All Chapters of TAMING THE PLAYBOY ALPHA: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
150 Chapters
The rest of the day goes smoothly, and I finally let myself relax and expose myself to the therapy of shopping.I must admit… it actually does work.The week that follows rolls by, quicker than I want, but I don’t hate it too much. A part of me desperately wants to fall into some kind of routine that can keep my mind active.I mostly sleep and lay in bed, staring at my phone.Not once did Silas call or text, but I assume he’s too busy with work… I mean, he did say he had lots of things to do. I assume closing the investigation concerning my whereabouts would take some time.Plus, I also wasn’t ready. So, it went on like that till the first day of school resumption.First day of school… Darn.If only I could feel as excited as I was on the very first day I set foot on school premises… But no, I’m terrified and anxious.Somewhere along the lines of being kidnapped and tortured my crush’s father, aided by my best friend’s ‘on and off’ boyfriend, I lost my social skills and the joys o
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FREYA'S POV: The sudden urge to puke overcomes me, and I gag before quickly blocking my mouth with my hand and swallowing it back down.Lucas' face turns blue with horror, and Adam sets into panic mode.“Holy shit… are you okay?”“Yeah.” I mutter, but I really don’t feel okay “You look green.” Adam points out.Suddenly, I feel so nauseous and dizzy.“Okay, maybe I’m not okay.” I confess.I badly need to puke.Lucas stands there, holding my books, too petrified to say anything. He probably thinks I’m disgusted by him but that’s not really the case. I just pictured his guts red, all bleedy and dangling out of his body.Thinking about it again, I feel another puke coming again.“Okay, that’s it. I’m taking you to the nurse’s office.”“No… I’m going to miss the first class.” I whine.“You can afford to miss it.”Before I can protest even more, he picks me up in his arms with much ease. I imagine I’m as light as a feather with the lack of flesh look I’m sporting.I don’t fight and let h
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FREYA'S POV:I stand there, perplexed for more than a few seconds even till the hallway becomes empty again, and I’m the only person standing there like a daft idiot.No way…Maybe I had been wrong. I had seen the wrong person. Maybe it wasn’t Silas. But those cold silver eyes are impossible to confuse with anyone else’s, and I know for a fact that it’s him — my wolf does as well.I felt it; my entire being recognized my Silas.Then maybe, he hadn’t really seen me…That’s right.He hadn’t seen me, and the glint of recognition in his eyes was a trick of the light. Because I’m anemic and exhausted, I’m seeing things, confusing things that aren’t real.It makes more sense that way. It makes more sense that he hadn’t really seen me than the narrative that he had just walked by… like I was nothing. Yeah, Silas wouldn’t do that.I know this, yet my eyes sting and while I suddenly begin hyperventilating, my vision grows blurry and wetness pools of them.Fuck these darn tears… Why are y
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FREYA'S POV:My entire body grows tense in just seconds, followed by the need to throw up.I swallow down the acidic bile in my throat and shake off the stiffness in my body, forcing air into my clogged lungs.There has to be some kind of explanation.I take a few more steps towards his table. He definitely saw me… so why does he keep looking away?Elena finally notices me drawing closer and a sinister smirk graces her lips all too quickly. The glint in her eyes bears too much resemblance to King Darius.She rises quickly, stepping out to ‘greet me?’ I don’t know, but I’m in no mood to entertain her right now, so my eyes remain focused on Silas.She stands in my way just as I arrived at my destination; right infront of the table they’re sitting at. Her hands resting on her hips as she smirks down at me.She wants to provoke me ofcourse, but I ignore her, tilting my head to the side to look at him, yet she blocks my way. I tilt the other way but she does the same, purposely stopping m
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FREYA’S POV:My eyes are red and puffy from all the continuous crying, and I hate it.I mean, this is the most I’ve let myself cry in a day and all over a boy. Well, it’s not just any boy, it’s Silas Bloodmoon — Alpha prince and the first guy I’ve ever really liked and let myself get so close to.He was my freaking first time, meaning he holds enough significance in my life.And compared to all that, maybe I was just a little speck of dust he had encountered. Just one of the many girls he had gone through in high school before ending up with his betrothed.Sighing, I close the little pocket mirror in my hand and look around at the perfect greenery around me.I’m sitting in one of the many school gardens during a random free period, tending to my swollen eyes and shattered heart.The scenes with Silas ignoring me and Elena just being a major bitch, rubbing her slutty self all over him, keeps playing over and over in my head.And with every replay, my heart crumbles even more.I’ve made
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FREYA’S POV: The sky came falling afterwards.The light pitter-patter echoed in the air as the droplets fell onto the once dried earth and rooftops, creating this sort of foggy white background noise that drowned out everything around me… Including the sounds of my tears.I feel a sense of calmness and safety, knowing if I burst into a wail, my screams would be muffled by such sweet and soothing sound.And the grey, dull and gloomy sky perfectly depicted the mess of emotions swirling within me.For the first time, I admit defeat.Since my birth, life had clearly waged some unwarranted war over me by making me an Omega and just when I manage to talk myself out of an abusive home and find something akin to love and happiness, things are ripped from my grasp without mercy.So, I give up… you win. I lost.“Freya?” Xena calls from the door leading to the inner parts of our room, where it’s probably warm and cozy.But I prefer the cold, chilly and partially wet balcony.The feel of the g
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SILAS’ POV: A cool shower is just what I need to cool my head, especially after what happened with Freya… My chest hurts just thinking about it.The look in her eyes, the physical pain in her body movements. I feel tortured knowing I had been the cause of all that, but my torture is probably nowhere close to what she’s going through… And I hate myself for that reason.More and more, I consider just running away from all these duties just to be with her, but that would be a cowardly move. We would never be safe and constantly on the run. One mistake and we get caught — Father wouldn’t let her live.And an Alpha never abandons his pack.If this must be the cross I would bear to keep her safe, then so be it.I step into my room again, shirtless and drying my damp hair with a micro fiber towel lazily.It’s another night that would be most likely restless, so I’m not looking forward to it.Just as I lock the doors behind me, I finally get a whiff of her scent and look towards my bed, t
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FREYA’S POV:After Adam’s confession, I had remained mostly speechless as life continued to spin way out of the course I had imagined.I still am speechless in that aspect, unable to give him an answer. I know for a fact that I don’t reciprocate his feelings, however. I’m still heavily infatuated with Silas, though that’s not going on very well, and I still have no plans of being in a relationship… but he’s a very good friend.He has stuck by during the bad times and is okay with me still having feelings for Silas, and just wanting to be around me while I heal. He wants to be seen as an option if ever one is needed.But I don’t think I can ever see him as anything other than that, and my biggest fear is him realizing that and just giving up on me.I have already lost enough from the little I had… I didn’t want to lose anymore. I wanted some sort of win… and I guess him sticking around would do us both good.Right?Yet, I can’t swallow the guilt that rises up in my throat every single
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FREYA’S POV:I don’t stop walking until I’m right at the entrance of the class room and let go of Adam’s hand to drop on my usual seat.“Hey… You sure you’re okay?” He asks again, approaching my desk.I look up at him, forcing a smile, though my heart is pounding so fast and stinging like a burn.He finally nods before walking over to his own desk and chair. Luckily, he takes the one right next to me which fills me with a bit of comfort.I need the emotional support, especially since Silas would be attending this very same class and with Elena by his side.Memories of the first class we had ever had comes rushing in. How he blatantly let her be all over him and looked at me with this demeaning look in his eyes, as though he would be okay with me joining in on their fuck fest.Would I be forced to endure all that today as well? Would he let her be all over him, especially knowing the history we’ve had?Silas wouldn’t be that cruel.I mean, this whole thing still seems so pre-rehearsed
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FREYA’S POV: I already have a headache once the bell signaling the end of the class rings.I know I shouldn’t have thought about it… I shouldn’t have jinxed myself and now, I’m stuck with the last two people I want to see constantly for the next week.As soon as everyone starts exiting from class, I pick up my books and dash to the front desk right where Mrs. Michael is before she can leave.“Excuse me, Ma’am.” I say in the most polite toned voice I can muster to butter her up.She pauses from packing up her stuff and looks at me dryly.“If you didn’t understand something in class, you’ll have to wait till the end of school to meet me, kid.” She immediately jumps to conclusion on what I need.“No… not that. It’s about the group placements.” I explain.Her face quickly contorts into a glare once my words sink in.“I’m sure you heard that I’m not going to change anything about them… if you were infact paying attention.”“I did… Just… You see, my other partners and I have a bit of bad bl
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