All Chapters of The Consortium's Heir : Chapter 1001 - Chapter 1010
1161 Chapters
Chapter 1001
"Your neighbors and some reporters have surrounded us because there aren't any walls around us anymore. They can clearly see everything that's happening here right now; I wanted to call you earlier to tell you not to return here. Either that or put on a disguise before coming here. Otherwise, the reporters are gonna have a field day when they see you, and that's gonna cause trouble for the Reid Consortium and West Atlantics Int'l."Darius' lips twitched at his words. He sighed and massaged a temple. Erin had followed him out of the conference room earlier and had heard everything. Her lips twitched as well; she bit them, then said cautiously, "Sir, I think you should still head back. We don't know how Bridget is doing, but things don't look good. Edward didn't say they were in danger, but Bridget's breathing is weak. If she continues like this, being exposed to the elements isn't gonna do her any good."Darius nodded and shut his eyes as he breathed deeply. "Yes, I have to go check on
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Chapter 1002
"A car will drop by to pick me up soon, and I'll take it back to the company. If I were to show up with you, we'd be too huge of a target. People would immediately know who we are," said Erin.Darius frowned and shook his head, objecting to her suggestion without hesitation. "That's not happening. It's too dangerous to leave you waiting alone by the roadside. Look, I'll wait here with you. Bridget's matter is urgent, but delaying it for a few more minutes isn't gonna do much damage." He turned to the chauffeur and said, "Stop the car."The car slowly pulled over. Erin smiled helplessly, but there was no hiding her moved expression. She was about to say something when Darius' phone rang. He raised an eyebrow, unable to think of anyone who would call him at this moment. Something must've happened to Edward or Iago; it made his heart sink for a second. Then, it settled back in his chest when he saw who was calling, and he sighed in relief. "Grandpa, it's been long since you last called
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Chapter 1003
"Hansley, you're great at finding excuses, whether in the past or now. Back then, you told me the same thing when I commanded you to get rid of Tristan and Diana Reid. Of course, you only said it when you failed to complete your mission," said the mysterious character frostily. "Now, you've once again proven to me that your existence is worthless." He sighed and stretched out his arms, which were covered by the sleeves of his black robe. He placed his hands on the desk before him and glared daggers at Hansley. "This is the second time you've ruined my plans, and I've run out of patience for you! If I were you, I'd make myself scarce immediately and think about how to complete my mission instead of standing there, looking like a fool. If you continue like this, I guarantee you'll be the first to die! And it'll happen before Darius'!"Hansley dropped his gaze to his feet and nodded. "Yes, sir. I promise I'll teach Darius a lesson this time!" He stepped back cautiously, trying not to ma
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Chapter 1004
"How did you know I was here? You haven't answered me!" Hansley was so agitated that he reached out to grab Darius' arm without thinking; his nails dug into Darius' arm, making Darius frown and suck in a breath, looking irritated."What are you doing? You look like you've gone mad!" Darius sighed and said, "I think you need to calm down." He tried to wrest his arm out of Hansley's grip but didn't dare to use too much force because Hansley was still lying on the bed, looking weak. He scowled but didn't say anything else.Hansley took a few breaths as Darius said, "Before you left the other day, you told me you were gonna cause some trouble for those black-robed people, the ones who murdered my father. You also talked about the mysterious person behind Dream Investment Group. Then, you disappeared, and I couldn't find out about your whereabouts no matter how hard I tried. This morning, someone suddenly called me and told me you'd passed out by the roadside with your phone beside you. Th
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Chapter 1005
Hansley gulped, looking helpless. "I know you won't believe me even if I say this, but I swear I'm telling the truth." He exhaled heavily and looked at Darius woefully. "I don't know why you refuse to believe me, Darius. I've basically poured my heart out to you, yet you've chosen not to trust me. I don't know what you think of me, nor do I know what else I can say. What else do you want to know? I don't have anything else to tell you, and I've lost everything."Hansley's eyes turned red as he looked Darius in the eye. "Yes, I did strike a deal with those nefarious characters, but only because I wanted you and my son to live comfortably for the rest of your lives! I didn't have any other choice!"Darius scoffed at this. He knew the truth was far from what Hansley had said. "I genuinely have no idea what you expect me to say in response. I thought I'd made myself clear." He tucked his hands into his pockets and shook his head. "I don't think there's any need for us to talk anymore." H
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Chapter 1006
As for Darius himself, he'd removed his disguise while on the way to the hospital. After all, it wasn't necessary anymore. The other party already had everything in place and had appeared before him to set the plan in motion, waiting for him to walk into their trap. Since they'd already gone that far, Darius figured there was no reason for him to ruin their plans. He breathed deeply and smiled, then headed into the hospital calmly.To be honest, Darius had been surprised to see Hansley in the hospital, and unconscious, too. He hadn't lied to Hansley about his phone number being mentioned on Hansley's phone screen—that was genuine. It was just that Darius hadn't shown up at the hospital because someone had called him.Darius figured whoever was behind Hansley probably no longer trusted him because of how many times he'd slipped up so far. This thought made Darius snort as he leaned back and crossed his arms. On the one hand, the person behind Hansley wanted to use him to get at Darius.
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Chapter 1007
Even when he got to the end of the corridor, Darius could still hear the patient's breathing. However, as he turned the corner, he seemed to hear the patient's breathing change. It was almost as if he'd said something. Darius faltered for a second but didn't take this matter to heart. He continued looking around the hospital. There was something odd about it—it had a beautiful garden filled with various plants, but none of them were flowers. Also, everything in the hospital was white, including the instruments and equipment. This wasn't something one saw every day—there was something about this hospital that just made one feel off-color.It suddenly hit him—in regular hospitals, even if the patients all had different ailments, they still had different skin tones and complexions. They wouldn't all look deathly pale—even Hansley had looked like a corpse. In fact, all the patients in this hospital looked like corpses. It was extremely weird.With this thought in mind, Darius returned to
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Chapter 1008
"Otherwise, it's just gonna expose the secrets you hide within these walls." Darius smiled mockingly.Hansley's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe Darius had actually discovered their secrets, especially when all he'd done was walk along the corridor and look around! He took a deep breath and tried to force out a smile. His hands balled into fists by his sides; hope welled in him. It was unfortunate that everything he'd said and done had resulted in him and Darius being on opposing sides. Even if he wanted to have a proper talk with Darius, he wouldn't have the chance to do so. Hansley bit his lip, then sighed. He looked at Darius and said, "Darius, you should get out of here while you can. I believe you still have plenty of things to deal with at your company.""Someone like him has a company?" one of the bodyguards blurted disdainfully. "He looks like he's broke! How could he possibly own a company? Are you working with him to lie to us, you piece of shit? After all, you two were alo
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Chapter 1009
"He grew up in squalor and suddenly became wealthy overnight. Do you honestly think you can trust him?" said the bodyguard.Darius watched as all the bodyguards stared at him contemptuously. He put his hands in his pockets and sighed. Then, his gaze turned icy, making the bodyguards subconsciously shudder. "Before today, I was willing to play nice with you guys. Now, however, I see that it's only going to bring me disappointment. I was gonna live and let live, but it looks like you guys don't need me to do that."One of the bodyguards burst into derisive laughter. "You, live and let live? Do you hear yourself?" He stuck his hands on his hips. "There are eight of us, and you're on our company's turf. As long as you're here and you harm one of our own, none of us are gonna let you off the hook. Laying a hand on any of us isn't gonna bring you any good—I don't see why you'd do it." He gave Darius a frosty look. "Still, I'll be honest—it's surprising to see you speak to us with such can
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Chapter 1010
Hansley took a deep breath and said, "You and your father have disappointed me equally. At the very beginning, I asked your father to work with me, but he refused. He even gave me a lecture about not working with the black-robed people. I didn't wanna admit it, but I knew he was right. I—" Before he could continue, Darius cut him off.His gaze was frosty as he said, "Tell me what you're gonna do while I'm stuck here for the next two days."Hansley stiffened, then forced out a smile. "What are you talking about? I don't understand you at all."Darius rolled his eyes. "I thought you were more cowardly than others, but I didn't expect you to be so shameless. I've already uncovered the truth, yet you're still playing dumb. If this is a game you're trying to play, it isn't fun at all—not for me, at least. You may enjoy it, but I detest it." He tucked his hands into his pockets and gave Hansley a mocking look. "If you have anything else to say, now's the time to spit it out. Remember: I on
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