All Chapters of Expert Down The Mountain: Chapter 851 - Chapter 860
981 Chapters
Chapter 851
Kayson was exasperated. If he were to treat Royce now, he would charge him nothing! Jason looked astonished as well at the fact that Kayson was already so close to Royce. As he had expected, Kayson was a truly charismatic individual who would rise, given the opportunity. Someone capable like him would shine wherever he went.“Uncle Jason, Aunt Summers will wake up in another five to six hours, and she’ll probably be famished then. I’ll make a list. Get someone to prepare accordingly.”“Alright!” Jason answered seriously, not the slightest bit slacking when it came to his beloved woman.Kayson then dragged Halbert out of the hospital. He woke the latter up when they came to the parking lot, and the latter looked at him in horror. “W-What did you do to me!?”“Take me to the Soulspring Group,” Kayson ordered flatly.Halbert was surprised, wondering if Kayson had gone crazy. Given the latter’s expression, it seemed like he was going to find fault with the company.Halbert could not
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Chapter 852
Farris kept a straight face. “Mr. Pether, I’m really being accused…”Harry was not someone unreasonable. He knew a lot of things but had never confronted anyone to a corner during meetings. Time and chances were what he would give. Farris believed that this time would be the same.Nevertheless, one could hardly predict how the events would unfold.Harry sighed. “Farris, I’ve always trusted you, but maybe I can’t do that anymore.”Farris froze, his face dropping. “Mr. Pether, w-what do you mean?”Harry looked stricken as he glanced at the door. “Mr. Jourdain, please come in.”A middle-aged man with his arms crossed came in, looking cold and steely.The other shareholders were confused as they did not know who the man was—except Carlson. He wore a confident and triumphant look once the middle-aged man entered the meeting room.Under usual circumstances, the director, Harry, would prioritize making peace. No matter how fierce the fight and argument were among the board of director
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Chapter 853
“Quiet!” Leon frowned and sent a palm strike in annoyance. His intangible energy hit Farris and sent him flying until he hit the wall and coughed blood.The others dared not say much while Carlson sneered. “You shouldn’t overestimate yourself and doubt a smasher!”Even Harry was sitting with a straight face and calm composure without making any noise. The hidden boss of Soulspring Pharmaceutical was not in Skyriv, and with a smasher present, he could only take the smasher’s words as they were. The truth was no longer important as they could not afford to offend this smasher. Moreover, Harry would not possibly offend the smasher just for Farris!Carlson got up with a smile. “Mr. Pether, congratulations on uprooting a pest in the company!”Harry took a cryptic glance at the man. He knew that he had to keep his guard up against Carlson from now on, or he would not even know how he died—when he died.“Mr. Carling, I’ll ask for Farris’ shares to be taken back. As for Omnicare Drugstore
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Chapter 854
Kayson pulled out several silver needles and used them as a guise to deliver some evergreene energy to alleviate Farris’ internal injury.A smasher like Leon could easily cause fatal injuries to a regular person, even with just the impact of a strike’s momentum.Kayson did not expect Leon to be here, but since he met him here, he understood that the latter had joined Taylor’s camp after he left him. It was probably because Kayson had hit Channing, and it was considered an offense to the Cadogans. The Cadogans had yet to make any official response, but Kayson was as good as dead to everyone else! In this case, it seemed normal for Leon to join Taylor’s side.Even then, he should not attack a regular person!This was all because of Taylor’s leniency. He was the patrol from Eternalporium, but he did not stay true to his duty. Instead, he allowed smashers and warlords to attack as they pleased for personal reasons.Leon narrowed his eyes, slightly cautious about Bryson. Then again,
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Chapter 855
Carlson replied politely, “Kayson Yarde’s actually here in the company with Bryson Yost for trouble. Mr. Jourdain’s being held back by Bryson now.“Can you send someone here to tackle Kayson for us? He’s a tough one to handle!”The other end of the line was quiet for some time. Carlson thought that the call was cut, and he glanced at the phone screen—the call was still connected! He asked curiously, “Patrol Yost?”It was only then Taylor’s voice came from the other side. His tone brimmed with repressed rage. “Stop provoking him for now. Give him what he wants. Tackling him requires a long-term plan.”Carlson froze before he asked frantically, “Patrol Yost, w-what do you mean?”Taylor’s answer came bursting with anger. “Randall Zabka is dead! Kayson Yarde killed him! He’s only a grandmaster, but he’s crazy skilled and can kill a warlord!“He also has Swenson and Bryson by his side while Waylon’s keeping a close eye on me. I can’t do anything, or I’ll be called back to Metrocity to
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Chapter 856
’This is impossible!’ It was what Leon thought immediately. He believed that he must have misheard. ‘Randall Zabka died? Kayson killed him?’In that instant, he felt chilled to the bones as he panicked.Bryson caught up to him with the plan of dealing a heavy blow. As Leon snapped back to reality in horror, he blocked the attack frantically, but a split second was all it took for victory between experts.His distraction had caused Bryson’s fists to land on him like a storm.Leon took a few punches directly. Although his powerful energy protected him, he was not a physically-trained fighter, so his physical defense was limited. A little over ten seconds later, blood was oozing out of his mouth like he was throwing up his internal organs.Kayson kept watching Leon without doing anything. If Bryson could not defeat the latter when they fought one-on-one, the man might as well die so he could reincarnate.As Kayson kept watching for some time, he frowned. Leon had high endurance but
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Chapter 857
’Does this mean that… Dr. Yarde has incapacitated Leon?! He was a smasher, though!’The others in the meeting room watched reverently as Kayson made his way to Farris and tapped him. The latter, who had taken a blow from a smasher, then woke up.“D-Dr. Yarde?”Farris looked at Kayson in disbelief.Kayson smiled. “Mr. Townsend, we meet again.”Farris asked in shock, “What brought you here, Dr. Yarde? Did you save me?”Kayson nodded.Farris was still in some pain but could already stand up. He scanned the rest of the people in the room and realized that the shareholders were looking at him with complicated gazes.Harry’s brows were knitted together solemnly, while Carlson was pale with terrorized eyes.What happened? Where was that smasher named Leon Jourdain?Kayson explained nothing but glanced at Carlson, causing the latter’s eyes to roll back before he passed out on the floor. This rendered Kayson speechless. ‘This man is so cowardly, yet he dares cause so much trouble?’K
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Chapter 858
Kayson left with Farris after the transfer contract was signed. The shareholders ducked their heads in the pin-drop silent meeting room. No one dared check on Harry. Although he was only a puppet, there must be something to him for a warlord to utilize him.Harry’s face was dark like the storm. His gaze was as if it could kill. He looked at Carlson, who was unconscious on the floor, and growled, “Men!”Two of his underlings came in and stood by the door.“Carry Carlson back to his office and ask him to scram once he wakes up!“Tell the security and reception downstairs that the Carlings are not allowed to step into the company building without my permission!”His subordinates obliged and carried Carlson away hastily.It was only then Harry looked at the sly shareholders and snarled icily, “I don’t care if you’re on Carlson or Farris’ side!“Stay in your lane from now on. Anyone who dares cause trouble before he is back, hand over your shares and piss off!”The shareholders nodd
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Chapter 859
Urias snarled back, “Dickson Carling, this isn’t the end yet! Don’t celebrate too early!”Dickson narrowed his eyes. “Master Boyle, you’re a master, a decent one at that. I can let you go if you’re willing to come under me now.“Otherwise, when my father takes over and has control over Omnicare Drugstore, you won’t end up any better.”Urias was resolute. “I will not associate myself with you despicable father and son’s dirty deeds even if I have to die!”Dickson’s gaze turned icy. “Alright. Since you want to seek death, I’ll fulfill your wish! You’ll know who Omnicare Drugstore belongs to in a while!”Cayden was grimacing. He knew well that it would be tough for Farris to end up with good news today. He turned to look at the door with a longing gaze and a wry smile, thinking, ‘Mr. Johnston, I might not be able to carry your vision onward… I’m useless to have failed to defend Omnicare Drugstore.’The more Cayden thought about it, the more bitter his mood grew.It was then they he
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Chapter 860
“Impossible?”It was rare for Farris to get to vent his frustration, so he slammed the contract in his hand on the table.“Have a good look and tell me if it’s possible!”Dickson hurried forward to pick up and go through the agreement, crying in horror after that, “No! No way! Mr. Pether wouldn’t possibly make a decision like this!”Dickson’s eyes were red. He had recently returned to the country and had yet to accomplish anything big. Omnicare Drugstore was supposed to be a good stepping stone for him! With some attention, Omnicare Drugstore, which was already stable, could add merit to his record and boost him into the core level of the Soulspring Group within a short time.In spite of it, this fantasy was ruined!“It’s fake! This contract is fake! You forged it!” Dickson cried and actually planned to tear the document, frightening Farris.Kayson let out a snort, generating a soft soundwave that shook Dickson. Urias went up to snatch the contract from the latter.By the time
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