All Chapters of An undeserved second chance: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
149 Chapters
Blissful ignorance
The next day, which was Taylor’s friend’s birthday, dawned bright and early. The presents for Taylor’s friend, which Ryan had arranged for to be delivered to the hotel that morning arrived, all boxed and wrapped in pretty pink gift wrappers. Taylor had insisted that the gifts be wrapped in pink wrappers because pink was Emma’s favorite color. Taylor was still asleep when they were delivered, so Ryan had them stuffed in the trunk of the car that he had rented, hardly able to believe that he was actually pulling all this off. He guessed having more money than you knew what to do with was not bad at all. Finally, he had to wake Taylor up to have breakfast and take her bath, if not, she would probably have slept till noon, and he didn’t want her to be late for her friend’s party.“Good morning, dad. Are we going to grandpa’s house today?” She asked as soon as she woke up.“Yes, honey. Come on, we have to bathe and dress you up so we won’t be late. They’re waiting for us. I’ll call for bre
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Utter shock
“It’s nice to meet you too. I hope you didn’t have too much trouble finding this place.” Dan said after he and Ryan had shaken hands. Two staff had appeared and were taking away the presents.“It was easier to find than I thought.”“Where’s Emma and Alex? I want to go see them.” Taylor said impatiently, bouncing on her feet.“Ah, that’s right. I would like to meet the much talked about celebrant and 'big head Alex.’” Ryan quipped, and all of them burst out laughing.“Sure thing. Thanks a lot for those presents. Emma and Alex are going to be beside themselves with excitement. Emma’s mom is not around, now. She went home to freshen up, but she will be back in no time, I reckon.” Dan said.“That’s okay. I’ll say hi to her when I come back to pick up Taylor.”“No way! Taylor? Is that you?!” A boy’s voice exclaimed from the doorway to where the party was holding. It was Alex.“Alex!” Taylor shrieked in turn, and they rushed straight to hug each other happily. The commotion drew other kids,
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Ryan arrived promptly at the venue of the birthday party to pick his daughter up at the time Dan had told him to come back. Now that the party was over, it was time for them to head home, as he had an important meeting to attend the following day. The place was not as packed as it had been earlier, and even as Ryan climbed out of the rental car, more parents arrived to pick up their wards. He spied Taylor and her crew, who immediately ran over to greet him. Sandra, Alex’s mother, saw him and came over to engage him in conversation, which he was actually enjoying. Ryan had been in enough relationships and had been around enough women to realize that Sandra was interested in him, so he casually mentioned the fact that he was in a relationship. Her brother also came over to inform him that he was going to get Emma’s mom so she could say hi, much to Ryan’s relief. He did not want to appear rude, but he was ready to leave already. Not long after Dan left, Ryan and Sandra heard him callin
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A brief farewell
Ryan stalked away from Becca, unable to stand looking at her any longer. He was mad … madder than he had ever been in his entire life, but despite his anger, he felt a little sorry for her. She had looked so scared and small as she tried to defend her actions and it had taken all he had not to take her in his arms and kiss her forehead, but his anger had been his shield. Becca did not follow him, which was just as well. He went into the event room and sank into the closest chair that he could find, and then held his head in his hands, trying to come to terms with what he had just learned. He was a father, a father to that beautiful and incredibly sweet child that he had met earlier today. He now had two daughters, not just one. He was extremely happy about it of course, but he did not know how on earth to react. Was he supposed to say something about who he was to Emma and Taylor? He had no idea. He guessed it was better to take things a step at a time. First, he would take Taylor t
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For days after what he had come to term ‘the revelation,’ Ryan could still not believe what he had discovered. He had left in shock the day he found out what Becca was hiding from him, so he hadn’t collected her contact number, but that was no problem at all. He knew how to reach Dan, and if Becca prevailed upon Dan to try any funny business, Ryan would go to the ends of the earth to find his daughter. He had needed this time to plan what his next course of action would be because one thing was sure. He had missed out on this much of Emma’s life, but now that he knew about her existence, he wanted to reclaim and make up for the time he had lost. Finally, he made up his mind on what to do. It was a no-brainer actually. He could not uproot Emma from her life, obviously, but he could move to where she lived with Becca, after all, he could live in whatever city he wanted on the planet. It was a win-win for both he and Taylor because Ryan knew that she would give anything to go to the sa
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A not so pleasant surprise
Becca did not hear a peep from Ryan since that day that he left in a huff, after giving an ominous promise, but she had no doubt that she would hear from him again. Ryan was not one to abandon his flesh and blood, as she had known all the while she kept his daughter a secret from him, but she had been making excuses for her behavior because she didn’t want him to take her daughter away from her. Becca was at a loss as to what to do, whether to tell Emma about him now or wait until he showed up or contacted her. She had no doubts that he was going to do one of the above. Each night, she kept having nightmares in which Ryan took Emma away from her, never allowing her to visit. In these nightmares, her daughter hated her and wanted nothing to do with her because she had lied to her about her father. Becca was aware that it was just her subconscious playing tricks on her. Ryan wouldn’t take Emma away from her, she knew, or rather, hoped. Still, she was troubled. To worsen matters, Sand
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“What on earth were you thinking?” Becca thundered at her daughter in anger. “Thinking about what?” Emma replied casually, dumping her school bag on the floor, a move that Becca had warned her against doing several times to no avail. “Why on earth would you get in the car with a stranger and even go get ice cream with him?” “But Mr. Ryan is not a stranger! He came to my birthday party.” “I know. That doesn’t justify you getting in the car with him instead of getting on the bus.” “Relax, mom,” Emma said, ignoring her mother and moving away to her room, clearly not getting what all the fuss was about. “Emma Harris. You come back here this minute. You don’t walk away from me when I’m talking to you. That’s very rude and I didn’t raise you to be rude.” Becca said sternly, her tone brooking no argument. Emma sighed and trailed back into the room, her small mouth set in a pout. “Listen to me very carefully. You will go nowhere with Mr. Ryan unless I ask you to do so, or else you will
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The moment of truth
Emma stared at her mother expectantly and for a minute, Becca almost lost her willpower, but she bravely soldiered on.“You want a dad so badly, right?” She asked Emma.“Well … yes… Everyone in my class has a dad.” Emma replied unsurely, no doubt wondering where her mom was going with this.“Okay. So, I don’t want you to freak out, okay?”“Wait! I know what you’re going to say, mom. I know!” Emma exclaimed all of a sudden, bounding down from the bed and pumping her fists in the air happily. Becca stared at her warily, wondering what was going on in her mind now. Emma was only shy in the midst of her mates. Once she was with her mother or Dan’s family, her mouth ran nonstop, and it was usually difficult for one to get in a word without her overriding the person.“Really? And what on earth would that be?” “That you’re going to marry Taylor's dad, of course!” “Emma, if you will be so kind as to let me finish what I’m saying without interrupting me, I will appreciate it very much.” Becc
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The days passed rapidly, with Becca beginning to relax as regards her daughter and ex-husband. Emma adored her father, and the feeling was clearly mutual. Ryan doted on his daughter and hung on her every word, but was careful not to spoil her rotten, something that would have been easy to do considering that he had only just recently come into her life. As for Becca, she was thankful that she did not see much of Ryan, who dutifully dropped off Emma every day after school if he was around, which he almost always was. He tried his best to be friendly and communicate with her, but Becca wanted nothing to do with him. The passage of time had only made him more handsome, and that was a clear indication that she should stay the hell away from him. She knew how weak she was where Ryan was concerned, and she would be damned if she made a fool of herself over him again. Also, he was trying very hard to be nice to her and be her friend again, which either meant that he had changed, or that he
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“Hello, stranger,” Becca said to her former best friend, who was content to just stare her down for minutes after Ryan left.“Hey.”“How have you been?”“I’ve been fine, and you?” Sandra replied and asked in turn, finally averting her gaze.“I’ve been good too. I missed you.”“Yeah. Me too. I understand why you wanted to keep everything a secret though.”“So, you’re no longer mad at me?”“No.”“Okay, so why are you speaking in monosyllables and refusing to meet my eyes?” Becca asked.“I’m speaking normally.” Sandra protested, but she still didn’t meet Becca’s eyes. Becca figured that it was probably her imagination, but she thought that she saw Sandra shiver a little. Immediately, concern for her friend overwhelmed her and she led Sandra by the arm to sit on the sofa.“Sandra, what’s going on? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”“No, no, I’m fine. Maybe not.” She gave a shaky little laugh and ran her hand over her hair.“So, what is the matter?”“It’s Sam,” Sandra replied in a small v
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