All Chapters of Expert Down The Mountain: Chapter 831 - Chapter 840
981 Chapters
Chapter 831
Jeremy nodded in a severe manner. “If you don’t stop being so polite, then you will not be welcome in my house anymore.”Soon, Seth came and recounted everything in detail.Kayson fell into thought for a while and said, “If I want to take back Dickinson International, I need to start with the Perezs?”“Yes, and you need to do it fast!” Seth said, “If not, once he transfers the ownership of the project to a stronger organization, it’ll be even harder for you to get it back. Also, there’s something I think I should let you know first, Mr. Yarde.”Kayson, Jeremy, and Shyla all turned their heads in chorus and looked at this capable president of the Rivspring Chamber of Commerce, who had connections with most of the enterprises in Skyspring.Seth’s face was stern as he said, “I don’t know why the Cadogans are targeting Ms. Wolfenden and the others, but if we can’t get rid of Taylor and Channing, it’ll be dangerous for Ms. Wolfenden to stay in Skyspring.”“I know. So I have another pl
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Chapter 832
After Kayson returned to Shamrock Heights, he did not see Sadie. He scanned the house with his mind expansion, and then he found that she was in her room.He thought for a while before deciding to go into the kitchen. After making a few dishes, he went to call for her.Sadie walked downstairs with him. When she saw the food on the table, she asked, “Did you make these? You know how to cook too?” Kayson nodded. “My old man was a lazy *ss back then. He wanted me to cook for him every day when I was only eight.”“I see. I didn’t know you could cook…”“As far as I know, you know how to cook as well, right, Ms. Wolfenden? You know how to cook even though you come from a prestigious family, so it’s normal for someone like me who comes from a village to know how to cook, right?”Sadie seemed rather upset as she said, “I didn’t say that. Do you have to talk to me like that?”Kayson replied helplessly, “Alright, alright, I shouldn’t have said that to you. Please take your seat and have
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Chapter 833
Eddy said coldly, “Those women did it voluntarily. They’re a bunch of gold-diggers, so there’s nothing wrong with my son.” “But my friend was forced.” Kayson sneered coldly. “Cut the crap. I know you came here for Dickinson International, but let me tell you something, there’s nothing I can do either!” Eddy said, gritting his teeth. “I’m just working for other people. Even if you kill me, you won’t get Dickinson International back.” “Just tell me, is Dickinson International in your hands now?” Kayson asked indifferently.Eddy fell silent, and Kayson already knew the answer.“Give me Dickinson International, and I’ll let you live.” “Even if you don’t kill me, Mr. Miller and the others will still kill me! There’s no way I’m going to survive!” Eddy said angrily.“Oh, I’ve forgotten about him…” Kayson chuckled. It went without saying that he had a plan of his own for coming here without letting anyone know. The truth was that he couldn’t change anything either if he got Dickin
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Chapter 834
After Kayson left, Eddy slumped down to the floor.His lover slowly came around to her senses. When she saw Eddy, she shuddered in fear and said, “Eddy, just now, a stranger came into our house!” Eddy’s face was pale, and he let out a sigh inwardly again when he saw she had already regained her senses.‘What a terrifying man. He can even control someone else’s mind!’“You must’ve been dreaming. No one has ever come here tonight other than me.” Eddy was scared of Kayson. It was only now that he realized how terrifying Kayson was since he required the combined effort of the Millers and other families to take him down.‘I must be out of my mind. How could I trust them?’It went without saying that Eddy was smart. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been so successful. Therefore, after he had calmed himself down, he realized a lot of things.‘That being said, I can’t put all eggs in one basket. I need to invest on both sides…’As the thought surfaced in Eddy’s head, he grabbed the prett
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Chapter 835
Jason’s road to success was filled with legends, and many people in the industry had heard of his name.However, Triumph Land was not peaceful these few days. There was a shift in the board of directors, and several executives resigned voluntarily and surrendered their shares.Of course, this did not have much impact on the employees who did not have shares. What worried them the most was that it had been several days since Jason showed up at the company. He was originally the chairman, but right now, Eason Louis, the former chairman, has taken the helm for the time being.However, it seemed those higher-ups kept their lips tight, and those employees working under them couldn’t get any information, so they did not talk about it much.When Kayson arrived at Triumph Land, the security guards stopped him.He scanned the entire building with his mind expansion, and his gaze turned cold when he found Jason and Yvette. Someone had imprisoned them in a secret room, and they were in bad
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Chapter 836
“Uncle Jason, Aunt Yvette…”Kayson walked toward them, disregarding the pungent smell that assaulted his nostrils.“I’m sorry. I should’ve come sooner.”“Save… Save my wife… Quick… The baby in her womb…” Jason became agitated as he begged Kayson.Kayson took a step forward and injected some evergreen energy into him. After that, he assured Jason. “Don’t worry, Uncle Jason. I won’t let anything happen to Aunt Yvette.”He took both of them out of the secret room and put them on the couch in the office. After that, he called Jeremy and had him get a nurse and a doctor. Then, he called Hank and asked him to bring some fighters to Triumph Land.After he ascertained that Yvette was alright, Kayson approached the middle-aged man he had controlled just now. He snapped his finger to deactivate the manipulation technique.“W-Who are you?!”The middle-aged man’s face turned pale when he saw Kayson had already released Jason and Yvette from the secret room.Kayson gave him a slap across
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Chapter 837
Caleb’s eyes lit up with joy. “Are you saying that we should ask for help from the Osborns?”Clifford looked toward the door and laughed coldly. “Yeah. He thinks he can come and go like he’s going to some park, but he’s wrong. I’m going to make him pay for his ignorance!” Caleb let out a sigh of relief and continued excitedly. “If we can take Kayson down, we’ll be able to make a name for ourselves!”Clifford chuckled. “That’s right. This is a good chance to show the world that the Friths aren’t a bunch of pushovers!”After that, he pulled his phone out and contacted both Sir Osborn and Taylor.Kayson did not know that they had joined forces, so they could take Kayson by surprise.…Roughly one hour later, Kayson arrived near the Frith mansion.Bryson asked, “Dr. Yarde, are we waiting for someone?”Kayson nodded. Bryson could sense his killing intent, so he did not press on. Ten minutes later, Bryson detected powerful sword energy. “Isn’t that Swenson, the Mountain Carver?”
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Chapter 838
Kayson expanded his senses, and Valdis harrumphed coldly.Things had changed. When Kayson went to the Osborns back then, no one could stop Kayson other than him.But things were different this time. Even if Swenson held him up, there were still other people to take on Kayson.“Kid, you really have a lot of guts to expand your senses in front of a warlord.”After he had finished speaking, he summoned his minisoul and entered the realm that only a veteran warlord like him had access to.Then, he used his minisoul and confined Kayson’s senses in a small area.Kayson felt like he was being confined inside a small room. It was suffocating, and he did not like the feeling at all.It seemed like Valdis was more powerful than he thought he was.Swenson frowned slightly. Only now did he realize that the Friths had allied with the Osborns.Fortunately, Kayson had asked them to come with him. Even though he was surprised that Bryson would listen to Kayson’s orders, he did not ask anythin
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Chapter 839
Bryson and Swenson’s expressions changed when they saw Randall.“Dr. Yarde, let’s get out of here!”After Bryson finished speaking, he tried to take Kayson away by force. This was because there was no way they could defeat them since they were outnumbered.Besides, they had been at odds with each other for a long time, so they knew their strength very well. Therefore, retreating was their best option right now.However, there was no way Acheron and Valdis were going to let them take Kayson away.Both of them let out a cold smile and tried their best to hold them back so that they couldn’t help Kayson.Bryson knew what they were doing and panicked. He was very grateful to Kayson, so he did not want anything to happen to him.If Kayson lost his life here, he would live in guilt for the rest of his life.Caleb laughed. “Kayson, you’re doomed! No one can save you today!“With Captain Zabka here, there’s no way you can get away from this! If you want to blame anything, blame yourse
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Chapter 840
Randall was fast, and his attack was powerful. He was aiming to kill Kayson with this strike.None of them thought that Kayson could avoid this attack.When a warlord locked on a grandmaster, their reaction speed would be stunted, and their power would drop to that of a master.A booming sound erupted. Kayson slid half a step back after he intercepted the punch with his chest.Everyone thought that Kayson wouldn’t be able to survive as long as this punch landed on him. However, to everyone’s surprise, he was able to take the hit square on. He remained standing firm after sliding half a step back, and there were two footprints on the cracked floor.Valdis and Acheron’s pupils constricted as their faces were filled with shock.As for Randall, he was dumbstruck as multiple questions flitted across his head.‘What is going on? Why is he still standing? Shouldn’t his bones be all cracked?’Kayson let out a few coughs and pulled Randall out of his thoughts.Randall hastily took a la
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