All Chapters of RISE OF THE LAST ALPHA: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
189 Chapters
“Home?” Megan asked, her eyes moving from Jimin to Xavier and back to Jimin. “Didn’t you hear him the first time?” Layla hissed in a tone that could barely hide her disgust for Alpha Ferran’s daughter. “You’re going back home, high maintenance.”“Stop calling her names,” Jimin frowned. “She has been a part of us for some time now.”“And what has she done rather than sitting down in this cozy ice castle all day?” Layla frowned. “Nothing! We do all the work while our prisoner sits back and enjoys the cool of the day. That’s so not fair.”“Point of correction,” Jimin cut in. “She is not our prisoner. She’s one of us. She has been at the Black Wolf Pack for a long time and she hasn’t caused any trouble. We’re only taking her back to her father because we need him to be on our side and he might want to see his daughter. Megan is a nice person and definitely one of us.” Megan smiled at his last remarks and Layla scoffed, noticing the smile that danced across her lips briefly. She didn’t l
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“Thank you for saving our lives out there,” Chloe mumbled after looking around to see that Calistè was alone. Calistè barely smiled and walked up to them.“You owe me your life, Chloe,” Calistè smiled. “You and your friend over there. But first I want to hear everything. Tell me how you lost to Rhea?”Chloe frowned. “Rhea is stronger than we all give her credit for. Can you imagine the technique she used against me?”“What did she use?” Calistè asked.“The dance of death!” Chloe cried. “The fucking dance of death. I’ve not seen anyone who used that technique in a hundred years.”“Well you’ve seen someone who uses it,” Calistè shrugged. “You failed Ghost. Do you know what he planned to do with your body after killing you?”“I don’t even want to know,” Chloe grunted, a frown playing across her face.“Honestly, you don’t want to,” Calistè nodded. “You would be sick if you found out.”Chloe shrugged and turned to face Syke. “You’ve not said a word since. Are you dead already?”Syke did no
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Chloe ran through the forest of wet grasses under the cover of the night. She had tied her thick black hair in a bun earlier to prevent it from flailing around under the wind but it had loosened and fell freely across her shoulders now.“Low key wish she gave us an easier task for our lives,” Chloe murmured.Syke knew she was talking about Calistè so he preferred to keep mute. Since he heard about the witch’s love interest in their enemy’s Laye father, he had preferred to stay away from conversations that involved her. Apparently, Chloe didn’t share the same convictions with him and she talked freely about Calistè.“Do you think she’s on our side?” Syke asked suddenly, taking Chloe by surprise.Chloe turned to face him. “Why do you ask? She does look like a nice person to me though. We shouldn’t judge her because she once loved Tae Kong. Might have fallen for him too when I was younger considering the fact that he looked like my favorite K Pop stars.Syke rolled his eyes. “I know all
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Syke turned around in shock. “Did you hear that?”Chloe nodded her head. “I did. Don’t raise your voice.” Chloe turned around searching for where the sound was coming from. The night was silent and dark and the only light coming was that of the crescent moon that was shining above in the night sky. Syke was scared to death. All his life, he had gone for all sorts of missions but he had never been made to go to a graveyard. He looked around from the gate of the graveyard and caught sight of a figure moving in the shadows.“Chloe…” he started.Chloe turned around quickly at his voice. “What is the matter?”Syke shook his head in the negative. The figure had disappeared as soon as it had come. Or was he seeing things? He couldn’t tell for sure but he knew that whatever the case was, it was going to be a miracle if they got back to Calistè whole and hearty.“No one’s going to hurt you,” Chloe laughed. “Always remember, Ghosts don’t exist.”“Ghosts don’t exist,” Syke repeated to himself ov
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“What are you doing here?” Chloe asked, her eyes fixed on Mork.“I should be the one asking you that question,” Mork smiled at her. “What are you doing in the middle of a graveyard with a shovel in your hand?”Chloe dumped the shovel on muddy soil. “Looking for you.”Mork bent his head and frowned. “I suppose the two of us do not have any unfinished business.”“No we don’t,” Chloe affirmed. “Then what are you doing here looking for me?” Mork stared at her.“Just checking up on you,” Chloe shrugged. “And why are you not running around, running little errands for the lycan King’s daughter.Mork stared at her for almost a minute before finally replying. “I hear Rhea’s been hanging around with the wrong people lately.”Chloe nodded. “You heard right. She’s fallen in love with the Alpha, the son of Dan Damon, Xavier.”Mork shook his head in pity. “How much more unfortunate can Ghost be? Losing the only person he can trust to the enemy.”“What are you saying?” Chloe frowned. “We still have
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“What are the reports from your scouting?” Ghost grunted to the senior scout that stood before him.“Nothing much my king,” the scout replied. “Word has it that the Black Wolf Pack still thrives. They are planning their invasion on the North very soon.”Ghost frowned. “That little bastard is getting on my nerves already.” He turned to face the scout. “Have you told Ferran about this recent development?”“Not yet my king. I was waiting for….”“You were waiting for what?” Ghost growled.“Your command, my king,” the scout muttered.“You dumb little rat!” Ghost growled and hit his fist on the table. “Do you need my command to do everything? Do you wait for my command before you go about fucking your little whores?”“I don’t…”“You don’t what?” Ghost cut in.“Nothing, my king,” the scout replied quickly. “I would send your message to the Alpha immediately. He has a message for you too. It came in two days ago.”“And you are just telling me now?” Ghost stared at him. “How more incompetent c
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“Are you going to keep staring at me all night witch?” Mork asked, his voice full of spite and disgust. Calistè smiled at him. She was used to it already - lycans speaking to her in that manner. No matter what she did for them and how long she stayed with them, it wasn’t going to do any good. She was never going to fit in.“Of course I didn’t come here to stare at you all night,” Calistè smiled. “I have better things to do with my time. I came for the body.”Mork stared at her warily. He was surprised and he couldn’t hide it. How on earth did she know about the body?“Don’t act so shocked,” Calistè shrugged. “Remember that I’m a witch. You can’t really hide stuff like that from me for a very long time.”“True,” Mork nodded. “I almost forgot what you were, witch.”Calistè snickered and moved closer to him. “Call me a witch from dusk till dawn. That is who I am. Do you know who you are? You’re nothing more than a puppet, a puppet that has devoted his life to serving a spoilt little pri
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Xavier couldn’t sleep for the rest of the night. His mind was racing. He was unsettled by the mere thought of what could happen if their plan went wrong, and it was already going wrong. His strongest female warriors - his sister, Layla and his girlfriend, Rhea were angry with him. His Beta, Jimin was a little bit disappointed in him, and the only person he could turn to for advise was dead already, a second time. As much as he hated to admit it, Dan Damon was still very important to him. Yes, he was an awful dad and wasn’t the best at communicating with his children but when it came to ruthlessness, he was the best at it. In situations like this when on a normal basis, emotion would get the best of other people, it wouldn’t even flinch him. Dan Damon would still do the necessary. Xavier needed someone with a resolve as firm as that to speak to him and give him some words of advise and encouragement again and since his father was unavailable, the next name that came to his mind was the
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“Pack your things everyone. We’re heading back to the West.”The warriors of the Black Wolf Pack woke up with a jolt. They had been preparing all night for their invasion of the North the next day and it came as a shock to all of them that the very person that had been on their toes, expecting them to be hyper prepared for the D-day was backing out of the plan at the last minute. Jimin, Rhea and Layla were the most shocked at Xavier’s sudden change of plans considering the fact that he had not spoken about it with any of them and Jimin frowned at Rhea wondering if she was somehow the reason they were having a change of plans.“Don’t look at me like that,” Rhea complained. “I had absolutely nothing to do with the sudden change of plans. Ask him whatever.”Jimin ignored her and walked over to meet Xavier. He tapped Xavier on the shoulder and Xavier turned and smiled at him.“Hello, Beta,” Xavier smiled. “Trust you had a good night.”“Yeah,” Jimin muttered wondering since when Xavier beg
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"How sure are you that he would be turning back to the West?" Ghost grunted over the phone in his usual grumpy voice."I can assure you of it," Elder Obada smiled. His voice was full of excitement because for the first time in years, he could see his plan begin to take shape. Everything was going perfectly, just the way he wanted it to go."So what are you asking for now?" Ghost grunted. "Reinforcements," Elder Obada replied quickly. "The warriors he left behind would not be enough to take on him when he gets back. I need more. I need to make it a clean job this time, and when he dies this time, you can tell your witch friend to leave him dead for good.""That's part of the problem we have here," Ghost frowned. "The only reason Calisté brought him back to life is because she has an ego twice the size of her brain. She claimed me killing the family wasn't enough vengeance for her. She wanted to do it herself. She wanted to see the look of horror on Xavier's face when he was dying and
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