All Chapters of The Consortium's Heir : Chapter 971 - Chapter 980
1161 Chapters
Chapter 971
Darius was shocked at Bridget's promise; she was willing to forsake everything to prove her loyalty to him. It made his brows shoot up before he settled into an amused grin. Hands behind his back, he said, "Although I didn't expect that pledge from you, I'm still glad to hear it."He spun and sat back on the couch, his finger pointing ahead. "There are four vials, each containing a drop of my blood. You may take two of them; one will be an antidote to the drug, while you can use the other to cultivate your skills. I intend to leave the other two Edward. I trust you don't have anything against that, right?" Bridget inhaled deeply and nodded, then picked up two vials. Without hesitation, she poured both vials' blood onto her tongue.Darius instantly realized his mistake but could only shut his eyes, not wanting to see the jarring scene before him. He couldn't bear to witness it, nor allow himself to laugh, as it might make her ashamed. That was why he shut his eyes almost instantly.
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Chapter 972
"—I'll take you to West Atlantics Int’l. Bridget's currently working on something else, so she's most likely too busy to deal with you." Upon saying that, Darius raised both brows and pursed his lips into a thin line.Winston was quick to follow behind Darius as the latter led the way. He was ecstatic to have Darius show him around West Atlantics Int’l. That was the most ideal outcome, so he immediately rushed behind Darius.The journey was mostly successful, except when Winston insisted on driving; he crashed the front of the car into the gate seconds after Darius agreed to let him take the wheel.Sitting in the backseat, Darius crossed his arms before his chest and frowned at the massive sign next to him that read West Atlantics Int’l. He sighed, then turned to face Winston. "You broke my car on the way here. I have no clue how you intend to compensate me since I doubt you can afford to pay the price I demand, no matter how low. On top of the damage, you still drove me to the compa
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Chapter 973
He stopped and turned to look at Winston. "Have you forgotten that I'm your future employer? You shouldn't be so curious about me."Winston shrunk. "I was just curious when I saw you only had one car! And it's not even that expensive. It's a little weird."Darius gnashed his teeth. "Because this isn't my car! Edward drove mine; this is Bridget's car." He turned away, not wanting to look at Winston anymore. His blood pressure would rise with every second he spent looking at him.When they entered West Atlantics Int'l's building, the two people who'd mocked Darius' car earlier were walking ahead of them. They stopped and turned to look at Darius haughtily. "Oh, my God! Isn't this the guy who was driving that cheap car?" They appraised Darius, and their expressions turned even more obnoxious when they saw how casually he was dressed. "Do you know where you are? How dare you come here dressed like that! How humiliating! Are you here to talk business or something?"Darius raised an eyebro
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Chapter 974
Darius raised an eyebrow, looking scornful. He turned to look at Winston. "You may not have investigated West Atlantics Int'l, but you should at least know who my assistant is, right?"Winston nodded and pulled his phone out. "Of course. I'll call Erin right now."Even now, the two employees didn't realize something was amiss. One of them reached out to snatch Winston's phone; it worked because Winston didn't have his guard up. He looked stunned by this. Darius raised an eyebrow, looking disdainful. "You're dumber than I thought. Aren't you supposed to be a professionally trained bodyguard? How could you allow two good-for-nothings to snatch your phone?"Winston pouted but didn't say anything in return. How could he when Darius was right? He stood beside Darius and forced out a smile, making Darius sigh. He didn't want to waste time settling the score with the two employees because of how dumb they were, so he sidestepped them. To his surprise, they moved to stand in his way again.
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Chapter 975
Because the baton in his hand had gone missing without him even seeing how it had happened. The chief security guard was about to tell the other security guards to watch out when the baton hit him in the back. It knocked the wind out of him, and he crashed onto the floor. He never wanted to experience this again, so he played dead. Since Darius was so powerful, there was no point in him putting up a fight because he wouldn't stand a chance against him. If everyone here were going to receive a beating, no one would bother about him. Moreover, someone with only brawn and no brain probably wouldn't do anything detrimental to the company. With that thought in mind, the chief security guard lay on the floor and shut his eyes.When Erin received a call from the front desk, she switched to the surveillance footage to check what was happening. She gasped when she saw what was happening, feeling like her blood had run cold. Never would she have expected Darius to be barred from entering the
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Chapter 976
She frowned to suppress the laughter, then said, "If I remember correctly, these two come from a support department. If you're unhappy with them, then something must be wrong with their personalities. I'll look into them and punish them severely if there are problems with their work. At the same time, I'll take this opportunity to thoroughly check everyone in the company." Her voice was crisp and carried through the lobby. She gestured at Darius respectfully and said, "I hope everyone present remembers him—his name is Darius Reid, and he owns West Atlantics Int'l. He's also the chairman of the board of directors, meaning he has absolute control over the company's operations. I hope everyone will give him the respect he deserves if you see him again!" She swept a sharp gaze over everyone present, then turned to Darius and gestured for him to head upstairs with her. "Sir, is there anything else?"Darius shook his head. "No, this is fine. I came to ask you to give Winston something to
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Chapter 977
"How could I possibly think you'd treat me as well as you treat her?" Before Winston was done with his sentence, he felt something sweep him off his feet, making him fall to his knees.Erin retracted her foot with a frown; her eyes were trained on Darius, and she looked concerned. Though she'd attacked Winston, she hadn't spared him a glance from beginning to end. She exhaled and asked, "Has something happened to Bridget? I felt something was wrong with her when she was last here but couldn't pinpoint it."Darius glanced at her and sighed while shaking his head. "It's nothing." No one had yet to tell Erin the truth about her body because they'd yet to find a way to solve the problem, so he couldn't tell her what was wrong with Bridget, either. Otherwise, Erin would immediately link the dots and realize what was wrong with herself. Darius pretended to casually turn away; as his gaze swept over Winston, the look in his eye became one of warning. Winston immediately shut his mouth, reali
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Chapter 978
However, the Evans family hadn't bothered being decorative. All they'd done was tile the floor with gold. Darius put his hands behind his back and started approaching the manor. As expected, someone stopped him when he arrived at the entrance. He raised an eyebrow and smiled mockingly."I expected you to stop me, but it's still hilarious. Does your employer truly think you're enough to stop me?" He rolled his eyes at the security guards before him.They remained silent as they stood as still as statues before him. Darius sighed, looking irritated. He crossed his arms and said, "I'm warning you: If you continue standing in my way, I'm gonna have to resort to brute force. That's not something you'll want to experience." He shook his head. "Also, if I were you, I'd contact your employer immediately. Trust me—he'd love to see me." He cocked his head.The security guards remained rooted to the spot, not showing any signs of moving or speaking. Darius frowned. "All of you are annoying." Wit
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Chapter 979
This was especially so because Darius believed the security guard wouldn't be saying these things unless he was certain he didn't stand a chance against Darius. He would've attacked without another word. He trusted his instincts as an enlightened martial artist and stepped forward. "Whatever it is, we're on opposing sides. However, if you step aside now, I won't do anything to you."The security guard's face darkened. "If that's the case, let's just do this!" He reached behind him and whipped out a baton, pressing a button to make it zap to life as the electricity crackled around it.Darius raised an eyebrow. Most security guards were armed, but seeing one with a weapon like this was still rare. They usually carried firearms or batons; it was apparent why the Evans family was equipping their security guards with electric batons that wouldn't harm lives but could still restrain others. Darius' expression turned scornful. "How ridiculous. Soon, you're gonna see that electric baton was
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Chapter 980
However, if they were to stop Darius from entering, they'd receive a beating. It was a vicious cycle. Their faces were filled with despair at the thought of this—either way, they'd receive beatings. The security guards who'd been electrocuted staggered to their feet and linked arms, standing in Darius' way. The security guard who'd faced Darius alone was once again face-to-face with Darius, standing with his hands behind his back. Earlier, he'd been right before the army of security guards, so he'd been electrocuted the worst. He was still trembling as an effect of the electrocution, and his hair stood on end. Still, he stood up straight. Though he looked helpless, he said firmly, "I'm sorry, but you can't go in. The only way you'll get past us is to knock us all out or kill us!"In truth, he couldn't help thinking that if Darius had knocked him out earlier, he wouldn't have to stand here and face him again. With this thought in mind, he couldn't help looking at Darius with bright e
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