a feeling it would just make it all much worse, so instead I ignore it and talk to Lumi. "Okay sis, Your turn to draw … make it easy on me". She gets up to draw a card and Tom slumps down between me and Luca. "Sorry Luca, I totally thought you would get it". "I think it was well done". I say softly and Tom turns his head to press a quick kiss to my lips looking happy again. "Ready ?" My sister asks and I nod. She quickly draws two things on the paper. Luca leans forward his voice full of doubt. "Is that a tombstone and an erect penis ... what fucking movie is that ?" I giggle and so d
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18: Tom is fishing
*Tom* We are done playing and I am standing with my arms around Meri, feeling all nervous. "I was thinking, both me and Luca had too much to drink to be driving. I could call you a cab ...". "You don't have to Tom, we can take the tube". She cuts in, making me even more nervous. "No". It comes out much more demanding than I meant it to. "I mean I don't like the idea of two women alone in the tube this late". She giggles, and places a hand on my chest. "Tom no need to worry, I had self defense classes and Lumi has been doing kickboxing for many years. We can handle ourselves". "It's just ... damn what I actually wanted to ask". I swallow. "Maybe you would like to stay ? I have a second guest-room". "Oh so me and Lumi can sleep there ?" She smiles up at me. "Sounds like a good idea". I sigh. "Yeah, that is what I meant". I feel like a teenager here. "It is ? And here I thought you were desperately fishing for me to ... sleep in you bed". She giggles and wink at me. I groan. "Y
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19: Flirting or something
*Luca* Of course Tom asked the girls to stay over .. the cheeky bastard just wants to try and get to the next base with sweet Meri and I am stuck with having to get through breakfast tomorrow with the wicked witch of Finland. I am a bit surprised by myself. I mean I pride myself on getting along with everybody, but somehow she just really managed to bring out all the worst in me on an already bad day. Too bad she is a gold digging bitch, because to be honest she is actually rather hot, with possibly the sexiest legs I ever saw. I shake my head, most likely she'll bite the males head of after sex. I chuckle to myself at the idea and shrug out of my clothes. I am not that needy, even if it has been a while. Putting on my pajama pants, and finding my toothbrush I leave my room to go to the bathroom. But as I open the door I spot Lumi on her way there. She is wearing one of Tom's t-shirts and as far as I can see only panties under. Of course she will get the bathroom first and I pr
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20: Tension unleashed
*Lumi* I pull away, looking into his eyes and a curl in the corner of his mouth forms into a devilish grin that makes me melt and go weak in the knees. "Hey baby". His words are the softest I have heard from him, his eyes not leaving mine for a moment. "Maybe we should move into my room for ... the rest of this"."Yeah, I don't want Tom or Meri catching us here". I reply, knowing what the statement will bring. In a swift motion, he brings us both into the room, closing the door. I barely have time to think before I am pressed against the wall, and his hands are cupping my face. Luca presses against me, his mouth a breath away from my own. If I thought my heart was beating violently before, this surely outdo the feeling ten-fold. I closed my eyes, savoring the soft flesh of his lips, tasting the wine on his breath. They say first kisses are like fireworks shooting, the world nearly spinning off its axis, or something along the lines of complete and utter explosion. This kiss is n
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