All Chapters of Expert Down The Mountain: Chapter 841 - Chapter 850
981 Chapters
Chapter 841
“Hmph. Can you block my punch with your Titanium Technique at all times, boy? How long will your inner energy sustain you?”Bryson and Swenson were under the assumption that the tables had turned initially. Meanwhile, the smiles on their faces faded, and their eyes were filled with worry. They were right indeed. Kayson was powerful, but his endurance was still a big issue and a huge disadvantage for him!Caleb was relieved. “I was scared sh*tless. I thought that Chief Zabka would lose. Thank goodness he didn’t!”Clifford nodded and said nonchalantly, “Chief Zabka is one of the three vice-chiefs of Admiralporium, after all. A measly pre-celestial fighter like Kayson will never surpass him.”As soon as they finished the conversation, Kayson suddenly walked backward and showed up behind Randall the next moment as if he had just teleported there. He gave Randall a ferocious slap with his palm glowing with a fiery glint.“Gah!”Randall screamed in agony, and a charred palm print app
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Chapter 842
Even though Randall’s entire body was in a lot of pain, he was so startled that he scrambled away upon hearing Valdis’ reminder.However, Kayson would never let him get away!Kayson tossed the Lightning Charmboard and moved as swiftly as lightning to arrive behind Randall in an instant.Kayson flicked his finger to channel lightning energy into the charmboard. In the next moment, a loud boom echoed!A dazzling bolt of lightning appeared. Every single member of the Friths turned pale with fear, and the terror in their expressions was real.“Gah…”Randall’s scream echoed through the entire courtyard, and his agonizing scream was enough to scare everyone.Randall was a warlord, yet he was screaming out in agony as if he was tormented at this very moment.Kayson was panting because he had exhausted a large amount of inner energy and other types of energy. Randall was not as powerful as Taylor, yet Kayson had to use 120% of his strength to fight him.Even though Kayson learned that
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Chapter 843
Clifford’s body trembled constantly. He did not have the courage to act rashly despite his younger brother being killed before him. It would be even more impossible for the rest of the Friths to come forward and beg for mercy!Meanwhile, an old man dressed in a loose, black top walked out, his expression overwhelmed with emotions. His hair was gray, but he had the face of a young man. Kayson remembered him. The old man and a specky Frith had headed to Greenspring to meet him so they could take him to plead guilty to the Friths. The old man was known as Master Vaise, and he was a demismasher. He took the liberty to set Kayson free at the time without permission because he valued Kayson’s talent.Kayson did not harbor any malicious intent toward Master Vaise. He nodded and said, “You’re here too, sir.”Master Vaise said with a bitter smile, “I didn’t expect that I’d meet you again under such circumstances.”Upon saying that, he asked, “If I may be so bold as to plead for mercy
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Chapter 844
Swenson furrowed his eyebrows. “$150,000,000 as we’ve agreed upon will be enough…”Kayson said, “$750,000,000 will be better, so others won’t claim that I only pay $150,000,000 to commission Mr. Windsor.“It will be fine if others misunderstand, but it will be troublesome if Mr. Pattingson is implicated.”Swenson fell silent but stopped declining Kayson’s offer. He nodded and said, “I shall make a move first.”“Stay safe, Mr. Windsor!”Swenson left swiftly, but his eyebrows remained tightly furrowed. He turned around and took a glance at Kayson, whose figure was shrinking within his vision. He heaved a sigh and said, “You’re young and aggressive, but you show off your talents way too much!”After Swenson left, Bryson said in contempt, “This is the reason why I’m not fond of hiring people trained in fighting as my bodyguards. They’ve lost their courage and indomitable will.”Kayson did not mind much, but he asked, “Do you still want to join me, Mr. Yost?”Bryson burst out laug
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Chapter 845
Drake hastily said, “I don’t have a clue either. A subordinate found Chief Zabka at the door and informed me!”As he was speaking, Taylor’s expression changed all of a sudden. He looked outside of Admiralporium with a solemn gaze!“Kayson is here!”Channing’s pupils constricted in fear, and he said in a surprised yet furious tone, “What is the boy doing here?”Jude said ferociously, “We’ll know after we meet him outside!”Outside of Admiralporium…Kayson took the liberty to walk into the headquarters as if he was entering a deserted place. He was a renowned figure in Admiralporium. He was known for being Randall’s rival, saving all the living members of the eighth division, and being respectfully addressed as ‘Mr. Yarde’ by the captain of the first division.Everything he did came as a shock to the members.“Kayson, what brings you here in Admiralporium? This is not the place for you to barge into as an outsider!”Taylor and the others walked outside. Drake took the lead in
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Chapter 846
“Hahaha, this is delightful!”On the way back, Bryson burst out in laughter. They were skilled fighters who did not engage in criminal activities on usual days, so they had no fear for Eternalporium. However, they hated Eternalporium. It was because Eternalporium was different from Admiralporium. If Eternalporium’s members wished to punish them, the members did not even need a proper reason to do so.However, Eternalporium’s members would not act so randomly in general. Eternalporium was akin to a sword pointing at all skilled fighters’ heads in the world, and no one knew when the sword would land on one’s head.Every skilled fighter was the same in the eyes of Eternalporium, whether the person was an incredibly malicious criminal or a righteous hero.On the other hand, he had accompanied Kayson today to seek justice. The patrol from Eternalporium only dared to blabber some nonsense without doing anything substantial to Kayson.Kayson asked after noticing how delightful Brys
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Chapter 847
As for Admiralporium’s chief… Kayson did not have the slightest idea of the person’s name, nor did he understand the person’s personality.At the thought of this, he remembered Chase!It had already been quite some time since he could not get in touch with Chase, and he wondered what had happened to Chase.Since Chase’s disappearance, Randall had been the decision maker in Admiralporium.Now that Randall was already doomed, Taylor would be able to take control of Admiralporium with the help of captains closely affiliated with Randall.“I have to figure out a way to get in touch with Chase so he can help me to reach out to their chief…”Soon afterward, he pulled out his phone and called up Felicity, Shien, and Campian. He instructed them to watch for Chase’s whereabouts and inform him at once if they noticed anything.Bryson slowed down after he noticed that Kayson was deep in thought. He could not help asking softly, “Dr. Yarde, where are we heading now?”Kayson was jolted ba
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Chapter 848
Under Kayson’s guidance, Joaquin worked on administering the medicinal herbs personally to treat Jason and his wife. Next to them, Joshua observed with fixed attention because it was a very rare opportunity for him to witness that!Joaquin had never practiced this area of healing, which was why he was so helpless in treating the patients. Kayson gave Joaquin the opportunity to perform the clinical trial willingly because of his trust in Joaquin. At the same time, it also allowed Joaquin to improve himself. Joaquin did not have the courage to make any mistakes, so he only completed the process after half an hour. When all was done, he exhaled deeply but could not stop himself from smiling. Joaquin stopped himself from smiling, turned around, and asked cautiously, like a student, “Dr. Yarde, how… How did I do?”If the other renowned doctors were to witness the scene, they would be so surprised that their jaws would drop. The third highest rank doctor in the Nation of Dragon
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Chapter 849
However, the man was insincere and named an exorbitant price for the equipment. Hence, Joshua was infuriated. Joaquin had coincidentally come at the time, so he made an excuse to leave.The man was the supplier of good-quality, imported medical equipment, so Joshua could not allow himself to offend the man openly. He did not expect that the man would wait for him because he had already assigned a doctor to brush off the man so he could leave. Joshua took an apologetic glance at Kayson and suppressed his anger as he said, “Mr. Jacobson, I thought I informed you to discuss another day.“This is my patient’s ward. We can have the discussion outside if you wish to talk to me.”Halbert Jacobson sneered and said in contempt, “We are discussing a deal worth millions. How can two patients be worth that amount of money?“Mr. Cole, if you don’t want the equipment, you may reply to me straightforwardly because this is our most advanced batch of machines imported from Murica!“Many people
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Chapter 850
Halbert’s expression changed, and he felt a chill down his spine from Kayson’s stare!“W-What are you doing?”Half of his face was very swollen, and the sight of his terrified expression was rather amusing. Kayson asked, “In regards to Farris being kicked out of the board of directors, when did that happen?”Halbert felt relieved that he would not be beaten up.“Just today! I received the news yesterday. Hmph! Farris is an ungrateful fellow. He deserves what he got after offending the big boss!”‘The big boss of Soulspring Group, huh? I wonder if that’s the chairman or general manager?”Kayson pondered for a moment before he asked, “How about Cayden and Omnicare Drugstore?”Halbert was astonished. He said in a mocking tone, “You seem to be rather knowledgeable that you know about Omnicare Drugstore!“It goes without saying that Cayden will certainly be fired. The company has built a good name for Omnicare Drugstore, and it’s considered a steady source of money for the company
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