All Chapters of RISE OF THE LAST ALPHA: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
189 Chapters
Rhea stared at the lifeless body of Mork on the floor. He had been her personal guard for as long as she could remember and he had always been good for her. It was sad that when she needed him the most, he had turned on her for personal glory, and now he was dead.“You shouldn’t have killed him,” Rhea frowned.“What should I have done with him?” Calistè grunted. “He wasn’t going to give us any useful information.”“He was always good to me,” Rhea muttered.“That was before he became over ambitious,” Calistè frowned. “Mork didn’t really care about you anymore. All he wanted was to harness Steve’s power.”“And what about Steve?” Rhea asked. “What would we do about him now?”Calistè looked over her shoulder at the long line of graves that were ahead of her and she shrugged. “I would say we dig through all the graves in St. Jacques tonight but I’m standing with a princess who can’t get her nails dirty.”“I don’t even have nails,” Rhea muttered, staring at her fingers. “I can’t be here all
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Rhea and Calistè turned to look at each other.“It’s got to be in here,” Rhea said. “Let’s go in.”Rhea walked ahead of her and pushed the gate open. It creaked loudly as it opened and Calistè frowned seeing that the gate had been open all along. They could have just pushed the smaller one and went in rather than going through the stress of opening the whole gate.They walked in and Rhea assessed the bottom floor quickly. It was empty.“Nothing there,” she frowned. “Let’s check up.”They took the stairs up and stopped at the entrance of the building. The place was dusty and Rhea coughed as they walked in.“Mork had to come all the way here to hide a dead body,” Calistè growled as they walked in. “How smart of him.”“You couldn’t have found this place without my help,” Rhea grunted. “We should be happy that he decided to go with the usual riddles. Let’s look around quickly before the ghosts come up.”Rhea took the first floor and scanned the building quickly. There was a freezer at the
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“What..what..what do you mean?” Rhea stared at Calistè. “Someone else is already in control of Steve?”“You heard me right,” Calistè nodded. “I don’t know how he managed to do it but it’s been done already. All the necessary spells have been cast. The only thing left is the body. It needs time to regenerate and get its form again.”Rhea ran her fingers through her hair pensively. All her efforts over the past week to get Steve was now futile. Someone else was one step ahead of them and it was most likely going to be Mork.“How long until his new form is completed?” Rhea asked.“Normally, it doesn’t take more than an hour or two,” Calistè shrugged. “Depending on how long this spell was cast, he would be waking up any time soon and searching for his master.”“And if he doesn’t see his master?” Rhea asked.For a second, Calistè went blank. She had not considered that before as it had never happened before. “I’ve never thought of that,” Calistè frowned. “I guess it would remain there, wa
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Jimin frowned. He wasn’t happy about the prospects of his father discussing with Calistè. As far as he was concerned, they had absolutely nothing to talk about. Calistè was a bad influence and as long as he had feelings for her in the past, she was going to use it against him. It would affect their decision making process greatly.“You shouldn’t speak to her,” Jimin muttered to himself. “She would want to convince you to go ahead with whatever evil plan she has.”“I want to,” Tae replied inside of him. “Allow me just a minute or two with her and I’ll be gone again.”“You didn’t show up when I was going through a lot,” Jimin sighed. “Lately, the pack has been faced with a lot of threats and I didn’t see you for a minute giving me a word of advice, but here you are, about to talk to her.”“I know what I’m doing Jimin,” Tae replied quietly. “Just trust me and give me control.”Jimin sighed giving up. There was nothing he was going to say that was going to stop his father from speaking wi
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Xavier woke up with a terrible headache and to the realization that the worst might have happened while he slept. Standing up from his master bed, he stared at his reflection in the mirror that hung on his wall, directly in front of him. He noticed that he had grown a bit taller in the last few weeks and his hair was getting fuller. He ran his hand through his hair and washed his face with water. It was the morning of their mission to the North and he knew that this particular mission would be the highlight of his reign as the Alpha for a long time to come. He had not spoken to Rhea since their little quarrel the other night and Jimin too seemed to be disappointed with him. He turned towards the door and pushed it open. The room opposite was Jimin’s and he was surprised to see that the door was still open. Jimin loved to sleep with his door closed for privacy so for his door to be open, it could only mean one thing - he was not in the room and as much as that seemed to be the only pla
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Less than five minutes after his alarm, the corridor leading up to Rhea’s room was filled already. Everyone was looking for Jimin and Rhea. Layla was also present but she barely said a word. She turned around and searched Jimin’s room thoroughly, not even giving any attention to Rhea that was also missing. All she cared about was Jimin. Her Jimin.“If I found out that your girlfriend did something bad to the Beta, I wouldn’t be taking your permission to slice her head off her neck,” Layla breathed down Xavier’s neck. “And trust me, this won’t be like the last time. I would do a clean job this time.”“You wouldn’t need my permission to do that if it’s the case,” Xavier frowned. “But this doesn’t look likely. Rhea would never hurt Jimin. Ghost has to be behind all this.”“It’s definitely not Ghost,” Layla shook her head in the negative. “Think about it. What business does he have with Jimin? If he were to send anyone here, it would be to kill your and probably his daughter that betraye
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Xavier stared at the guards as they walked in and from the bleak expression on their faces he could tell that whatever they had come to tell him was not good news.“Hope you two have not come in here to spoil my already bad day with worse news?” Xavier grunted. “If it’s not about Rhea or Jimin, I don’t want want to hear it. Whatever it is you want to say to me can wait till we’ve found them.”“It’s about Rhea, my king,” the first guard replied. “Come with us. We have something to show you.”They walked ahead of Xavier, leading him all the way into Rhea’s room and Xavier paused at the door.“This is not the best time for a joke you know,” Xavier said. “So if this some sort of prank you’d better call it off now.”“It’s not a prank my king,” the guard replied. “Come on in.”Xavier walked into the room he had already been in earlier and looked around. The bed was still scattered as it was when he had come in but every other place was well arranged. Everything was in its place.The first g
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“I want every single one of you searching for Rhea and Jimin now!” Xavier grunted. “The first person to get their scent would get a prize from me, and trust me, I’m far more generous than Ghost. I would never ever slay the person that gives me what I want when I want it.”“Yes Alpha,” they replied and bounded out immediately.Xavier grunted and walked out of the room. He was fuming in anger. That bastard, Cain had successfully turned the heart of over thirty of his best men against him and he didn’t even see it coming. If he had known, he would have never made Cain a commander in his army. He had seen him as a loyal and down to earth person and coupled with the facts that he had a few skills that many wolves couldn’t boast off, Xavier had quickly gone ahead to name him as his latest general.“Alpha Xavier,” a voice came from behind him and Xavier turned to see that it was Megan.He stared at Megan, a frown coming across his face. “Do you have any information that would make our search
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Rhea looked over her shoulder at Xavier approaching them and frowned. One of the many perks of being the daughter of the lycan king was that your scent was so peculiar that even a day old pup could keep tabs on you.“Act normal,” Calistè grunted, noticing that Rhea’s hands were shaking.“How in heaven’s name do you want me to act normal!” Rhea muttered back. “Can’t you see that they’re here already.”Rhea turned around to see that Xavier was already standing behind her and she smiled at him.“Hey Xavier…”“Rhea,” Xavier stared her down. “What are you doing out here by this time in an abandoned vets office at St. Jacques?”Rhea would have lied but it was no use lying to him. It was all there - Calistè, Jimin, the dead body of her ex boyfriend that was struggling to get to his master again. She knew how it would sound if she told Xavier that she came to see her ex and for a split second, the part of her that dared to have a little fun with him, considered blurting it out.“Remember the
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Calistè frowned at Layla and opened her mouth to say something but Layla quickly cut her short.“Come on, witch,” Layla grunted. “You of all people should know that I was joking. Of course we’re all smart. If we put our heads together, I believe we can solve the riddle, whatever it is in no time.”“I envy your pessimism,” Rhea smiled at her. “Although I’ve lived with Mork for the better part of my life and I still couldn’t get a finger on what that riddle was even talking about.”“Because you never paid any attention to him,” Layla smiled at her. “Maybe he even liked you. If you had asked nicely I’m sure he would have told you what you wanted to hear.”“Well guess who didn’t give me the chance to ask nicely,” Rhea frowned and turned to Calistè.“Hey!” Calistè protested. “You can’t blame me for his death. He was proving to be strong headed. He didn’t want to spill.”“Still,” Rhea murmured. “He would be more useful to us alive than dead. Now we have to spend hours solving a dumb riddle.
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