All Chapters of TAMING THE PLAYBOY ALPHA: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
150 Chapters
FREYA'S POV: “Lucas… what do you mean? Why are you looking at me like that?”I dare not expect anything right now, but the bright look in his eyes and that warm smile brimming with excitement and joy, unlike the dead eyes he has been sporting from the first day I got here.“Please, tell me you’re not pulling my legs right now. That’s too expensive of a joke to play with!” I say, suddenly feeling some kind of anxiety taking hold of me.He walks in, kneeling down to my level and taking my hands.“I mean it, Freya. I’m here to take you out.” He repeats himself, chuckling with what looks like happiness.No…No way… There’s some sick game behind this somewhere.“I don’t believe you.” I turn away from him, turning into a ball. “You’re trying to mess with me, right? You’re trying to get my hopes up, then torture me in some sick way again, right?” I say, trembling while rocking myself back and forth and closing my eyes.“No, Freya. You really are free, I swear I’m not lying.” He says again.
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FREYA'S POV:He pulls me away gently, looking down at me. It's only then I notice the pain in his eyes as he looks down on me. Deep sadness with tiredness and lack of sleep staring back at me. I can see just how much pain he has been through because of me.“Silas…” I reach out to caress his face, but freeze.Flashes of an older version of him with blue eyes fill my vision instantly, and I recoil away quickly, fear suddenly gripping me tight as I hyperventilate.“Are you okay?” He asks, looking more worried.He looks like Silas again, but something feels weird between us now. I want to reach out and hold him, and take in every bit of his scent I’ve missed in the past days but I can’t — like an invisible force pulling me away.I slowly take a step away, nodding my head.“I-I’m fine.” I mutter.But he doesn’t take it, of course. His forehead creases further as he takes in my entire state. I bet I look disgusting right now, still clad in the same clothes for weeks with filth and scum s
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FREYA'S POV: Please relax, I tell my body. We’re not in danger anymore.I take in a couple deep breaths before I let him touch me again. He slowly takes off my top, helping my hands out the arm holes, and unbuckling my jeans slowly.I shiver and gasp from every slight graze of his fingers against my skin, just as my breathing grows rushed. A mixture of anxiety and arousal messes up my thoughts and senses while warmth wells up in my groin.Looking down at him, the focused and plain look on his face while he strips me, I can’t help wondering how he’s able to stay so focused in this situation. Maybe he doesn’t find my skinnier body attractive anymore…Pain stings my heart while I bite my lip again, feeling heavy sadness settling in.He takes off my bra and panties, easily carrying me in his arms again and lowering me into the warm water that smells like roses.I sigh once my entire body is engulfed in the warmth, my tensed muscles fully relaxing.“Thank you.” I mutter, finally feeli
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FREYA'S POV: My body feels hot, burning hot.Lust and desire runs through my veins as I let myself be taken over by the need welling up inside me.Just then, he gently drags the tip of his claws along the length of my neck. I gasp out, bending deeper into him, sparkles flying from every piece of skin he touches and kisses. His hands grab my naked breast, caressing the soft flesh before flicking the hardened nob.“Silas…” I moan just as he leans down and takes a knob into his mouth, suckling on them.I feel his touch playing with the tip while his teeth grazes it gently. He suckles on it as well, like a baby trying to draw milk out.Before I can make sense of the pleasure I feel, grabbing onto his head and pulling on his hairs, his hands slide down, going underneath the free shorts worn on my lower half. The absence of panties makes it easier for him to reach my wet core.I shiver again just as his fingers begin rubbing round my entrance, taking much of the pouring wetness around.“
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FREYA'S POV: I groan groggily, tossing and turning on the soft mattress that feels like cloud, fazing in and out of consciousness before I realize the big wide space next to me with lingering warmth where he was supposed to be.A wave of panic forces me up again, racing my heart faster and leaving me very much unnerved, till I look up properly and see him seating on the couch few feet ahead, watching the TV.I sigh once relief floods through me, like calming water. I’m not alone.Yet, I still dread the feeling, the fear of being left alone, a constant reminder of the shit I had been through that I desperately want to forget…so I can be myself again.While I tap on my chest in relief, he turns to me, realizing I’m awake now, sitting more upright and high on alert. His forehead twisted with worry.“You okay? Did you have a nightmare?” He asks.“No.” I respond, still patting on my chest.Surprisingly, I hadn’t had a single dream or nightmare which is a surprise. Possibly the sex had t
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FREYA'S POV: He groans for the umpteenth time once the lights finally go dark and the large white screen lights up.“I told you to pick something you’ve never done before.” He reminds me of our deal, like I had been deaf when he brought up the suggestion.“Yeah, I heard you.”“You’ve never been to a cinema?” He acts all shocked again for the seventh time.“Strict parents.” I say as an excuse.In actuality, my assigned parents never deemed me worthy enough to enjoy the classic childhood and teenagehood entitled to every offspring.Been scrubbing pots since I could walk. No way they’d let me waste time at the cinema.“Well, I guess I can relate to that.” He comments.Unfortunately, his comment is an instant trigger and suddenly, I’m flinching from the memory. I know just how strict his father especially is.I unwillingly shiver in my seat and he notices quickly, stretching out to take a hold of my arm even if I flinch away.“Sorry, too soon?” He comments, rubbing on my back.“Yeah, kin
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SILAS' POV:I look away before she walks through the gate and hop into the cab again. I can’t bear to watch her leave.If I do, I know I wouldn’t leave.I’d grab her by the hand and say everything I really want to say… that she’s mine and no one else’s.We’d go somewhere far, no matter how treacherous it may be and stay far away from father’s eyes.But she doesn’t deserve that. She doesn’t deserve to be on the run, constantly watching her back after she’s been through so much because of me. I wouldn’t put her through that.She deserves much more stability, and I can only give her that through this… I can’t lay claim on her no matter how much I want to.All this is for her.“Where to?” The Cab driver asks, looking at me through the mirror.I sigh now, tired exhausted…numb.“The Alpha’s royal estate.” I say.He raises a brow at me, clearly confused or curious as to why I would want to go there and such far distant at such a time.I could have summoned a driver, but I really don’t care
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FREYA'S POV:Once I pass through the gates, I hear the car pulling away and my chest constricts again, but I keep moving forward not, daring to look back.My eyes sting with warmth.I take a deep breath again, moving forward.It’s not like I won’t see him again, right? We go to the same school. The distance is just necessary for now.I walk a for few more minutes, rubbing my arms from the cold breeze that suddenly hits.“Freya!”I hear her scream before I see her. I turn to my left a second before she crashes into me and we both fall onto the ground.“Xena…”I know it’s her from her familiar scent and just how tightly she squeezes my ribs, almost cracking the ones that have just started healing.“Freya!” She says again, just as she begins balling her eyes out in tears.Her body trembles against me as she wails out without a care of who might see or hear her.“Xena…” I say, trying to pry her off me but my hands are weak for some reason and grow even weaker with every tug till my eyes g
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My eyes remain wide awake even when the sun slowly rises and nature’s light begins filling the room.Not even a wink of sleep visits me… I wonder why.I should be able to fall asleep, being on such a comfy bed far far away from that torture chamber. I had slept right next to Silas… yet I was unable to rest for a single moment.Now that it's morning, I feel even more exhausted than ever. Sadly, it’s just me that feels that way.Xena’s already up, bright and early, humming very loudly after she came back from having a bath and getting dressed.I groan in frustration, clogging my ears with the pillow.Now that my eyes are feeling heavy… if I could just fit in a moment's rest.“Are you awake?” She pops up right next to me suddenly.I jump up in fright, tumbling to the ground with my butt first from the intrusion I wasn't expecting.Now, my butt is sore and I feel a slight headache coming on.Well, there goes my sleep.“Oh, I’m sorry. Did I wake you up?” She asks, looking more guilty than
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“What the hell Adam!” Xena yells once she successfully rests her butt on the back seat again.The sudden halt had thrown the both of us forward, crashing into the seats right in front of us.I rest back, rubbing on my sore neck that had been twisted painfully from the collision my head had made.“Ouch.” I say, rubbing the top of my head as well“Sorry, guys. Something suddenly… jumped into the road. I had to hit the break.”I sit up, peeping forward from my side window and seeing nothing but an open road ahead of us.“I don’t see anything though.” I say.“Yeah, it jumped out as fast as it had jumped in.” He explains.“I’m definitely driving on our way back.” Xena says, leaning and huffing again.Adam doesn’t protest and gives in quite easily to Xena’s request.The journey continues without a hitch just like that.“Back to what we were saying.” Xena resumes once again, excitedly turning to me.I had hoped she had forgotten the awkward conversation she had brought up. To my dismay, she
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