All Chapters of The Consortium's Heir : Chapter 991 - Chapter 1000
1161 Chapters
Chapter 991
Darius' smile made him seem cheery and relaxed. At least, that was what Iago thought. He sighed and said, "Sir, this is my last time addressing you like this in public. I hope we can work together one last time."Darius raised an eyebrow in surprise. "You want me to be there for the Evans family's board and family meeting so that you can successfully take over as the head of the family and president of the company?"Iago nodded earnestly. "Yeah. I'm not capable enough, nor do I have enough experience. If I want to successfully take over as president of the Evans Consortium and head of the Evans family, I'll need an external power to help me. I won't find anyone like that in the Evans Consortium or Evans family; you're the only one I can think of. Maybe this also points to what a failure I am." He lowered his head, looking gloomy. "I've been stuck in my world over the years and have made many mistakes. Now, your presence in my life has helped to lead me back onto the right path."Dari
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Chapter 992
Iago laughed at Darius' words. They boarded the helicopter. Ten minutes later, the Evans Consortium's building came into view. Iago sighed in relief and smiled. "This is where my mother first met Bennett, and it's also where she ended her short and tragic life. From then on, I swore to myself that I had to have the Evans family under my control! Now, I've finally done it. I won't allow those who once harmed me and my mother to get away with the things they've done."Darius nodded. "That's fine and dandy, but I don't particularly care. All I wanna know is what I can get out of this after putting in so much effort.""You'll get the Evans family." Iago looked at him seriously. "Don't think I'm speaking without thinking. I mean every word I say right now; they come from the heart. I'm uninterested in managing the Evans family and Evans Consortium. If not for the vow I made before my mother's grave to make the members of the Evans family pay for everything they'd done, I wouldn't have both
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Chapter 993
Allowing Darius to become one of the Evans Consortium's board members was something the other board members had agreed upon after a lengthy discussion. However, none of them would've expected that the thought hadn't even occurred to him. Now, however, thanks to their reminder, he seemed ready to become a board member. Everyone's eyes widened, looking mad at themselves for making such a mistake. What happened next was what they'd expected.Darius smiled and said, "Since you're ready for me to join the board, it'd be rude to keep objecting. After all, I'm younger than all the existing board members … though my ability is what matters, not my age." No one said anything in response to that. He tucked his hands in his pockets and raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong? Aren't you guys coming into the elevator? I hate it when people are late for meetings."His voice was light and cheery; no one could say there was anything wrong with it. Darius crossed his arms and continued, "Anyway, I've held
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Chapter 994
"Of course, even if you disagree, I have plenty of ways to make you agree. I just don't think any of you would enjoy being subject to my methods." Darius raised an eyebrow and smiled. "I don't think I'm wrong to say that." He turned to Iago, who nodded vigorously. Then, he turned back to look at the board members. "So, do you have anything else to say?""You may own 20 percent of the Evans Consortium's shares, but there wasn't any announcement about it! None of us know about that!""Why the rush?" Darius clucked his tongue. "I was gonna get to it someday."One of the board members looked positively murderous. "We're doubtful of how you came to own the shares and ask that you don't join the board of directors and enjoy the rights that come with it."At this moment, Iago asked, "Are there any questions about the 52 percent that I own?" He glared at the board members. Darius raised an eyebrow silently, smiling as he swept a glance over the board members. He leaned back and exhaled, know
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Chapter 995
"In fact, I didn't expect to see most of them in the near future. Yet, they're all at the manor now! I honestly didn't expect that," Iago said.Darius rolled his eyes. "If that's the case, I'll be kind till the end and take you home!" He got into the car with a sigh; they weren't taking the helicopter this time. When the engine started, he shut his eyes. When Iago saw him resting, he zipped his lips and stayed quiet. The journey was made in silence. Before long, they arrived at the Evans family's manor. In that instant, they were surrounded by clamoring people.Darius frowned and slowly opened his eyes to see several well-dressed men and women standing in the front yard. He exhaled heavily and said with displeasure, "They've turned a perfectly wonderful garden into a flea market." He opened the door and got out; the crowd swarmed around him.A woman exclaimed, "You must be Iago! Honestly, you look like a handsome fellow; why would you do such foolish things? Whoever allowed you to be
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Chapter 996
Darius stood before them with his hands tucked in his pockets, looking relaxed. Iago stood by the car and gave him a thumbs-up, looking at him with his eyes lit up. He'd never met anyone like Darius who could play everyone present with a few sentences. Even if he were to just stand there without saying anything, he could attract everyone's attention. Iago couldn't take his eyes off Darius.Darius exhaled and smiled. "Now that we've taken care of that, I'll hand things over to your new head of family and make myself scarce. I'm sure he has many things to say, so I'll be waiting in the room. I hope you guys can have a good discussion and come up with a satisfactory result. I'm waiting to attend the feast to celebrate the appointment of your new head of family, you know." With that, he turned and headed into the manor, looking more at ease than any of the members of the Evans family gaping at him.Iago crossed his arms silently and smiled scornfully at the crowd. He waited until Darius
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Chapter 997
This made Darius' smile widen. "Now that you've successfully become the head of the Evans family, I suppose this is where our cooperation ends. On the surface, at least.""No, I've changed my mind," Iago said without hesitation. He hurried over to Darius and fell to his knees, clinging to Darius' arm as he gave him an ingratiating smile. "In the beginning, I did think of breaking up the cooperation, but I've changed my mind now. I don't think that's the best way to do this. Instead of working separately, why not have the Evans Consortium join the Reid Consortium? Either that or both consortiums can form a public alliance. This is a good thing for everyone except the government, but all the government needs is enough money to go around. They won't care who we work with. If you think it's a loss to keep channeling money into the government, the Evans Consortium can cover that. I'm sure no one would dare object to this—after all, you're the chairman of the board of directors, and I own
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Chapter 998
"We can't give them any opportunity to slip through the cracks and use some obscure loophole against us. Under such circumstances, I don't think the other terms matter much. We can just add in anything extra once Mr. Reid goes through the contract," said Erin. The secretariat employees got to work. The sound of flurrying papers and clacking keyboards was all that was heard. Erin nodded in satisfaction and returned to her office.On the other hand, Darius sat in the car with Iago beside him, chattering away about his plans for the company's future. Darius' eyes were shut, and he was poker-faced. At this moment, his phone pinged. He sighed, making Iago shut up. He pulled his phone out and raised an eyebrow in surprise when he read the message Erin had sent him. It hadn't even been ten minutes since they'd spoken, but Erin had already prepared an agenda for him, which clearly listed the things they needed to do once they acquired the Evans Consortium. This included the reorganization o
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Chapter 999
The elevator doors slid shut, leaving Erin, Darius, and Iago alone. At this moment, Darius said, "Erin, I think you've more or less realized something's wrong with your body." He sighed.Erin's eyes turned red as she looked at him, saying shakily, "Sir, when did this happen? Why don't I know anything about this when all of you seem to be in on it?"Darius' heart sank when he met her gaze. He shook his head and said helplessly, "I don't know what to tell you, but I found out about this after our first big argument. I regret it now, but here's the reasoning for my decision—you're not a martial artist, so I didn't think you were capable of protecting yourself. Leaving you at West Atlantics Int'l's headquarters would've helped to keep you safe, but I realized I'd possibly made a mistake in this. That's why I showed up again."Erin clamped a hand over her mouth, trembling as her eyes turned bloodshot. Darius sighed and said, "I think you should calm down; panic isn't gonna get you anywhere
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Chapter 1000
Only then did Iago realize there were name cards placed on the table. His face turned even redder as he hurried to his seat and sat down. Darius saw all of this and sighed but didn't say anything. When everyone had taken their seats, he said, "Today's acquisition was only possible because the managing director of the Evans Consortium, Mr. Iago Evans, pushed for it. Now, allow me to introduce myself again—my name's Darius Reid. You may already recognize my face, but I doubt you're aware of me being the chairman of the Evans Consortium's board of directors while also the president of West Atlantics Int'l."Everyone knew what this meant—Darius alone owned 90 percent of the wealth in Ashweir City. They were stunned by this; Darius waited until they'd recovered from their shock to continue, "I'm sure all of you here have your own opinions about how the company should proceed from here, but the Evans Consortium is gonna be one of West Atlantics Int'l's subsidiaries from today onward. I hop
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