All Chapters of Icy twins and hot actors: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
104 Chapters
21: The morning after
*Luca* I wake up, realising Lumi is gone. She probably didn't want to risk being seen sneaking out of my room. Sitting up I sigh, what the fuck had happened ? We had been ... fighting, kind of and suddenly I had realised that I was so damn turned on I couldn't think straight. Her eyes had told me I wasn't the only one feeling it. Still ... we shouldn't have, I mean I don't even like her, she is stubborn, aggressive, cold ... a bitch to be honest. But the sex ... damn it had been, Well mind blowing hardly covered it. It had been like ... dying a little bit but in the best of ways. I chuckle to myself as I get up and pull on some clothes. I better not tell Tom anything. He would probably slap me upside the head. I am guessing this will be our little naughty secret. Stepping outside my room I can hear the water run in the bathroom. So I walk downstairs, finding Meri in the kitchen whistling. I give her a quick hug. "Morning sweetie ... where is Tom ?" "Morning Luca. He is out for hi
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22: What made Tom blush
3 days later *Meri* "Is the abominable wookie going to be there ?" Lumi glares at me. We are sitting in the school's canteen and I have just asked her to come out with us for dinner tonight and a drink or two after. Luca is leaving tomorrow. And also Tom and I have decided that today is the day we stop hiding our relationship. Not as going out and announcing it, but if people catch us holding hands or kissing, so be it. "Yeah Luca is going to be there ... it's his last night in London for now". I look sternly at her. Those two really don't get along. I mean a few minutes in a room together and some insults are bound to be thrown. She rolls his eyes. "I am not sure I can make it through an evening with that neanderthal to be honest ... he is so annoying". "Come on Lumi, for me ? I want you there as support. You know it's the first time me and Tom go out as a real couple". I look pleadingly at her. "Argh okay ... but it's your own fault if I like … end up making a scene or somet
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23: The boys go shopping
*Tom* "So ... what are you planning on wearing tonight ?" Luca looks at me after pocketing his phone. I still wonder who it is sending him kinky photos, but I guess he ain't talking. "Well I wasn't planning on wearing anything special ... I think a suit would be too much". "So the same black jeans and blue sweater you have worn for like a year ?" He rolls his eyes. "Seriously Tom, I mean I am pretty simple when it comes to clothes, but Your girlfriend has already seen me in more different clothes than she has you". "I don't think she really cares about my clothes". I grumble. Luca gets up. "Of course she doesn't, but wouldn't it be nice to surprise her ? To make her drool a little extra". "What do you have in mind ?" I look at him. "We go shopping ... I could use some new clothes too". He seems all excited. "Come on Tom, it's not like you can't afford it ... hell we can both afford it". I sigh, well maybe he is right. And I would like to surprise Meri. "Okay then". "To the T
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24: The forever rose
*Lumi* "Are you ready, siskoni ?" I ask, poking my head into Meri's room. She turns around, holding out her arms, then she twirls. "What do you say ? Am I fit to be on Tom's arm tonight ?" My eyes run over her as I nod appreciatively. She is wearing a red a-line dress with short wide sleeves and her lips are painted the same colour. Her hair twisted into a kind of side ponytail. "You look great, Tom won't be able to keep his eyes off you". "Oh wow Lumi". Her eyes run over me. "Who are you trying to impress ?" I turn on the spot, feeling good about myself. Luca's snarky answer showed me that I had achieved what I wanted. I am wearing tight black leather pants and a white top with a very deep v neckline. "No one, just wants to rub in someone's face what he isn't getting". I say with a shrug, knowing I am soooo lying through my teeth right now. I want him to want me. "I love the straightened hair and that lipcolour ... very sexy ice queen". My sister says as she is putting in her
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25: The kids are misbehaving
*Luca* When I see the front door open and Tom and Meri come out I straighten myself up. "Damn Tom, you were taking your time in ...". I freeze and my mouth go dry as Lumi saunters out the door, oh fucking hell she looks beyond sexy. "Yeah sorry Luca, it took a little longer than expected". Tom is smiling like a fool and I have a feeling he is very happy about it taking some time. I am unable to tear my eyes from Lumi as she slowly walks closer, those long perfect legs moving like a dancer ... and I already know that I need to have her again. "Fine Tom, no problem, I like the view". "The view ?" Tom asks, sounding rather confused. "Hi Luca, you look great tonight". Meri gives me a hug and I manage to focus long enough to hug her back. I send her a smile. I need to focus on something other than her delicious sister. "Thanks Meri, you look beautiful darling". "Evening Luca". Lumi stops in front of me, sending me a challenging look. "Why are you staring at me like that ?" "Just h
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26: Those two
*Meri* "Here you go love". Tom pulls the chair out for me. This time he has picked a slightly more fancy place than we usually go to. I sit down, and he gently pushes the chair in. On the other side of the table Lumi pulls out the chair to sit down, but Luca slides in front of her, sitting down. "Well thank you my dear". She rolls her eyes and pulls out the other chair for herself, mumbling. "Wookies ... no table manners at all". "But we have other talents". Luca says with a chuckle. I am honestly a bit worried about my sister, she has looked paler than normally the last couple of days, but she insists that she is fine and that I am not allowed to start fuzzing over her. Tom takes my hand, lifting it to his lips and pressing a kiss to it before entwining our fingers and I can't help smiling at him. I still can't quite understand that he loves me too. On the other side of the table my sister and Luca are at each other again, bickering like kids. But as they keep it down, I ign
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27: Dancing for him
*Tom* "Can I get you guys something ?" Luca asks, as we have gotten to the club and sat down in one of the VIP couches. "I'll have a Scotch please". I slide my arm around Meri, pulling her to my side. "What do you want, love ?" She looks thoughtful for a moment. "Can I get a glass of champagne ?" "Sure no problem sweetie". Luca flashes her a smile and turns to Lumi. "And what can I get for you ? Witches brew ? Pure poison ?" "Just a bottle of water". For once Lumi isn't answering back with some snarky remark. Luca looks rather surprised. "Water ?" "Yeah water ... you know wet thing, you can bathe in it ... do you have a problem with that ?" Her eyes flashes. Luca holds up his hands. "Relax, it's just not the most common response to get at a club". Meri leans over, taking Lumi's hand. "Are you sure you are okay siskoni ?" "I am fine Meri, don't start worrying". Lumi is smiling softly. "I had wine with dinner -.. so I better hold back a bit, that's all". Meri sighs. "Just pr
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28: No need to worry Tom
*Tom* I almost drop my keys trying to unlock the door. Suddenly feeling all nervous and uncertain. What if she only wants to snuggle ? What if she ends up disappointed after all this wait ? "Tom ... breathe". She gently takes the key and unlocks the door. "Nothing to stress about". I follow her inside, closing the door behind us and seconds later we are greeted by Nani jumping around us, begging for attention and a walk. "I better take him out for a short walk". "It's fine. I'll go get ready for bed then". She says with a shy smile, before kissing me softly. After putting on his harnesh I hurry out to walk Nani. Knowing that if I had postponed it like I was really tempted to, he probably wouldn't have come out before tomorrow. Of course he has to walk extra slow and sniff at everything and I start to grow impatient, wanting to get back to the warm embrace that awaits me there. Finally Nani is done with what he needs to do and we hurry home, hoping that Meri hasn't fallen aslee
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29: Will they reach the bedroom ?
*Lumi* After getting out of the cap, we hurry up to the front steps and I find my key to unlock the door. I can feel Luca standing close behind me, his hands having a tight hold on my hips. His warm lips start nippling on my neck and shoulder and I have to admit that it makes it very hard to focus on getting the key into the lock. "Luca, could you stop for just a moment please ? I can't get the door unlocked and I don't think you want to continue this on my doorstep". I say after missing the keyhole for the third time. He chuckles in my ear, but at least he removes his lips from my skin long enough for me to get the door opened. Then he eagerly pushes me inside and closes the door behind us. When he turns around I am on him in a flash. The old lady downstairs is def, and goes to bed at 9 pm, so no danger of her walking out finding us making out in the hallway. My lips are sealed to his and my hands are in his hair, making him gasp. His hands are pulling my blouse from my tro
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30: Is it final goodbye ?
*Luca* "Wake up Your oaf ... I can't risk Meri showing up and finding you in my bed". Lumi is kicking the bed, rattling me from my sleep. I groan and roll on my back. "Couldn't you chill for once ? I mean you are the ice queen after all". "Ha ha always so funny. Come on get a move on and please stop waving that thing at me". She huffs. Okay I am getting tired of this. And before she can react I pull her down on the bed, having her under me. "You were not saying that last night. But what about we start over ... I have a feeling we kind of got off on the wrong foot. Hi I am Luca, nice to meet you". "Luca stop being silly, let me go". She is squirming, but I am not giving in this easily. "Baby listen, I do enjoy our banter ... actually it's a bit kinky, but both you and me know that ... Well yesterday wasn't an accident. Why don't we just admit that ?" She still smells of vanilla. She presses hard on my chest. "Don't Luca ... it was nothing ... it was sex. I mean we don't even li
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