All Chapters of Expert Down The Mountain: Chapter 861 - Chapter 870
981 Chapters
Chapter 861
Flynn, whom his grandfather, Urias, could not handle on usual days, was completely obedient to Kayson at this very moment. “Even though we have a firm hold on Omnicare Drugstore now, we must still exercise caution now that things have gotten ugly with the Soulspring Group!”Farris looked toward Cayden. “You must be careful and ensure that the suppliers are good.”Cayden chuckled and said, “Don’t worry, Mr. Townsend, I’ve prepared for this in advance by signing three-year uninterrupted supply contracts with the majority of the suppliers.“If they have the audacity to break contact, they’re going to have to make a hefty monetary compensation to us!”Farris said in astonishment, “When did you do that?”Cayden said, “I began my preparations when I witnessed Dickson and Carlson’s sh*tty behavior at your place previously.”Farris smiled in relief. “Not bad, you have a keen sense. If Mr. Johnston is still alive… he will most certainly be happy and gratified.”Cayden did not behave to
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Chapter 862
Perhaps it was due to Kayson’s reluctance to take Christine back to his villa that Christine assumed a cold expression on the way to the hotel and ignored Kayson. Seated in the passenger seat, Eira darted a side glance at Kayson but did not comment further.Kayson was no fool. He could see the change in Christine’s mood too. He felt troubled by that but figured he would not be staying in Skyriv for a long time. He needed Christine’s help to manage the company matters and protect Sadie’s family in the future. As a result, he could only heave a sigh in his heart and force himself to speak.“Someone else has lent me the place that I’m living in now. The owner is not around, so it would be inappropriate for me to let you live in the place.“Here, I shall find a good location in two days and buy a villa so you can stay there by then.“Both of you can stay in the hotel for two days. What do you think about the plan?”Christine’s eyes glistened as she said nonchalantly, “This is how
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Chapter 863
Kayson smiled and said nonchalantly, “Sir, let’s head to Moonly Olympus right away!”The driver drove in a different direction while Christine said incredulously, “Y-You can’t be joking, right!”‘How can Kayson possibly be acquainted with a person like Zeke?’Zeke was a man capable of holding the post of Moonly Olympus’ general manager, and she could not imagine how powerful Zeke's backers and support were.“Do I look like I’m joking to you, future chairman Ms. Locke?”Christine was astounded and remained in her absentminded state constantly until the car drove into the entrance of Moonly Olympus. The three of them got out of the car. Eira inhaled sharply in shock. “This really is Moonly Olympus...”Christine was completely incredulous as well. Meanwhile, two figures walked out of the lobby. It was a man and a woman, and they were the anxious Zeke and excited Sia. Zeke stepped forward quickly and bowed while he spoke in a respectful tone. “You’re here, Mr. Yarde! I’ve alrea
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Chapter 864
The meals in Sky Lunaris Deck were served quickly because of Zeke’s presence. Christine managed to enjoy a delicious feast in Moonly Olympus as her wish at last. She was a foodie and could not resist food. Her curiosity toward Kayson diminished substantially when she tasted the delicious food of Moonly Olympus at this very moment. Eira began eating quickly, her gaze betraying her excitement. Moonly Olympus’ restaurant was not a place for anyone, no matter how wealthy a person was. One would need to be of a certain identity and level of authority. The Roselle Lodge had a rather impressive reputation in Greenspring too in the past, but it would be nothing if it was located in a city like Skyspring, which was the center of Skyriv Province.She would treat any main member of the Friths who visited the Roselle Lodge like a deity until their departure. It went without saying that she would not have the chance to visit Moonly Olympus for a meal. Moreover, it was a free meal!S
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Chapter 865
Leon said weakly, “That son of a b*tch Kayson beat me…”Taylor’s expression changed drastically. “Kayson? You were at the Soulspring Group earlier, right?”“Didn’t I tell Carlson not to provoke Kayson? Why do none of you listen to my advice?”He was furious. Even though Leon provided intel on a number of Kayson’s connections, that was not all of Leon’s value to him!Leon was a smasher, and that was even more valuable to him!“It was too late by then… Carlson only called you when I was fighting against Bryson… Patrol Yost, save me!“I will do anything for you for the rest of my life! Please save me. I’m begging you!”Taylor furrowed his eyebrows and said, “Let’s head to the treatment room first!”Afterward, all of them arrived at the treatment room. The doctor examined Leon before he said, “The three main veins are ruptured, and his energy can’t be circulated anymore.“Patrol Yost, Captain Thompson, there’s nothing we can do…”Taylor’s expression turned solemn. He was furious
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Chapter 866
Taylor pondered for a moment before he nodded and said, “You may attempt to urge them by telling them that you’re having a bad time here!“Your main target is your grandfather. Your grandfather loves you, so he will arrange for someone to come over quickly to help you vent your anger.”Channing said with hatred, “I understand! Yarde is doomed and bound to die in a few days when my grandfather sends his men!”Taylor agreed. “I visit Eden Joy’s establishments frequently, and I’ve just received intel that Eden Joy’s owner is not as simple as he seems!”Channing hastily asked, “Uncle Taylor, is that for real? Is Eden Joy’s owner so formidable?”“If he really is the person he is, according to my intel, he’s truly formidable. It’s possible that I’m no match for him!”Channing expressed his shock. ‘Is there such a formidable figure?‘There are actually talented people hidden in the tiny Skyspring!’…In Moonly Olympus, Eira and Christine were full from the meal. Zeke did not take pay
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Chapter 867
“Hmm, Christine?”Meanwhile, a rather pleasantly surprised voice was heard from the right elevator entrance. Christine’s expression froze before turning icy cold instantly upon hearing the voice.The voice belonged to a beautiful woman with a tall, slender, and well-proportioned figure. She walked over with a smile on her face. “It really is you! Christine, why didn’t you tell me that you’re coming to Skyspring? Am I not your bestie anymore?”Her tone was tainted with a tinge of accusation. Christine turned around to face the woman, her expression icy cold. “What a coincidence to bump into you here, Verna.”Verna Sox was planning on giving Christine a hug, but her smile froze instantly when she sensed Christine’s coldness and anger.Verna looked at her innocently. “What’s going on, Christine? We’re besties. Have I done anything that offended you?”Christine chuckled coldly. “I bet you’re very disappointed that I’ve already recovered from my injuries, right? In fact, you’ve
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Chapter 868
“Ah?”Kayson could not refrain from chuckling. “You’re quite a big talker. If that’s the case, I would like to seek your guidance and see how you’re going to make sure that I can’t walk away from Skyspring.”Verna was infuriated. She looked toward Christine and said mockingly, “I didn’t expect that the Roselle Lodge owner, the one who has always been pure and lofty, would behave like a wh*re!“You used to consider yourself superior, as if you’re better than the rest. Yet, you’re hiding behind a man in search of his support in the end.“It seems that losing Roselle Lodge was a crushing blow to your ego. You’re used to being superior to others, yet you’ve fallen to the bottom now, right?“Christine, you appear to be pure and noble, but you’re nothing in reality. You’re still a lowly b*tch under your skin.”Christine was not infuriated by Verna, but she said calmly, “Yes, I enjoy depending on men these days. Why, do you have any objection?“Even though I lost Roselle Lodge, I still
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Chapter 869
The corner of his lips curled into a cold smile. “Bow down and apologize to my girlfriend, or else don’t even think about walking out of my hotel!”Christine was about to speak when Kayson raised his arm to stop her and said nonchalantly, “I’ll do it.”“But—”Christine’s expression was solemn because she was dealing with an influential family like the Friths in Skyspring.Jensen’s eyes lit up when he noticed that Christine was so beautiful that her beauty was superior to his so-called girlfriend. ‘I’m going to finish off the boy first before I take the woman with me so I can toy with her as I like…’ Jensen thought and let out a grunt!“Boy, do you think you’re the hero trying to save the beauty? You’re just a piece of sh*t!”Kayson did not mind at all. “What is your name?”“Jensen Goldberg!” Jensen said in a stern voice, “How dare you bully my woman? It’s your unlucky day!”“Ah? I don’t think so. We have yet to find out who’s the unlucky one.”Upon saying that, he made a cal
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Chapter 870
Jensen looked at Kayson in fear. His body turned rigid out of terror. He wanted to beg for mercy but had no idea how to do it. Kayson said nonchalantly, “You can start by telling me how you’re going to kick me out of Skyspring.”Verna’s expression changed because she felt slightly uneasy in her heart. Her gaze turned ruthless, and she said, “Don’t you dare be cocky, boy. There’s always someone more powerful than you—”A loud slap echoed. Verna had received a tight slap on her face from Jensen. She was spun around by the impact before she crashed into the ground heavily. “Shut up! You useless idiot!”Jensen’s voice was shaky, and he felt a chill down his spine. He bowed down right away and started slapping himself frantically. “It was my bad, Mr. Yarde! Please forgive me and put in a good word for me to Mr. Frith!”The sound of his loud slaps echoed. Jensen was a dignified grandmaster, yet he slapped himself until his cheeks were all swollen and bleeding.“Why? Are you not go
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