All Chapters of An undeserved second chance: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
149 Chapters
The plotter
Sam, Sandra’s ex-husband, drowned his sorrows in alcohol as usual. It was nothing new. He was sitting in front of the tiny and worn-out television that was placed on an equally worn-out table in the rundown building in which he now lived. He was livid with rage and took solace in his bottles of alcohol, of which there were many scattered at his feet. He needed to start at his job, he knew, because if he didn’t, then he was going to be well and truly screwed. The television was on, but he stared at the images on it through blurred, unseeing eyes as he took another chug of the drink straight from the bottle, or at least, he tried to. The bottle was empty.He got up, tottered drunkenly on his feet, and took a moment to regain his balance, before weaving drunkenly to a corner of the room to pick up another bottle of drink, which happened to be the last one. Damn! He needed to restock his supply, but where was the money to do so? He scowled unseeingly at the wall for a few moments, before
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“I’m sick of you and your shenanigans.” Tracy declared in a loud, irritated voice that showed that she was spoiling for a fight. Ryan, who was in the process of removing his shirt and going to soak in the bath, paused and glanced at her, noting her sour expression.“Is anything the matter?” He asked her, not understanding what her problem was, or why she should be so angry.‘“Is anything the matter,’ he asks.” Tracy sneered, looking anything but the beautiful and gentle woman he knew.“Have I done something wrong that I don’t know about?”“What’s with you and that woman?”“What woman?” Ryan asked although he had a good idea who she was talking about.“What was the quiz you were quizzing your daughter about her for?”“Quiz? I only asked Emma how her mother is. Is there anything wrong with that?”“Look, I think we should get married immediately. I don’t want that woman to start getting any ideas.” Tracy said matter-of-factly. Ryan tried to quelch the panic that rose inside him at the so
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A new addition
Becca closed her eyes, trying to get some sleep, but sleep eluded her. She felt very sorry for herself, and utterly alone and helpless, even though there was no reason why she should feel that way. It wasn’t the first time Emma was spending the night away from home, after all, she had gone to summer camp for almost three weeks sometime back, so what was a weekend without seeing her now compared to that? Still, she could not help how she felt, and she knew the main reason why.When she had been feeling lonely earlier in the evening, she had headed to Dan’s house, so that she could at least have some company, since Sandra was spending the night away with her boyfriend on the other side of town. When she got there, she discovered that Dan was not around. Instead, she had met the heavily pregnant Clarissa, sitting in front of the television in the living room. In the same living room was Alex, lying on the floor in a pool of his own vomit, groaning and crying pitifully. “What’s going on
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The competition
As a matter of fact, Ryan did not get the chance to ask Becca if it was okay if he brought Tracy to the spelling bee competition to show support for Emma. On Monday afternoon, he had to travel to one of the branches of his company to sort out some issues that came up suddenly, so he was very busy it totally escaped his mind. By the time Wednesday came, he still wasn’t done with what he went to do, but he had no intentions of missing the competition. Emma called him literally every minute to remind him about it, and he knew that if he missed it, she would very pissed at him. He got on his plane and arrived back in town in record time. His driver was waiting at the airport with a car to take him straight to the venue where the competition was taking place. It was when he saw Tracy in the car, all glammed up for the event, that he remembered that he did not inform Becca about the fact that Tracy was going to be there.“Hey honey, are you not a sight for sore eyes?” Tracy crooned, immed
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“I’d like to take everyone out to lunch to celebrate Emma’s success in the competition.” Ryan offered as they all left as a group.“Thanks, but I think I’ll just go home and sleep. I feel sort of tired. The rest of you can go on without me though.” Becca declined, much to Tracy’s delight. She did not like the way Ryan had been trying to talk to Becca throughout the competition, even when it was clear that the woman was focused on her daughter. It was very evident that Ryan still felt something for this woman, so she was going to do her best to quench whatever feelings he had. Becca watched Tracy hang on to Ryan’s arm as though she was drowning and he was the only solid thing that she could find.“That’s okay, Becca. We’ll send some food home to you. You don’t have to cook anything.” Tracy offered, and Becca sent a tight-lipped smile her way, quelching the urge to rip Tracy’s fingers off Ryan’s arm. What was wrong with her for chrissakes? The woman was only trying to be friendly.“I th
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Becca soon began to regret her on-the-spur-of-the-moment decision to go away for the weekend with Trevor. What on earth was she going to do with him for the whole weekend? She was going to meet his family for chrissakes. It was his sister’s wedding, after all. What if they all thought that she and he were having something serious? Well, it was too late to back out now, so on the Wednesday of the week that she was to leave with him, she invited Ryan inside her house when he dropped Emma off from school.He smiled gratefully when she asked him to come in, as he always did anytime she offered him something without him asking. Taylor got down from the car with him, and waited impatiently while Emma changed her clothes, and then they both skipped over to Dan’s house to play with his puppy, leaving the two adults alone.“How have you been, Becca?” He asked her after a while, accepting the glass of water she gave him and declining her offer of something to eat.“I’ve been fine, and you?”“I’m
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At the touch of Ryan’s lips against hers, Becca felt as though her body had been charged with electricity. She had forgotten how succulent his lips were and how much of a good kisser he was, and now, she couldn’t stop kissing him. She knew that she should stop, that any of the kids could wander in at that very moment, but she could not for the life of her bring herself to stop him, not even when his hands left her face and trailed down to her neck and beyond.Ryan moaned into her mouth and changed angle, kissing her even more thoroughly, until Becca was sure that she would explode. She ran her hands over his muscled back, enjoying the hardness of his body underneath his shirt and reveling in the feeling of his warmth. They must have remained there just kissing and touching each other for ten minutes or more when the sound of excited giggles caused both of them to fly apart as though they were kids whose hands had been caught in the candy jar. She was backing the door, so she could not
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The door was ajar when Tracy got there, so she simply pushed it open and stepped inside the room. The kids paused their conversation when she entered, and for a second, she just stood there staring at them and feeling incredibly stupid as they stared back at her. What on earth was she doing coming to confront little kids about why they were talking about her relationship? Still, she was already here, so she might as well say her piece.“Listen here, Emma. I know that you want your mom and dad to get back together, but honey, it’s not gonna happen, so you better get that into your head and let things be.” Tracy told Emma, trying to be as nice as possible.“They love each other and we’re going to be one big, happy family,” Emma replied stubbornly. The other two kids remained silent.“Oh, really? And whatever gave you that idea?”“Well … well, I see the way he looks at her. Also, I saw them kissing each other. Taylor and I did. They kissed for a long time.” Emma finished triumphantly.“A
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Putting him in his place
Becca found Tracy hovering at the entrance to the hospital, looking nothing like the impeccably groomed woman that she usually was. Immediately the woman sighted Becca, she scurried over to her side and gripped her hands tightly, her pretty face streaked with tears, and spoke before Becca could. “I know that you must hate me, Becca. Hell, I hate myself too and I would gladly trade places with Emma if it were possible. I know you probably don’t believe me, but I swear that it was a mistake. I didn’t mean for this to happen.” Tracy said, sounding very sincere, but Becca was not in the mood to listen to anything until she saw her child.“Let go of me. I want to go see her. I’ve had the most anxious wait of my life trying to get here.”“Oh, sorry. Of course. I hear that she’s going to be okay.” Tracy said in a small voice, letting go of Becca’s hands as though they had suddenly caught fire.“Yeah. Ryan said so. Better hope it’s true, otherwise, you’re going to be very sorry.” Becca repl
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“To my utter shame, I cannot dispute the fact that I did indeed kiss you back, but the thing is that I got carried away by your story and I felt sorry for you. You can rest assured that it would not happen again. So please, keep your hands and lips to yourself from now henceforth.” Becca informed Ryan, sounding very convincing even to herself.“Ouch. There’s a first time for everything, I guess. I never thought the day would come when a woman would tell me that she only kissed me back because she felt sorry for me, but here we are.” Ryan said.“You must think the world of yourself,” Becca said in irritation, not doubting his words in the slightest. He was a hot man, and a very rich one at that. There was no doubt that there were droves of women who would gladly kiss him and even jump into bed with him given the slightest opportunity. She was not going to be one of them, however.“Actually, I don’t. I like to think that I’m a humble enough man. But it’s not a problem. I understand that
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