All Chapters of TAMING THE PLAYBOY ALPHA: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
150 Chapters
We set the picnic up right in the middle of the garden that acts as a private space for the meantime.There are different basket with an assortment of snacks and all the rest.We have a fun time laughing and talking about anything an anything, recalling funny moment about their childhood I had realized while Lucas wolfs down half the food in sweeps.Silas sighs reaching in for a particular Ziploc of sandwiches with Xena’s name labeled on it. It takes a second for the implications to register and before I can warn him, his teeth sink into the confectionary.It takes only two bites before his face sours and he spits it out.“What the…”He begins looking down at it like its alien goop dripping don his arm.”“That’s Xena’s Sandwich.” I say interrupting him right before he makes a snarky comment on the food.There’s a reason why the bag had remained untouched unlike everything else.“Why does it taste like dirt?” he yells out despite my whispering“Silas… be nice.” I chide him squarely with
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FREYA’S POV:I freeze on the spot like I’ve been caught red handed, but I’m sure it hasn’t struck midnight yet.I at least have a few more minutes to say what I need to before the spell wears off, so what does he have to say to me?“Silas…” I begin, trying to explain myself but stop midway, feeling a ball of anxiety clog my throat and tears threaten to seep from my eyes.Darn, why is this so hard?I take a step back, looking away while catching my breath.Why can’t I do this? Why is it so fucking hard?“Freya?” He steps closer to me? looking worried and all.I give up like the coward I am, unable to force myself to say what I need to say. The way he watches me so earnestly with genuine worry makes the guilt in my chest bubble and block every word that I want to say. I know it’s just another excuse that I’m unconsciously making up to stall though, but what can I do?I force a smile to put him at ease.“Why don’t you go first?”Yet again, I’m stalling up till the very moment when my
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FREYA’S POV: I’ve lost track of how long I’ve remained rolled up into a human swiss roll crying my eyes out, hoping silently that he comes back and that this isn’t over.But he doesn’t ever return, and I’ve resigned myself to this new reality in front of me.All that’s left is for me to leave on my own.I most definitely can’t go back to school now. They’d never let an Omega in. Before I could even get close enough, I would be spotted and captured for trying to break in and my secret would be out. I couldn’t even dare return to at least say goodbye to Xena, Adam, Lucas…I could never ever go back.I clutch to my searing heart again. It constantly feels like a heated dagger is being swirled all around within my chest. I can feel my own pain, coupled with Silas’ feeling of anger and betrayal constantly.He must hate me now, I tell myself, even though I don’t feel his hate. There’s no way he doesn’t. Everyone hates Omegas — I had learned that first hand.I never understood why. Maybe
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FREYA’S POV: The next time I open my eyes, I realize that I’m already in a totally different location, on a bed that isn’t mine, in an environment completely unrecognisable.So, my first instinct is to jump right up and go on defence.The throbbing pain on the back of my head and on my lower back stops the abrupt movement, forcing me to lay back onto the bed forcefully.I groan in pain once it hits like a brick, crashing into my skull and like a metal bar, smashing the bones of my lower back.For the meantime, I’m crippled — not in the sense of being unable to work but in the sense of not being able to make large movements and escape while I’m in this state.I clutch my throbbing head and feel the thick layers of bandages wrapped around as some sort of treatment for my injury, and on looking at my hands, every cut is plastered neatly with cute band aids, having heart shaped stickers.My eyes finally move to my surroundings as well.I’m on a queen sized canopy bed with black drapes an
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SILAS’ POV:The feeling of betrayal, coupled with series of other emotion buzzing around in my mind cloud every other reasonable thoughts in my head.Its harder to think straight or process half the things I’ve been told by Freya… and then the unbelievable reveal she’s made; the fact that she isn’t actually an alpha, that she had been lying all this time. Deceiving everyone of us.That isn’t even the issue right now, I wont say I;m not surprised or it doesn’t make a huge dent in all my plans but its something I can easily get over.She could have just said something.Then gain I know I have no right to be as pissed off as I am because I had kept my secrets, but we had promised to be transparent, being scared of the outcome doesn’t just cut it any more.Damn it, every thing just makes a whole lot more sense.Her short height and frail form, her unnatural lack of raw strength. She’s got a fiery personality but has never bossed anyone around because there’s no single drop of alpha domina
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UNKNOWN POV:How dare he…?How dare all of them treat me like a disposable rag that can be tossed aside whenever to their convenience?How dare he pick her over me?I am his fated. I am his mate, and not that good for nothing piece of trash of a human he fancies and now, she’s a disgusting lowly Omega, and he still wants to be with her?I won't allow it. I won’t allow a rat take what is mine, what is rightfully mine by birth. I was chosen first. We were meant to be together — I am his betrothed.He should love me.Not her.Definitely not an omega.I scream out just before kicking the door to my room open and stepping in. My rage is uncontrollable after hearing their conversation. She deserves to be locked up for deceiving everyone, burnt at a stake if possible and yet, he was choosing to protect her ass.What does he see in that bitch?Why can’t he see through her façade? Why doesn’t he realize he’s made for me?I need to let my anger out, the pain in my chest from his betrayal.I p
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SILAS’ POV: “Any luck yet?” I ask once I reach the bottom of the stairwell right where Lucas stands absentmindedly.He turns to me as I descend, revealing the heavy eye bags under his eyes in resemblance to mine.How long has it been? 3 days? There’s no clause in pack constitution about an Alpha being with an omega, which says a lot about just how much stigma they face.My heart goes out to Freya. Had I been a bit too harsh?I haven’t seen her in days. My wolf and I are desperate to see her again, but I’ve shrugged it off, telling myself that maybe we just needed space and busied myself with this project for most of the time so I wouldn’t go into a frenzy and find her.I can’t help but feel like something is wrong somewhere though.Lucas yawns now.“No luck. Silas, I really don’t think we’re going to find whatever it is you're looking for. Laws aren’t usually made to favor the minority.”He’s right. Just one of the many things that made no sense that I needed to change once I took
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Freya’s POVI wince from the sharp pain throbbing in my head once I’m finally able to seat up without the help of anyone.The pain is way less than it had been few days ago however, so I know my injury is healing faster than anticipated, which is a good thing. Usually I’d stay bed ridden for a week from this kind of injury.I reach out for the bowl of soup left on my bed side with my good hand and bring it closer to myself while I begin eating.Today is more quiet than other days, especially since Xena’s left for school. She had been with me nonstop since the argument, fretting over every single thing I did and also keeping me company and now that’s she’s absent it all just feels so lonely, being left with my haunting thoughts.I’ grateful that she’s offered a place for me to stay for as long as I can and I wish I could do that, but stay here would be similar to hiding away from the world which is not the life I had envisioned for myself.Not that I’ve fallen to rock bottom I’d much r
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SILAS’ POV:How can I not love her?Everything about her draws me to her, the fire in her eyes, the sweet sounds of her laughter that moves me like nothing else can. Even when she cries, though it breaks my heart, I can’t resist the urge to kiss her till nothing else matters in the world and all her troubles are simply gone.I want her all to myself like an unnatural need and quite frankly, it’s always been there, even before the mating bond had been activated — I had always wanted to claim her as mine.She had always belonged to me.My wolf agrees that she’s a perfect choice that suits us perfectly.Yeah, Freya deserves nothing other than being my precious Luna, and I will do anything to make her just that, even if it means going up against father.After minutes of crying, she had finally tired herself out and fallen into a deep slumber, so now her head rested on my chest, clutching onto my frame while she breathed softly in her sleep.While she doses off, I stare at her long fluffy
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SILAS’ POV:It doesn’t take very long after the whole fiasco in school for her to pop up into my mind as my very first suspect. Maybe I had suspected something from the moment I found her hair tie in the library right after Lucas and I had talked about it, but I didn’t want to believe it was possible.Maybe it's because of how lenient I’ve been towards her, mostly because I have known her for most of my life just like Adam and Lucas.My familiarity with her must be the reason I continuously hold myself back in admonishing her, but everything changes today.I will nip the bud from it’s roots one way or another. I was stupid to think that her signing the documents was a form of surrender from her, especially since no one has heard anything about Elena Crescent since our last encounter.I thought it would be the last time we would ever need to cross paths in the most unfortunate manner but I was so wrong and now, I’m regretting it.Once I leave Xena’s hideouts after saying my farewells
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