All Chapters of TAMING THE PLAYBOY ALPHA: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
150 Chapters
FREYA’S POV: “Did you really need to do that?” Adam asks as soon as I jog up to him.He begins walking away and I struggle to keep his pace with my much shorter legs.I admit, it might have been a bit dramatic but it was necessary. I don’t want to constantly worry about him while working on the project.“I did. Silas and I are going to be working together, and we all need to cooperate if we’re going to make a reasonable score. I have no intentions of getting anything less than an A.” I explain.“You sure it’s not more than that?” He prods further.“What?”He pauses, suddenly turning to me. I stumble a bit to stop my fast paced walking without warning and successfully steady myself.“Are you sure it’s just about calling a truce, Freya?”He looks at me more seriously than before. His once playful countenance is completely gone.At first, I wonder what exactly it is that’s suddenly putting him in such a sour state. The look of dislike and other things swirling in his eyes, till it sudd
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FREYA’S POV: Working with the group had been surprisingly stress free through the rest of the week with not that much drama as I had expected.Just occasional glares from Elena and Silas, of course mostly keeping to himself and the best part is; we are more than halfway done.For the reason to get over with it once and for all, I stood right before the full length mirror in the room, getting dressed on a Saturday.I settle for an off white long sleeved crop top with a simple sunflower design on the front, light blue shorts and a pair of white converse. I look simple enough… Or is the crop top too much?I fiddle with the ends, feeling a little bit unsure to let part of my belly show because of my weight.Compared to weeks ago, I had gained a considerable amount of flesh. Though I’m still nowhere close to how I was before the incident, and my bruises had long faded. I have reached a level in this journey with my body where I can stare at it for hours and not hate it anymore, feeling
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FREYA’S POV: “…or are you just clumsy, Freya?”I’m taken aback by how someone can be so unbearably heartless and ruse one second and then, in the next one, he sounds so gentle and sweet.And then, this position we’re in, where I’m so close to his face.I force my eyes to look away while I blush uncontrollably and respond.“I guess, it’s part of my subtle charm.” The words leave my mouth without me even thinking.Once they do, I feel even more stupid.What was that? Am I really trying to sound cool even in this situation?He probably finds it as cheesy as I do.But he chuckles. Laughing, and again, it’s genuine and not forced.He gently sets me on my feet and puts more distance between us. While I still feel heat on my cheeks, most of my anger has long dissipated, leaving me flustered and clueless on what to say or do next.“Don’t leave.” He mutters suddenly, almost inaudible.I second guess the words I hear leaving his lips and even the almost desperate tone behind them.“Excuse me?
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FREYA’S POV: I’ve never been kissed so ravenously before… and I’ve never wanted to kiss anyone so badly to the point where I throw all caution to the wind and drown myself in the desires of my flesh.Because every single inch of my body down to my bones wants to lose itself into him.I let him press his soft lips against mine with an unquenchable hunger just as I glide mine against his as well, matching the intensity and need, licking every inch of his lips with every move.I press my frail body against his hard toned chest, and he makes a growling noise at the back of his throat, pressing me firmly against him.My hands begin flying everywhere, wanting to feel and touch as much as I can, sliding into his shirt. I hear a little ripping sound but ignore it, fighting to feel more of his hot skin against mine.It becomes more than just a primal need to be closer and remove every single barrier between us.He picks me up in a swift motion, and I instinctively wrap my legs tightly around
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SILAS’ POV:I knew it from the moment the temptation came in… the sight of the creamy skin on her neck calling out to me, the craving burning from within to close the distance and claim her.I knew it from the moment she looked up at me with those fierce brown eyes, with her lips slightly ajar from my lustful confession… I knew it from the moment her lips pressed against mine that I could never let go of her.That I want her all to myself.My entire being craved her to be mine alone, and the thought of having anything but that made me go insane.I had tried to do the sensible thing, stay away so she could be safe… warn her of my terrible intentions towards her body… yet she hadn’t run.Wkept running into the other as well, so fuck all that.Fuck it all.I want Freya. I don’t know how to have her yet, but I do.So, when the chance to kiss her crazy came, I took it, devouring every inch of her soft supple lips, sucking on that tongue that should only make my name.I had completely los
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FREYA’S POV: I run as fast as my legs can take me, which might not be fast enough, with no direction in mind, only letting my subconscious mind guide me.Hot tears that continuously drip out of my eyes blind my vision, and my heart pounds loudly in my ears coupled with my rushed breathing.I continuously tell myself it’s a lie. It has to be one but then, the crushing reality of it squeezes my chest even tighter, restricting air flow.I force myself to breathe, and it feels like sandpaper rubbing against my breathing pipes.Then there’s this sharp sound ringing loudly in my ears and tuning everything out, piercing my brain in the process.“Freya!”A voice calls out to me from behind.I gnash my teeth even harder, putting my strength in my leg muscles to propel me forward faster, not caring about the pressure increasing in my head from limited oxygen.I hear wicked laughter all around me… It’s ominous and echoes in my ears, taunting me.“Freya… please!”Large hands grip onto my shoulde
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FREYA’S POV:I had to leave and go somewhere I could breathe.Away from the toxicity of ‘friends and people’, away from constant lies and betrayal that seemed to never cease unless I ceased trusting in them.With my aching heart, broken into an unrepairable amount of pieces left for myself alone to pick up, I left under the heavy showers of rain. I hadn’t even bothered with an umbrella because there was no point.I had no care if I would be drenched by the rain, freezing to death by the cold, or fell ill. Nothing mattered anymore.I walked to nowhere till I found this tree a good distance away and further in the thick forestry surrounding the school, and sat underneath it. It acts like a canopy, shielding me from most of the rain except the few spots where the rain relentlessly spilled through.My eyes are dried, however. I don’t know if there’s a tear left to cry in me… I doubt it.It’s my faultOf course it is… I had gotten too close to these people, forgetting who I really was,
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SILAS’ POV:I couldn’t go after her even if I wanted to, even when I had hurt her so much and constantly. I could only hold her close to my heart and swear on everything that I had changed because of her and that everything I do now is for her safety.All I could do was stand and watch Adam go after her.I am nothing but the powerless prince in this story…unable to pursue the woman he wants because he is bound by a contract with his father.I couldn’t risk being seen chasing her outside the library in an open space.I know all this puts the wheels of regret still spinning faster within me as I finally walk into my room, drenched from the rain’s beatings.I restlessly pace around the room, attempting to contain my urge to find her and beg for forgiveness. She must already be assuming the worst possible things at this point.“Damn it!” I swear out loud.I was too engrossed in dealing with Adam to notice when she had entered the library and started listening in on us. This isn’t what I
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FREYA’S POV:When I returned to the room later that day, the room had been cleaned up.The broken glass shards were all gone, my mattress had been pulled from the corner it had been tossed into and the bed laid.Everything was spotless.The entire mess was gone, and so was Xena.I had been grateful for the stillness, especially since the rain’s rage had calmed, and Xena’s absence had given me the chance to think about my pathetic lonely life without a single person I could call my own.Because even if Xena had nothing to do with the prank, she still threw all reasoning to wind when it came to Lucas and he was an enemy.I slept off and when I woke up, she had never returned. Even all through the night till Sunday morning came; even then, she never showed.It was like the room had been deserted for me and the guilt did begin to settle. More and more, the notion that I was indeed alone set in.It’s Monday morning now and I’ve heard nothing of Xena since more than 24 hours ago… Just love
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FREYA’S POV:My entire day was filled with peering eyes boring holes into me — some with judgment, most with confusion. After all, why would anyone turn down the literal prince of Alphas, especially when he makes such a grand display of affection in front of everyone?If they had gone through half of the traumatic events I had; bullied by his ‘maybe’ girlfriend, kidnapped by his father, manipulated by him and his entire group of friends, then maybe they would understand why there’s nothing Silas Bloodmoon will ever do that would make me forgive him.With the frustration of everything and everyone, I stomp right back to my dorm room, the only place where I could have some sort of peace and quiet.The first thing I notice, however, once the door is pushed open is the lack of light. No rays of sunlight seeping through like it usually does. The lights are turned off as well.I think maybe someone broke in while I walked in cautiously, then I remembered that I have a runaway roommate and m
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