All Chapters of RISE OF THE LAST ALPHA: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
189 Chapters
Ghost reclined on his royal chair without a care in the world. His mind was racing and he was excited. With the latest discovery from his top agent, Chloe, he was sure that it was only a matter of time before Xavier and his Black Wolf Pack came crumbling down. He turned around, looking for any of his guards and found one snoring away at the corner of the throne room.“Sylvester!” Ghost growled.The guard woke up with a start and looked around to see who had called him. He found Ghost staring straight at him and he sat up immediately at alert.“I didn’t know you needed me,” he stood up immediately. “I slept off.”“I can see that,” Ghost replied. “Is there any word from my adviser yet?”“Not any my king,” Sylvester replied. “Although I’ve heard rumors that he went out partying with a few of his friends.”Ghost stared at him for a while before turning back to face the throne.“What news do you have about the other bastard that refused to bow down before me?”“There is no new news about h
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Chloe made her way gingerly across the woods. She walked, ran, hopped, anything at all to increase her speed and her chances of completing the assignment that Ghost had given to her before the clock struck twelve. That, as Ghost had agreed with her was the only condition in which he was going to allow her friend live. He had refused to follow her on the mission and Ghost was pissed to death. He had already sent his guards to behead him in the dungeons but Chloe had pleaded for his life. Ghost had told her that the only thing that was going to make Syke live was her. She had to bring in the daughter of Alpha Ferran from the custody of Xavier before the clock struck twelve and her friend would live.Chloe had agreed to the deal immediately and set off, with her knife and dagger stashed in a leather pouch hanging around her waist. Chloe would have never believed that she would spend an extra second thinking about Syke but their brief relationship after getting booted out by the Black Wol
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"You want to take the princess on a stroll?" Sebastian frowned, staring at her."Yes," Chloe shrugged. "Anything wrong with that?""Not at all," Sebastian laughed. "Just that it's weird seeing a guard of the Black Wolf Pack trying to be friendly with Megan. Since I got here, all they've been talking about is how she's changed from the quiet and friendly Omega they used to know back in the pack. Apparently, no one likes her anymore. It's very strange to see that there's still someone in the pack who even wants to have something to do with Megan after all.""Maybe I'm different in my own way," Chloe smiled at him. "Or maybe I want to torment her too. You can never know if you don't let me have that stroll with her.""You're mysterious," Sebastian smiled at her. "I like them with a little touch of mystery, a bit unpredictable, just exactly the way you are."Chloe smiled at his remarks and waited, hoping he would hand over the key to the room where she was locked."I can't allow you go wi
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Sebastian turned around, confused. Never in his life had he seen a crowd as much as that all running towards the same place and he knew immediately that a stampede was imminent. He got out of the way before they ran into him and screamed at the top of his voice.“What in heaven’s name is going on here!”They all stopped and began to murmur amongst themselves while a few of them who were at the back struggled to come forward.“Yes?” Sebastian stared at them waiting for an explanation that could give him some more insight on why they were running around like mad people.“Would any of you here care to explain to me why you’re running around?”The guard that Chloe had spoken to walked forward to meet Sebastian. He watched as she made her way to the front still panting and once she had gotten to where he was, she spoke up.“We got your message from the guard,” she said amidst heavy breathing. “You said that the Alpha wanted to have an emergency meeting with all of us and if we came late, o
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When Layla’s eyes opened again, she was in unfamiliar territory.She kicked her shoes against each other, trying to get rid of the grasses that had stuck by the sides and she wondered if that was how the moon goddess’s marble journeys always worked. To her, it had only been a minute or even less, but she knew that if she had taken the normal route, it would have been longer.She dusted her jeans and started walking towards the huge building that lay ahead of her. She knew very well that it was Ghost Damon’s castle at the center of the pack but she didn’t care much. First things first, she had died already so there was nothing worse than that. Second things second, she didn’t think that Ghost or any of his stupid servants were strong enough to hold her down. She knew that she could defeat them all. What she needed was a good start to the day and there was no better start to a day of spoiling an enemy’s camp than killing the first guard in a matter of seconds.Layla’s day couldn’t have
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Layla’s body hit the ground with a loud thud and Sebastian jumped back in shock. He turned around to look at everyone’s face but they didn’t seem to be surprised one bit to see her.“Am I the only one who noticed that she just fell from the sky?” Sebastian asked. Xavier shrugged and stretched out his hand to help her to her feet. She ignored his hand and stood up herself, dusting the sand and grass offher jeans.“One of the many perks of working for the moon goddess,” Layla smiled at him. “By the way I’m pretty sure you all can recognize him.”She pushed Syke forward and Xavier stared at him for a moment.“I don’t think so,” Xavier gave up. “Who’s he?”“One of Ghost’s spies,” Jimin smiled. “I remember him very well. I’m sure he would remember me too.”Syke frowned at Jimin. “Just because you beat me once in an unfair match doesn’t mean it can happen again.”“If you want a rematch you don’t have to go through the corners,” Jimin sighed. “Just say it and your wish would be granted. It’
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Chloe’s dagger bounced harmlessly off Xavier’s skin and she stared at him in shock. That strike was clean enough to bring him down at once but nothing happened.Rhea dragged Xavier and pushed him away from the scene.“Stay away from her,” Rhea warned. “She’s dangerous. I would handle her.”“I’m the Alpha here,” Xavier snarled baring his fangs. “I’m the one who should be protecting you.”“Don’t worry about me,” Rhea frowned. “I can take care of myself.”Xavier ignored her and turned to face Chloe, his eyes flashing with rage. “You will not hurt my pack.”Chloe backed away slowly, her hands firmly attached to Megan’s wrists and her heart pounding in her chest. She had never seen the Alpha so angry before. It was clear that he was ready to protect his pack with his life and Chloe had no doubt that he would do it.“Agree to the deal,” Xavier grunted. “Leave Megan to stay with us and I’ll forget that you were once our enemy. I would forgive you for all my people that you have killed.”“Th
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Xavier had been skeptical about the whole plan. All the way to the North, he had tried to calm down and focus on what he had to do to win the war but as soon as he saw the huge ice plated gates that separated the Northern Ice Wolves pack from the rest of the world, he lost it. His heart had started beating faster and Jimin who had quickly noticed it, relieved him of the tension by coming up with a plan. He had offered to go talk to Alpha Ferran first, alone. Xavier was not happy about the prospects of his Beta and arguably the strongest warrior he had waking unarmed and unprotected into Ferran’s territory but Jimin’s mind was pretty much made up already. He believed his plan was the only way they were going to successfully make an alliance with, or defeat the North, if it came to a battle. It was always best to have a quick diplomatic meeting to see if bloodshed could be avoided. He knew thousands of innocent wolves were going to die, fighting for what they thought was right, fighting
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It did not take Xavier longer than a minute for him to realize who that was. He watched as Ferran’s wolf bounded towards him, a dark glint in its eyes and he swallowed hard. Calistè had left him without even bothering to test if her weird blood magic worked and Xavier hoped that it did.Ferran’s wolf was just a few meters away from him when he started feeling a growing burning sensation inside of him. Just as the wolf dove at him with outstretched claws, he heard the voice he could never mistake any other’s for. He heard the voice of his father, Dan Damon.“Long time no see, son,” the voice floated in his ears.His father’s voice was enough motivation for him to escape impending death and he jumped over a huge iron bar, narrowly escaping Ferran’s icy claws.“Dad!” Xavier cried,Ferran laughed and attacked again. “He’s dead already child,” Ferran said as he attacked. “You should get used to it. Even if he was alive now I’m pretty sure I would be the one kicking his ass unlike how it w
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Xavier turned around, staring at the faces of the Northern wolves and to his surprise, someone among the crowd started a chant.“Long liveXavier Damon!”It caught on pretty fast and in a matter of minutes, every single wolf in the pack was chanting his name at the top of their voice. For a pack that boasted in their extreme level of loyalty, they had quickly abandoned their dead Alpha. Xavier knew immediately that none of them actually liked him. They had just been forced into tolerating him.“You’re the king now,” Jimin smiled at Xavier patting his head. “Told you that my plan would work.”“Yeah your plan almost got me killed,” Xavier muttered to him. “I had to send my father away or Ferran would have killed me.”Jimin shrugged. “Doesn’t matter how you did it as long as you did. Come on, address your people.”“I don’t want to be the Alpha of the North,” Xavier grunted. “Our pack is more than enough work for me already. I don’t want to laden myself with duty and eventually fall short.
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