Semua Bab The Consortium's Heir : Bab 1011 - Bab 1020
1161 Bab
Chapter 1011
Darius raised an eyebrow. "You've already spent a lot of time dealing with me, so just satisfy my curiosity. I can accept being locked up in this hospital for the next two days; it just comes with a condition. I believe it's a fair trade."Suddenly, Hansley had an ominous feeling. He turned pale and looked at Darius nervously. "What happened? What have you done to my office?"Darius smiled mockingly. "I discovered a tiny secret, that's all. You say the office is yours, but you don't seem to be able to enter and exit it as and when you like. Rather than saying you're the person in charge of this hospital, perhaps it'd be more accurate to say you've been forced to take charge of this place. So, tell me—did I guess correctly?" He crossed his arms. "That's why I told you to cut the crap and just give me what I wanted. Of course, you have the right to object or refuse to go along with me; it's just not gonna put me in a good mood. And I'm sure you know what'll happen when I'm in a bad moo
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Chapter 1012
Now that he had a direction, Darius thought about the multicolored plaques he saw earlier. If there were any secrets in this place, those plaques would contain them. He wouldn't act rashly, of course, not when dealing with a nefarious organization that had been running wild for years. He headed out of the ward. If he couldn't dig up the secrets in this place, he would destroy them so no one would know! With this thought in mind, he stopped outside a room with an orange plaque above the door; the words "Gastroenterology Department" were printed on it.Darius lifted a hand and channeled his life force out through his palm to surround the plaque. A few seconds later, it disintegrated into dust. He retracted his hand, smiled, and turned to move on to the next plaque. Suddenly, a panicked voice rang out from his arm. "God, I'm so glad I decided not to merge with my body just yet. Look at what you've done, Darius!"This was Darius' first time hearing Teivel raise his voice like this, and i
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Chapter 1013
Darius looked into Teivel's eyes upon saying that. "I knew I wasn't as capable, but I never thought I'd be this much weaker than you. You don't even have a body, and you've been bodiless for a while now."He snorted, and his gaze hardened with unprecedented seriousness and determination. "So, what must I do to detect those invisible streams that you can sense—the ones that I can't?"Teivel hadn't seen this side of Darius in a long time. Now that he did, his heart rate regulated, and he smiled. He then explained calmly, "Shut your eyes. Allow the life force flowing from your body to soften. Life forces tend to have minds of their own. However, I'm sure you've realized it long ago since Edward gained the power to read energies upon achieving enlightenment."Darius lifted his head, his eyes gleaming as though he were deep in thought. That ruminating look remained on his face as he shut his eyes. At that moment, it was like he had realized something he never noticed before.He then heard
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Chapter 1014
Darius' eyes were on Teivel, who sighed deeply and shook his head. Teivel knew everything he had revealed was unimportant now that they faced a different issue. He shrugged before voicing, "Magic seals can evolve in mysterious ways. No one can understand them except the person who cast them in the first place. Of course, there's a higher possibility that the caster has no clue how to remove said seals either; casters only know how to pause or shut off the seal. What you need to do now is break out of this seal.""I'm a little confused." A sigh came from Darius as he shut his eyes. Many negative emotions left his lips as he sighed. Then, he reopened his eyes and returned to his usual self. "What do you mean when you say 'magic seal'? It sounds too abstract. Do you mean it's a confined space?"A warm smile spread across Teivel's face. "You can think of it as an enchantment. Many enchantments exist. Some of which can turn this building into a dangerous space. Of course, they don't only
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Chapter 1015
The energy was intensely cold, but it wasn't like being on the receiving end of others' frosty energy or the sensation of getting frostbite. Instead, the cold plunged past the fibers of Darius' body and stabbed his bones like thousands of sharp needles. He trembled fervently from the chill. Nevertheless, he soon regained consciousness and knitted his brows into a deep V. Then, his attention returned to the ball of energy in his hand as if nothing had happened. Now that he could sense the frost radiating from the ball of energy in his hand, his features gradually darkened. Even his voice came out harsher and lost all its warmth. "Is there anything I can do about our environment now?"Sighing deeply, Teivel scanned the room once before meeting the former's eyes. His lips parted, but he ultimately refrained from speaking. Darius soon made his choice. He lifted his chin, his steely gaze flickering toward Teivel. "Since the dangers remain regardless of what I do, I shall start with red!
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Chapter 1016
Darius' eyelids jerked wide open with delight and shock. "Sir!"Only calm vibes radiated from Teivel as he placed both hands behind his back. The only emotion that stood out was his smiling eyes. "These little dogs exist—or rather, they used to be real dogs. It's just that I used a unique method to keep them by my side after they died. They can temporarily appear here if I infuse large quantities of life force into them. They'll do what regular dogs do upon materializing."Darius nodded, now realizing how miraculous the former's actions were. Then, another idea formed in his head, causing his lips to purse. Yet, he ultimately couldn't bring himself to ask it directly. "I bet this wouldn't work for humans—""Humans and dogs are different," Teivel answered as he knew what Darius wanted to ask even though the latter hadn't said it straightforwardly. While he said that, his gaze deepened like he had recalled a distant memory. Darius silently stood aside and shot a curious gaze at Teivel.
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Chapter 1017
Instead, Darius willed them to gather in his chest, surrounding his heart in thick layers.Sure enough, the sight before him became disillusioned with time. He sucked a sharp breath in when he realized the room was actually red. However, it differed from the orange paint earlier; this entire space was blood red. There were even globs of red that climbed up the walls, then formed distorted words. Not only that, but Darius could sense the fresh human blood getting infused into this room, giving more power to the room's dried, darkened blood. "This place isn't a hospital; it's more like a massive slaughterhouse!" Darius mused while sighing deeply and shutting his eyes, concealing the fiery rage in his pupils. He spun around to voice his shock and discomfort to Teivel. However, Teivel's hands were behind his back, and he smiled as if unbothered by the grotesque scene.A frown marred Darius' face at once. At the same time, distrust and fear crept into his voice as he asked, "You're my m
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Chapter 1018
oud snapping sounds rang out as the energy supply lines got cut one at a time.Teivel's brow raised. His body levitated while he watched his mentee attack the lines with force. There was fleeting approval in his eyes. He would've given a standing ovation if it weren't for the inappropriate setting.Darius' life force cut off all the lines. Something crackled in the air before darkness engulfed the room. It was like a moonless, starless night sky. At that moment, Darius reabsorbed his life force into his nostrils. It stopped his breathing for a second. This prevented him from detecting the breaths of anyone from the outside world. Darius reopened his eyes again. He realized the situation had reinforced his past choices and beliefs. The enemy he currently faced wasn't a real human. His guts writhed with disgust upon seeing the cultivator before him. Despite how straight and tall the cultivator stood, it was most likely not on purpose. The cultivator's legs and waist weren't human b
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Chapter 1019
While the cultivator had sensed Darius was about to attack, he couldn't dodge in time. Even so, attacking the former didn't soothe Darius' anger. Darius lowered his head, his attention shooting toward his hands. His countenance darkened like the onset of a storm. It was because his blade made of life force had vanished. It was like it never existed. As for the cultivator with spider legs, he had screamed out of fear.Darius refused to believe what was happening, so he willed his life force to form another blade in the air. Again, it disappeared before touching the cultivator's spider legs. That was unlike anything Darius had ever seen. Darius' features wrinkled in confusion. As he pondered why that happened, he heard Teivel's voice in his mind. "Don't worry," Teivel said, "That's a visual disruption by the magic seal. It won't have an effect on you if you're powerful enough. It can't interfere with your resolve or your abilities."Darius calmed down upon hearing that. Sighing, he
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Chapter 1020
Still, it was more accurate to say that Darius hadn't thought about it yet. Brows going up in exhaustion, Darius flashed a helpless, weary look. Little did he expect to see a relaxed and upbeat smile on Teivel. "You don't need to worry about that," remarked a cheery teivel. "You've already broken the seal once with your abilities earlier. I'm sure it'll be easy for you to do it again. The reason you can't now isn't because you're unwilling. It's because you don't believe in yourself."That shocked Darius, who needed to take two deep breaths before smiling back at the former. "I can break this seal with my abilities."It wasn't a question he had uttered. Instead, it was confident reassurance to himself. Even his eyes lit up as he spoke. He then nodded at Teivel, saying, "I understand now."Only when Teivel explained those things to him did he notice the changes to his environment. Placing both hands behind his back, he shut his eyes and tried to sense his surroundings with his heart.
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