All Chapters of The Consortium's Heir : Chapter 981 - Chapter 990
1161 Chapters
Chapter 981
Darius was obviously enjoying the show; it was like Bennett was a clown to him. Bennett trembled with rage as hatred washed over him. Darius raised an eyebrow and said, "Now, now. You're the patriarch of the Evans family and a man of wealth and power. Don't you think it doesn't make sense for you to act like this before someone who's junior to you?"Bennett's trembling became even more pronounced. "How dare you saunter into my home like you own the place, Darius? It seems that you have no idea the predicament you're in right now!"Darius smiled. "It's been a while since I've heard something as funny as that. What I want to say is simple enough—everything you say and do right now is useless. You'll never defeat me." He exhaled heavily and put his hands behind his back. "I mean, you've already lost to me more times than I can count; it should've been enough to teach you a lesson. Yet, you're still filled with the will to live, which is surprising." He smiled and continued, "To tell yo
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Chapter 982
Darius raised an eyebrow, looking scornful. "It's not about whether you can and want to tolerate me; it's that you have to. After all, I can end your life anytime, and you won't be able to fight back."Bennett let out a disparaging laugh. "Fine! I remember you've been practicing some sort of secret art from the East, and I think there's a saying from there that means something like fools rush in where angels fear to tread, but a fool remains a fool no matter what!" His eyes were bloodshot with fury.Darius shook his head, looking helpless. "You don't have to be so on edge. I've already told you we're gonna do this one by one, so none of you will be let off the hook."His calmness made Bennett's nostrils flare again. He parted his lips to say something in return, but the words didn't come out. Ultimately, he forced out through gritted teeth, "Fine, then. I've finally gotten the chance to see what it's like to deal with an uncultured swine. You should be glad your parents died when you
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Chapter 983
"None of your wounds were tended to, huh?" Darius said lightly as he put his hands behind his back.Ursula opened her eyes with difficulty to see him looking at her with a mixture of mockery and pity; she'd never been this humiliated in her life. She croaked, "You're the ones who made me end up like this. If I make it out of this, I won't let any of you off the hook—you, Winston, Iago … and you, Bennett Evans! You gave up on me!" Her wounds seemed to bleed more profusely with every word she uttered, but that didn't stop her from glaring daggers at Darius.Darius could tell she was on the verge of death but had no intention of helping her out. He smiled and said, "I never would've expected to get the chance to see you like this." He cocked an eyebrow, looking highly relaxed in a room that reeked of blood. It was as if this was completely normal to him.He sat on the couch in the room and poured himself another glass of water. Ursula kept her gaze trained on him; this action alone made
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Chapter 984
"Then again, maybe it's not that surprising. After all, you're about to die. Don't worry, though. I'll stay here to witness you take your last breath." Darius looked at her.Ursula opened her eyes and looked at Darius one last time before shutting them again and breathing for the last time. Darius' senses told him Ursula wasn't due to die yet, but she'd lost the will to live. Though he disapproved of this, he couldn't say anything because it was her choice to make. He sighed, thinking that this was probably the best outcome for her. He stood in silence for a few seconds before turning to leave the room. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Bennett standing there and glaring daggers at him. He raised an eyebrow and smiled mockingly. "That look in your eyes is ludicrous." Darius put his hands behind his back. "A few days ago, your daughter spent a considerable amount of time at my home and caused no shortage of trouble. She was perfectly healthy, yet she's now dead." He snorted and s
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Chapter 985
Darius sighed and turned to leave while waving a hand. "I only came to see how Ursula was doing. Now that she's dead, I should get going. As for what I've promised her … I can only wish you good luck." He left without another look back.Bennett stared at his retreating figure dazedly. He breathed deeply, feeling like he didn't have the brainpower to comprehend this. Why had his daughter told Darius her last wishes on her deathbed? Besides, how could she possibly want to drag her father down to hell with her? Ursula couldn't be that dumb! Darius had to be lying! At least, that's what Bennett told himself.Ultimately, he still couldn't take it. He stumbled backward until he collapsed on a couch, then covered his face with his hands. No matter how hard he tried to convince himself this was all Darius' fabrication, he knew very well Ursula had genuinely asked Darius to help her with this. Darius had no reason to lie; this made Bennett's breathing hitch. He remained slumped on the couch fo
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Chapter 986
He couldn't finish his sentence for the longest time. Darius stood before him, watching him with a face devoid of emotion. Bennett gulped, feeling incredibly tormented. He'd been watching for Darius long enough but couldn't decipher his emotions. Worse still, Darius didn't do anything except watch him. Of course, Darius didn't allow him to do anything, either.Darius couldn't help feeling wronged. He'd planned on waiting for half an hour before making his move; he'd only entered the manor to apply some pressure to Bennett. Still, it was torturous for him to sit before his target for half an hour, so he'd decided to head to the backyard to chill there. Then, he happened to see the fleeing Bennett. Darius smiled at this thought and said, "You know, there was something about you that piqued my curiosity as soon as we met. I've been wondering what is it about you that's allowed you to survive on this earth for so long and even amass such a huge fortune. Now, I know the answer." Bennett s
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Chapter 987
"No one can do a better job than me as the head of the Evans family," said Bennett shakily.Darius smiled mockingly. "You may say that, but you don't sound too confident." He put his hands behind his back and cocked his head. "Whatever it is, you won't be leaving this place today. Instead of wasting your time on unsavory schemes, you should think about enjoying the last moments of your life."Bennett's head shot up, and he gave Darius a pleading look. However, he didn't say anything. Darius snorted and said, "What's wrong? Have you been the head of a family for so long that you can't bring yourself to beg for your life?" He raised an eyebrow, looking disdainful. "Since you've made your stance clear, I don't think there's anything else to say."He tucked his hands into his pockets and stretched his neck. "Have someone get me a chair. I don't know what you're thinking, making me stand here like a fool." He rolled his eyes.Bennett felt like his rage was about to make him keel over. He'd
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Chapter 988
"You're the most ignorant wealthy person I've met." Darius put his hands behind his back and cocked his head. "Now, I'm confident that my perception of you was right—luck got you where you are right now." As an enlightened martial artist, Darius' senses were incredibly sharp. He was positive Bennett's breathing hitched at his words, and he raised an eyebrow. "Well, your reaction only serves to solidify my guess. You're someone who's only managed to survive thus far because of luck. I've never met any wealthy person as emotional as you." He almost looked exasperated by Bennett's ignorance, if not for the laughter in his eyes.This made Bennett's blood boil. He roared, "That's enough! You've been uttering nonsense this whole time! What the hell do you want from me?"Darius looked heavenward and sighed. This wasn't the scene he'd anticipated, nor was it something he was happy to see. However, he had no choice but to wait. After all, he'd promised Iago that he would get what he deserved
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Chapter 989
"What right do you have to take the helicopter?" Bennett bellowed so loudly everyone in the manor's vicinity could hear him.Darius frowned, looking irritated. "He took my helicopter; I should be the one asking that question, not you. What right do you have to question the usage of my helicopter?" He slowly approached Bennett, who stiffened.His eyes widened in disbelief as he croaked, "What? The brat took your helicopter?" He looked even more furious as he glared at Iago and yelled, "Do you even realize who you are? Do you know about the conflict between Darius and me? How dare you swear your allegiance to him! Are you trying to say that you want to sever ties with me, your father?" Bennett sounded tortured as if he was genuinely hurt by the prospect of losing his son.Darius rolled his eyes, then turned to look at Iago. "I'll be upstairs, so you can come look for me if you need me. Otherwise, you should leave this place as soon as possible. Something about this place doesn't bode we
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Chapter 990
At this moment, Iago heard Darius say from upstairs, "Come on, you've already wasted too much time on him, which is something we're running short on. Deal with him as quickly as possible to get your shares. We need to leave soon." He slowly walked down the stairs.Iago sighed and looked at Bennett. In that instant, Bennett sensed his murderous intent, making him panic. He widened his eyes at Darius, shaking his head as he cried, "No, you can't do this to me! I'm Iago's father! How can you kill me over something as trivial as money? People are going to criticize and point fingers at you for this!"Darius raised an eyebrow. "Do you think I care about that?" He couldn't help looking scornful as he recalled what Bennett had done earlier. "Besides, if you could shout at your daughter's dead body, why would you care what people think of us?" With that, he turned to leave. As he walked, he said lazily, "Hurry up. My time and patience are limited; I would've dealt with him long ago if not fo
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