All Chapters of THE ACCURSED : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
59 Chapters
Chapter Forty
An unconscious Merry is laying down on a large table, Rune proceeds to tie her up, the door to the room opened, Gunner and Kaiden stepped in.The Alpha is dressed in his regalia, and the expression on his face was far away from happiness, the wizard had noticed that the Alpha was filled with great sadness because it was fully evident on his face throughout the days he was being prepared for the sacrifice and now, it seems the sadness had increased a hundred folds.“All ready.” Rune said drawing her master’s attention to herself, she stepped away from where she was standing, she walked over to them.Gunner, again, looked at Kaiden whose eyes were fixed on the human tied up, he sighed, he knows the Alpha is hurting because they would be taking a life but there was nothing they could do “Get the dagger.” As those words left the wizard’s month, Kaiden sighed deeply.Rune went to the bag that was at the other corner, she brings out a black cloth that wrapped something, she went to her mast
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Chapter Forty-One.
**Two days earlier**Chase had his head bent over the paperwork on the table, he had thought to help Garry with checking of the papers while the Beta was resting.The door burst open, Chase frowned as he looked up at who had barged in, only to be greeted with two unfamiliar faces, he stood up to his feet, his smelling abilities were already doing its work of placing their smell, first he didn't know who they were, second, all he could perceive was danger emitting from both the male and female in front of him.The male looked around and said, “So this is it right?” He questioned no one in particular, the lady beside him also looked around, Chase could perceive from her scent that she was not one of their kind just as the male was, the scent from her was strange and stronger…evil? …“Hello, how may I help you?” Chase cut out of his thoughts and asked, only then did they give him their attention, the male smirked.“From the look of things, you should be Chase, the third in command.” He s
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Chapter Forty-Two.
**Many years ago**His eyes were bloodshot, and from the tears that had formed in his eyes, he let them flow freely, he didn't fight them.“Derek?” A teen girl stood up from beside an older woman with who she had similar features, she went to the teenage boy who is kneeling beside the bed where an old man was laying, dying.“He is dying.” He said, his voice already cracked, he began sobbing “Danica..” He called as he looked up at the girl beside him, she looked had tears in her eyes too “He is not gonna die right?” He asked, she only sighed, he sobbed all the more, he very well knew the answer to his question.Danica bent to his level and patted him “We are here for you. We are your family now.” She said in a low tone trying to fight the tears that were fighting to be let out – trying to be strong for him.“Jessie?” A frail voice called, the older woman sprang up to her feet and she rushed to his side, Derek held his hand which was shakin
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Chapter Forty-Three
Many years ago..A thirteen years old Derek yawned sleepily, he opened his eyes to his dim lighted room, he felt the call of nature.He stood up from his bed and headed to the bathroom which was opposite, he came out but stopped suddenly when he felt it again.He frowned, his birthday was two days ago, even on his birthday day till now he had been feeling funny as if something was about to grow out of him.“What is wrong with me?” He asked himself as he dragged his feet to a mirror that was hanging from the peg on the wall.Seeing his reflection, he was still normal, nothing was altered about him, nothing changed about him … so then why was he feeling strange recently?He shrugged as he went to his bed, just as he was about to lay now, the feeling came again but this time it came with a body wrecking pain that made him shout.He kept screaming as he felt great pain, he could hear his bones in his body crack, his body was becoming hairy, a force in his body bent him over, forcing him to
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Chapter Forty- Four.
“Where am I?” He asked himself as he sat up, he looked around, recognition slowly seeped in.This was his room, he was laying on his bed, although he could still feel pain but not so much, he could feel ointment all over his body especially his face.He slowly stood up, wondering how he got to be in his room or was he dreaming?He pinched himself “Ahhhh.” He winced in pain, he had pinched an injured part.His mind drifted to what had happened before everything turned black....“I can smell them, they are coming!” Chase said as he rushes into the room they were staying.Madam Dera sprang to her feet in fear, she was treating the Alpha whose wounds were just so deep and scattered around his body, even her powers were doing little then expected.“What do we do?” The older woman asked with fear.“Don’t do anything, let them come in, let them in.” Kaiden said with a weak voice.Madam Dera shook her head “My lord you don’t deserve any of these, my lord this is too much, you shouldn’t be pu
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Chapter Forty-Five.
(Flashback)Derek stepped out of the bathroom, his towel wrapped around his waist. The day was slowly becoming bright which indicates morning was approaching.He heard the sound of the door opening, he turned back to see his Mate, smiling at him, she walked up to him.“Hey, you are back?” He asked as he pulled her to himself. His mate and her friend, Ana, had gone to the river to have their bath, they said they had wanted to swim, and he had instructed Garry to go along with them.Danica nodded, she wrapped her hands around him and kissed him but soon he was trying to pull out of the kiss which she wouldn’t let him.When he finally pulled away, his body weakened, he fell to one knee “Who are you?” He managed to ask.A few seconds into the kissing, he could perceive a scent that wasn’t Danica’s, and the mode of kissing wasn’t hers too and above all, he felt his strength being sapped away... Danica would never do that.He looked up “Meredith?” He called seeing the person standing before
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Chapter Forty-Six.
**Danica's Flashes**°°°“A curse?” Derek asked with a frown.“Yes, and he is here to get it broken.” She said as she took up the glass of juice and was sipping, she stopped as her mind seems to ring on something the same with Derek.“Does it requires a sacrifice?” Derek asked, Danica, recollecting what she had heard nodded and gasped.“That means he needs.. a..a human.” Danica said with widened eyes “And if it’s what I am thinking the girl must love him genuinely.” “Really?” Derek asked, Danica, got up from his lap.She nodded “That’s how most sacrifices are, and since it involves a human, I bet that’s what it is.”Derek suddenly chuckled making Danica frown “What if the sacrifice didn’t go as planned?” he asked.Danica shook her head “That would be disastrous.”Derek smiled, a very evil smile “Why does that sound interesting to me.” He said with a grin. °°°°°°“I think she is in love with him.” Danica said to a frowning Derek, both were on the bed cuddling, with the duvets cover
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Chapter Forty-Seven.
°(Many years ago)°Flashback...•“My lord?” Beta Zander called, worry lines were drawn across his forehead, the Alpha, Darius Rucker lifted his head to see his Beta, whose unfriendly face was formed in that of worry.“Zan?” He called adjusting himself on his seat “Is there a problem?” He asked.Zander sighed … That has always been the question he would reply with, he knew very well that the Alpha was worried and oftentimes had sleepless nights.“I’m worried, my lord.” Zander said as he moved further into the throne room, towards the Alpha who was seated behind his study chair with paperwork before him.That answer made the Alpha’s brows shoot up “Are the refugees okay? Aren’t the market activities flowing well? What’s the problem in the park?” He questioned with worry and concern.Zander stared at the Alpha and shook his head, he sure knew the Alpha is a very good man and he is grateful on behalf of the park that they have a leader like him but now that leader is genuinely worried an
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Chapter Forty-Eight.
(Continuation of Flashback)°°“You are whatttttttt?!!!” Darius yelled looking at his mate in surprise and unbelief, Lea who had tears in her eyes rushed to Darius who had sprung up from his seat, she hugged him.She sobbed “Finally, baby, we are gonna be parents, finally!” She cried.Darius could not believe his ear, he placed his nose on her neck and sniffed her, her altered scent filled his nose.“So the morning sleepiness, the sickness, and the swing of moods and emotions are because we are having a baby?” He asked, Lea, chuckled as she nodded over his shoulder.He carried her bridal style and twirled around, laughing and grateful that finally they were answered, their expectations were met.He placed her on her feet and neared his face to hers and spoke slowly and seductively “This new scent of yours is making me hungry for you.” Lea blushed, she tried to turn her face away but her lips were captured in a sweet, slow and love-filled, passionate kiss.Now all her fears of dying w
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Chapter Forty-Nine.
(Continuation of the Flashbacks)°°“I love you, I can take care of you and the baby, please don’t break my heart, I won’t be happy if you end up with someone else, please Fiona.” He pleaded as he dropped to his knees.Fiona stared in shock… He knew she was pregnant and yet he kept saying he wanted her? “I—”“It’s time to go!!” One of the helpers yelled.Nigel got up from his feet, took all the leaves he had plucked and some fruits, and placed them in her basket “The leaves are for your errand but the fruits are for you.” He said and kissed her forehead, she nodded and was about to walk away when she stopped.“I will come to your house, will you be there?” She asked, he nodded with a small smile and walked away. °°°°“Nigel! I hate you!” A heavily pregnant Fiona yelled as she threw one of her shoes at Nigel who just entered the house, he was holding a pot and a pan.“Babe!” He exclaimed with laughter as he dodged the flying object.“Why did you pour the food away?” She asked and sh
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