All Chapters of An undeserved second chance: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
149 Chapters
Startling news
Ryan and Tracy walked in tense silence to the hospital’s parking lot, where her car was parked. Although she had stopped crying earlier, she was beginning to sniffle once again, looking very small all of a sudden. Ryan felt a little sorry for her. Tracy was a good person, and she had gone out of her way to get the kids to like her, but Emma could be quite stubborn, and she had thwarted all her efforts. Still, getting wasted around the kids when she was supposed to be in charge of them was inexcusable.“I’m really sorry, Ryan. I swear I didn’t mean for this to happen. You must think that I’m a monster.” She began, holding onto his arm and staring into his face as though to convince him of her innocence.“No, I don’t. Mistakes happen, and I know you will not intentionally hurt Emma.”“Oh, thank God. I was so scared that you would think that I had done that to her on purpose. So you’re not breaking up with me?” She asked hopefully.“Why? Do you wanna break up?”“Of course not! I just thou
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Bad news
The events of the day had drained Tracy out, so all that she was in the mood for as soon as she got home was a very hot bath and then bed. She ran the bath to be as hot as she could stand it and then got in to soak until the water got lukewarm. Ryan would most likely not come back until morning, but she could not blame him. As a matter of fact, she was surprised that things had gone as well as they did this night. Everyone agreed that what had happened was a mistake, and indeed, it was. Getting out of the bathtub, she wrapped herself in a clean towel and headed into the room that she shared with Ryan to see that her phone was vibrating. Somehow, she had put the phone in silent mode without realizing it. Wondering who the hell could be calling her by this time of the day, she was almost tempted to ignore the call. It was past four in the morning, after all. However, she reasoned that it might be Ryan, so she hurried to the nightstand where she had placed the phone and picked it up, on
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Seeking advice
By the time Ryan woke up that evening, Tracy was not around, much to his relief. He freshened up and headed for the hospital, where Sandra was urging Becca to go home to rest while she stayed with Emma.“Aha, Ryan. There you are. Please convince this woman that she has to go get some sleep before she drops dead from fatigue. She can barely keep her eyes open.” Sandra said to Ryan as soon as they noticed him standing by the door.“I’m not that tired,” Becca said, immediately giving a loud, wide yawn that portrayed her to be the world’s biggest liar.“That yawn says otherwise. You can barely keep your eyes open, Becca. Come, I’ll drive you home so you can catch some sleep, freshen up and come back later. Or don’t you trust Sandra and me to stay with Emma?”“Of course, I do. Fine, fine. I’ll go home and get some rest for a while.” She conceded at last and got up to give a sleeping Emma a kiss. Ryan entered the room and placed the huge yellow teddy bear that he had bought beside Emma on t
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More threats
“Don’t worry. Keep eating your food. I’ll answer it. Maybe it’s Dan.” Ryan told Becca, getting up and going to answer the door. A dark-haired, handsome-looking man whom Ryan had never seen before was standing there when he opened it.“Uh … Hello? I’m looking for Becca.” The man said, sizing Ryan up and down, the look on his face clearly stating that he did not like what he saw.“Who should I say is looking for her?” Ryan asked, and the guy opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, Becca appeared, beaming as she walked up to Ryan’s side.“Trevor!” She exclaimed.“Ah, Becca. Thank God! I was so worried. I’m sorry, but I came as soon as I could. How is Emma doing?”“She’s getting better, considering the circumstances.”“Hmm, so this is Trevor.” Ryan thought to himself, observing quietly as Becca took Trevor’s arms and latched onto it as though it was the only solid thing that she could find as she was drowning in a very turbulent sea. Trevor looked pleased with the attention he was
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It took a while for Tracy to realize that tears were running unbidden down her cheeks. She wiped at them angrily, after which she rummaged in her handbag to find a handkerchief with which she wiped her face thoroughly. Then she brought out her makeup and reapplied it, checking her face in the mirror to see how she was looking. Satisfied with her appearance, she got out of the car, carrying the carefully wrapped present that she had bought for Becca. She would think of what to do about Josh and this mess of a situation in which she found herself later. She got to the door and knocked and after a few minutes, a sleepy-looking Becca opened the door. “What are you doing here? Is everything alright? Emma…” “Everything is fine, Becca. May I come in for a few minutes, please? I promise not to take too much of your time.” “Oh, uh, sure. Come in.” Becca invited, rubbing at her eyes. Once they got into the house and sat down, they proceeded to stare at each other, both of them not knowing
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The fury in Sam, Sandra’s ex-husband kept increasing by the day until he was sure that he would burst from its intensity. This fury was compounded by the fact that his father and his stupid wife firmly refused to give him any more money after the money they had given him when he first got out of jail. He had even begged them, begged them for what was rightfully his. After all, when his father kicked it, everything would be all his, or so he hoped. He had siblings, but those ones were well off and never asked their father for money. They also acted like Sam did not exist, so he had since cut off himself from all of them. They never loaned him money whenever he asked for some anyway, so what was the point in talking to them? His father and stepmother had refused to give him any more money, so to his disgust, he had actually had to work. The peanut that Archie paid him at the supermarket was barely enough to feed a chicken, but he did not complain. He had his plan in motion, and so he w
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The meeting
Ryan had just had a much-needed shower and was now ready for bed, but that was not to be. Tracy was seated in a provocative position on the bed in his room, wearing the sexiest lingerie she had. She smiled at him and leered openly at his body, which was still covered in drops of water from his shower. Ryan resisted the urge to groan and turned away, pretending not to notice, but Tracy was not having any of it. She got up and came to wrap her arms around him, kissing his neck sensually as she did so. Ryan gently extricated himself from her grasp and went to put on a shirt.“What’s wrong?” Tracy asked.“What do you mean?”“Don’t pretend like you don’t know what I mean, Ryan. You’ve been avoiding having sex with me ever since we moved here. What’s the matter? Don’t you find me attractive anymore?”“Of course, you’re attractive. Any man would be lucky to have you.” Ryan told her in his sincerest tone. “Good, because you are one lucky man this night.” She told him and stepped out of the l
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Unfinished business
“So, here’s how that wonderful night, over a month ago went. It so happened that I was sitting at the bar, minding my own business and hoping some hot girl would come talk to me. I might not be rich, but the women do love me, you know. I’m quite handsome, after all. So, anyway, I was right. A hot, young woman soon sidled up to me, already more than a little tipsy. Guess who the woman was?” Josh asked, laughing out loud and looking at her as though expecting her to say something, but when she only kept staring coolly at him, he went on.“Anyway, you came up to me and began telling me all about your fiancée and how you thought that he was still in love with his ex-wife and that he had been ignoring you sexually and all that stuff that no man who is looking to get laid would want to hear from a hot woman. But then, you said something that got me. You asked me how I would like to make some cool cash. I’m always down to make money, so of course, I agreed, thinking it would be some physical
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Stalker's fest
“That foolish bitch sure thinks she’s wise.” Josh thought to himself as he sat in his idling car, staring through narrowed eyes at the palatial mansion that the woman he was blackmailing had just driven into. In fact, before now, Josh hadn’t realized that houses of this size and magnificence were in this city, and neither had he ever stepped foot in this Richie rich part of the city before. Tracy was obviously lying. There was no way in hell that she had only twenty thousand dollars in her account, something that he had figured out immediately after she handed over her necklace to him earlier in the restaurant.The thing had been so heavy in his hands that he had wondered how she comfortably wore them, but what was he saying? She was a woman after all, and women would wear jewelry even if they were as heavy as boulders. Josh’s father had been a jeweler before his untimely death diving off a cliff into the ocean in a foreign country and landing on rocks at the ripe old age of sixty-fiv
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Preparations were underway and in high gear for the wedding between Ryan and Tracy. His daughters were beside themselves with excitement, as was the bride-to-be. Tracy was spending a fortune preparing for it, not that Ryan minded in the least. Whatever pleased her was fine by him. The wedding was in less than a week, and as Emma had been dreaming, she was going to be a flower girl in it. They had waited a month for her leg to heal, although she had started claiming that she was ready as early as two weeks after Ryan and Tracy decided to get married.Ryan did not know how to feel about his upcoming wedding to Tracy. On the one hand, he was glad that she was happy, and she loved him, so that was a good thing. However, thoughts of Becca, who didn’t seem to give a rat’s ass about him, refused to leave his mind, even though he rarely spent any time with her. After Emma had been discharged from the hospital to recuperate at home less than a week after the incident that landed her at the hos
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